Theo's Sig Thread

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I would like a 400x400 sig for the DNA Of TNA

It needs to have blue, black, and white (you know the scheme), and have the DNA helixes all over. I'll leave the general idea up to you.

Make me proud! (This is obviously for the Fan Club, so feel free to add that in)
Alright NSL, I'll work on it now or a bit later. Watching Impact as we speak.


Here is the sig, I also posted it in the thread as well.
Yo Theo, i was wondering whether you could make me an awesome sig, I was wondering whether you could make me a Nickelback sig in honour of the new Raw theme tune. Rep and Credit will ofcours be given. Thanks if you decide too make it :).
TLC, one of my favorite customers, of course I will make the sig for ya bro. It might take me sometime, as I've been working nights lately and don't have a day off until Sunday. But I should be able to fit some time into my schedule tomorrow hopefully.
Alright I've been talking about wanting to do a background for a computer. Well I finally gave into the temptation. I'm not thrilled with it, but I'm definitely more pleased than I thought I'd be. What do you guys think??

Made a 2nd background for my brother. One of his favorite players is Ray Rice from Baltimore, so I through this together.


Haven't made anything wrestling sig related wise in awhile and I saw this picture of Orton on the one website I use and I thought it would look awesome in a sig. I'm really pleased with how this one turned out. Any and all thoughts are appreciate!
Wow, the Orton one is sweeet, love the effects.

Okay i'm on board with Luther now thanks to that sig, its awesome :)

My new sig, inspired by the future Mrs. Theo Mays and her return to Raw. I will definitely be rocking this until I make myself a new WPWF Catastrophe sig.
Thanks ST, always appreciate the comments. I was really pleased with how this one turned out and I couldn't let it go to waste and had to rock it myself haha.
like the sigs how do you do alot of that stuff in sigs you do really good work

Thanks man, appreciate it. I just play around with the image types (Normal, Dissolve, Pin Light, Overlay, etc...). And then in the filter menu there are some really good image adjusters. And then I just play around with layers of brush setups until I come up with the one that looks just right.
yea i can throw a miz sig together. im busy tonight (work), so i should have it for ya thanksgiving night or early friday.
Gracias sir. I agree that my Ray Rice one is better. The Carter one was my first attempt, so the Rice one showed improvement.
I don't know if I've told you this before or not, but you are really underrated. Doc gets alot of (much deserved) praise around here, but I don't think people appreciate you enough here. You are a great sig maker, and your WPWF show is the tits. I like how you're booking Swagger. Right now, I'm rocking the JKO sig Doc made me because I don't have any ideas for a new sig right now. I'm debating on whether I should get a Matt Morgan one or not, but I'm going to start alternating between you and Doc. So next sig I get is coming from you. Good work.
Theo I'm in the need of an awesome sig and I really like what you put together, maybe you can help me out.

I had an awesome pic from bash at the beach 96 when hogan made his heel turn and Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Hogan in the middle all raised their hands and it was sweet but the pic was too large for a sig and I was unable to use it.

When you get a chance could you create a sig with that pic and something along the lines of "birth of nWo"

I know its a holiday weekend and everything so if you can't get to it for a week or so no big deal, but I would appreicate you help.

yea i can do that bucks. can you post the picture for me and ill see what i do. hopefully i can do the requests tonight after dinner. no promises though.

and jko. yes you have told me that before and i do appreciate it. it always makes me feel good to hear someone compliment my work. thank you. and thanks for how im booking swagger and im glad to see that you are reading my shows.
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