Umaga Fired

DAMN!!!!!!!! The guy was really on his way to becoming the next WWE monster heel. I dont see why the WWE would release him unless he failed a drug test or something along those lines. Umaga is too good of a talent for the WWE to give up for no reason. So there's got to be something more to the story. Hopefully he goes to TNA and kicks some serious ass.
I am really surprised by this. I always liked Umaga, it's a shame he became injury prone lately, perhaps that's what this release is all about. I always thought he was a really good heel to have those necessary grudge feuds to build up a character. A pinfall over Umaga wasn't anything to sneeze at, he was an angry, strong, agile, 300 pound Samoan Bulldozer, not just anyone could take him out. It's a shame that they let someone of his talent go. I really hope TNA takes him in, perhaps he can be the only other seen member in the Nation of Violence.
I am really starting to think Vince needs to be tested for drugs or be tested for something else because I am starting to wonder what goes through his mind when he does things like this. First he releases Kennedy who had a good upside and had a ton of potential had he stayed healthy. Now he releases Umaga who is a very talented individual considering his size. I am still in shock. I think the best thing for Umaga to do is go to TNA and possibly reunited with Estrada or hell bring back James Mitchell and make them team up. Can you imagine that duo? I can.

But really I am a little bit upset that they would just go and release him like that. Like I said earlier they better have a damn good explanation for real releasing him. They can't go with creative had nothing because that would be a lie and they can't say they are trying to clean up the roster because there's people who are less talented and are still with the company.

I wouldn't be surprised to see him return in a couple of years. He got released when he was in 3-minute warning then went to TNA and then back to the WWE. Who knows the cycle might continue and he might go back to TNA.
What the hell happened there? Umaga wasn't bad at all, he was a decent character, good wrestler, and was great in the Mid Cards. I suspect that something had to happen wither a backstage incident, or an injury. I think he had one strike on drug tests? but I could be wrong, so he could have gotten his second, and the WWE could have pulled the old Masters card.
I always expected Umaga to get a Main Event push sometime, the guy can work. I do think that he may become part of the Nation of Violence now, at least I would hope so... And he is way more than a heel Rikishi... Rikishi got really lazy and boring towards the end of his last run... Umaga gets even more exciting every time I see him... by busting out a good match, or randomly talking on the mic, or putting over a wrestler cleanly two "on screen" days before a big PPV and then losing clean again at said PPV. I just think it sucks that they get rid of people willing to work instead of people not really doing anything productive, ie. Sim Snuka, Festus, Curt Hawkins, MARK HENRY, etc.
Man I come home from work & the first piece I see is Umaga getting released.:headscratch:

In all honesty. What in the blue hell is the WWE thinking. Umaga was the most talented big man on their roster. He could make any face look credible. It's a damn shame that Umaga got released & yet crap like Roidtista, Hornswoggle & Kozlov are still employed. I wonder who's next to get released? Hmmm maybe Kendrick, Kane, Matt Hardy, Big Show, Burchill or Regal. Well this is truly a damn shame. Hopefully we will be seeing Umaga dominate TNA real soon & show the WWE what they are truly missing out on.
Woah, what the fuck is this all about? Umaga is released, but Batista still has a job, I'm fascinated by this. Is the WWE seriously wanting TNA to load up on their former talent, because that's pretty much what is going to happen. More to come I'm sure, but this is wow.

What on earth? I still cannot believe this...if he is injured...I will really question Batista having a job...maybe he had some bad words for someone, I thought Vince was always high on him...yet he was once high on Kennedy too...WTF?
Maybe he was injured last night again and with all the injuries that have happened to him this was the final straw. Regardless of why he was fired, this is very shocking everyone and I for one am disappointed big time.

What is going on within WWE headquarters... The Kenendy thing was a shocker, but kinda understandable, given his injury and near injury to the WWE champ, but Umaga? that doesn't make sense at all. I'm truely truely shocked. Umaga was by far the best big man in the WWE, and I for one wouldve loved to see him have a run with the strap.

It truely will be interested to see the reason for this.

Oh well...a lacklustre feud with Samoa Joe beckons...
Few people have said maybe he got injured again, Batista just got injured again and i dont see him being fired ? Fair enough hes a bigger name but shouldnt all talent be given the same treatment ?

I am shocked at this, but wel along with Kennedy its definetly another boost to TNA. Umaga will either join Joes Nation Of Violence or fued with him.
is there a reason why Umaga was fired?
is it a wellness policy violation
or was he caught doing something he shouldn't have been doing?
I'm kinda surprised and hopeful at the same time. This gives him the chance to tag with Matt (Rosey/Ro-Z/Kimo) somewhere down the line in the company that they started in: HWA (Heartland Wrestling Association). I'd gladly shill out the five bucks to see The Island Boyz back together on a Wednesday nite in Middletown, Ohio. As for reasons, it's probably just trimming the proverbial fat. Vince has to afford Mark Henry's rediculous contract somehow.
This is the worst. Umaga was awesome, I hated him at first but he really grew on me to the point where he was one of my favorite guys on the Smack Down roster. I could see where Kennedy was becoming a liability, but not Umaga. This makes no sense, if you want to trim down the roster cut guys like Kozlov, Golddust, Sim Snuka, etc. that never drew and have minimal talent.
Mark Henry has dodge the big man relese yet again, while we lose a great star like Umaga. I can only assume that this could be a Mr.K way of looking at it. Umaga could have been injured, Punk could have pulled a Orten and complained about almost injurying a soon to be champion himself, or just been out almost as long as kennedy and could have been almost exactly what happen with Kennedy.
I liked umaga, and i knew big things were going to happen when DX basicly put him over. A damn shame that one day we all thought he was going to feud with taker and take the world title, and now he's gone. then again we said the same for Kennedy as well. Now i turely belive that all relesed stars are basicly TNA stars.

