TNA Destination X 2012 LD

"TNA presents Slammiversary: Destination X" - that's not right.

Is this the video package that Coco hated?
If you won't even go to the trouble of watching videos I post, you don't deserve to know.

Why does Kurt have "AGE" on his hips?
You have to assume there's an "N" and an "L" in there somewhere, right? Right? I just can't accept anything else. I remember when Angle used to have words like "VIOLENCE" and "EXTREME" and "REVENGE" on his mouth pieces. If he were going to ironically draw attention to his age, I like to think he'd go that route.

Holy. Shit. That was actually pretty awesome.
Told you so.
Watching it now, I'm LD'ing this shit.

First match: Pretty sick stuff, but it's unfortunate that Rubix didn't win. He was super over with the audience, and probably the most entertaining guy in that match. Lars Only was shit, Dakota whatever was okay, and the guy that won was good, but Rubix was highly entertaining. Oh well, if TNA likes what they see they'll sign him to something.
I wasn't surprised to see Andrews go over Kash, but I was happy to see it. He's explosive and seems to have a lot of talent as well. I LOVED that bicycle kick style knee, which looked like it could be a great finisher.

Overall not that entertaining a match, though. Too predictable, too one sided. Still, I got my fair share of enjoyment out of Andrews.

I enjoyed Samoa Joe's promo during the Christi Hemme Side Boob Hour. Good to see him have a little more to say than, "IMA KILL BITCHEZ DEAD!"

I'm not a huge fan of the Tennay/JB commentator team. They work well together, but their voices are too similar.
Kenny King makes me realize that professional wrestling needs more cocky black athletes so it can be more like the NFL and NBA.
I enjoyed Samoa Joe's promo during the Christi Hemme Side Boob Hour. Good to see him have a little more to say than, "IMA KILL BITCHEZ DEAD!"

I'm pretty sure Samoa Joe has finally been brought to what classic Samoa Joe used to be known for, just one violent, intense, hard to beat Samoan mother fucker. You'll understand more watching his match with Angle, but Joe isn't being booked like a bitch anymore.
Every match so far has had the "everyone down 10 count" so far. I can't tell if putting it in the first three matches is silly or lazy.
The Kenny King/Douglas Williams match was good, but too long. Once again, I found the individual wrestlers to be very entertaining, but the match itself was just eh. Both Douglas Williams and Kid Kash play a very good heel and both Mason Andrews and Kenny King play a very likable face with some great moves, but the former match was very redundant while the latter match just took too long to tell the story. We get it, you can't put this guy away... now put him away.

And why does Daniels have a martini?
Alright, Sonjay Dutt is in the house. Business is about to pick the fuck up. Put Khali in the ring, Sonjay would manage to make it fun.

Oh, they're giving him Kofi Kingston plus a decade of smoking pot.
Sonjay. Fucking. Dutt.

Always a pleasure to watch, and that's the first I've ever seen of the moonsault stomp. Holy curry and rice Batman.
Happy as I am to see Jesse Sorrenson back (and I am, I saw him live once and really enjoyed him), I fast forwarded right through his little speech. Some of us have to get up in the morning, damn sucka.

Flip Casanova has an awesome name. Too bad he's probably going to lose.
The Kenny King/Douglas Williams match was good, but too long. Once again, I found the individual wrestlers to be very entertaining, but the match itself was just eh. Both Douglas Williams and Kid Kash play a very good heel and both Mason Andrews and Kenny King play a very likable face with some great moves, but the former match was very redundant while the latter match just took too long to tell the story. We get it, you can't put this guy away... now put him away.

And why does Daniels have a martini?

He has been drinking them for a while now. I believe it is an appletini (however you spell it).

Daniels and Styles match was pretty damn good too.
IDK about Flip's name though. He is a guy that I believe people call a 'spot monkey' who really can't wrestle. Although, he is entertaning to watch and I thought that was the point of the X Division was for the nice crazy spots...
I really like Zema Ion's character. It's the type of heel character that gets me excited with all the possibilities, and I love how corny he is. Everything else I can take or leave about the guy, but I really enjoy the character.
He has been drinking them for a while now. I believe it is an appletini (however you spell it).

Daniels and Styles match was pretty damn good too.

Yeah, I think it was an Appletini, or however you spell it. I guess he figures drinking martinis makes him look more evil.

Holy crap, it's been so long since I've watched that I didn't know that Bobby Roode got a haircut!

I hope Sonjay wins the X Division Championship, but I have my doubts. Seems like the X Division is heavier on good faces than good heels, which leads me to believe Zema Ion will grab the belt.

I think Joe/Angle will be my last match for tonight.
Lol, I miss every Impact now due to night classes. Sucks because my poor ass don't own a dvr.

But yeah, Aries match is epic, and Sonjay Dutt is totally awesome. His feud with Lethal kinda sucked out though even though they had good matches.

I agree with Zema, something about him makes him interesting to me. In a way he has a Carlito feel to him; instead of apples in the face it is hair spray lol.
Angle is one of my all time favs. He puts everything he has in each match and it makes it that much better.

Somoa Joe, been a fan of his since day one. Glad he never made it in the WWE.
Joe/Angle was very good. VERY good. So good that I didn't want either guy to tap, though it was clear that the match was going to end with a submission. Well, it kind of didn't, but it was close enough.

Kurt is one of my all time favorites, but I was happy to see Joe win here. Going by the PPV alone, he seemed to have more momentum and reason to win the match.
Watching it now, I'm LD'ing this shit.

You sad bastard.

I'm not a huge fan of the Tennay/JB commentator team. They work well together, but their voices are too similar.

Better than having Taz out there.

"I don't know what Fay Wray's thinking, but what are they gonna do when they get to the top of the Chrysler building? Or is that the Empire Building?"
"Taz, this is wrestling, not King Kong."
"I'm just sayin'."

Sonjay. Fucking. Dutt.

Always a pleasure to watch, and that's the first I've ever seen of the moonsault stomp. Holy curry and rice Batman.

A better successor to Rey Mysterio than Sin Cara. That's the first time anyone has ever said that about Sonjay Dutt. It's true though.
You sad bastard.

I really am. Why the fuck would anyone want to know what I think? But let me have this delusion of being loved.

Better than having Taz out there.

"I don't know what Fay Wray's thinking, but what are they gonna do when they get to the top of the Chrysler building? Or is that the Empire Building?"
"Taz, this is wrestling, not King Kong."
"I'm just sayin'."


A better successor to Rey Mysterio than Sin Cara. That's the first time anyone has ever said that about Sonjay Dutt. It's true though.

Yes and no. In terms of ability, yes, but I don't think Sonjay Dutt will ever be able to inspire a crowd the way Rey Mysterio does. It's also worth saying that as good as Rey Mysterio is, I don't think he's ever been quite as resilient as Sonjay Dutt. The guy could get clobbered on a suicide dive and pop up in seconds.

Барбоса;4002621 said:
He sometimes waits too long. His "kickout" of Sweet Chin Music at Mania 21 was late.

I didn't even notice, probably because I was taken by how amazing that match was.
Just watched the recap for the Christopher Daniels/AJ Styles feud.

Wow... and I thought lawsuit angles were bad.
Sometimes I wonder why they paired AJ up with Flair when Christopher Daniels is much more like Flair than AJ ever has been. Daniels clearly comes from the Ric Flair school of selling, which is why he's one of the best sellers in the business.

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