TNA stepping up to the plate!

TNA is still enjoyable to watch right now regardless of some of the confusion. I am willing to bet that TNA'S programming is going to get a whole better, and much more interesting.

I think it's definately a little chaotic right now, but it's all going to work out has a huge storyline for the ages in the end.

Bischoff does know great storylines, and he's testing the waters right now I think with the reactions from the crowd's and rating's for different matches with these superstars.

People continuely beat up the tag team Nasty Boy's (at times me included), but you know they are so much like Team-3d in so many ways. These guy's have been around for a long time, and they cut great promo's like Team-3d. The only reason Nasty Boy's aren't popular anymore is because the've had no place to wrestle on TV. WWE let them go, and the continued to work anywhere they could just to keep wrestling, because that's what they enjoy. You can't beat them up for having the passion. If TNA was bigger back in the day the Nasty Boy's would have stayed more popular through the year's. Out of sight is out of mind, doesn't take away the passion they have for the business.
I agree TNA is awesome. I havn't been excited about watching wrestling in a long time. I hope the band stays in TNA for awhile it is an interesting story. Hall and Waltman are still good and add in Nash it should be interesting. I ilke the 4 sided ring better 6 sides just look to small and stupid. I agree seeing the Nasty Boys wasnt bad last night. I noticed they kept Nash and out of shape Knobbs together while Saggs who didnt look so bad was with Eric Young.

Hogan and Eric are perfect on screen boss combo. TNA has always needed more entertainers. They are heading TNA into the right direction. I think Hogan will suprise everyone and do what he thinks is right for the company. While I know people are complaining about no 6 sided ring and old guys. Then we got a little bit more stories and less wrestling but lets face it the ratings are up and I think TNA is heading for a more mainstream audience. We all saw the Beautiful People rip off Angelan loves shirt. Also the camera angles for the women getting in the ring. They are taking advantage of WWE PG rating.

AJ Styles is not known around the world but now with more people watching they are shoving us down his throat which is a good thing. Aj has never been interesting on the mic and they took that flaw and gave him Ric Flair which is great. It seems like Hogan and Bishoff are really backing Aj as the TNA champion. Its a great time to be a TNA fan.
I tuned in to this weeks impact to see what happened after the crowd ruined the Genesis PPV. Then right from the beginning there was a updated intro video which looked a lot more professional, They should have had it for the Monday Night Skirmish. They did a lot of changes to the impact zone, even after the ppv which made it look a lot more professional.

I like how they are setting up feuds between OJ and the Pope amongst other feuds too. Ken Anderson does add personality to the roster, and he does get a crowd reaction no matter what.

However there were two mistakes during the show IMO. The first was a big one, having the Nasty Boys squash Nash and Eric Young. The best way to have ended that match was in a disqualification. It makes the Global Champion look weak. However they did make up for it with having 3D take them out. The second mistake was having Taz say "is History repeating itself?" Everyone knows it is a screw job, why acknowledge it as repeating the most hated moment in WWF history.

Other than that, It kept me interested and wanting to watch next week with out reading the spoilers. I did like how they produced it, it seemed more like a live event.
You TNA marks are nuts. First of all, their main storyline is now a re-hash of an old WWE storyline. Everything TNA does is in the shadow of WWE, from this ridiculous screwjob scenario down to more than half the talent in the ring. The Hogan/Bischoff era is going to ruin TNA as all you marks know it.

Let's see who wasn't on TV last night - The Guns, Beer Money, Wolfe, Suicide, Lethal Consequences, Joe and Daniels. But, lucky for you guys there was a Nasty Boys match plus there weretwo segments with Hall and Pac and Orlando Jordan won clean over The Pope.

You call this change for the better? That show was so bad and PROVED that TNA spends way too much time thinking about what WWE is doing. I'm not defending WWE - their TV has been bad lately as well - but the only way TNA is going to step out of their shadow is to do their own thing. Be TNA. Stop mentioning WWE, stop doing their show. It's pathetic.

It's SO PATHETIC, and us "TNA MARKS" (What does that actually mean) are so pathetic, that a WWE fan has to come in our play pen and post something to the caliber that you just posted. Guys like Daniels, Wolfe, and Beer Money will get their respected air time. TNA is using ALL their talent in some way or another and they need to get a reasonable amount of airtime for all the players involved and it'll happen.

