The WZ Movie Tournament

Papa Shango

Frontman of the WZ Band!!
I'm a huge film buff, and I've been planning on doing this for awhile. I wasn't gonna start until after the music tourney, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to start making up the brackets now. I'm accepting nominations in the movies/tv forum now. So head on over there to find out more of the details, and give me ideas of what films should be in the tournament.
Ech is one tough customer, I wouldn't mess around. I usually remain a good three posts away from him at all times. Its safer that way.
I refuse to go to that thread, becuase its non spam, and I refuse to give reasons right now. Thats what the fuck the tournamnet is for LOL.

Boondock Saints
The Patriot
Kingdom of Heaven
The Mist
We Were Soldiers
Toy STory (fuck yea bish)
Jurassic Park (der)

many others, but im sure ill just mention some that many others will...
So how are you going to do this, are you gonna make the different regions based on genre of movie (Comedy, action, horror, etc.) or what?
It's gonna be broken up into decades, like the music tournament. Four brackets, possibly a fifth, if people complain about there not being a bracket for anything 60's or earlier (i personally would love to fit earlier movies in, but the odds of them making it very far are slim anyways.) I've got my ideas on which movies go in the tournament, but of course I'm going to listen to the people as well, but all films entered in the tournament will be through my final decision. 64 films from each decade, (with another 64 from the 60's-earlier, should I decide to add a 5th bracket). I will be as objective to any and all genres as possible, although I do tend to favor crime dramas and offbeat comedies.

NorCal's right tho, it is easier to give nominations in the Bar Room, so I will accept nominations in here as well.
I refuse to go to that thread, becuase its non spam, and I refuse to give reasons right now. Thats what the fuck the tournamnet is for LOL.

Boondock Saints
The Patriot
Kingdom of Heaven
The Mist
We Were Soldiers
Toy STory (fuck yea bish)
Jurassic Park (der)

many others, but im sure ill just mention some that many others will...

Toy Story I've already entered myself lol, I can't believe I didn't think of Jurrassic Park before, that one's in as well.

Boondock Saints is a maybe. Personally, I find it terribly overrated, but it's very popular, so I'll probably break down and put it in there.

The Patriot with Mel Gibson or with Steven Segal?

The Patriot, We Were Soldiers, and Unbreakable are maybes. I wanna here from other suggestions first.

Never seen Kingdom of Heaven, so I'll have to wait and see who else wants it in.
It's gonna be broken up into decades, like the music tournament. Four brackets, possibly a fifth, if people complain about there not being a bracket for anything 60's or earlier (i personally would love to fit earlier movies in, but the odds of them making it very far are slim anyways.) I've got my ideas on which movies go in the tournament, but of course I'm going to listen to the people as well, but all films entered in the tournament will be through my final decision. 64 films from each decade, (with another 64 from the 60's-earlier, should I decide to add a 5th bracket). I will be as objective to any and all genres as possible, although I do tend to favor crime dramas and offbeat comedies.

NorCal's right tho, it is easier to give nominations in the Bar Room, so I will accept nominations in here as well.

Its easier to just categorize the films into seperate genres rather than trying to compare apples to oranges in different decades. Like for example, Titanic vs Jurassic Park, both good films, both have the potential to be titans in their separate genres, why waste films like these on match ups that probably wont see that much discussion an would be based mostly on preference? Thats why I say breaking films into separate genre's would work better than by decade.

Aslo, we should try to use popular newer films instead of significant but older films. I mean Casablanca is a classic, but how many people can say they've actually seen this movie, and enjoyed it enough to discuss it? Probably not many.
This is true, an why I haven't put in brackets for some of the older films.

I was hoping to stimulate discussion between genres. If we split everything by genre, then all the horror fans will go to one thread, all the action fans go to a different thread. By putting the genres together, it gets people discussing what's actually important about movies; the quality, the abilty the movie has to maintain audiences, to entertain. I personally would rather watch Die Hard over Schindler's List for entertainment purposes, yet I would have a hard time voting one over the other because they're sucj great movies. If we didthis by genre, there would be no real reason to have any more than maybe 16 choices. Only an idiot would argue that Hostel is better than The Shining. Which is why I say scrap Hostel altogether, and see if we could possibly end up seeing people debate which Stanley Kubrick film is better, The Shining or Full Metal Jacket.

By the way, I HAVE seen Casablanca, and it's the best romance movie of all time.
This is true, an why I haven't put in brackets for some of the older films.

I was hoping to stimulate discussion between genres. If we split everything by genre, then all the horror fans will go to one thread, all the action fans go to a different thread. By putting the genres together, it gets people discussing what's actually important about movies; the quality, the abilty the movie has to maintain audiences, to entertain.

But then you set yourself up for a popularity bias, and the result will be great films going out way to early because the majority of people voted for their favorites. I can guarantee you that this tournament, like many of the others, will turn into a popularity contest, so we might as well cater to that and splitting the films into separate genre's will help that.

I personally would rather watch Die Hard over Schindler's List for entertainment purposes, yet I would have a hard time voting one over the other because they're sucj great movies.

I would be voting Die Hard in that match, as would probably many others, which is a shame because Schindlers List is a great film and would probably go farther if it were placed in a genre full of other films like it.

If we didthis by genre, there would be no real reason to have any more than maybe 16 choices.

