Is it Bad That Bischoff and TNA Mention the WWE?

The way it was done tonight was necessary because TNA took a major hit losing Nash/Booker to E. IMO they knew the wrestling community has been a buzz since the Rumble about this and addressing it brings real life to the internet chatter. For TNA, they are in a position that they need to ride the coat tails of WWE as the big draw (for the industry). As long as they are being talked about within wrestling community they are creating interest about the WWE-TNA debate.

NASH also helps TNA out everytime he talks about them and tweets about them - WWE wants to make TNA non existent yet cant get their own guys to stop talking about it, Nash going to WWE was a bless in disguise for TNA. It gives them something in common.
...and Not for nothing, WWE commentators during the rumble talked heavily about "the minor leagues" when referring to a former TNA guy...pretty sure that is acknowledgment
This has been mentioned for years about TNA constantly advertising WWE yet the other way around does not happen.

Its not really ******ed on TNA's part as i woulda said previous, but only cause any reference to where someone came from doesn't hurt them, if anything it's a bonus to say they came from WWE, problem though

They get stars to rag on where they came from and keep saying we are taking the fight to them, then on the same show they were mentioning that these people were champions up north and in some cases were very specific in mentioning WWE
why mention the competition AT ALL?...... all it does, as it did during the wars was entice people to change channels from WCW to see what WWE was doing.

and the rest is history, namely WCW

Obviously in this case, they had to do some damage control as to why people they were planning on using, appeared on another show. Rather ******ed though booking people in a storyline without actually having them under even a temporary contract.

oh btw i haven't seen impact yet as it doesn't air in Australia til very late on saturday nights. But i won't miss much knowing info b4hand.
...and Not for nothing, WWE commentators during the rumble talked heavily about "the minor leagues" when referring to a former TNA guy...pretty sure that is acknowledgment

former TNA guy? which one

They were talking about the indy wrestlers like Daniel Bryan and Tyler Reks who worked for ROH not TNA.

Then again i wasn't paying much attention to the commentry.

and how is calling something the minor leagues a good acknowledgement anyway, if anything that's a dirogatory statement.

Simple fact WWE will never mention TNA by name, they will make references to coming from down south or "rasslin" or that said person worked for another promotion.

They also have no issues mentioning someone competing in Japan etc.

But they will Never Evvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvver say TNA AGAAAAIN!!!!!
former TNA guy? which one

They were talking about the indy wrestlers like Daniel Bryan and Tyler Reks who worked for ROH not TNA.

I dont think Tyler Reks has been anywhere near TNA or RoH...and Bryan wasnt in TNA.

Also, above about the Jeff Hardy DVD mentioning TNA yeah, I know I have seen other places where WWE has mentioned TNA. Its never onair its usually offair or in DVDs like that.

And you can't hide the fact that on Twitter the wrestlers chat back and forth all the time with each other. But then again we know how Cole wants to boycott the internet... so we probably shouldnt be reading the chats that Jericho has with Joe.

I was a WCW Fan growing up and I dont really recall any WWF bashing but I always remember when I did tune in to WWF I saw signs like Wheel Chair Wrestling and anything I mention next I will be yelled at for even mentioning. lol
of course it makes them look bad I mean it's not like their pathetic stage/yelling from said stage instead of getting a mic. Or possibly trying to ruin the surprise of sting going to WWE (which even if you showed footage of the man signing a WWE Contract with vince sitting there with him you would still not manage to ruin the surprise of seeing sting in a WWE ring.) I Find it really pathetic/uncreative to just straight up attack another company that you are attempting to ride the coat tails of. (not to mention going through their trash and picking up scraps constantly(see hardy boyz)) I mean WWE smacks TNA around every now and again but they are snide about it they don't come out waving a TNA banner...
WWE might not acknowledge TNA's existence but when WWF was signing over superstars from WCW like Jericho and Benoit, they did mention WCW.

