Umaga Fired


Why in the hell did they release Umaga? He was their best "big guy" and had YEARS left!! They could have kept this guy as a monster for years upon years....and we didn't even get our Undertaker/Umaga feud??????

Wow. What the hell is going on here? This sucks ass. They fire Umaga, who is very entertaining, but they keep Kozlov, who has stunk up the joint every single time he's been out there and hasn't improved in the slightest bit??????
I loved Umaga but THANK GOD THERES ONE LESS BIG MAN IN THE WWE. But they released the wrong one. I think once umanga started to get pushed wwe got real scared because he was getting more over then cm punk. They had plans all the time to put punk in the title rol but having umanga there messed thngs up for him since he got off better from the so called fued. I think this morehad todo with CM Punk then ithad to do with Umaga just like kenedy with Orton. I think this is an absolute mockery of a release, mve him to ecw release fatso and boring from the wwe and use im over there just dont release a useable tallent do to getting more over then the champion in the fued. thats my opinion.
Are we really so sure it isnt a wellness policy thing? SavageTaker said he only had one strike but I was sure he was on two. Funny how no one ever talked about Umaga before this. I really enjoyed him, but he wasnt a fan favourite of the casual fan. Even the IWC, we're too busy preeching John Morrison to care.

I liked Umaga. Dammit. Oh well, pretty soon theyll release Hornswoggle and all will be well in the karma universe.
People are saying wellness policy, it could have been a backstage incident with a wrestler, it could be because of another injury, creative could have asked him to change something and he refused, maybe he asked to be released? It could be any anything honestly. We will know shortly.
WOW. WTF is going in the WWE these days first Kennedy now UMAGA haha. I think Vince is really in a bad or desperate mood right now and won't take any crap. Eitheir UMAGA did something voluntary/involuntary or Vince will not cut anyone slack anymore because of the current state of wrestling especially WWE. Umaga and Kennedy were actually two of their slightly more interesting and recognizable newer characters they created in the last 3-4 years so its suprising..
It's simple. WWE is going down hill. Three top guys are on vacation (Triple H just came back, Michaels and Taker are still out,) the rating is PG, they release their top guys like Kennedy, Umaga, Lashley, Chris Masters, the list goes on. They use guys totally wrong. When will R-Truth get a chance to be a top guy?

Pro wrestling itself is starting to lose it's appeal. I still watch it, don't get me wrong, but I don't pay any attention to the top guys (except CM Punk, Edge, Hardy, Christian.)

Guys like Kofi Kingston, Benjiman, R-Truth, MVP (no i'm not favoring the black guys lol) are tremendous athletes. Guys like Chavo, Jamie Noble, Goldust, Kane, Evan Bourne, are so damn under appreciated.

If WWE was smart, they'd quit these predictable storylines and stop releasing guys. Dumb Batistas ass though. He's such a big piece of cotton candy, he probably couldn't even beat my ass.

TNA is the new WCW for Released WWE wrestlers.
Since Mr. Kennedy/Anderson and Umaga/Rosey are now released they have to go to TNA after their No Compete Clauses expire soon WWE will have no good Low,Mid, or Upper Card Wrestlers.
Next Rey Mysterio will be Released then it will be R-Truth, Then Dolpher, Then the Harts, and then Everyone!
Whew then the WWE will have no more wrestlers to release ever again!
I wanted to wait a little while to let this knowledge soak in, and I thought perhaps I'd be less annoyed by this story as the day wore on. Maybe, if Raw was extremely strong, I'd forget about the fact they had released him. Raw tonight was an extremely strong show... And I'm still fairly pissed.

I don't really understand the logic behind such a move. In all seriousness, it wasn't like Umaga was breaking the bank. He couldn't have been paid too much, he was a mid-carder, for Christ Sakes. He was extremely talented, and it seems to me like he was getting over fairly well with the audience. I'd say maybe they realized he can't cut a good promo, but in truth, even that's not fair of them to do. He had one possible chance to work the mic.... How can the WWE fault him for that?

There's only one thing that may come to mind for me, and it has to do with Umaga's conditioning. I don't know if anyone noticed this, but when Umaga spoke on the mic, he was heavily breathing. I know, he was slimmer, but perhaps their was an issue between Eddie Fatu, Vince, and his cardio. Maybe they had gone into a dispute over how in shape he is (or perhaps lack thereof), and Vince's anger got the best of him, and he decided to fire Umaga right then and there. And even then, that sounds highly unlikely.

