UA on Friday

Yea the detox shit will work, like SSC said tho you will be detoxing through your butthole for a while after you take it. I would reccomend also drinking lots of water/c juice as well just to careful, and then like others suggested take a vitamin b pill or maybe drink some pickle juice (something to give your piss some color) so they don't say your piss is too diluted or some bullshit.
Yeah I will see how I go. Probably wont end up doing it but then again I always say that until it gets offered. Goodluck with your stuff, bro.
I never had a job that actually made you take a drug test, I kind of forgot that they did that. You should drop out of school and work construction type jobs, you won't ever have to worry about it again. I didn't drop out myself, but it sure would have saved me a lot of time.
You make good money? and I would drop out, but I only have like a semester left, so I might as well just finish that shit.
Good enough for me. Hell, I started at ten an hour with no experience. After that it went up and varies based on what kind of job it is and what percentage of the work I do. I don't work at a regular crew though so I don't know about the pay when you do that.
Just to throw my two pennies in the discussion:

I'm not a supporter of smoking at all, but it's fuckin' ridiculous they're making you piss test for a fuckin' dishwasher job. Maybe I'm just jaded from eight years in food service, and most of my co-workers/friends being habitual smokers, but I don't feel foodservice industry jobs should be required to take a drug test.
Go out deep in the woods, find a virgin chipmunk, rip off its head and drink all the blood.
how do you know a chipmunk is a virgin?

Just to throw my two pennies in the discussion:

I'm not a supporter of smoking at all, but it's fuckin' ridiculous they're making you piss test for a fuckin' dishwasher job. Maybe I'm just jaded from eight years in food service, and most of my co-workers/friends being habitual smokers, but I don't feel foodservice industry jobs should be required to take a drug test.
If they drug tested in the Restaurant business there would be hardly anyone in it.

at one restaurant job I was at my friends and me would go out to the side of the building during slow hours and smoke a bowl with the manager and then go back to work.
Don't do drugs that get you in trouble at work.

Why is this so complicated for people?

Because not everybody chooses to live their life the way you like to KB. Save us the sermon.

Dilution is usually a solid way to go because most companies use remedial testing services and they won't notice or care if it's diluted.

Do you live near any head shops? Go buy a drink called "Ultimate Gold" at one of them or any similar kind of store, that's the best one I've used before to help pass a test. Worst comes to worst you could also drop a VERY small miniscule drop of bleach into the urine, I did that trick several times on one of more detailed tests.

Dilution is your friend. If that doesn't work, find yourself a Whizzinator.

It's not a high horse to find the rules of the company you are working for (and the nation/state you live in) to be considered something that shouldn't be violated.

I sincerely hope that you fail your drug test and do not get the job. Even if you smoke, it's not like you all of a sudden applied for, and got a job that mandated a drug test. You knew of the test at the latest when you interviewed, but most likely when you applied. That isn't a high horse, that's simply not wanting someone who willingly, intentionally violate the rules to be getting a job. You do a drug of any sort, you face the risks, which in your case would be not getting a job.

And your father is just as bad, enabling you.

You hope he doesn't get the job because he smokes weed? You're a complete tool. It's not like he's applying to be a brain surgeon.
No, it's not unfair to force employees to take a drug test. Not at all.

You're right, I suppose it's important to know if your employees are heroine addicts, but not if they smoke weed. It's illegal to ask questions about smoking and drinking during an interview, but they can analyze our piss to find out what else we put in our system?

And I wish failure on him because he is knowingly breaking the law and the rules of his employer (not future employer, once they offer you the position and you accept it, you're an employee) and wants to get away with it. What he is doing is just as bad as an NFL player cheating on a drug test because he's using anabolic steroids.


You're joking right? How is this worse than a player cheating on a drug test to use a performance enhancing drug? He's a fucking DISHWASHER, how is smoking a little weed going to impact his job?
Especially me. Because I don't smoke weed.

But I'll spare you the sermon. Because I'm one of those non-smokers who honestly doesn't give a shit. You know... A sane person.
Don't know if it's too late for you but I know around here where I live there is this place, kind of a stoner store that sells all kinds of detox stuff. They have another alternative in the form of fake piss in a little bottle. It has all the right properties and is undetectable. Just tuck it and say fuck it. The trick is keeping the liquid at body temperature. They used to come with a heat pad to do it but they don't work that well. Instead, now they've developed one that comes with a powder. You pour the powder into the liquid solution and it keeps the stuff at body temperature for a couple hours.

If you are going to actually piss for the test I would also recommend that you wait until shortly before you know you are almost out of piss to actually piss in the cup. Make sure it's enough for them to test but wait until closer to the end because that will be the weakest stuff. When you start to pee, the stuff that comes out at first is going to be the most potent, so wait until near the end. The drinks are sketchy. I've done them and had no success thus far. The only things that have worked for me have been sneaking in the fake piss and sneaking in someone elses clean piss in a bottle. All I can recommend on how to do that is to use some decent tape underneath so that when you go all you have to do is unscrew the lid and let it drain in, then you piss in the toilet and act like all was well.
They have another alternative in the form of fake piss in a little bottle. It has all the right properties and is undetectable. Just tuck it and say fuck it. The trick is keeping the liquid at body temperature. They used to come with a heat pad to do it but they don't work that well. Instead, now they've developed one that comes with a powder. You pour the powder into the liquid solution and it keeps the stuff at body temperature for a couple hours.

Do this and you're an idiot.
Not sure about other areas of the world, outside of my little Ohio bubble, but around here, if you use fake piss, they'll not allow you to test. And, they check for shit like that.

I'm sure its a fineable offence in the land of Aus.
I've gotten many a drug test in my day, and they do everything possible to make sure you don't bring in anything that could influence the results of the drug test. You're also not allowed to flush the toilet, turn on the water in the sink, or do anything that could impact the results. Before you go in they make you empty all of your pockets to make sure you're not taking anything in with you either.

So no, fake pee isn't an option.
I suspect it's not so much a "high horse" situation as it is the tone and attitude that come off as so very callow and apathetic. Also, beyond breaking laws in the first place OP is a bit of a cheat. Some people tend to be bothered by cheaters (especially when they succeed).
I've faked many drug tests. I took a pill bottle full of my little brother's urine, wedged it between my nuts and my leg. It'll keep it at temp for at least 2 hours. It has to be between 90-100 degrees.

And fake piss totally works. My brother just got a job using it 2 weeks ago. I doubt Angel is working at some Top Class place with an amazing chemical lab.
I suspect it's not so much a "high horse" situation as it is the tone and attitude that come off as so very callow and apathetic. Also, beyond breaking laws in the first place OP is a bit of a cheat. Some people tend to be bothered by cheaters (especially when they succeed).

Keep in mind we are talking about a 17 year old getting a job as a dish washer in a college dorm cafeteria.
Speaking of urine, use Monkey Whizz!







There's another comic that shows how to use it in detail, but it's not on their site. :shrug:

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