To The Mods here


Dark Match Winner
FUCK YOU! Especially that bitch ass Texas69 and Sly Fox. Fucking abuse of power asshole elitist know it all BITCHES! I'll attempt to find a Forum that's ran FAIRLY and not by ABUSE OF POWER! Fuck the WWE and fuck all the people here who kiss mod ass so they dont get their wittle feelings hurt and kicked off like me. :worship: CMCoke and ROH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking ass kissers and abuse of power bullies.
No keep him. He seems like he may enjoy the prison. After I just responded to his PM all kindly and respectfully.

Seriously, who flips out that much over a spam warning? Odd, I was the one to warn him but Slyfox gets the credit again...bastard.
Aww, and you're an alt too! How adorable! How's it going CMCoke, still unwilling to take a few minutes to read the rules are we?
Are you African-American? If not, you know us non-African-Americans can't use the n-word, even if we use it as a term of endearment? I tried to take the word back, man (it's a pretty kick-ass sounding word), but, no one was having it.
Wait, I think I'm Texas69. This is the guy I berated in the LD for BFG.

He told me not to call out his name. Whatever the fuck that means.

Just did I abuse my power? I just flamed you a little bit for being stupid, and you have done nothing to prove me wrong.
Anyone on here NOT been berated at one point or another for saying something stupid? Anyone at all?

We all have.
This was his ban reason:

You fucking dumbass, you're not allowed to have more than one account on the forums. Is it really that difficult to read the rules? You stupid creampie suck, go wipe your tears with your mother's rotten pussy.
That's just awesome.

Wow, I guess I started this last night when I told him that Lashley has to pass drug tests for MMA and is likely not on the roids. Who knew it would turn into this.
A man can only take so much, and I guess that spam warning I gave him was the straw that broke the camel's back.

Well, that and the multiple accounts.

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