TNA Destination X 2012 LD

Lulz, you could see the blade AJ used on the mat near his face, plain as day.

Daniels plays the heel brilliantly. I find myself almost rooting for him.
The ref in this last man standing match is awful. Daniels has been on the ground, untouched, for at least a 5 count, and the ref didn't count shit.
Good match between Daniels and AJ. The ref kind of fucked it up because he doesn't understand the rules of a Last Man Standing match, but there was some good stuff in that match. Hardly their best work, but they got it done.
Poor Mason Andrews has to compete in his third match of the night, and his chest still looks pretty beat up from the first two.

Sonjay Dutt enters 4th. Save the best for last I guess. Let's go Sonjay!
Eh, I figured Zema was going to win, but it was good to see Dutt come close. Here's hoping he gets a nice little push going forward and is the guy that gets to lift the belt off of Ion.
Motherfucker dislocated his shoulder and elbow, popped them back in and then came back. I imagine they'll have Sorensen take the belt off Ion with Sonjay as one of a few filler feuds.
Motherfucker dislocated his shoulder and elbow, popped them back in and then came back. I imagine they'll have Sorensen take the belt off Ion with Sonjay as one of a few filler feuds.

It's official, Sonjay Dutt is 110% man.

Is Sorensen even close to coming back though? I mean, he's still rocking the neck brace. I don't see Zema Ion having an Aries-esque X Division Champion reign, so someone ought to take it off of him for at least a little while before Sorensen comes back.
Is there anyone who could be expected to reasonably follow AA? With the possible exception of Douglass Williams, the division holds nobody close to AA's level, either as an in rind performer or a character. Let Ion hold the belt in mediocrity until Sorenson is ready to claim it from him. It'll be worth it in the long run.
Is there anyone who could be expected to reasonably follow AA? With the possible exception of Douglass Williams, the division holds nobody close to AA's level, either as an in rind performer or a character. Let Ion hold the belt in mediocrity until Sorenson is ready to claim it from him. It'll be worth it in the long run.

But what if it's another 6 months until Sorensen is back? Can the X Division stay relevant for 6 months with Zema Ion representing it and Destination X in the rear view mirror? I think sticking it on Sonjay Dutt or Kenny King for brief runs would help keep the X Division hot. The three of the aforementioned guys get pretty good reactions (without blowing the roof off like AA), and sharing the load would help prevent staleness.
You're taking longer to watch this show than I did, and I live my life like a Zack Snyder film.

I finished it, jerk.

But it took me a long time because I decided to watch some of it last night and then I watched some over lunch and then I watched some a little later.
But what if it's another 6 months until Sorensen is back? Can the X Division stay relevant for 6 months with Zema Ion representing it and Destination X in the rear view mirror? I think sticking it on Sonjay Dutt or Kenny King for brief runs would help keep the X Division hot. The three of the aforementioned guys get pretty good reactions (without blowing the roof off like AA), and sharing the load would help prevent staleness.

The X-Division is going to remain no more relevant if the strap is hot potatoed between a guy who famously can't talk and a guy who's been in the company all of seven minutes. It won't make the belt mean any more and it won't make for better television, it'll just make Sorenson's return program that much less impactful when it eventually does happen.
Yet no comment on The Greatest Man That Evet Lived? How very queer.

Oh, I didn't comment on that? Hm.

It was a very good match. Borderline great. AA is fantastic though, truly delightful to watch.

The X-Division is going to remain no more relevant if the strap is hot potatoed between a guy who famously can't talk and a guy who's been in the company all of seven minutes. It won't make the belt mean any more and it won't make for better television, it'll just make Sorenson's return program that much less impactful when it eventually does happen.

Do you think Sorensen has what it takes to carry the division though? I think he's a fine face, but I haven't seen enough of him to determine if he can even do half the job guys like AJ, Daniels, or AA did.
Where were when I most needed you, autocorrect?

The irony.

Oh, I didn't comment on that? Hm.

It was a very good match. Borderline great. AA is fantastic though, truly delightful to watch.

The punt to the head into the brainbuster is something I've rewound to watch about three times. It just has to be fattening.

Do you think Sorensen has what it takes to carry the division though? I think he's a fine face, but I haven't seen enough of him to determine if he can even do half the job guys like AJ, Daniels, or AA did.

To answer on Gelgarin's behalf, he's one of the less spectacular members of the X Division but he's not bad by any means. He'll not be topping many wrestler of the year lists, but he's got a hell of angle to springboard off. There's no other options that really leap out. You've got to remember that AJ, Daniels and AA are the absolute highest benchmark - they're not the usual.
The punt to the head into the brainbuster is something I've rewound to watch about three times. It just has to be fattening.

I've been debating whether or not I would have liked it better had it ended with the suplex reversal into a roll-up a few seconds before. I determined either way is pretty terrific.

To answer on Gelgarin's behalf, he's one of the less spectacular members of the X Division but he's not bad by any means. He'll not be topping many wrestler of the year lists, but he's got a hell of angle to springboard off. There's no other options that really leap out. You've got to remember that AJ, Daniels and AA are the absolute highest benchmark - they're not the usual.

I feel like there's usually one X Division wrestler in each group that has the ability to be eaten up by the audience. Sorensen isn't that guy to me. I agree that having him beat Zema Ion for the belt upon his return would make Sorensen's return huge, but then what? Will that one victory be enough to keep the audience interested for the next few months?
I've been debating whether or not I would have liked it better had it ended with the suplex reversal into a roll-up a few seconds before. I determined either way is pretty terrific.

You are crazy bro. Him holding Roode up for that brainbuster is already an iconic moment in TNA history.
You are crazy bro. Him holding Roode up for that brainbuster is already an iconic moment in TNA history.

Yeah, the Brainbuster was definitely the way to end the match. That's a clip they'll play over and over and over again. A rollup would have been a more sudden win and more surprising, but ending a reign like Roode's required a big ending like the Brainbuster.
I'm finally getting around to watching this. Not watching Impact in months. This has been a great show, even with rookies who mean nothing like Flip Casanova on the card, that's pretty huge. Ultimate X is the next match for me. Looking forward to it.

Oh and Christy Hemme has an amazing rack. How you cut a promo and look at the camera instead of that, I don't know.

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