The WZnWo

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Oh Shit, I can't fucking wait, man. I want to tear that fucking shit up.

What's the subject of it, besides Nietzche of course

Doc, how are ya, man?
Nietzche is a very interesting philosopher, I remember doing a report on him for my German class, and started reading a lot of his books, Thus Spoke Zarathustra and Beyond Good and Evil were two of my most favorite books of his.
Plato is very good. I liked the cave thesis that he developed.
I love the Cave too, man. I'm a believer in the four forms, man. Though, I must admit, that there are some things of Plato I find BS....

Thunder, didn't know you were a philosopher, buddy. You get more awesome by the day, mang
I'm not a philosopher per-se. I like some thesis' and I dislike others. Some of Plato's stuff was just ridiculous but other things, like The Cave, really got me to thinking about it. The great strength of philosophy I guess.
I"m a big follower of Taoism believe it or not, not the religious aspect of it, but the philosophical side that Lao Tzu taught in the Tao Te Ching, as well as other Taoist Philosophers.
Doc, how are ya, man?

I'm doing quite well, Tents. Thanks for asking. Just sigging away, keeping up with heel turns, and loving how intelligent the nWZo is. I'm thinking about starting a thread about online dating in the Cigar Lounge.

How are you?
Ha, wow, the posts are all fucked up right now. The order is all outta whack.
LOLZ, I know.

Doc, I love the idea of the Cigar Lounge thread, man. What's it gonna be towards on it? You for it, or against it?
Start the thread Doc. I would like that topic. Plus, the nWZo would freaking own it. Not only are we the best looking and most awesome faction. We are also the most intelligent.
I'm 100% for it I've had two proper relationships in my life and they've both been online. I'll be talking about them in detail.
Nah I think the sigs are enough. People are recognized by their avatars, and then their sigs show that they're a part of the nWZo.
Ah, a very goos culture, Ty. But what puts ya off on the religion, man?

Nothing actually, its just the philosophy of Taoism I follow, and it was just to designate that I follow the philosophy side of it, and not the religious side. I have no issues with the religion whatsoever, trust me.
Ah, all good then, man. I consider myself a bit Buddhist. The love the idea of the Fourn Noble Truths, and the Eightfold Path. Makes me wonder why monotheistic religion now is so complicated...
I'm 100% for it I've had two proper relationships in my life and they've both been online. I'll be talking about them in detail.

I hear ya, man. I like the idea, as long as both sides carry it out as it is. Online dating is pretty good by my books
I'm a Christian. Lutheran. My beliefs are founded upon tolerance, love, and acceptance of any and all.
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