There seems to be more to this story. Let's wait out to hear the details.
Doesn't seem like too many people realize that Umaga was already in TNA when he left WWE the 1st time, he was 3 Live Kru with BG James and Killings. I'm not sure about the backstage stuff either. Hes friends with the Colons and Orton, so Im sure he had support. I know that sounds weird, but its been reported here, and I've seen them all eat together. Maybe he asked for it?
lulz, WWE is putting a lot of hope in its veiwers caring about the same crew in the main event since the 90's. WWE is pretty much releasing its future. I'm not sure how much more of the same people I can take.
This is a bigger shock than the release of Kennedy. Umaga was very talented. He was the best big man they had. He could make any babyface he faced look like gold. He has ust done such a good job with putting CM Punk over. There has to be something behind this backstage because this can have nothing to do with his performances. He had a big role to play on Smackdown this year, now they will need another main event heel. I guess we will have to see what they do with the Punk character now in that regards. I don't think i have ever been as shocked at a release from WWE. I hope he is back one day.
I heard he had broken his 3rd strike on drugs and the such alike. If this is the case, than I do suppose he got what was coming. If drugs are more important to you than your job, be that marijuana, steroids, Meth, Cocain, Heroine, or whatever else is popular these days. Then you honestly don't deserve your job. Addicted or not the WWE offers rehab programs for their superstars, they are understanding to the fact that money, and power get to your head, and sometimes drugs are offered, and some people just make mistakes. Its realizing from your mistakes, and being able to stop through programs setup, or just sheer will to do your job that makes you be able to stay. I feel no sympathy for Umaga, and as entertaining as I found him to be, he doesn't deserve his job anylonger if this is the case. Same with everyone else on 2nd strike, about to recieve their third.
For the love of god people Umaga has only had one strike against him for a Wellness Violation. Not 2 so he obviously didn't get a third strike or else the WWE would have to announce it and they would have had to announce the second one too. He hasn't been known to do drugs like Marijuana and even if he did those drugs he doesn't get suspended for doing them. All he would of gotten is a fine. The Brian Kendrick loves the pot and he still has a job so I don't think Umaga doing pot or any other drug would have cost him his job unless it was a serious drug that could possibly kill him.

I think this is just a case of cutting the roster to make space for new talent even though there's other people who many would have though would have gotten axed before Umaga. There's many things that we could speculate on what led to him being released but we will never know unless he or Vince reveal why he was released. Maybe he asked for the release, maybe he did something wrong, or maybe he said something he shouldn't have said to the wrong person. We will never know unless they ever tell us which is not always the case.

Also to say someone doesn't deserved their job is just wrong and disrespectful. You do not know what this person could have gone through in order to get their job. There's people who have had to kill there bodies in stupid hardcore matches in the indies in order to be where they are now. So to say someone doesn't deserve their job is just something you don't say unless the person has constantly messed up after given multiple chances which is not the case with Umaga.
All I have to say to begin with, is if I see Umaga show up as Samoa Jamal on T.N.A, becoming Joe's partner in this Nation of Violence gimmick.. I'm gonna truly laugh at the W.W.E for dropping the ball on this one.

How the fuck could you release arguably your best bigger sized "big man" worker? Umaga, whether people want to admit it or not, more or less single handedly pushed C.M Punk into becoming more believable as a World Heavyweight Champion. Thats more than Kane, Batista, and J.B.L could do combined.

Umaga had the uncanny ability to work with anyone, and he just returned from injury, so to my knowledge he wasn't hurt again. But even as Shocky said, if by some odd reason Umaga's release came similar to Kennedy's - based on being injury prone - then why on earth does Batista still fucking have a job?

In all honesty, they (W.W.E) fucked themselves here as well. Right before this genius money saving cut.. they gave Umaga the ability to talk and cut a promo. (might not have been great, but he still cut one) So not only can the big man Wrestle with anyone, of any size - but he can now talk, too. He jumped up from being a monster heel, to a possible credible threat to any Championship in the W.W.E.. and he gets cut. :wtf:

If he doesn't show up in T.N.A, with a great gimmick, I'd be fucking shocked beyond belief.
I was a HUGE fan of Umaga when he first started. There was always comparisons between Umaga and Khali, and Umaga should always come out on top. The Great Khali is one of the worst wrestlers I have ever seen, how he has a job and Umaga doesn't is beyond me. That being said, his match with Punk on SD was one of the most boring I've ever seen. I am shocked WWE released him, because at times he was entertaining, but I haven't been seeing that as much lately.
I'm probably the biggest Umaga my postal code. Love the big loveable lug. But he's been on WWE TV so little over the past 18 months that I don't really care. I'm an RVD fan, but I don't care that he's gone, I don't care if he comes back. Out of sight, out of mind.