TNA can't do it all in one night. This just in: remove the WWE ***** out of your ass real fast and actually watch the show. It's terrible.

For how 'pathetic' TNA is, as you claim, you sure as hell know an awful lot of what's going on and I guarantee you tune in!

Point: TNA.
I agree. I just posted a ridiculously long defence of TNA in the CM Punk was right about Hogan thread so I'll keep it brief here.

TNA has far exceeded everyone's expectations so far and they aren't backing down from what seems like impossible competition. It's not a battle they'll ever win because of the decades of WWF history and billions of dollars of finance, but everybody thought the second the two went head to head WWE would crush them into the ground, absorb their talent and bury them. I know it's only been a month, but there's no indication of that being even close to happening yet. Ratings have gone up.

I like the direction they're going with pretty much the whole card (more on this in the aforementioned thread) and would like to reiterate that the Band and The Nasty Boys are temporary hires who will lose and leave. Nastys vs 3D is a match that some want to see (not me) and there's no way they'll win. They aren't long-term hires. The Band already look to be fading and with their drug habits I doubt they'll last long.

My only issue is Hogan's promos but everything else is good in my book.
Great show, probably the best in a long time. I just wish there was more wrestling. Still looks more like sports entertainment right now, but I get this is a transitional phase so I'll let it go for now.

Still the show looked professional and was just plain entertaining.


1. I think Anderson will look good with a Global Title. Seems like the one to get that title over.

2. OJ and Pope told a good short story in the ring. Just wished it had been longer.

3. I personally liked that the Nasty Boys beat Nash and Young. For one it wasn't a squash of some other tag team that you'd bitch about losing to the Nasty Boys. They beat KEVIN NASH and Eric young. Kevin Nash is one of the main entertainers, and he and the Global champ lost clean, without a run in by Team 3d. That gets the Nasty boys over without hurting Nash or young. That in itself will be part of the storyline I'm sure. With Nash just laying there on the ground, leaving young to get his ass beat. That matched killed multiple birds with one stone. It continues Youngs misgivings about Nash, it got the Nasty Boys beating a big team, and it continuied the Team 3d vs Nasty Boys fued with the after match attack. I mean hate them or love the, but the Nasty Boys and Team 3d have one of the better fueds to watch. It's been well done so far.
I have been a wrestling fan since the 80s, not just WWF but also NWA/WCW and the original ECW. THe days of the Dangerous Alliance, Shane Douglas winning the NWA title only to drop it and say he's going to ECW and the Original DX with Rick Rude. I started off as a causal fan of TNA but over the past year or two I became more dedicated. Capt Charisma Christian was really what got me hooked since I always thought that the WWE dropped the ball with him and still are (ECW? Really? He should be on RAW and would love to see him and Edge back together). As for the current direction of TNA I have mixed reviews as of right now. First the things I love: 1) AJ and Flair. Besides the fact that AJ truly is fantastic clearly this is the beginning of a future Flair vs Sting storyline. While a lot of people will say "so what they are old" remeber Sting has been thinking about retiring for years and now there is the possibility of him going out the right way, against his old friend and mentor Flair. Face it these two were the Hogan/Savage rivarly of WCW. Although Flair vs HBK was a terrific match, it just didn't feel right that he was the one to end Flair's career. 2) Hogan/Jarret/Foley. I like this for a couple of reasons the first being that it will get Jarret in the ring more. I think he still has a lot to offer. The second reason goes along the lines of what other people have been saying, this creates a stables war. Most importantly I smell a War Games, hint Lockdown is only two PPVs away although I wouldn't be surprised if they hold off on that until Bound for Glory their version of Wrestlemania. I just hope that AJ and Flair are involved too as part of a newer version of the Horsemen. My picks for that group would be AJ, Daniels, Joe, and Anderson. 3) Mr. Anderson. Granted he has had injury problems in the past and I guess Orton complained that he was sloppy in the ring sometimes too but I really feel like he has all the potential in the world. Not only that but he is also one of the nicest guys in the business. I met him once in a TGI Friday's after a Raw show, (it was the RAW b4 Bennoit went nuts). Fans swarmed all around him asking for an autograph and he stood out there for about an hour being completely gracious and humbled while guys like the Pope and Mark Henry ignored fans. I wish him the best of luck cuz I never liked how WWE brought him back for the "Dever Mess" RAW only to fire him. 4) The tag team division. TNA has done it right by keeping up the traditon of great tag teams like Beer Money, MCMG, Team 3D(yeah they might be old but they can still bring it) and British Invasion. WWE is completly lacking in that department. 5) The X-Division. Nuff said

