Trinity added friend requested me on Facebook

Fuck that fucking shitty shitbag of fail. He can fucking rot.

Also, he blocked me on Facebook. Saves me the trouble of blocking him.
So you don't like him anymore because of what, others not liking him? You messaged me the day he had left wondering where he went so it's not like you learned to dislike him since he's left because he hasn't posted anything...
So you don't like him anymore because of what, others not liking him? You messaged me the day he had left wondering where he went so it's not like you learned to dislike him since he's left because he hasn't posted anything...

No I think it's creepy that he found me on facebook. I liked him when he was here, but When someone that doesn't know me or my full name finds me on facebook it's a little on the creepy side.
TM has all the makings of a serial killer. Sociopathic, and trying to make his 'own reality'. Best thing to do is avoid him. He clearly has no friends or else he wouldn't be obsessed with internet folk.
He tried to get people to leave WZ so they "wouldn't make the same mistakes [he] did". Scotty told me, because he tried to do it to him.
No I think it's creepy that he found me on facebook. I liked him when he was here, but When someone that doesn't know me or my full name finds me on facebook it's a little on the creepy side.

If your friends with the Forum on facebook it would be pretty easy to find someone based on pcitures alone. I personally don't find that creepy but eh.
It takes a little detective work, it's a lttle too much for me. Maybe if I talked to him more it wouldn't be as bad, but I never told him anything about me. Idk I just think it's a little on the creepier side of things.
Isn't he friends with theo? I know that I could find you pretty easily on facebook. I will show you.
found you. took me not even one minute. I'm not sticking up for anybody bro, I'm not getting involved just showing you that it's not really stalkerish to find you.

Edit: I sent you a friend request just for evidence. you don't have to accept, I won't get butt Hurt :lmao:
Meh, I get friend requests all the time from randoms. and I send some out If I talk to you on here.

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