Undertaker's Mania Streak

Of course it SHOULD be HBK and 'Taker. It would look horrible if 'Taker and Cena or even Batista and HBK would win. It should be the 2 legends because Cena and Batista had their years already 2 years ago. I think that would be the logical choice but if WWE wants to piss us off even more and give us a whole 'nother year of Cena and Batista down our throats, then go ahead because somehow, no matter how much we hate them, we still tune in to watch them lose...even though they never do! Hopefully WM 23 will be different because I'm not exactly the biggest chaingang fan here.
Trust me, after asking around HARDCORE WWE fans, they say if Taker loses, they will never watch WWE again. EVER.
I wouldnt blame people for not watching WWE anymore if Taker lost. Thats the last straw. There were a couple of truths that everyone came to know. One being "if you hear the glass that would be your ass" a quote from Stone Cold. Another would be that HBK or The Rock would put on a great match with anyone including Hogan ( i personally dont like Hogan). And the most important being Undertaker destroying someone at wrestlemania. Hell the Undertaker destroying people nightly. WWE is to caught up on muscle heads right now and will suffer if they dont realize they are losing the foundation of their fan base.
i could see something happening probably nto but id like it
taker beat batista at mania woot 15-0 new champ,yet have orton win the mitb and cash it in right after the match RKO the udnertaker 1,2,3!totally unexpected and it be cool undetrtaker would retire 15-1 at mania becuz orton promsied he'd put taker into retirment
If batista wins I will seriously not watch any WHC matches until he loses, and Undertaker is still around the WWE because of that streak. No one else has one at the same PPV 14 times and never lost at said PPV seriously if Vince doesn't change the result of the match he's making the worst buisness desion(sp?) of his life, so if Taker loses, I say boicott smackdown. TAKER, TAKER, TAKER

Vince, make Taker go 15-0 because he is one of the greatest talents in the WWE and desrives that WHC.
if you think that taker has 'lost much of his skill', i suggest you watch the tombstone dvd...he does a hell of alot more ring work and technical wrestling now in the past few years than he ever did for the first 6 years of his career....need i remind you of taker vs. angle at no way out 2006?, a match of the year runner up in the pwi awards....
it would just be stupid to see taker lose at WM, his steak is one of the most talked about accomplishments(sp) in the WWE, and he always delivers in these types of matches. an at WM u normally get sum weird taker enterance wi druids an stuffs
I sort of have taken a different look at this in my mind...If they have batista win, not only are they shitting on the undertaker and everything he has done, but they are shitting on everyone he has ever beaten.....ric flair couldnt beat UT...Triple H couldnt do it....superfly snuka...randy orton...king kong bundy....sid....kane...none of thwm could do it, but "the animal" batista is the one who takes the record down....friggen no talent, no skill, sloppy, roided up, meat head douche bag batista is the one who does it..I guess he is waaaayyyy better than all those other guys right??? It would be a sad sad day if the undertaker loses...and i stay thinking there is just no way the wwe will sink that low....but for some reason i still have this creeping fear that it will happen.....
it better not be a dq. some people are buying wm23 just to see that match (im not), and if it ends in a dq, that would be terrible

i think taker will win, and cena will win, but then lose to hbk at backlash
Your sources are wrong. Taker will not job to that ham-and-egger Batista... New champion and 15-0 at Mania is all you have to know... Oh and a Batista heel turn shortly after...
thanks Vince for screwing the undertaker by having him lose to a guy that does not care about ur business, now there is no need to watch wrestlemania, and for all the Mark has done for u this is how u thank him u just lost a fan and u will lose many more

Wrestlemania main event spoiled with local ad? On commercial break as i was watching RAW tonight (6 days before wrestlemania), an ad for Smackdown/ECW wrestlemania revenge coming to my area aired. The May 6th show advertised Basista vs. Mr. Kennedy for the world heavyweight championship. This comes as a huge surprise considering it could potentially spoil TWO wrestlemania matches, the most obvious being the Undertaker vs. Batista title match, as well as the money in the bank match involving Mr. Kennedy (possibly). (Thanks to Danny Colwel)

WWE advertised a house in Poughkeepsie , Ny on May,05 headlined by Batista defending the World Heavyweight Championship against Ken Kennedy as well as Bobby Lashley defending the ECW World Title against Snitsky. Take it for what its worth. (Thanks to [email protected])

That said, I was just watching RAW, and they advertised a house show on the Smackdown/ECW Wrestlemania Revenge tour on May 5th in Poughkipsee New York in which Batista will face Mr. Kennedy for the title, and the Undertaker is advertised only as being "in action" that night. I know the WWE has done stuff like this before and changed their plans in the past, but just figured I'd drop this bit of info your way! (Thanks to Joe Van Axeman)
nope, he won by a pinfall

as stated in the recent issue of WWE magazine gonzales uses chloroform to knock undertaker out. Resulting in a DQ.