As for the reason for his realease, I think it's probably drugs. Three strikes or whatever. Unlike a lot of other wrestlers I think he'd be better in TNA. That company let's wrestlers wrestle however they want. I don't care if Umaga is reckless. I doubt TNA will either.
Honestly I've never been a big fan of Umaga but I do have to say that obviously Vince has made a mistake I mean hell this is page 7 of talk and almost everyone is talking about how Vince has dropped the ball and everyone is shocked.

I mean even I will admit that Umaga is a lot better than...
Ricky Ortiz, Vladimir Koslov, Great Khali, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder, or Ezekiel Jackson. I mean if you're going to cut the fat why not start where the fat is? (No pun intended towards Umaga in this situation)
Its got to be a wellness policy issue, he was just getting a push and the feud with punk wasn't awful by any means.

Personally id like to see him join up with Joe in TNA, his character would match up well with Joe's Nation of violence character. They would make a good team with Taz as manager
Its got to be a wellness policy issue, he was just getting a push and the feud with punk wasn't awful by any means.

Personally id like to see him join up with Joe in TNA, his character would match up well with Joe's Nation of violence character. They would make a good team with Taz as manager

Well I'm going to say right now that he needs to stick with the Samoan Monster idea but gain a voice. He needs to stay away from the old Jamal days. He should go with what works for him, you don't want to see Dustin Rhodes/Runnels in the Black Reign get-up, you want to see Goldust (if you want to see him at all). This gimmick works for him and he shouldn't digress.
There is still no official word on why Umaga was released. As to why he was released I just do not know. I thought that he was going to have a feud with CMPunk after Extreme rules and hunt him down for the title after he cashed in his MITB briefcase. This really sucks
Creative really fucked up another damn storyline. Jeff Hardy should have been able to keep the title even if he is one of the wrestlers who might also not be in the WWE next year. Good Job making CMPunk a heel too. what, is he not drawing the big bucks anymore? WWE stop screwing up.
I was shocked.

In the past 2 weeks we've had 2 talented superstars, with potential to move on to the Main Event. Mr. Kennedy talented on the mic, and Umaga was very underrated. Very good wrestler for a man his size, and was a credible threat to any title at any given time. It's more of a surprise for me to see Umaga released than Kennedy, because Umaga was...talented in the ring wheras Kennedy really wasn't.

He'll have a home with Kennedy on TNA.

On another somewhat related note, whatever happened to Manu after his release? Perhaps TNA could sign both of them, and add them with Samoa Joe. Epic.
Doesn't seem like too many people realize that Umaga was already in TNA when he left WWE the 1st time, he was 3 Live Kru with BG James and Killings. I'm not sure about the backstage stuff either. Hes friends with the Colons and Orton, so Im sure he had support. I know that sounds weird, but its been reported here, and I've seen them all eat together. Maybe he asked for it?

Yeah I remember he was the Elkmo guy. But WWE made him more recognizable, so if he goes back to TNA he has more cred. So it is another legit mid carder they have on the roster.
no way he was let go because of Wellness Policy violations. First, as stated upthread, dude only had one strike against him. But more importantly, if they let him go because of Wellness violations, they would have happily stated that as the reason why. We undoubtedly would have heard that he was let go for a third strike...the WWE would happily share that information so that we all could see how well their program is working.

There's more to his release than that. Not quite sure what it could be, but something went on behind the scenes to lead to fatty Youmanga getting the ax.

Bummer, too. I quite liked the dude. I actually tuned in to Smackdown for the first time in ages the other week just to hear him speak. It made me LOL.
no way he was let go because of Wellness Policy violations. First, as stated upthread, dude only had one strike against him. But more importantly, if they let him go because of Wellness violations, they would have happily stated that as the reason why. We undoubtedly would have heard that he was let go for a third strike...the WWE would happily share that information so that we all could see how well their program is working.

Not really. On the one side it proves that it's working on the other side they still have people within the company who don't take it seriously enough to get clean, think it'll be ignored, think they can't take time off to get help etc.

It's better if nothing is said all round.
Ehhhh. I liked Umaga, I really did. His release shocked me more than Kennedy's, because Umaga isn't a injury magnet who seems to injure or almost injure everyone he touches, including himself.

But really. He was at the end of his rope. He had been built into a monstrous heel, then vanquished many times. He was reduced to losing to Punk in a Samoan Strap Match.

TNA will hire him, he'll feud with Samoa Joe in some weird new Samoan style gimmick match that completely confuses 90 percent of the audience, and that will be that. Maybe he'll hit up Victoria for her address.

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