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Two Competing Companies?

shattered dreams

Hexagonal Hedonist
Are we witnessing the opening stages of every attitude era fans wet dream? No, TNA did not sign Sable for a bikini contest at Victory Road. But is it my imagination or are WWE and TNA starting to go back and forth a noticeable amount? Actually somewhat pushing eachother to put out a better product. For a long time it was WWE trying to eliminate even the slightest perception they paid attention to TNA. However, just look at what happened recently:

-TNA creates storyline alluding to MEM
-Nash/Booker royal rumble drama
-WWE Undertaker promo that draws Sting intrigue from some
-TNA strikes back with big Sting comeback title win
-TNA works their Jersey Shore angle
-WWE brings in Snooki

And that is just the major stuff. So, what do you think? Is WWE starting to bring it to TNA (who obviously has no problem giving it back) or are they just having many "coincidences?"
If you look at clouds long enough, sometimes they'll look like shapes. But just because you see a cloud that appears to be a dog, a house, or a collection of well past their prime wrestlers, does not mean that the cloud is a dog, house, or collection of well past their prime wrestlers.

A lot of people really WANT to see a competition between the two companies. It doesn't mean that a competition between the two companies is really there.
I'm not sure on this. Kind of like Rayne says I think this is more circumstantial evidence than actual substance.

First and foremost I don't think Nash and Booker signing was about TNA. I think that might have been a bonus for Vince, but for the majority it was about getting guys for the Rumble and then Booker for SD and Tough Enough.

The Undertaker/Sting thing, as I've said before and will likely have to say another 500 times, was always Undertaker. No one officially ever said it was Sting. Not Sting, not WWE, no one with any authority ever said it was Sting or that it was a chance of being Sting. The internet and that columnist from New York invented this story and the internet decided it was gospel and then blamed Vince for not delivering or some bs like that. After about the second video it was clearly not Sting and I don't think it ever was a legit shot.

TNA then tries to capitalize on something that wasn't really there in the first place so they can point at Vince and say "haha we did what you couldn't." The problem I have with this is that I don't think a lot of people, as in the average WWE fan and not the internet fan, thought it was going to be Sting at all. TNA can laugh all they want and say we got Sting, but I don't think anyone but them is laughing. Well them and the diehard TNA fans that will disagree with whatever WWE does even if it's the same thing TNA does.

The Jersey Shore.....maybe, but again I don't think it's a direct response. It's a popular show and Vince lives for mainstream publicity. This is probably the strongest chance but I think it's a stretch still.

Not totally out of the question but I think it's more coincidence and a stretch than actual fact or even something with a logical reason to believe.
When TNA gets ratings anywhere near Raw or even Smackdown, then they will care.

After last year's beating Raw gave Impact, I don't really see why WWE would care at all.

I also doubt WWE is trying to stick it to TNA, for the reasons I stated. Nash and Booker T happened to be available, so why not bring them in for a surprise Rumble appearance and sign them to a legends deal or something?

How would WWE stick it to them, when their shows aren't even on the same day? You could still watch both.
There seems to be a "cold war" between the companies.. even though it has nearly no effect, there are still indicators :

Semi Monday Night Wars.. You remember them, right?

Nexus - Fortune (followed by Immortal, though this might be more of a Wolfpac remake)

MEM plans - Nash/Booker go to WWE through Royal Ramble

"Sting promos" by WWE - Real Sting comes back to TNA, with them running promos with which they ment to mock WWE (probably).

Jersey Shore, first on TNA and now on WWE as well.

I dont think this is going to develope anywhere beyond this "cold war" status, at least not in the near future... but it's definitely there.
The IWC really is looking at this through smoke and mirrors.

iMPACT! isn't on RAW's level, TNA PPV's aren't on WWE's PPV's level and overall TNA isn't anywhere near WWE's level. TNA are making all the "shots", WWE are just going about their business.

You could, if you really wanted to trace all these "coincidences" back to 05 when Christian left the WWE for TNA, if you really wanted to. I mean, over the last three month period, this is what really happened.