Now what I don't like. 1)Dont like how Eric Young is being used. For a bit there it seemed like he was finally getting a good push with the British Invasion but all of a sudden it has tailed off. 2) Sick of Abyss. Sorry this guy was never anything but a poor man's Mick Foley. The whole Dr. Stevie story was pathetic. As much as I liked the Raven's Nest in ECW, it just doesn't work anymore. 3) Nasty Boys. Really? They always sucked, whats next the Bushwhackers. 4) The whole Jeff Hardy situation. Why have him on the Monday night show and not use him. If its the legal issues then they should have just waited. 5) The terrordome. That match on 1/4 was stupid. The whole concept of that match is. It takes the participants forever to climb out of that. 6) The one time deal on Monday night (Now i know they are in discussions to make it a permanent thing but they should have waited till that was a done deal). I know that it was Hogan's debut and all but honestly i think alot of people were doing the same thing i was when hogan first came out, flipping over to Raw to listen to Hart. All in all that show was very good, AJ vs Angel was terrific, but going back to thursdays? Just a little odd. Finally 7)Hall and Waltman. I'm not sure what TNA is planning for these two. To be honest it seems like they are creating a power struggle between Hogan and Bischoff. Maybe Easy E, Hall and Waltman vs Hogan Nash and others vs Jarrett and co vs Foley, Abyss and co vs Flair and co. If this happens then fine that will be good and would explain the attack on Nash and a possible return of Sid Vicious to join Hall and Waltman. However if this just leads to another storyline that doesn't go anywhere. much like the mysterious person who pulled up the brief case durin Stone Cold's match years ago (they completly dumped that angle as well as others) then all does is hinder TNA. Both of them are gambles that TNA can't afford to lose on.

One final thought. For those who are complaining about the screwjob re-enactment, remember that it wasn't a complete remake. Vince, unlike Hogan, was at ringside when the bell was rung. Hogan didn't come out till AJ, Flair, and Hebner left the ring. Maybe the plan is that Hogan had nothing to do with it at all, instead it was all Flair. Paving the path to War Games as I mentioned before. That is were I see all this headed I hope I'm right. War Games was always my favorite PPV and what better way to stick it to WWE then by reincarnating the very PPV that HHH and others in WWE have been petitioning for, for years. All in all I think TNA has the potential to be a serious contender to WWE, which would be great cuz I'm sick of the whole guest host crap on Raw, not to mention some lame ass storylines. Bring back the Monday Night Wars TNA, we need them!
This is all hitting me from leftfield. I didn't expect any of this. And I don't know what to expect next. One thing though - I'm just apprehensive that they can't keep it up.
One final thought. For those who are complaining about the screwjob re-enactment, remember that it wasn't a complete remake. Vince, unlike Hogan, was at ringside when the bell was rung. Hogan didn't come out till AJ, Flair, and Hebner left the ring. Maybe the plan is that Hogan had nothing to do with it at all, instead it was all Flair.

Well said, and GREAT observation. I was thinking the same thing. With Hogan coming out to the ring after Flair and Styles left the ring, and with Angle in the heat of the moment, it looks like Hogan was apart and this is just the angle of everyone's personal vendetta between New Hogan/Bischoff TNA V.S Old Jarrett/Foley TNA. It's being put together nicely.

Maybe this is TNA's way of revitalizing the "WWF invasion/nWo" of '96 and using the Montreal screwjob angle in coaxing WWE to respond. Genius.
TNA had to do something to create a "buzz" and get people to notice. Say what you want about them using the old Hall/Nash/Waltman/Hogan/Bischoff storyline, but the point worked. And it IS working. This was TNA's biggest chance to create some newsworthy "buzz". And they are pulling it off to perfection IMO. These guys are going to be used to catapault TNA "to the plate" and into the mainstreams eyes. Short-term solution to generate the interest, and once they are where they need to be, they'll be gone. Its brilliant.

