Umaga Fired


The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
Can't believe it took someone this long to post... but lets see how many people say "I saw that once coming !!".

Hope everyone enjoyed the Samoan Strap Match at Extreme Rules because it looks like we won't be seeing that one again.

Maybe he never should have opened his mouth and spoken.

Thoughts ??
World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of SmackDown Superstar Umaga as of today, June 8, 2009. WWE wishes Umaga the best in all future endeavors

Less than an hour ago, and I'm seriously pissed. I wondering if this was an injury or maybe some backstage incident, but I am truly shocked. I thought that Umaga was a very talented big man that could really help the company. I guess this explains him jobbing to Punk that last few days, but it still makes no sense. I don't even no what to say. This is 10 times worse than Kennedy.

EDIT: Someone just made the same thread at the same time, merge please
lol, wonder what the hell that's about? I'm guessing he got injured again or some shit because it seemed like they were going to push him to the moon again.

Oh well. Have fun in TNA. We can get that Joe feud.
The following is from

Umaga released
Written: June 8, 2009

World Wrestling Entertainment has come to terms on the release of SmackDown Superstar Umaga as of today, June 8, 2009. WWE wishes Umaga the best in all future endeavors.

I am actually shocked. I thought he had potential. He wasn't going to be the greatest but he was a solid wrestler. Portrayed his character nicely and in his time he put on some solid matches with Jeff Hardy. Did he get caught juicing? Did he piss someone off? Where does he go from here? TNA wrestling?

Wow, three other people made the same thread.
What the hell is going on? All these upper mid-carders getting future endeavored?

Wasted talent here, he's never going to be World Champion, but at least he was a monster heel that could give an upcoming face a rub. With a gimmick like that, no matter how much he loses he'd still be over, just ask Kane. Honestly I think this is an incredibly stupid move on the part of WWE.

Wow, I'm truly upset on this decision by McMahon, Umaga was the most talented big guy the WWE had. If given the right booking I really think he could've done wonder as a mid-title holder/contender or even as a lower main-event guy.
This really opens it up for Dolph or Shelton to be the #3 heel on Smackdown. I guess they must believe in those guys enough to make this move, but it still feels strange to me.
Woah, what the fuck is this all about? Umaga is released, but Batista still has a job, I'm fascinated by this. Is the WWE seriously wanting TNA to load up on their former talent, because that's pretty much what is going to happen. More to come I'm sure, but this is wow.
This is going to sound completely absurd considering the last thing TNA needs is another WWE cast off, but man would I love to see Armando Estrada and Umaga back together.

Those two were simply golden, especially in the beginning with Estrada.

Of course their names would have to be changed, but it could actually work.

He could have a nice feud with Samoa Joe.
It makes NO sense to release Umaga. Like what was said before, Umaga isn't world title material, but he's a monster who could possibly make a face look even better than before. Something it was with Kennedy. Umaga pissed someone off or put someone in danger. That's my guess...

I wonder who's next? Kane? Kendrick? BIG SHOW? The speculation intrigues me.
I just read on the main page that The Samoan Bulldozer has been released. I have to think it's a wellness policy violation. Other than that, I have no idea. Maybe WWE wants TNA to compete? I know Umaga isn't the answer, but I would mark the fuck out to see him pop up. Samoa Joe feud anyone?
Woow... let's see, with this we can finally get the fat samoans fight each other, and I don't mean Rikishi and Yokozuna.

Actually I predicted it first, when I posted the thread about him speaking on character, and how thinks couldn't get any better for him, and they didn't.
They're now just handing them talent, only this talent is actually worth a shit, and very good with alot of potential. Umaga was one of the best big man workers in years, and easily the best one on the roster right now. Kennedy and Umaga could do wonders in TNA provided they stay healthy, which is what I'm guessing went wrong with Umaga.

Umaga is released, but Batista still has a job

You forgot sacks of shit like Kozlov.
I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did without Armando Estrada. These types of characters are never as successful as they would be if they had a manager with them.