- TNA screw up original "THEY" storyline which originally elluded to Immortal and then readjusted it and aimed it towards Main Event Mafia.

- Booker T attends WWE show in November, and has said it was then when he wanted to return to WWE. There have been no sources which have claimed that he was going back to TNA for the second "They" angle. Kevin Nash has stated he returned to WWE, when he had no TNA contract and hadn't appeared in 4 months, to end his career with the big company as Diesel.

- WWE air the 2.21.11 video, and the IWC jump that it could be Sting.

- TNA rip-off WWE's date angle to make a Sting comeback, where after doing nothing of any importance in over a year, he wins the TNA Championship from the supposed "face" of the company, angle is a clear rip-off of WWE and has Russo and Bischoff all over it.

- TNA began their Jerseyshore angle in the Summer. Jwoww appeared in September and two weeks ago Angelina appeared to further increase this Robbie E shit.

- WWE bring in Snooki. And once again, it has nothing to do with TNA! An example is, if TNA brought in Jason Segal from How I Met Your Mother, and WWE brought in Niall Patrick Harris, would it be looked at as the two companies going at it? No, it would be called, "looking for exposure."

WWE have no need to "bring it" to TNA. They're in Wrestlemania mode, they do this type of celebrity, publicity shit every year. They've been mentioning Snooki for months on-air in jokes. She even tweeted back to CM Punk a couple months ago.

WWE are just bullying TNA. TNA don't have anything on WWE, whether it be RAW or Smackdown. When they get ratings nearing that, then we'll talk.
The fact is, WWE signed Nash and Booker when both were out of contract I mean, I understand that Nash came close to re-signing, but he specifically stated that he would never go back. Both men were in TNA before, and didn't do much for the ratings. So why would WWE care about signing them from under TNA when they have little relevance. WWE signed them for announcing (Booker) and promotional work (Nash). The Rumble was a treat for the fans when they appeared.

The Undertaker/Sting thing has been done to death and to be honest is not worth mentioning anymore. In this instance TNA did copy WWE, in order to get a few laughs, but it fell flat on its face.

As for the Jersey Shore ''controversy''... Wasn't Zack Ryder turning out in that gimmick before the jersey shore cast even joined TNA. Also I understand it's popular in the states so why not get her in WWE, it is WrestleMania season.

The fact it is WrestleMania season and WWE want 1,000,000 buys, they're more focused on that in my opinion, rather than signing some women who happened to be on the same show as JWoww and Angelina. Making mountains out of mole hills with this one.

It was a question worth asking, but it is a series of coincidences in my opinion. WWE won't be panicking until TNA start moving closer in the ratings, which does seem to be slowly happening.
Just throwing this out there, kinda surpised that no one has mentioned it before but TNA has the Beautiful People while WWE has "Flawless" Laycool. Personally I like the BP they were kinda the high up snobs that every girl wanted to be and every guy wanted to be with. While Laycool on the other hand were annoying and thought they were queen bee when really in a fair match they would get there asses handed to them. Given the fact that Laycool gets more heat its mainly cheap heat like the kind Vickie gets with the whole EXCUSE ME. In a way though wrestling companies over the years have taken ideas from other companies and use them as there own. NWO and DX, Goldberg and Stone Cold, Sting and the Undertaker, in truth it really doesn't matter who makes the wheel first as long as who makes the wheel makes it better and faster.
Nash was under contract with TNA. TNA let him out of his contract. This much has essentially been confirmed. Still not sure what happened with Booker T. My guess would be he was not in TNAs plans but the comments about him seem to be quite ambiguous.

Also, this thread is not about "rip-offs." Anyone that thinks the 3/3/11 was a ripoff is a damn moron. Ripoff implies they are copying something for the same purpose. How people simultaneously claim that promo in WWE had nothing to do with Sting and at the same time what TNA did with it was a ripoff is just stupid.