The point is WWE do not mention TNA because even if they do have superstars in their roster who have spent some part of their career in TNA, TNA is just not big enough to deserve a mention. WCW, on the other hand, was big enough to deserve a mention and so the WWF did that. The time that these superstars have spent in TNA is pretty inconsequental in the world of pro wrestling due to TNA being a pretty inconsequental company. At least WWE sees it that way.

But TNA cannot afford to do that. WWE are the big boys in the business and most of the superstars on the TNA roster have spent a considerable amount of time on the WWE. Whether they like it or not they are forced to acknowledge WWE's existence. Look how Jeff Hardy, Rob Van Dam and even Mr Anderson have been pushed. They have all been pushed as superstars right from the get go. And why is that so? Because they were all superstars in the WWE. It would have been foolish not to acknowledge their exploits in the WWE.

A lot of you people say that they should have gotten the treatment that WWE gives to superstars who come over from TNA. But you gotta remember that TNA is the inferior promotion here. When a guy comes over from a superior promotion, it is best that you use his popularity to propel the popularity of your own promotion than to treat him baadly just because the superior promotion does so.
Let's make one thing clear. Bischoff NEVER said "WWE" he said "I told Kev, to take the money and get your action figure and die your hair"

I thought they did a good job not having to straight up clown WWE. I expect Nash to get clowned alot after signing with TNA then asking for his release because Vince called him in to be his lap dog.

Nobody seems to remember Todd Grimsam openly bashing "TNA" when a fan called in on

How about when Kaval used the words "Total Non Stop Action" in his NXT challenge promo?

Or Christian's return promo with Matt Striker saying "I heard Christian was somewhere in Florida"
No at this point TNA just mentions WWE as much as they do because TNA wishes they would be just like WWE but it will never happen because TNA blows money on stupid talent they dont need, and they dont know how to come out of WWE's shawdow. Also at this point Vince McMahon probably could care less how many times TNA mentions WWE on Impact. I mean Vince probably just laugh it off.
No at this point TNA just mentions WWE as much as they do because TNA wishes they would be just like WWE but it will never happen because TNA blows money on stupid talent they dont need, and they dont know how to come out of WWE's shawdow. Also at this point Vince McMahon probably could care less how many times TNA mentions WWE on Impact. I mean Vince probably just laugh it off.

They are probably more references heard by people who "want" to hear them than are actually said by TNA so if Vince or if anyone at WWE were to watch TNA they arent laughing it off they arent getting the reference.

Personally, mentioning someones past doesnt count to me. Its not like in the WWE where they want to pretend like The Truth is a brand new wrestler to the WWE. Striker made a comment about K-Kwik once but none of the other annoucers said anything and Vince was probably watching and was like "K-Who?"...which btw shouldnt that count? Considering he used that name in TNA? Doesnt that count as acknowledging TNA when you use the gimmick from TNA?

In Nash's after rumble interview he made a comment like "in wrestling you wanna end your career as a Yankee" well, most people wants to see that a baseball reference because they win world series and are the better baseball team and all that...but to me when I read that... I heard that as... "you wanna end your career up north" in other the WWE.

Which is basically the same thing as what Eric said. The only difference is he said on taped televison and Nash said it on and the way the DID YOU KNOW ads would think more people visit than watch TNA. which is probably true.
I'm okay with TNA mentioning WWE, it just has to be the right context.

Bischoff addressing the fact that Booker and Nash showed up at the Rumble? That had to be done. It was on all the fans minds and it would've been stupid not to talk about it, especially with the MEM angle relying on their involvement. It kinda reminds me of a comment from the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD, where Taz mentioned how Paul Heyman never lied to the fans. If there was a problem, he'd go to the ring and hash it out. While I'll never call Eric Bischoff an honest man, that's exactly the way to handle the situation.

On the flip side, Ken Anderson bitching and moaning about how Vince McMahon told him not to chew gum? That's just petty. Not to mention the fact that in pointing out how Vince attempted to package and push certain guys, he's doing nothing but pointing out how fake wrestling is! You NEVER acknowledge actual real life backstage politics in a promo, it defeats the whole purpose of putting on a wrestling match in the first place!

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