When was the last time anyone saw Waltman in the wrestling ring? Or heck, even the Nasty Boys? Say what you want about them, the fact remains they are creating A LOT of interest in the TNA product. Publicity is Publicity, good or bad. Whos next? The Bushwackers? As crazy as it sounds, I GAURENTEE you people would tune in to see a Bushwacker/Nasty Boy match. Criticize it all you want...but the simple fact that your even TUNING IN to see it makes it successful and helps TNA.

Overall, I like the direction. They are using the "shock value" of big time superstars to draw people into watching TNA, and once people are hooked into watching the product, they'll be hooked into TNA as a whole and people will start to take notice of their young talent as well.
People are noticing TNA more now with the name signings and doing the same as WWE did. Good matches and im glad AJ is now a heel and it would be good if Angle does what he said when he spat at Hogan by "i can go back to WWE" as he is the best in TNA.

I would like to see a Royal Rumble type of Event in TNA where alot of the roster compete for a title match although with TNA roster size and Other matchs they would probly make it a 20 man over the top rope match.

Would be good to see and they have the talent to step up to big ppv levels.
Let me first say that: I am a WRESTLING FAN! Im not a WWE or a TNA fan specifically. I want both companies to compete- cuz thats what makes for better TV, for all of us to watch! I personally think this "PG" crap has made WWE almost unwatchable. So as soon as I heard about Hogan & Bichoff coming to TNA , I got excited to see the new product. Im gonna try to make this short & sweet cuz I cant read other peoples posts that are as long as novels.

HH & EB have done an OK job. I understand they wanted to make thier own changes & thats fine. I dont have a problem with some of hogan old buddies coming in and getting W's on TV. I agree that: it is just to get them over quickly, so they can ultimately lose in the long run. The Nastys are too much tho! OMG- they are like 400lbs each! I cant lie tho- They looked ALOT better in the ring then I thought they would lastnight. But still...NO!!

Heres my big question tho: Where is Samoa Joe? If there is considered a "#2 guy" in TNA, behind AJ...its Joe- isnt it??? How do you not have this guy on Genisis? THEN not have him on Impact lastnight? That just BLOWS my mind!!

Also not on Impact lastnight: MCMG, Beer Money, Wolfe, Daniels, Lethal or Creed. Also: no womens championship or womens tag-team mentions. Nothing regarding the X-Division! Even more: After revealing Tomko as AJ attacker= NOTHING to follow that up??! Really?? I understand the Flair thing has taken over- but give us SOMETHING to explain it!

Im not sayin it wont get better in TNA- but I do think its a cluster-fuck of angles rightnow & not enuff time to have them all in a 2 hour show. But you still gotta put "your future" on TV!! NOT stuff that happend in WWE before it was even WWE! They are doin WWF stuff on TNA tv rightnow! IMO- thats not good!!

Good luck TNA! I hope you get your #'s up and actually start competing with WWE. We all know Vince needs that virtual kick in the ass to get his promotion back to respectability!
Personally, I felt that the way TNA ended last night was distasteful and obnoxious. I mean, cmon, Montreal has been referenced so many times in the past year by both companies that its becoming almost unbearable to watch. Furthermore, TNA has nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with this event, and yet they still find a way to stick their head into business that's not theirs. To copy the whole storyline, even down to Angle spitting on Hogan, was stupid. I mean, their attempts at creating cutting edge storylines are boring and unoriginal. This is not only done by TNA, however. The WWE has exhausted the hell out of Montreal and it has all been made to look like some big joke. To be honest, I don't know why Bret decided to have a part in the company this year and I hope his reputation isn't tarnished because of this.
Mick Foley's "character" causes problems in TNA. What else has he done to help TNA?

Sooo Eric Bischoff didn't come up with the Elimination Chamber and RAW Roulette but his character did? Hhhmm

The Montreal Screwjob re-has was not needed at all. Regardless if it "creates controversy" or not. Instead of mocking the WWE why doesn't Hogan concentrate on bettering TNA?