Just like I talked about when we were discussing the Nash/Booker fallout I personally believe at some point there is just too many coincidences for them all to actually mean nothing. For me this is pretty close to being that point. I like the cold war analogy because WWE is not going to openly acknowledge this because it gives TNA credibility. They will continue to live in coincidenceland as long as they can convince the naive to believe that is the case.

I am not sure why WWE is doing what they are but there does seem to be something there. I do not see why people take this as a personal attack to either company anyway. I brought it up because I think it could be a good thing for wrestling. Booker T and Nash have already had some nice moments in WWE. I enjoyed the Sting thing. Is it a coincidence WWE is doing a lot recently that targets the fan demo TNA has been focusing on heavily? I think that edge and not putting all the legends out to pasture has improved the WWE product. Anyone that thinks WWE completely ignores TNA is absolutely insane. There is nothing wrong with that though because to ignore them would be dumb business.
WWE is getting Snooki?
TNA had JWoww. while JWoww may be a good part of Jersey Shore, I would think the main 2 people are Snooki and the Situation.

I have seen people say that WWE and McMahon want TNA to be successful, but I don't believe that. if McMahon could buy out TNA he would. it would give WWE the only wrestling show on TV as well as more quality wrestlers.
TNA is not for sale, regardless of how much money McMahon may have.

I would not be surprised at all if the WWE has some concern over TNA. but your not going to get WWE to acknowledge TNA, because that could actually help TNA. for WWE to mention TNA would be like having a TNA commercial on WWE programming.
Nash was under contract with TNA. TNA let him out of his contract. This much has essentially been confirmed. Still not sure what happened with Booker T. My guess would be he was not in TNAs plans but the comments about him seem to be quite ambiguous.

Also, this thread is not about "rip-offs." Anyone that thinks the 3/3/11 was a ripoff is a damn moron. Ripoff implies they are copying something for the same purpose. How people simultaneously claim that promo in WWE had nothing to do with Sting and at the same time what TNA did with it was a ripoff is just stupid.

Just like I talked about when we were discussing the Nash/Booker fallout I personally believe at some point there is just too many coincidences for them all to actually mean nothing. For me this is pretty close to being that point. I like the cold war analogy because WWE is not going to openly acknowledge this because it gives TNA credibility. They will continue to live in coincidenceland as long as they can convince the naive to believe that is the case.

I am not sure why WWE is doing what they are but there does seem to be something there. I do not see why people take this as a personal attack to either company anyway. I brought it up because I think it could be a good thing for wrestling. Booker T and Nash have already had some nice moments in WWE. I enjoyed the Sting thing. Is it a coincidence WWE is doing a lot recently that targets the fan demo TNA has been focusing on heavily? I think that edge and not putting all the legends out to pasture has improved the WWE product. Anyone that thinks WWE completely ignores TNA is absolutely insane. There is nothing wrong with that though because to ignore them would be dumb business.

Like I said before, I doubt WWE knew Nash was gonna be in the "They" storyline. They don't have a guy running around backstage telling Vince everything.

And I doubt WWE care's about TNA. It's like saying the MLB has a concern over AAA.

And the 2/21/11 thing was alway's for Undertaker. TNA's "portray" of the 2/21/11 video just make's them seem bush-league and a joke. So their like "Ha Ha, we got Sting, you don't." Like WWE were gonna get Sting and even care about him now.

Seriously, TNA is on Thursday's, RAW is on Monday's. Why would they care about TNA? Triple H even mentioned Ric Flair this past RAW.

Why should WWE care about TNA? What's so OMG great that WWE moniter's and poke's fun at TNA. I have never once heard the letter's TNA mentioned on WWE TV. WWE just simply does'nt see them as a threat.

WWE does'nt acknowlegde TNA because they don't need to. Like TNA does'nt need to acknowlegde WWE, but they do. For a simple reason that they think cheap shot's and snobby jokes are gonna get Vince McMahon's attention. Maybe they should compete on Mond... Wait, that didn't work at all.

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