Theo's Sig Thread

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Perfect. Theo, if I was not happily straight, I'd say something along the lines of wanting to make dirty man love to you. But since I'm not gay, I'll just say thats a sick sig.


EDIT: When you have some spare time, can you put Chris Jericho doing the codebreaker under the background?
Yes I can do that JKO. And SuperKnockout, I got your PM about Triple H and I PM'd it to you. But here it is, as I'm really proud of the outcome.

Theo, could you make me a sig?

I don't really care what is on it, or who it is about as long as it has "Dave" and "post in the VGT section" on it.

Thanks, buddy.

Alright Dave I just took some pics from some video games and put them in the sig if that is cool. Hope you like it bro.
Some shameless post count bumpage there.


But in all honesty, I am glad I came to you, Theo. I have never had a sig from you before and I am really, REALLY happy with how that one turned out. Better than I could have done anyway. Thanks a lot, mate.
No problem Dave. I didn't even realize I was posting 3 in a row in my thread lol. I could have easily just edited the one, but that would have been too much work for my lazy self. Thanks for the request and glad you like it!
Hey Theo, add the tag line: 5 Brands, 1 Undisputed Title to the December to Remember posters. Also, I want to use my mag as the official sponsor of the ppv. If no body has a problem with it, you could add that into the poster somewhere in smaller letters.
How about one more DTR poster that features the logos(in our sigs) of all five brands instead of the representatives. Of course, add in everything else though. It could double as a cover for DTR edition of the mag when we get ready for it.
Thanks Pope. I was uber bored and wanted to make a Sheamus sig, but I'm not big on Sheamus to begin with so I added a little flare to spark some interest.
Hey Theo I'm sorry I keep coming back for more but could I have a sig with a near naked Maryse on one side, and a near naked Velvet Sky on the other, with it saying Two hottest things in sports entertainment.
Please and Thankyou
Sup Theo :), I was just wondering dude whether you could make me an Umaga sig, rep and credit would ofcourse be awarded, thanks man if you decide to make it :)
Of course I can do that for ya TLC. Not sure if I'll get it done today and I'll be gone on Sunday. So I'd say Monday will be the most likely.
hey Theo i was wondering if i could have a sig made with jason the red power ranger on one side and tommy the green ranger on the other in there suits and can the text say the two greatest rangers. with maybe the mmpr logo or something
Hey theo i was looking through this thread and your sig's are legendary :worship:
so i was wonderin if you can make me a kelly kelly sig and an eve torres sig and a rey mysterio sig please and thanks
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