Mick Foley causing problems is a STORYLINE, wether you like the storyline or not is your perogative, but your orininal post makes it sound like Foley is really causing problems for TNA in real life

You said Bischoff is a genius because he came up with the EC and RR, but when Eric was with WWE is was just another performer as far as I know he had very little to do with booking or any of the other behind the scenes stuff. So you are giving Eric credit something his character said and did and not for something he actually did
Speaking of Foley, I don't know if this is Hogan and Bischoff's slip up, but they referred to him as "Cactus Jack" twice and one right after another. Not sure if Vince owns the Cactus Jack name, but Foley does use the 'bang bang!' as it was Cactus Jack's personal, but he was always labeled as Foley in TNA. Can this mean Cactus Jack is returning?
Bravo. Impact last night was simply brilliant. Want to know when the "First Shot" was fired head9ing into this new war? Last night has to be it. Everything else heading up to the end of Impact was building up to it and man, they threw the monkey wrench. Impact last night was excellent and done very well. It blows WWE out of the water as far as content goes. I don't care what you say either. If things keep going the way that they are, TNA "WILL" be serious competition to WWE. Yeah, so all you guys that swore up and down that TNA would "NEVER" be competition to WWE, I hope you are watching because you are wrong. Oh, and enough with the "WWE Rejects" crap already. The argument is stupid. I am sure that some of you worked for McDonald's or some other fast food restaurant and got fired and you aren't McDonald's rejects that should never work anywhere else ever again because you worked for Ronald McDonald.:rolleyes:
There is 0 middle ground with TNA booking. The things they are doing well, they are doing extremley well, and the things they aren't doing well they are screwing up BIG TIME.

TNAs screwups are glaring. You can't overlook their mistakes and it's really hurting the overall product. A couple of small mistakes here and there are par for the coarse but 2 or 3 big mistakes per show is impossible to hide.

For example, the 6 sided ring. I saw it was changed to 4 sides thought "meh kinda sucks but whatever no big deal." then Hogan came out and told me as a fan that I don't know what I like and HE knows whats best for me. On top of the fact that Hulk flat out CAN NOT cut a promo unless he's jacked up angry and "hulking out" he just told me that what I want is stupid and not good enough.

What happened was I got pissed off that the 6 sided ring was gone and I blamed Hogan and crew. The fans started chanting "we want 6 sides" and he told them to shut up. Really? Thats what you want to do piss off fans?

So they took an absolute non issue and turned it into an issue that left me pissed off for the rest of the show, which overall wasn't bad. The transition from the 6 sides to 4 sides shoulve been seemless. It shouldve never been brought to our attention by Hogan or Sleazy E(I use that term with affection I'm an Eric fan) it shouldve just been changed and then we move on.

I also think that Hogan should talk as little as possible. He's horrible when he's not angry about something. Eazy E can convey a message to the fans and do it a whole lot better then Hogan can.

On the flip side of this pairing AJ with Flair is amazing and not just for on screen purposes. I think that AJ is going to benefit IRL from being around Ric.

I like that Hernandez and Matty are tag team champions. I'm not a huge fan of either wrestler, but I think that at this point in time those 2 are solid Champs.

I don't like that Joe and Daniels are lost in the shuffle. 2 months ago they were in a triple threat for AJ's title and put on a hell of a show.

I dunno thats just my humble opinion. It's only been 3 weeks.
Some of the Hogan changes really suck... Please fire Bubba... Please! Borash is ten times better and he's not a piece of shit...

But I was really shocked, Impact was awesome, good storylines brewing and I loved the mockery of the bret hart screw job, great shot at WWE...
For example, the 6 sided ring. I saw it was changed to 4 sides thought "meh kinda sucks but whatever no big deal." then Hogan came out and told me as a fan that I don't know what I like and HE knows whats best for me. On top of the fact that Hulk flat out CAN NOT cut a promo unless he's jacked up angry and "hulking out" he just told me that what I want is stupid and not good enough.

What happened was I got pissed off that the 6 sided ring was gone and I blamed Hogan and crew. The fans started chanting "we want 6 sides" and he told them to shut up. Really? Thats what you want to do piss off fans?

If you're a heel or a tweener, that's EXACTLY what you want to do.

Do you get mad when Jericho tells you you're a tapeworm, or when CM Punk accuses you of being a bad person for liking a beer in the evening? Or when Desmond Wolfe throws his two-finger salute at you, do you start fuming then, too?

