Trinity added friend requested me on Facebook

:wtf: Wait, there are TWO Dewey's on this forum?!

There was a poster before I started, named Dewey Cox. I'm not sure if he was a whiney bitch, or not....

On the other hand, I've used many names. I started as "mayhemfan", then "kittiefan", "buffyfan", and "Bluejacketsfan", before I settled on names that involved my given name (Dewey) and various other things. (Mtn Dewey, Dewey., and Mount and Dew Me).
There was a poster before I started, named Dewey Cox. I'm not sure if he was a whiney bitch, or not....

On the other hand, I've used many names. I started as "mayhemfan", then "kittiefan", "buffyfan", and "Bluejacketsfan", before I settled on names that involved my given name (Dewey) and various other things. (Mtn Dewey, Dewey., and Mount and Dew Me).

I remember the Dewey Cox user name. I may have gotten you both confused.

I also remember liking you, when you were "buffyfan". I'm a Joss Whedon fan. Mainly of Buffy and Angel. So you have that going for you.
I figured as much, but I'm also not really one to bitch about such things. It just kinda struck me as odd, I used to get advice from you when I was "(insertpopculturereferencehere)fan" but once I started using my real name, you just kind of started ignoring me.

Edit: Who doesn't love Buffy, Angel, or anything Whedon?! Show me that person, and I'll show you somebody who belongs in the Special Olympics, because they're obviously more ******ed than Shake, not being able to properly post porn!!!!
I figured as much, but I'm also not really one to bitch about such things. It just kinda struck me as odd, I used to get advice from you when I was "(insertpopculturereferencehere)fan" but once I started using my real name, you just kind of started ignoring me.

Edit: Who doesn't love Buffy, Angel, or anything Whedon?! Show me that person, and I'll show you somebody who belongs in the Special Olympics, because they're obviously more ******ed than Shake, not being able to properly post porn!!!!

Again, speaking truthfully, a big part of the reason I likely began ignoring you is the same reason I lose touch with a lot of people when the constantly change their names.

If I'm not on every waking moment, or to the huge majority of the time, to notice every name change a person goes through.. I'm liable to lose track on who's who.

My name has always been what it is, barring any time when someone else has modified it. (example: Jake/Jonny changing it to something like "The Man from Uncle Will")
Because he felt it was news worthy. Facebook politics that nobody cares about except the people still beating that horse, or the folks still trying to bring it back to life.
I don't really mind people adding me on Facebook as long as I know them, it's the same as MSN, I usually reserve it for people I know good enough.
You guys really care about your Facebook pages that much? The only people I turn away are pornbots, religious people who will easily get offended by my updates, and people I actually do not like in real life. I've only added 2 people from WZ on mine, Becca because I always hear how hot she is and I've never really got to see a good pic, and Will because he thought I was black, still does actually. I added IC but he promptly removed me shortly thereafter. I wouldn't turn any of you away, unless you get butthurt about my updates.
For fucks sake Doc. GET OVER TM. He's gone. I know the internet is your ENTIRE EXISTENCE, but TM isn't here anymore. Quit whining.
You were the one who bad mouthed him. At least the OP had a reason, other than "TM IS RUDE TO ME ABOUT MY SUPER SERIOUS INTERNET SHIT!"
I badmouthed him because I don't like him. He's creepy, slimy, a moron, and a shit shit poster who was unjustly praised.

Stop insulting me for liking the internet. It's hardly the only thing in my life. Today I went t graduation practice and ten saw a movie with my brother. I'm going to see The Last Airbender with some friends when it comes out. I'm going on a service project to Logan, WV this summer and later to Seminary. I have a life.

And hey at least I've never had to pretend I'm someone I'm not on the internet. I; perfectly secure in who I am and people can make fun of me and call me a loser or a nerd or whateverthefuck, but goddammit I'm all that and I'm completely content with my life.

Piss off.
BC was getting shit for not adding him? If that was me then my bad that wasn't what I was trying to do. I thought that they still talk over MSN and are buds and all. His choice to add or not.
I'm 95% certain TM would've added him in a group conversation about a few times by now had they been on each others list of MSN buddies.
Are we really currently trying to guess if two people have spoken to eachother with neither being present? :D

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