Theo's Sig Thread

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Here is the Slim Shday sig


Here is the Power Rangers sig
Hey theo i was looking through this thread and your sig's are legendary :worship:
so i was wonderin if you can make me a kelly kelly sig and an eve torres sig and a rey mysterio sig please and thanks

Not sure if you wanted them all in one or if you wanted separate sigs. I did them separate.



No problem. If you need help that you can put them in as one sig and have them change per post I can help ya out. If you give me a second I can upload them on the site and give you the code.


EDIT-Alright, take that code and put it in the signature part of your CP and then the three images will rotate randomly per post.
Oh sweet Jesus how I love the Slim Shady sig. You should run rampant and just post a million Shady sigs. Maybe not, but that sig is tight. Rey-Rey's my 2nd favorite on this page.
hey do you mind doing one with daffney,abyss,samoa joe, and jesse neal. with something on the top that says "future of hardcore" or something along that line

btw i loved your "future wwe legends" one really nice
Hey Theo, If you can, I want a Goalie sig, soccer goalie. That would be awesome and rep and gratitude will be given


These are just some pictures I found. Any goalies would be fine. Just make sure it looks badass
Alright Leafy I used you as a guinea pig here lol. I tried a whole new and different style with this sig. I found a really cool picture and I wanted to give it a try. I went with a kind of psychedelic approach and I like the turnout and hopefully you do as well. And if you plan on going through a name change let me know and I can fix up the name.

642khz.png are on deck amigo.

EDIT-Not gonna make another post, so here is your sig hardcore. Sorry that I couldn't get Edge or Kane in there. It was just too cluttered and didn't flow.

hey man could you make me a tomko one with something at the bottom that says "the god of war" i dont care what it looks like, ive seen your work and so i know itll turn out pretty good thanks,
alright not sure why you want another sig as i just made one for ya. but i guess i couldnt do that for. give me a few days though. im not on my computer with photoshop and i got a load of holiday shopping to do the next few days. so id say tues/wed.
aight man idk why i want one either just a fan of tomko and i figured what the hell like you said i already got a awsome sig so no big rush for it
Had some free time before the Vikings game, so here is that Tomko sig. Not particularly pleased with the outcome, but it is the best I could come up with.

naw man its pretty good ill save it to my computer and use it evetually idk if it told you or not but i put the same request for this in for doc and 3 others just to see how yalls style differed yours is the first one i got and it looks pretty good
Theo can you make me a sig of Rey Mysterio raising the Cruiserweight title. I want the writing to be the wrestlezone logo predictions champion on the top and on the bottom say Mr. Baller
yea ill see what i can do baller. ill put it here.

EDIT-Here is the sig baller. Couldn't find a good picture of Rey with the title, so I edited it in. Not great at editing titles, so I did my best.

Big request bro. I'm in need of another Eminem sig. I'd LOVE to have one with all of Eminem's personas on there. Slim Shady, Eminem, and Marshall Mathers. Different pictures of course. Maybe like split into 3 sections. I have no clue. Work your magic man. I'm really anxious to see how it turns out.

Here ya go baller. There is the updated version.

And Freddy I can do that for ya. If you could, can you provide some pictures of each persona for me. Muchos gracias.
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