Umaga Fired

I'm not about to go through, and read everyone's posts. I'm sure everyone has the same feelings anyway. Basically, WWE fucked up, and TNA will get the spoils.

Umaga may not have had the chance to become a top title contender, but he was fairly successful among the mid-card ranks, and could have been used for so many more feuds. I haven't watched any WWE lately, but the idea of a Punk v. Umaga feud caught my attention. I figured it would go on past the match Sunday, but then I saw Punk won the title.

Hopefully, Umaga can make this a good thing, and go to TNA, where we're bound to see him either feud with Joe, or team with him. At the very least, it'll make them realize one Samoan with face tattoos is enough, and take that damned thing off Joe.
2 decent wrestlers in WWE are now gone. I always liked Umaga. I thought he was good in the ring. I read online that he's going to retire and train wrestlers.
I, for one, was shocked to hear about Umaga's release. I can't get SD!, so my knowledge of the happens on that show is limited to the news I get from this website, but I always thought that Umaga was "a big deal". Personally, I was never a big fan of Umaga- but then again, I usually don't care for super heavyweights. He was a little more agile than most men of his stature, but I never thought he brought much else to the table. The WWE, however, seemed to be high on the guy and had alot of expectations in place for him. The release was definately unexpected.
The only explaination for this was a failed drug test by Umaga. I know he has failed at least one other time. If thats the case then they need to start testing Batista cause there is no way he isnt on a ton of stuff. Umaga was in my opinion probably the best big man in the company. He was a great worker in the ring like most samoans. All this does is bolster TNA roster as he will certainly end up there where he will be able to show case even more of his talent. This was a dumb move by WWE. Umaga was probably the best buy they had to elevate talent I mean come on if a guy can ge a win over the monster Umaga you more than likely are going to get a title shot or win it. That has been the case recently
This would be awesome if they were going to create a "Radicalz" esque stable with Umaga, Kennedy, and a couple more internet darlings (like maybe Shelton for one), but it won't ever happen.

But it would be freaking genius if they did.
Losing guys like Lashly, Umaga and Kennedy are not going to hurt WWE. Remember, the WWE made these guys. They can simply build new superstars, just like they've been doing over and over. For every Umaga or Kennedy we lose, theres always a Jack Swagger or John Morrison waiting in the wings for their turn.
This firing has me totally stumped. At least with Kennedy, we were, sort of, given a reason. But, Umaga never seemed stiff or dangerous in the ring to me. So I feel we can rule out him possibly being sloppy. Drugs? But, I always heard you get 3 strikes, so I cannot see that unless it was some VERY serious drug.

Perhaps WWE felt that his character just wasn't getting the right reaction. When Umaga first showed up, he was the untouchable monster, beating everyone in his path. Lately, he's been losing. I'm not saying every match he's in should be a squash, but I think Umaga was a very good big man, athletic, agile. He certainly was capable of competing against top guys. I'm wondering if Umaga knew he'd be gone before the PPV. If not, then that's pretty cold to fire someone on the spot. Vince, don't let panic get the best of you. Your last few decisions have been dumb and unlike you.
I know the main event guys aren't that stupid (or ARE they??) but what if a main event guy like, say, Orton is in the same boat as Umaga. Do you think WWE would pull the trigger on him? I mean Lashley and Lesnar (Ha, Double L) left on their own accord, but would Vince toss Orton or Batista out just like that for TNA to scoop them up in 90 days? I mean Angle jumped ship there but he was downgraded to ECW at that point. Orton is still a top heel, would they risk losing their top guy or just keep it on the D.L.?

Anyway, if the wellness policy is true then Umaga can definitely fit in the TNA locker room.
Have they ever clarified whether or not the "strikes" follow you forever, or if the number goes back to 0 after a termination prior to the 3rd strike? If they return to 0, this is obviously why Umaga was let go now, after his 2nd. If he gets a 3rd, he's got to be done for good or the whole Wellness Policy would seem like a fraud.
Have they ever clarified whether or not the "strikes" follow you forever, or if the number goes back to 0 after a termination prior to the 3rd strike? If they return to 0, this is obviously why Umaga was let go now, after his 2nd. If he gets a 3rd, he's got to be done for good or the whole Wellness Policy would seem like a fraud.

The number SHOULD never go back to zero !!! That doesn't mean it doesn't, but that would make the entire policy a complete crock of crap !!!

It's being reported that Chris Masters is garnering mass (no pun intended) interest from the "E" again, and if he does rejoin the company, his wellness policy violation (he has 1) will still hang over his head.

So to answer your question, it appears as if the violations stick with you, but if a guy like Kurt Angle were to return to the "E", I'm not sure if his would still count because it's been so long. But then again, I don't know if he ever failed one - it was just well known that he had a pain killer addiction.
Well i want to rescind my previous comments on WWE finding out about why Umaga was really let go. They don't need another death on their hands due to drugs related. Hopefully Umaga can work his problem out. Maybe he did something to rush his comeback as he got hurt alot recently. That still doesn't explain why Kennedy was let go then if it wasn't a wellness thing then its a bad move.
UMAGA should debut in TNA shortly with Ric Flair !

Donutman Lashley was never World WIde entertainment made he was a rookie and popular he was never pushed because of the racism between mcmoron and lashley!
#2 Kennedy was TNA made before he jumped ship he had more injuries in wwe than in TNA so expect him to return back to TNA soon and where is SHannon Moore hmmm he is begging and knocking on Dixie Carters doorstep to return back to WWE after that stupid stunt he pulled on TNA years ago
As for Lashley hey we all know he signed when will he wrestle Sting and everyone else is beyond my belief! World wide entertainment circus cannot build stars and when they do they build them and destroy them remember that unlike TNA they made Christian much better and guess where he is now ECW help us all ! lol
John Morrison and Jack Swagger are not getting pushed
By the way, this is my third time trying to post this. My posts keep getting deleted, I do not know why.

I am trying to point out that WGN America is STILL showing promos of Umaga during WWE Superstars.

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