Triple H/Brock Lesnar Angle- Keep It All In Here!

Mods I didnt see a thread about this but if there is one and this needs to be moved please feel free.

First off, before anyone hammers me about this, I understand that Brock has limited dates so Heyman being there and not him not being makes sense. However, this is basicially two straight raws nothing was mentioned. WWE has a tendancy lately of dropping storylines/forgetting about them for awhile aka (Nash/HHH), etc. That feud lost most of it's steam because people forgot about it. In other words what I am trying to say is, where is HHH or Heyman coming out trying to either talk up the lawsuit angle or possibly planting the seeds towards the rumored match with Brock/HHH. I also understand lawsuit angles can only work so long, so they probably have to drag this out However, Heyman was brought back to fill in for the lack of Lesnar dates so to me there is no excuse that something didn't happen in the last two weeks.

Am I nitpicking or am I right with my take on this? I feel that if something doesn't happen next week that the fans will start to forget about this feud and by the time it does pick up speed it may have lost peoples attention.

I think ive read Heyman is only back for a short amount of time going into Summerslam. I dunno the exact details of the deal but its something like that. I don't think he was going to be on every week either much like Brock's deal. Maybe after No Way Out or MITB we will see Heyman back again goading HHH into giving what Lesnar demands only for HHH to turn him down and Brock shows up to set the Summerslam Match.
I think it's basically being done to stretch out a storyline that I'm assuming is going to culminate in August @ SummerSlam. Plus, it's not logical to continue to talk about a guy who "quit" on their tv shows which may be playing a factor as well.
Brock was basically brought back to show how he could dominate Cena which he did he didnt have to win that match to show how his dominance over Cena. After that he showed he could break HHH he did he broke his arms in a short scuffle they had. They will have a match at some point which I would think Brock will win to keep HHH in the role he is now in. They brought Brock back for Summerslam next year so most of his dates will be used to build up his Wrestlemania match next year.

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