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Triple H: A Saviour


As Featured on WrestleBlog
Triple H is on a roll. Not just for his work inside the ring but the magic he is performing from his office in Stamford, CT. He has changed the WWE for the better since his rise to power and the future of the company is looking the best it has for years.

In 2012, we looked at the WWE and saw a lack of depth. In 2014, we're overflowing with potential. The development system has produced stars such as The Wyatt's, The Shield, Cesaro, Big E and the list goes on. We all have Triple H to thank for the development of the developmental system. Its refreshed with its new NXT branding and we're getting so many new stars that I fear some of them who have the potential to be main event players won't be able to get there because of the sheer amount of A+ players.

WWE stock reached an all time high. Enough said.

Albeit that last fact isn't all Triple H's doing, he certainly has aided in that.

He is the best heel in the WWE right now, although some of you will cry that he is taking a spot that someone else deserves. That someone else won't make the WWE as much money as Trips will.

He is quite simply making the WWE better each and every week. Inside and out.
You sir are 100% correct. Problem is it doesn't matter how great Triple H is in front of the camera or behind. There are some people who will not give him credit no matter what. They blame him for things out of his control, and pass the praise when they do like something.

I've talked to a former WWE employee who praised how great Triple H is. Said he nothing but the ultimate professional and treats everyone very well. Also said Triple H has nothing to do with pushes, yet he gets blamed for the lack of them daily.

But there's no convincing people around here. So why bother?
I agree with you both. Triple H always does what's best for WWE. People complain that he is burying people and say that he isn't any where near as big as Austin or Rock. The fact is, if Triple H left when he was at the top of the WWE and stayed away for several years, while Rock or Austin stayed there the whole time, Triple H would be a bigger deal when he returned. It's just that Triple H never left WWE. He decided a log time ago, that WWE is what he will do for the rest of his life. He has always been a top notch performer in the ring and on the mic. When do you see the guy really botch anything? He can work any match with any opponent and can cut promos with anyone.
I don't think the development system had to work all that hard on Cesaro, who was already established on the Indy scene.

The rest of what you said, agree with.

He's primed the pump for the last 2 years. Now he's clearly pushing the youth movement this year. That thing Austin, Rock, and Hogan did to kick off WM30 is called "foreshadowing". Get ready to see young talent handed way more than enough rope to hang themselves with all year.
I don't know if I'd call him a "savior", but I do think it's refreshing that he does have a different way of handling some situations than Vince does. For instance, Vince likes to pretend as though the IWC doesn't exist, whereas Triple H liked to goad it for the purposes of helping to generate heat and for storyline purposes. Vince is of the mindset that if he can't "control" it, he tries to ignore it whereas Triple H seems to be more along the lines of "I might not be able to control it, but I can use it to help steer some angles where I want 'em to go."

However, it's only a matter of time before the honeymoon's over. What I mean is that, eventually, Triple H will make a creative decision that a lot of internet fans won't agree with. Some wrestler won't be "used right", resulting in the claims of "WWE Creative doesn't have a clue what it's doing", "This guy lost a match so he must be getting buried" or the all time classic "Triple H is an egomaniac who holds guys back."
Yup. HHH has always done what is best for business whether it be in the ring or behind the scenes (golden shovel blah blah blah shutty). Fact is when HHH was a heel Champion (which was basically always) he barely EVER won a match clean. Maybe at PPV's but barely even then. Hell I just watched a title match between HHH and Rikishi on a 2000 Raw where Kish destroyed HHH, and HHH had to hit him with a chair AND a belt just to lose by DQ.

As for taking somebodies spot, I always loved Mcmahon because he was damn entertaining. Same goes for HHH and it's not like he's there for nothing.. He IS the boss after all.
One of his first "proclamations" was that he wanted the guys who get called up to have ready-made, well-defined characters. And that has come to fruition and it is working. And the vignettes preceding the new guys' arrivals is something that was missing for a long time.

The WWE is better off for having him in the position of authority that he is in. He has a great mind for the business.
HHH also has a keen interest in protecting wrestling's past. Since he took a more active role we've seen him spearhead reunions between WWE & Bruno Sammartino as well as Ultimate Warrior and Scott Hall, not too mention keeping Ric Flair in the WWE family and getting Hulk Hogan back.

Vince McMahon was certainly a guy who would put aside personal grudges and hard feelings with any talent he thought could make him money. He has also shown respect for wrestling's past by continually honoring non WWE talents with HOF inductions and inclusions at events like "Old School Raw". Wether that was out of feelings of responsibility to wrestling's heritage since he owns it (WWE owns all the tape libraries from NWA-WCW, AWA, World Class, Mid South, ECW) or because he sees the monetary value in it is unknown but Vince started the idea of WWE honoring all of wrestling's heritage.

