The WZnWo

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Yep.... A man by the name of Siddhartha Guatama (Spell?)

Was a former prince, rode out into the streets, saw suffering, wondered why man suffered, that whole deal
In other WZnWo news:

Your resident Big Sexy has his Comp II class all but in the bag. One more test on Friday and this kid gets to keep 8,000 dollars a semester that the Arkansas Government is trying to take away from him.

The Arkansas Government has nothin' on the WZnWo.

Oh! I broke 8k rep recently. Didn't rep ****e a single bit either. ;)


I'm about one or two reps away from breaking 20,000. Come on NWO-ites, let's make your Hollywood leader number one in rep!
LOLZ, That's our next mission.

nWZo-otes, we are to make X tops. I repped X last night, but you all can do it. Come on, folks! We need Hogan as Champion of WZ
So when does Nash, Macho, and the Giant gun for the Title?? Who said too many members is a problem?? Why are some people’s Black and White sig turning Black and Red?? What’s going on here?? Can you imagine KB joining the wZolfpac just like the Stinger?? Am I having too much fun with this??
Going to lunch.... Keep it alive, folks...

And remember, rep X, in doing so, you will make him the new nWZo World Heavyweight Champion. And he will spraypaint that belt
So when does Nash, Macho, and the Giant gun for the Title?? Who said too many members is a problem?? Why are some people’s Black and White sig turning Black and Red?? What’s going on here?? Can you imagine KB joining the wZolfpac just like the Stinger?? Am I having too much fun with this??

I haven't seen any Black and Red ones yet.
Oh Shit, I can't fucking wait, man. I want to tear that fucking shit up.

What's the subject of it, besides Nietzche of course

It stems from Nietzche's idea of "der Wille zur Macht" or "Will to Power." It's the idea that we as human beings works towards nothing more than furthering our own power. I expounded it from there with the works of Saint Thomas Aquinas, the existentialists, and the absurdists into a thread of "What do we aim for in life?" I hope Xfear does more than go in there and trounce a specific view. He did that in my 2nd Philosophy thread and everyone but fromthesouth was too afraid to post. :glare: :lmao:

Nietzche is a very interesting philosopher, I remember doing a report on him for my German class, and started reading a lot of his books, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil were two of my most favorite books of his.

I agree. Nietzche is quite the angry man, also. But his work in "Beyond Good and Evil" is quite interesting.

Plato is very good. I liked the cave thesis that he developed.

I've studied it. It's quintessential Plato. I've been trying to work his thesis on the Immortality of the Soul to work without God, but I've been having troubles. I'm going to take another crack at it soon. It may be God, but it might be something else I deem as a weakness. I mean, any Philosophical proof with God as a leg of support is weak to the idea that God exists. It'll all crumble the minute that idea is shot down. Any proof without God or another higher power is infinitely more solid.

I'm not sure what mine is. See, I ain't no rep ****e, Razor :lmao:

No, you just don't have a very good short-term memory. We all know you check it every 5 seconds or so. :lmao::lmao:

The Arkansas Government has nothin' on the WZnWo.

That's right, bitch. And apparently neither does ASU Beebe's Freshman English II class.

I'm about one or two reps away from breaking 20,000. Come on NWO-ites, let's make your Hollywood leader number one in rep!

Negative points for rep ****ing. :lmao:
Oh, I'm going to go ahead and tell you all who my favorite philosopher is since I missed that discussion while I was making my thread.

David Hume.

For one reason really:

We had to study Descartes in Intro to Philosophy for like, 5 weeks. It was the entirety of his thesis "Meditations on First Philosophy." Took FOREVER, and it all built up towards his proof of God. Only his proof of God blew. As wiki puts it:

1) Descartes' proof of the reliability of clear and distinct perceptions takes as a premise God's existence as a non-deceiver.
2) Descartes' proofs of God's existence presuppose the reliability of clear and distinct perceptions.

Circular logic if I've ever seen any. Then he goes on to work out another proof of God that states that he must exist, because we wouldn't have the idea of utter perfection if there such a being. And seeing as though we aren't utterly perfect, there must be a completely infallible being out there.

We spent 5 weeks working through Descartes, and I was pissed that Descartes would shit out a theory of God that weak. Then we hit Hume, and he says in the first page of his paper that we can think up the idea of God because our entire thought process is a series of relations of ideas. These relationships are Resemblance, Contiguity, and Cause and Effect. Basically, we could think of God because we extrapolate a being that is infinitely good from the presence of good within ourselves. There need not be an actual being of that magnitude of perfection.

..I loved Hume after that. Mostly because he nailed Descartes to the wall. I fucking hate Descartes.
Wow Razor. Good stuff there.

I never really got to do a lot on Hume in my philosophy class but i did do a little bit of Descartes. I never really rated any of the things he said and I think that HUme is much better, from what I have read of his anyway.
Wow Razor. Good stuff there.

I never really got to do a lot on Hume in my philosophy class but i did do a little bit of Descartes. I never really rated any of the things he said and I think that HUme is much better, from what I have read of his anyway.

Descartes is a stupid bitch. Probably the most overrated philosopher this side of Socrates. Anyone who is revered as highly as he is for his contributions to philosophy and society who can get away with a glaring circular logic fallacy fails. and fails hard.

but yeah. Hume all the way. He managed to nail Descartes without attempting to prove God doesn't exist, which is a quagmire; just as proving God exists is.
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