About the undertaker win streak, check the frontpage, they are advertising Batista as champ for house shows, but I guess card is subject to change. I wouldn't care if undertaker lost, just not to "the animal". Batista has had a HUGE push with the title lately, whether he deserves it or not is another topic. But the thing is, with that, it's really not %100 clear on whether or not UT will win this year. I mean it's what the fans want. But Vince and the creative team aren't as bright as they used to be. UT might just lose this year.
wow, thanks alot VINCE. just cuz Triple H likes batista i bet thats why hes doing this. undertaker will lose eventually, but i dont even want him to lose at wrestlemania but if he did it shouldnt be to a guy like BATISTA. batista doesnt even deserve the damn title! he doesnt even care for the business so why would vince even let him KEEP the title at all? man, im gonna be so pissed off if batista wins.
Undertaker will win the World Heavyweight Title from Batista at WM 23 by pinning him with a Tombstone Piledriver and I wish that news abt house show will not come true.
your a bunch of morons for beleiving that shiat... obviously vince has put that add.. it is all calculated... to make us think he will loose his streak.. with adds so we watch and see by ourselves... obviously Taker wins the tittle... might loose it the next pay per view.. but he WINS at WM. thank you
At first i thought Taker vs Batista was THE main event and Taker would end the show with the WHC and the fans would go nuts. But after J.R. and King ran through the card last night they announced HBK vs Cena last which more than likely means it is going to be the last match at WM(I always thought the winner of the Rumble goes to the MAIN EVENT at WM for the title but obviously Vince cannot stand letting SD have the main event, i think Angle vs Lesnar at 19 was the only time SD had one). Since Taker vs Batista will most likely not be the last match it probably means Batista will win and HBK will beat Cena to calm the audience(if they are still there lol) since the fans love HBK as much as Taker anyway.

Controversy creates cash. That could be what is going through Vince's mind right now. People may say they are never going to watch WWE again if Batista wins, some of them may be telling the truth but i would not be surprised if SD has the highest rating of the year the Friday after WM23(if Batista wins) b/c many fans will tune in to see if Taker is going to tear Batista apart for ruining his legacy. I still think Taker is going to win but i am not as confident as i was before hearing about the commercial ads and hearing J.R. and King state Cena vs HBK last on the card.
Takers my favourite wrestler and i'd hate Vince if he lost his streak and ddnt walk away with the gold. But if taker had to lose at mania.. i think Kane should beat him and it should be for the title.
I don't believe this house show news,it's just a rumour to make us confused the actual news will be Taker defending his World Title against Batista and Kenedy which I think they will declare after WM 23.Also Taker has promised that Batista's reign as champion will end at Wrestlemania 23.So Batista prepare to REST IN PEACE...
true, vince has mess with our head before also so i mean you never know what could happen, i would be pissed beyond belife if taker losses
First of all, the house show rumor is just that, a rumor. WWE has to advertise Batista as the world heavyweight champion because WM hasn't happened yet. Batista is currently the World Heavyweight Champion, so they have to advertise for that, otherwise, should they choose to let Taker win, it would spoil the outcome of Wrestlemania.

Secondly, I can say it's possible for Undertaker to lose at Wrestlemania, but not likely. I mean, I seriously doubt Vince is going to let both Champions lose their titles at Wrestlemania. Although, I think it would be the greatest thing Vince has done in recent memory. I think Taker will win at Wrestlemania by a pinfall.

Thirdly, the whole thing about J.R. announcing the Cena/HBK match last is because it was RAw. They are Raw superstars. I bet on Smackdown, JBL and Michael Cole will announce the Undertaker/Batista match last. Besides, I remember reading on this site not long ago, Jim Ross stating that the last match on the card will be Undertaker and Batista.

Lastly, Vince McMahon has made stupid decisions here lately. I have not been impressed with him over the past few years. I mean seriously, he caused Edge to job to Cena in Edge's on hometown!!! I bet if they were in Boston, Cena would have won. Vince choosing Batista to win would be an outrage and I for one, would quit watching Smackdown and possibly even Raw. I am giving WWE the benefit of the doubt by ordering Wrestlemania. If it sucks anything like last year's did, I will no longer be a WWe fan.
Regardless of any rumor floating around at this point, McMahon and his crew need to remove their heads from their asses and read the crowd from Monday's Raw. They nearly booed Cena out of the building any time he was involved in the tag match. That crowd also cheered the hell out of The Undertaker and HBK and didn't want a damn thing to do with Batista or Cena. On the biggest show of the year, when 90% of the time, the face goes over, if they have either of the vets job to the youngsters they'll only serve to knock the product a few steps back (if that's even feasible at this point). No matter how much money and p.r. time they pump into trying to trick the crowd into liking Batista and Cena, two old timers like HBK and Taker automatically outscoop them in the pops department without even trying. That's a joke and a damn travesty because the WWE creative squad is actually dumb enough to think those two greenhorns are even worth a push. What does that say about the cumulative decision-making up in Stamford when two guys they've spent two years and loads of money trying to get over are automatically outmoted by two of the old guard who both have VERY limited lifespans career-wise and are just running on autopilot at this point? It says to me that the decision making sucks...major...ass. Because I know things will likely go down in the worst way possible, I'm choosing not to pay for Wrestlemania again this year. I'll download (That's right, Vince...kiss my ass!) it WAAAY before I'd pluck money down to get screwed again by paying $50 for less than a handful of worthy matches. I bet Benoit will tap out to MVP, too. That'd be just my luck.
I read that Vince never even wanted Batista to have the belt the second time. He told his people that Batista would never win the belt back. So i know Taker and Vince are really close and i pray Vince has not decided to let Batista beat him. If Taker went up to Vince and said hey ill drop the streak to Batista then Taker needs to come out and let us fans know that was his wish and not some sorry ass no talent wwe writers doing. Besides Taker knows what the locker room has said about Batista not respecting the business so I doubt a man of Takers passion for the wwe would lose his streak to a no talent hack like Batista
Batista and Cena havin the titles is SOOOO old. Old skool wrestlers like HBK, Taker, The Rock, HHH and Stone Cold are a billion times better. Maybe its just their characters or the respect they have after being at the top, but Cena and Batista really hav a long way to go (especially Batista). Im sick to death of Batista n Cena havin the titles, its so Wrestlemania 21. WWE hav their head up Cena and Batista's asses. Taker and HBK should win the titles.
Sorry to say this but the way things are going the streak will end at the hands of John cena next year, he has already gone over the other two top guys at mania. I can see it now, Undertaker taps out to the STFU. horrible thought

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