Even Vince though never succeeded in patching things up with Sammartino & UW. Sammartino in particular was a huge gaping hole by his absence from WWE, a bigger figure in the company's history than Rock or Austin, second only to Hogan in the pantheon of the most important figures in WWE'S success. Warrior was a significant part of the end of a major era of success and a cultural touchstone. Both had been so far away from WWE for so many years it seemed they would never come back. Hogan refused offers to be involved in WrestleMania 25 and didnt seem particularly interested in a return to the company that his greatest success is most associated with. Vince wasnt able to 'seal the deal' with those three but HHH did, and WWE has been better for it.

It now looks like WWE has reached an agreement with Sting, which should bring about the long overdue 'Best of Sting' DVD and HOF induction. I hope at some point soon he is able to work a deal to bring Randy Savage into the HOF as well, two more huge accomplishments that Vince was unable to do.
I'll stick to the theme of the thread and say that I do like the feel of this new youth push going on right now with the guys he has groomed and with guys that have performed like Bryan and Cesaro, when he presented them with a chance. Hopefully they will stay the course even if it the ratings take an initial slide, this crop has the talent but it will need the time to establish themselves in the minds of fans outside of us that watch every week without fail.

Tonight was a perfect example of his wrestling mentality that I like, the tournament to crown a new #1 contender for the IC title is very oldschool and a great way to crown a #1 contender instead of a guy pinning the champion in a non title match. It provided the show with 4 good matches and made the IC title feel important.

I feel like Raw has started to have a more clear focus over the last few months. Each show has an angle that runs through it and the rest of the segments all have a focus and are given more time, Raw feels like it has more quality over quantity these days. Then he throws in a couple of filler segments that allow fans to take a breather.

I also like the return to vignettes and the individualized entrances, if you look at his guys The Shield and The Wyatt's, both have unique entrances, even Rusev is presented in his own individual way via Lana, and tonight we saw the way they are introducing Cesaro, without music like an oldschool wrestler, but with Heyman as his hype man working the crowd as he makes his way to the ring.

I hope this is just the start and we see him continue to blend modern sports entertainment with his love of oldschool NWA style booking.
The good thing about triple is he is in it for the longhaul. Sure he has an ego like every other wresrler but he's married into this business. He knows he'll have a major say in its future and he needs it to be successful to make sure his family has a good life and the business stays strong once vince retires. He won't want to be part of wwe failing once him and steph are running it, so I'm sure he'll prove to be a good captain of the ship, despite having a few rough seas at some points.

I know shane is the black sheep in all this, but honestly i think shane is more suited to running his own non wrestling related company. His relaxed way just wouldnt work with wrestlers, triple can be calm and a good boss im sure, but he can also put someone in their place when they need it, both because of his personality and accomplishments in wwe.

I'm happy with triple h and stephanie leading the company in the future.
The good thing about triple is he is in it for the longhaul.

Agreed.....and he's looking to the future not only as a manager of the organization, but as a stockholder, which means it's to his financial benefit to have the company do as well as possible. It's a strong incentive when your personal goals and those of your company and it's employees are one and the same.

It's nice to read this topic, after having put up with all the folks on this forum who claim to "hate" Paul Levesque....and those who say he doesn't know what he's doing. His success seems to reinforce the notion that the best person to run a wrestling company might be a wrestler, no? He knows what's needed; he knows what it takes to do what his performers do and the problems they face. That he's still young and healthy enough to mix it up in the ring with his employees is not only acceptable.....it's desirable, because it's not a deal in which a yoyo like Vince Russo takes over the reins and can't resist installing himself as world champion: if Triple H did the same, it would be believable. That he says he's "doing what's best for business" is more than just an on-air slogan.

True, in an empire ruled by Vince McMahon, it's hard to define exactly who's doing what, but plainly, Triple H must be making a huge difference to the good. It will be even better in the future when Vince finally packs it in (which probably means, when he's dead).

Face it; just the fact Trips is able to implement change while dealing with his father-in-law probably says more about his administrative skills and head for the business than anything else.
Things are definitely seeming to be going better since he took over. More gifted in-ring guys, endless potential main eventers, NXT is almost a star making machine.

Don't know what's the difference between him and the endless other guys who have been in the business and tried to run a promotion, but I definitely appreciate whoever put something in his water.

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