Tournament Idea


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
I sent this to IC25 but then decided I would like everyone's input. I really think this is a good idea and I want to do this. Any help to get this started would be Helpful and appreciated.

I would like to do a Legends Tournament, but I have no idea how to get it started. It probably wouldn't take place until after Shango's Movie Tournament to give me time to get everything set up. There would be certain criteria.
1) Can't be an active Wrestler.

2) Can not be Deceased (people would take how they died into account which is not what I want.)
There's probably gonna be more but those are the only 2 I can think of right now. If done right I think this can generate a lot of discussion and get people to think about past wrestlers instead of just the current ones.
If you do it and want it to be serious then you'll need to hold it off until after Shockys. Your really wouldn't stand a chance.
Yeah I was going to wait a while so i can get some help with setting this thing up and coming up with more criteria.
If there are too many tournaments then the end result will be that nobody will give a shit about any of them.
Sounds good. I'll definitely vote in it. If you want anyone to do anything let me know.

I think dead wrestlers should be involved though.
I think dead wrestlers should be involved though.
I agree. You really should have deceased workers in there, otherwise it just won't be a true legends tournament.

I know you're afraid of the Eddie/Owen votes, but just have to hope people are smarter than that.
I am indifferent on spelling. really. I sometimes notice things arent spelled correctly and just leave them, for hilarity.

and Ive said the "tournament or tournaments" thing about 20 times before, while making fun of Derf's tournamnets
and Ive said the "tournament or tournaments" thing about 20 times before, while making fun of Derf's tournamnets
Did you ever think that I was just running with your idea because I think it's a good one?

Yeah, me neither. I just didn't know you had said that.
Did you ever think that I was just running with your idea because I think it's a good one?

Yeah, me neither. I just didn't know you had said that.

I figured. to have seen me saying that, you would have had to go into the threads made about said various tournaments.
I still see no possible way for the Movie tournament to work, there are just too many movies and too many different movie genres, the reason the Music one worked was because it was limited to Rock, how are you gonna successfully pull off a movie tournament with all genres included, and seperate them by decade at the same time, to me it just looks like a giant clusterfuck waiting to happen
We've tried as hard as we can to narrow it down. No movies pre 1970s either. I think the brackets will work. They're fairly well balanced out.

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