TNA Doesn't Need Hogan, Bischoff, Or The nWo To Compete

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I'm with you OP. I also a'm a true TNA fan, a fan who doesn't HATE WWE but prefer's TNA because it truley gives a better product and respects its talent more..

I agree with you 100%.. TNA CAN get to the top doing what they do.. THink of hogan as a way of stealing WWE fans.. or drawing in other people who are looking to see what this old man is trying to do. I was listening to WZR radio (forgive me if i spelt it wrong) and they made a good point. TNA has in fact acheived its goal. Bleive it or not mamny people havent heard of tna or havent even given it a chance.. Now TNA has commericals airing during RAW.. its got people tlakign and thats all that we TNA fans can hope for in terms of the road to crushing the tyranical monoply that is WWE.

Personally im excited to see hall and pac back, wrestling or not. I'd personally like to see them as mostly promo shooters.. except for pac who can prolly still wrestle. Dont think its going to be the REAL NWO returning cuz they cant use that name and most of them cant or wont be wreslting much.

In the end tna will fail becaues you can't put out what the public already rejected. If we the fans did'nt watch 9 years ago why would we watch now.

Well, who is we the fans? Plenty of people watched WCW (if thats what u mean) WHere most people watched WWF faithfully and occasionally tuned into WCW, i was the other way. WCW was my religion (i was really young) as for TNA, you cant say TNA will fail because they have already succeded in one aspect, getting their name out, getting people talking, and getting people interested. As for those who say they don't like TNA because they are real wrestling fans, thats complete crap because a real wrestling fan will watch both.
I watch and enjoy both TNA and WWE, and this whole thing makes me sick. I was really excited for Bret Hart but the last thing TNA needs is more losers who aren't in WWE anymore. Within the first hour of impact we got Hogan, Flair, Scott Hall and Sean Waltman. Seriously guys. why is it an 8 man steel asylum match and a damn good knockout's titled match all featuring great athletes interrupted for the sake of a group of has-beens. I couldn't enjoy either match when the announcers don't even talk about the match. Every other sentence outta these guys' mouths was "coming up Hulk Hogan's first appearance on impact." I get that you need star power but what you should be doing is using the exposure Hogan is bringing the company and instead of run promos with retired wrestlers (no matter how popular) you should take the opportunity to show off your home grown talent. Plus the stuff that makes to different (The X-Division and an unparalleled Woman's Division) Sorry for the rant and yeah I'm a big fan of a lot of the surprise guests but it's adding nothing to your company and just proving that you shouldn't be in the big leagues. I love ya TNA but forget the ratings and get down to the real business.
I agree with you 110 percent... it is just like WCW part 2 alright, but way, way, way worse. Now you have the Nasty Boys and Flair thrown in. It is really sad to see all these guys tying to hang on in a world they clearly shouldn't be a part of, Flair especially. I was never a huge Flair fan to begin with and certainly aren't any more of one now.

With talent like Angle and AJ Styles, all TNA needs is PROPER direction and vision. Hogan is not the direction they need. Hogan needs TNA more than TNA needs Hogan. Bischoff maybe, maybe is they guy they need to get some momentum, but until they start venturing out instead of a cheesy Mickey Mouse arena they are never going to get the product out there. WWE, although the storylines are wearing thin, will always be the more professional looking of the two. The one change I admit is good is Hogan wanting to do away with that stupid six-sided ring.

Hall is a drunk, Waltman the annoying little puppy running along the big dog Kevin Nash who is a shell of his former self to the point where he has declined to the point his abilities match anything Hogan has been doing his entire career.

I really don't think Vince will have much to worry about in the near future and based on the ratings, there was no 'war'. If was a clean cut victory for WWE.
why is it an 8 man steel asylum match and a damn good knockout's titled match all featuring great athletes interrupted for the sake of a group of has-beens.

Look at the ratings...that's why.

I love ya TNA but forget the ratings and get down to the real business. what you're saying is go out of business so they can put on the product that most pleases you.

With talent like Angle and AJ Styles, all TNA needs is PROPER direction and vision. Hogan is not the direction they need. Hogan needs TNA more than TNA needs Hogan.

There is no way you typed this with a straight face. Without Hogan, TNA wasn't doing anything. They were drawing 0.8's and nobody was watching. With Hogan, they set company ratings records on their first show. TNA definitely needs Hogan more then the other way around.

I really don't think Vince will have much to worry about in the near future and based on the ratings, there was no 'war'. If was a clean cut victory for WWE.