Mark needs to be next, or I will eat that 5 course meal myself.
Damnit WWE what the fuck are you guys doin'? First Kennedy then Umaga? Do they not want any future superstars? ZAre they trying to help TNA out? Just when it seemed things might get better they pull this shit. Damnit. Another buildup for nothing. By far the best big man they had. So stupid. AGH!
It amazes me that this is another guy that I actually enjoy watching in the ring gets released. Umaga was an awesome big guy, and was actually an entertaining big guy too, and yet WWE continues to put The Great Khali on television week after week when he is just God awful. What I don't understand is that WWE puts all this time and effort into building up these comebacks to television like Kennedy and Umaga, and then they dump them right away. Grandpa Botch-tista is still there...I don't get it :headscratch:

WWE really needs to do something and they need to do something quick, they have NO idea what fans want anymore, nor do they care about what fans want anymore. Sure, it's been like that for awhile but c'mon...Kozlov is still employed, the man who has the persona of a fire hydrant is still employed.
this makes no sence at all. IMO the wwe needs managers back big time. in the prime in the 80's-90's, wrestlers who really didnt have good mic work, had manager who could get the crowds going. umaga will go to tna, rejoin estrada and will be a HUGE star. he will surpass samoa joe big time.
I am another Umaga fan who just was completely shocked to find out he was released by WWE. Just like last weeks release of Mr. Kennedy, the WWE is losing it. I have been a fan of WWE for 25 years now and at no point did I ever think they were going to fall, but if Vince keeps up this crap, TNA will be the big wrestling promotion. Good for TNA if they do, because WWE has been #1 for too long, maybe its time for the wrestling world to be turned upside down. In my opinion WWE has been on the decline since Austin/Rock left. Umaga wasnt the best wrestler in WWE, but he was the biggest badass. Its hard to find wrestlers these days to look up too or to say" he's one of my favorites." Well, Umaga was one of those guys for me. Everytime he wrestled you knew that someone was going to get thrown around the ring, win or lose. I personally wish the best for Jamal/Umaga. TNA if you are smart you would pick up both Ken Anderson and Jamal, cuz with those two and Lashley if he decides, they are on there way to starting the next Monday night war.
I heard that he was a big talker back stage with the group he was with... He hated HHH and often sided with whomever was not poloticking in the locker room... I wonder if HHH is letting his influence be known in his absence cause he didnt like Kennedy either.. What do u guys think?? Dumb Move imo
It sucks that such a promising wrestler was released. I liked Umaga, especially his first matches and feuds. Hopefully, as is often the case, Wrestlezone will soon post some articles titled "THR REAL REASON UMAGA WAS RELEASED" and we'll all be put at ease if only a by a small measure. Good luck to him though.
I'm really interested in finding out how this came about. If it's a wellness policy violation third strike then so be it. Umaga dug his own grave. If it's some silly, ambiguous crap like with Kennedy then this is just a plain stupid move. Both Umaga and Kennedy are young guys who wrestling fans appreciate. They are rising stars who have yet to peek. They will both be big boosts to the TNA roster. I also don't think either guy is done with the WWE.

I'm disappointed. He wasn't the best aspect of the roster but Umaga was a fun, valuable part of the SD roster. Like many others I was greatly anticipating an Undertaker vs. Umaga match at Summerslam this year or WrestleMania next year. That would have been a great match.
this is dumb as hell wwe. you released your best big man other then Taker. unless he failed another drug test what the hell. he was a main part of smackdown well i hope Umaga gets another shot in TNA. it would be a shame for such a great talent to be wasted.
It is not a Wellness violation as WWE would have to make the announcement if he got a second strike (he's only had one strike) according to their Wellness policies. I think that as much bullshit as they may seem I think this is just them trying to cut the rosters to make space for new stars that are going to be called up to their roster or to cut costs. Another possibility is that McMahon might have been sour on Umaga after his latest injury. Maybe he felt that Umaga was a waist of money or something like that and he didn't need him on the WWE roster anymore.

But like I stated earlier I wouldn't be surprised to see him in TNA for a while and if they don't do anything major with him then he might be able to return back to the WWE. It happened when he was with 3-minute warning. He got released went to TNA and then back to the "E". If it happened once already then I'm pretty sure and wouldn't be surprised to see it happen one more time.
Man WWE is doing some stupid stuff. TNA is so happy with all of the people they are fireing. They can get Kennedy soon and now they can get Umaga. I have been a WWF/WWE fan since I was 6, but WWE might push me to strictly watch TNA.

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