Stop being such a mark and wake the hell up - then you'll enjoy the show even more, because you'll appreciate the current booking as the awesomeness it is.
I think this is a great forum by the way. I am a huge WWE fan, and to be honest I only watched TNA a little bit, I have never ordered a TNA PPV and I read most of the spoilers. But I will tell you what intrigued me before was the X Division.
I am kind of upset that they have not hyped this too much, but i think like some people have said in here is that they can only do so much at one time.

For you clowns who are bashing TNA right now, you guys know an awful lot about TNA.. and not just stuff that is in the spoilers. So you must be watching it. (one point for Hogan and Easy E)
People are talking more and more about TNA even if you hate hogan you are still talking more about it (another point for HH and EB)
The 6 sided ring ehhh.. yes it was unique but alot of the bigger guys have looked tentive in the ring.. like their timing is off. People will just get used to the 4 sided ring.. and so far i have to say the matches have had a better flow.
For those that have said that they dont like what is going on, (or even think it is getting better), can you give these guys more than 2 weeks to change things... come on now. Remember in the early 90's when WWE sucked,, it took almost 2 years to slowly change it... then another year after WCW started to kick its ass for Vince to go all out.
Yes i know you will never be able to copy off the attitude era, but lets face it Sex, violence, profanity sell. In ALL ASPECTS of TV and movies. USA and universal will realize it and give Vinny MAC more leway... and then we will see how TNA responds from that.

My final thought on TNA.. very soon, AJ Styles will end up main stream... Hogan brought in Flair as it appears to specifically work with Styles and in one week it is working. Hogan knows about how to use the main stream media.. and i think it will be only of a matter of time where you start seeing his name more.

I really hope that this all continues on a good note. And i will keep watching reguardless. And I know you all will too (although alot of you say it is along with the WWE unwatchable) yet you all still know everythign that happens in the show.
If you're a heel or a tweener, that's EXACTLY what you want to do.

Do you get mad when Jericho tells you you're a tapeworm, or when CM Punk accuses you of being a bad person for liking a beer in the evening? Or when Desmond Wolfe throws his two-finger salute at you, do you start fuming then, too?

Stop being such a mark and wake the hell up - then you'll enjoy the show even more, because you'll appreciate the current booking as the awesomeness it is.

It different when a wrestler is being a heel and insulting the fans. Thats fun. Thats what we pay to see.

When a guy is changing the appearence of something that I liked and telling me I'm stupid and don't know what I like It pisses me off. The current booking to me is flawed.

If Hogan is trying to blur the lines between kayfabe and reallity it's working.

I've stated in that post that there are certain things I like, and certain things I don't.

I'm a HUGE TNA supporter and I'm also a Fan of Hogan and Eazy E. Just because I'm a fan of something or someone doesn't mean that I always have to agree with what they're doing.

I have my opinions, other people have theirs. I'm just glad I fight for a country that allows us to voice our opinions about something as insignifigant as Pro Wrestling.
Wow. I haven't seen this many TNA marks in a while...

But seriously, I can't even quote someone in here because of how they're all the same stupid praise. And for what exactly? The "excellent storylines" of the Hogan/Bischoff/Russo regime? No. TNA tried to for the thousandth time in pro wrestling, recreated Montreal. Are you kidding? ARE YOU??

That's the most original thing they could think of? Apparently. Now I know the smarks and such will say that there is more story to this and its only the beginning of the storyline, give it a chance, blah, blah. Blah,blah.

AJ as a heel. Not sure what if I like this move yet, but from hearing that promo...doesnt look too good. You could tell he was a little uncomfortable wearing the suit, the girls, the woo stuff, etc. He doesn't seem to know where to go next if you know what I mean. I'll give this story a chance though, cuz it could go somewhere. Maybe.

But Hogan isn't just bringing in people we don't care about,(i.e. Nasty Boys and Morely) But they're going over good talent too! Orlando Jordan beat Dinero? WITH A FREAKING REVERSE STO? THE MOST COMMONLY USED FINISHER ON EARTH??? Complete bullshit. Utter garbage because No one cared about Jordan 5 years ago, and no one cares now.
Yeah. The screwjob thing was LAME.

I understand the need for a screwjob angle and if they used ANY other screwjob but an exact replica of the Montreal one it wouldve been great.

They had the fans chanting "you screwed Bret" at the end of their main event. Why on earth do you want to bring up memories of a guy who is currently involved in a major storyline leading up to wrestlemania?