You show a lack of understanding of the industry. Raw has an established fan base and ratings draw. They achieved a better rating then they've gotten in the past few months, but really about average for the year.

TNA, meanwhile, achieved their highest rating ever, including a spike in viewership when Hogan came out and spoke, along with the NWO, and that was up against the return of Bret Hart.

Going forward, TNA has the advantage to grow. The whole thing surrounding Hogan wasn't just his arrival, it's what's Hogan going to do when he gets there? That's an ongoing draw for fans. The whole drama surrounding Bret Hart was seeing him face to face wit HBK and Vince, and we got both of those already. Now, they'll put together a match at WM with Bret-Vince, and that will definitely help PPV draws, but as a weekly Raw draw, I don't think it's as big of a deal.

As to who won, you should be able to tell just from both company's reactions to their ratings. TNA was ecstatic, and may move to Mondays permanently. WWE was very disappointed and angry. Seems like a TNA victory to me. But hey, what do the companies themselves know?
I prefer the outsiders thing they're doing right now with Hall, Nash and Pac beating down the superstars. But the NWO thing needs to be put to rest. Its past its prime and Hogan and Bishoff should start up a new stable with the young guys. Have it be the face version of Evolution in TNA. Guys like Black Pope, Daniels, Lethal, Roode & Storm, Styles could all benefit from being in a stable with Hogan, but not called NWO.
First of all, I doubt Hogan is coming back as a full time wrestler, in fact, I guarantee he isn't. Second, Bischoff understands storylines and what draws people in far better than anyone TNA had, including Russo. Hogan is just a figure head, a marketing tool. Bischoff is the real pickup here. I think this may turn out to be the opposite of popular opinion. I think that TNA is going to be cutting edge and ruthless, much crazier than the PG-rated WWE. That, over time, may attract a bigger crowd than people expect. And I truly believe the entire point behind Hogan not really wanting to a be a part of the old nwo guys is the plan is to put over young guys, and in the process prove that this is NOT going to be another WCW. If Hogan can keep his ego in check, he and Bischoff can turn it around over there. Hall and Waltman won't be around for long, just long enough for Hogan to prove his point that the old guys are NOT going to cut it, and it has to the younger guys.
P.S.- I read an article stating that Hogan and Bischoff want rid of the six sided garbage heap. THANK GOD! That six sided ring is terrible.
I agree. Bischoff is the real person to look at here. Hogan knows the business well, don't get me wrong, but he only understands the flashy glitz of it. To him everything has to be big and grand, and that will get people watching. I think he's half right on that part.

I just read an interview where he wants a bigger building and to move to monday nights live. Now the bigger building is needed. TNA has been trying for a while to make the impact zone look as if it's bigger than it really is, but viewers aren't convinced. Causual wrestling fans believe in their mind that if it ain't big and flashy like WCW was or WWE is,than it's small and can't compete. This is a terrible view, but a true one. People are greedy, and they want big. TNA just does'nt look big. Hogan sees this. He knows what casual viewers will pick up on and look at. If a show doesn't have certain look than it just won't work. ECW was great storylines, and good wrestling. Yet all it ever got on TNN was .8 rating.

As for booking and getting people over, that would be Bischoff. The man has taken a lot of shit over the years, and I used to jump on that band wagon just because everyone else did, but I have to say that the man has a great mind. This was the guy who thought up the NWO, who thought up July 29 1996 where locals around that certain arena thought a real fight had broken out and called the police. That night specifically being the night NWO invaded and we got to see Ray Ray thrown like a dart. He's good for TNA.

As for moving to monday night live right away. This is where Hogan needs to chill. TNA is not ready yet. Young guys in the back are paranoid about their jobs, they haven't descided what they are going to do about the ring, they haven't got everybody where they wan them to be, they just aren't ready. Get everything together, then throw in all your chips.
I agree. Bischoff is the real person to look at here. Hogan knows the business well, don't get me wrong, but he only understands the flashy glitz of it. To him everything has to be big and grand, and that will get people watching. I think he's half right on that part.

I just read an interview where he wants a bigger building and to move to monday nights live. Now the bigger building is needed. TNA has been trying for a while to make the impact zone look as if it's bigger than it really is, but viewers aren't convinced. Causual wrestling fans believe in their mind that if it ain't big and flashy like WCW was or WWE is,than it's small and can't compete. This is a terrible view, but a true one. People are greedy, and they want big. TNA just does'nt look big. Hogan sees this. He knows what casual viewers will pick up on and look at. If a show doesn't have certain look than it just won't work. ECW was great storylines, and good wrestling. Yet all it ever got on TNN was .8 rating.