Hopefully, WWE will start getting some new blood in there, soon. WWE's future Main Event and future Upper Midcard division doesn't look good from here.
I'm shocked as why Umaga was released as well. He put on great matches with Jeff Hardy and John Cena and was good as a superheavyweight. I don't know if it was a drug problem or Vince believes he will not go anywhere. I was looking forward to a possible Undertaker/Umaga feud.
First Kennedy and now Umaga? 2 guys with a ton of potential. We will know why he was fired soon enough. It's one of 2 things. Either the WWE had this planned for quite a while or there was the usual backstage heat. Really doubt it was a creative issue because when that happens the wrestler has not been on tv for a while etc. We will know soon enough. Damn it another quality wrestler gone. :angry:
Umaga is one the best big men to come down the tubes this decade. The man had the best last man standing match I've ever seen against John Cena. He had one of my favorite Jeff Hardy matches ever at GAB'07... and now this? I was a fan, and I am bummed.

A few explainations come to mind. Backstage altercation is the obvious one. But what really gets me if that with him and Kennedy is that two guys proclaimed to be potential future main eventers got released so shortly after one another. That might signal WWE decided they would be able to make anything of them. Which is odd considering how talented Umaga is. Another idea is that maybe he got the Rikishi and BDV treatment and didn't want to cut any weight.

I can't wait for an update.
This is quite unbelievable to say the least. I liked Umaga and wonder why this has happened. It's scary to think that WWE would get rid of a genuine talent like that without good cause. Though, I always thought that the character would have a limited shelf life because what direction could it have went? In fairness it was pretty one dimensional. Still, I wasn't expecting it to be this limited!!! Perhaps as Lord Sidious said, Umaga needed a mouth piece.
I am in complete shock. This one I definetly didn't see coming. I am still in awe at their stupidity to release him. He is one of the more talented big men they have and they release him? He might have never been a World Champion but he could have good matches with people and he could have been used to give up and coming face main eventers a run. In all honesty I am still shocked because I liked Umaga and I still can't believe they released him. Their better be a good damn explanation to release him other than the shitty creative had nothing for him because that right there is bullshit or the they are cleaning up their roster because there is way more people they could have released over Umaga and I hope he goes to TNA were his talent might be appreciated a little more.
This really came as a suprised. Given he's had two good PPV matches since he got back, what the hell happened? Did he somehow piss off the wrong guy or something? He's been with the 'E for a good 7 years, that really came suprising! Who's next? Kane?!
Seriously, Umaga getting fired has finally pushed me over the edge. That match last night with CM Punk was awesome. And he had dropped quite a bit of weight, and was performing very well. I kinda saw Kennedy getting the can, but this is truly shocking, and dissapointing. If they keep up at a rate like this, releasing talented people (Umaga, Kennedy, Sinn, Hade Vansen, D'Lo Brown, etc...) then I am going to finally give up on the WWE altogether, and put my focus on TNA... that's 20 years I have wasted on a company who is making off the wall decisions, and not for the better of the company.
Say hello to a future member of the Nation Of Violence.

In all honesty, I liked Umaga to an extent, but he was never going anywhere. He was a heel Rikishi...

He also got injured a lot, and to be truthful, most of you people saying you're shocked never expected him to be anything but a mid-carder and a jobber to the main-event faces.
I don't know how they are going to build up talent if they are going to keep releasing them. Injury was a bigger factor for Kennedy than I believe it is for Umaga. I don't know who is going to be on the chopping block next but it's either going to be Regal or Hardy. This should be a clear message to Morrison that he better step it up because he is currently in the same mold as Kennedy and Umaga as far as where they stood midcard-wise.
I doubt weight is that big of a problem. He was much bigger during his Jamal days, and even at his size he can work better matches and move quicker than every big man they have.

Injury was a bigger factor for Kennedy than I believe it is for Umaga.

Disagreed. Umaga has had 2 major injuries just in the past year and both were close together after his returns, if he got another one, I'm sure Vince got pissed like he did with Kennedy and let him go.

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