If Angle had simply been screwed, the fans would chant "you screwed Kurt" and thats the reaction you want. You want people to be angry and disgusted that their hero Kurt Angle just got screwed not Bret Hart 12 years ago!

The one thing that coulve saved that was Eazy E coming out bloody. He shouldve said something to Kurt. We had just seen Angle going tarzan the monkey man ape shit crazy. It wouldve made sense that Kurt found Eric and beat him down.

But They didn't and it was Lame.
I have NEVER given rep before, I find it worthless. Plenty of people apparently like me enough to rep me, (even the red kind), but I'm going to actually rep somebody in here

El Alco. Brilliant fucking posts. You see what these TNA only fans CAN'T see. At the end of your show, you have YOUR fans, chanting the name of your competitor. Whom, by the way, is in a major angle leading up to Wrestlemania. That's fucking brilliant Bischoff. Almost as brilliant as "That'll put asses in the seats". During nWo, did ANYBODY chant Austin? Or the Rock? No. During DX, did anybody chant nWo, or Hogan? No. So why on gods green earth would you keep promoting your competition?

Especially with an angle that has been done to death. An angle, mind you, that when WWE uses it, it's unoriginal, and same ol shit....but when TNA uses it OMFGzers The War Haz Started, iTZ Brilliants.

If it sucks in WWE it sucks in TNA folks. Shit is shit. A polished turd is still a turd.

And like Alco said, the angle served NO purpose. It didn't make the fans rally about Angle, they could care less. Didn't make them hate AJ, they could care less. All they could think about was Montreal 12 years ago and Bret Hart. LOL great job TNA.

One more thing I wanted to say El Alco....I don't like the AJ pairing with Flair. The problem I have with that is AJ is no where NEAR as good as Flair was. Not even close. He can't act like Flair, he can't put people over like Flair, he can't talk like Flair. TNA is setting AJ up for failure. Just like Austin and the ringmaster, Billy Gun and The Honky Tonk Man, you can't just pair people up and expect a rub. Doesn't work like that. AJ by himself was fine. But you put right next to Flair and fans start to see, "Man, he is REALLY REALLY bad on the mic", or "He really can't pull off this heel thing like Flair" and it's unfair to AJ because, frankly, not too many men walking the planet has ever been as good of a heel as Flair.
Wow. I haven't seen this many TNA marks in a while...

But seriously, I can't even quote someone in here because of how they're all the same stupid praise. And for what exactly? The "excellent storylines" of the Hogan/Bischoff/Russo regime? No. TNA tried to for the thousandth time in pro wrestling, recreated Montreal. Are you kidding? ARE YOU??

That's the most original thing they could think of? Apparently. Now I know the smarks and such will say that there is more story to this and its only the beginning of the storyline, give it a chance, blah, blah. Blah,blah.

AJ as a heel. Not sure what if I like this move yet, but from hearing that promo...doesnt look too good. You could tell he was a little uncomfortable wearing the suit, the girls, the woo stuff, etc. He doesn't seem to know where to go next if you know what I mean. I'll give this story a chance though, cuz it could go somewhere. Maybe.

But Hogan isn't just bringing in people we don't care about,(i.e. Nasty Boys and Morely) But they're going over good talent too! Orlando Jordan beat Dinero? WITH A FREAKING REVERSE STO? THE MOST COMMONLY USED FINISHER ON EARTH??? Complete bullshit. Utter garbage because No one cared about Jordan 5 years ago, and no one cares now.

Hey genius, you kind of answered the correct and right response in your post. That doesn't mean it's going to make fans like myself continue on with it.

Think about it for a second. Hogan and the new regime JUST TOOK OVER! They aren't even close to pushing the pile yet. What makes you think that all their creative juice was going to turn up in 2-3 shows? Man, you guys need to realize that a storyline needs to be built from the ground up and it takes time to even make sense, esp when a whole new feel, talent and mindset takes over the whole business.

With that said, TNA made HUMONGOUS strides with their FIRST night when quite frankly, I would of thought it would of taken them numerous tries and time to get where they were as far as energy was concerned, but they pulled it off. But to slam them for the creativeness this EARLY in the regime is pure L-A-M-E. If TNA can keep this up, then they will leave the WWE in the DUST.

Give TNA time and patience and we could be witnessing a re-birth of wrestling.

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