As for booking and getting people over, that would be Bischoff. The man has taken a lot of shit over the years, and I used to jump on that band wagon just because everyone else did, but I have to say that the man has a great mind. This was the guy who thought up the NWO, who thought up July 29 1996 where locals around that certain arena thought a real fight had broken out and called the police. That night specifically being the night NWO invaded and we got to see Ray Ray thrown like a dart. He's good for TNA.

As for moving to monday night live right away. This is where Hogan needs to chill. TNA is not ready yet. Young guys in the back are paranoid about their jobs, they haven't descided what they are going to do about the ring, they haven't got everybody where they wan them to be, they just aren't ready. Get everything together, then throw in all your chips.

I like what you said in your posts. Hogan and Bishoff are a team and needs to do their part. Like you said hogan can do the whole making TNA big and grand, while Bishoff do what he does best. TNA needs to go back wrestling wise how they were from 2002-2005. X-Division needs to go back to how it was from 2002-2005, its ashame how far it went from great to average at best. The storylines are not bad just need to be executed better then what they are right now.
Well what they need to do with the X-Division is simple. Just let these young guys go out there and wrestle for 15 minutes. Not everyone has to have a storyline. This isn't WWE where each guy needs a gimmick because most of them can't wrestle worth shit.

I say let these guys open each show and let them do what they do best. That's what WCW did best with their cruiserwieghts. That'll keep the super fans of TNA pleased and casual viewers will get to see these guys jump all over the place, proving how they can out wrestle anybody mid-card or lower in WWE.
People wanna get on TNA for seemingly leaving what made them semi successful and that is being a alternative to WWE programming. Hate on them if you want but bringing in wrestlers and personalities with name value like Hogan,Bischoff,and the NWO will do much more than make them a semi successful promotion it will make them a very successful promotion. If TNA does indeed intend on competing with the WWE which they should as being the best should be their goal. Then they need to bring in the stars that people wanna see now and use those stars to elevate the ones they want to carry TNA going forward.
prediction: Bound for Glory 6
Sting vs Hogan for the TNA Title

most hyped match of all time they recreate the finger poke of doom thinking it makes exciting television and tna goes down the shitter.

weve seen this happen before the big established guys get all the attention and the talent is wasted plus bischoff and russo in the same company.

doesnt take a genius to predict where this is going. i smell a bischoff vs russo feud for the belt and it smells bad.
So follow me here. I liked TNA a lot better when they were diffrent.

Judging from TNA's success before 2006, you had few friends joining you in your journey to diversity.

Diffrent people diffrent match styles.

I don't even know what the fuck you're saying man.

Now there turning it to WCW part 2.

That might not be a bad thing...

Hogan is to old to slow and to much of a power hungary ass to help any of the young guys out.. I bet with in a month of him being there he'll be the champ.

Gramma iz fun!!!

Hogan being there is getting TNA alot of exposure. Ric Flair is going to help Styles get to the level of John Cena or Randy Orton in terms of exposure. Flair wouldn't even be there most likely if it wasn't for Hogan and Bischoff.

that makes me want to watch tna even less, bischoff will do what ever he can to get his face in tv to stroke his ego.

Eric Bischoff on TNA television has been a bright spot on wrestling television this week. The segments with him, Hogan, and Jarrett were gold. The segments with him and AJ were gold. The segment with him and Beer Money were gold. Bischoff is entertaining. He's like TNA's Mr. McMahon except more entertaining.

and putting the nwo back together is the worst idea i've heard in a while. yeah nothing gets me to watch wrestling like a bunch of 40 50 and 60 year old dudes acting like there 20.

Yeah, because 13 years of cock jokes and midget court with those other two guys has been such a failure for Vince.

In the end tna will fail becaues you can't put out what the public already rejected. If we the fans did'nt watch 9 years ago why would we watch now.

I'm sorry, when did you become the voice of every wrestling fan on the planet?
I'm sorry, when did you become the voice of every wrestling fan on the planet?

Not only that, but I'm pretty sure that the fans actually turned out in droves to watcht the nWo several years ago. So his point makes no sense at all. Just because an angle got run into the ground the wrong way doesn't make it a bad angle.

This whole thread has ben proven ridiculously stupid given TNA's instant success with Hogan and Bischoff at the helm. Their first two shows have set a record (with Hogan's debut), and then tied their previous all-time high. TNA is in a great position to move from being a small-time promotion to being a real competitor to WWE.
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