I said 32, and we chose one representative fort franchise films

Only an idiot would argue that Hostel is better than The Shining.

but yet those same idiots would probably vote Hostel over The Departed or No Country for Old men, so pick your poison

By the way, I HAVE seen Casablanca, and it's the best romance movie of all time.

Which probably won't keep it from going out early because people aren't familiar with it
Toy Story I've already entered myself lol, I can't believe I didn't think of Jurrassic Park before, that one's in as well.

Boondock Saints is a maybe. Personally, I find it terribly overrated, but it's very popular, so I'll probably break down and put it in there.

The Patriot with Mel Gibson or with Steven Segal?

The Patriot, We Were Soldiers, and Unbreakable are maybes. I wanna here from other suggestions first.

Never seen Kingdom of Heaven, so I'll have to wait and see who else wants it in.

For the love of god, Shango what do you THINK of me??? The Patriot with Mel Gibson of course LOL

Whatev. Saying The Saints is overrated has become the new smarl reversal thing to do, like saying Kennedy is overrated.

Kingdom of Heaven is fucking sick. My favorite movie of all time prolly.
But then you set yourself up for a popularity bias, and the result will be great films going out way to early because the majority of people voted for their favorites. I can guarantee you that this tournament, like many of the others, will turn into a popularity contest, so we might as well cater to that and splitting the films into separate genre's will help that.
I think you're underestimating the value of good discussion. IC25 got Vader through to the Semi-Finals of the Wrestlezone Tournament, based on arguement alone.

I don't just want to hear about people's favorite movies, I want people to be able to talk about movies, learn about some great movies they may not have seen or even heard of, maybe even go out and rent it. If just one person goes out and rents A Clockwork Orange, and loves it, then it's worth it.

I would be voting Die Hard in that match, as would probably many others, which is a shame because Schindlers List is a great film and would probably go farther if it were placed in a genre full of other films like it.
Yes, but Schindler's List won't be the same bracket as Die Hard, so that was a bad example on my part. Let me try again. Die Hard vs. Rain Man. I would pick Rain Man over Die Hard. I love Die Hard because it's entertaining. But I find Rain Man just as entertaining, but for different reasons. Overall, Rain Man is a better movie.

Besides, just because we do this by decade doesn't mean we won't necessarily get some battle of the genre's best look at what we could possibly see in this tournament. Schindler's List vs. Saving Private Ryan. Platoon vs. Full Metal Jacket. Toy Story vs. The Lion King. Spider-Man 2 vs. Batman Begins. Ferris Bueller's Day Off vs. The Breakfast Club. Hell, we could see The Godfather vs. The Godfather Part II

I said 32, and we chose one representative fort franchise films
Still, 32 horror movies, and you can't have more than one Nightmare on Elm Street movie? That list will be spread pretty thin. And Saw will still win over Psycho, which is fucking bullshit.

but yet those same idiots would probably vote Hostel over The Departed or No Country for Old men, so pick your poison
Which is why Hostel will be in my tournament when hell freezes over.

Which probably won't keep it from going out early because people aren't familiar with it
Which is why I've steered from the really old movies. But if I'm not allowed to put Citizen Kane in my tournament, then I'm definitely not gonna water down the quality of my tournament by having some nerds campaign 300 to the top of the action genre.
For the love of god, Shango what do you THINK of me??? The Patriot with Mel Gibson of course LOL
I had to check lol.

Whatev. Saying The Saints is overrated has become the new smarl reversal thing to do, like saying Kennedy is overrated.
Nah, dude, I've always said it was overrated. It was decent, but there was a reason it only had a limited release.

Kingdom of Heaven is fucking sick. My favorite movie of all time prolly.
I've never gotten around to it. I'm familiar with it though. That's the one with Jeremy Irons, about the Crusades, right? And it tanked at the box office? Poor Jeremy Irons. You win an Oscar, you're career's supposed to soar, isn't it? But since Reversal of Fortune (great movie, btw, not good enough to be in the tourney, but still worth watching), his only successful movies were as Simon Gruber in Die Hard 3, and voicing Scar in The Lion King. Course, some of his movies deserve to bomb (Eragon, anyone?)
Look, all I'm going to say is that you have to cater to the masses, if you want to put some of the older films in your tournament, classics they may be, just don't be surprised if some of them don't make it very far. The problem I am foreseeing is with the potential setup of apples vs oranges. I think you are putting to much stock in the fact that people are going to stop and compare two different films, and if people have a preference towards one genre to another, their going to vote accordingly. I could almost guarantee you that the Die Hard/ Rain Man match would be a Die Hard blowout, because Die Hard has the popularity factor on its side as well as the entertainment factor.

Its fine if your trying to generate some good potential discussion with this tournament, but don't set yourself up for failure either.
I had to check lol.

Nah, dude, I've always said it was overrated. It was decent, but there was a reason it only had a limited release.

I've never gotten around to it. I'm familiar with it though. That's the one with Jeremy Irons, about the Crusades, right? And it tanked at the box office? Poor Jeremy Irons. You win an Oscar, you're career's supposed to soar, isn't it? But since Reversal of Fortune (great movie, btw, not good enough to be in the tourney, but still worth watching), his only successful movies were as Simon Gruber in Die Hard 3, and voicing Scar in The Lion King. Course, some of his movies deserve to bomb (Eragon, anyone?)

I have no idea why it bombed. I thought it was fucking fantastic. Im really into idealogical stuff, and this movie was chock full of it. Check er out sometime
In all fairness, I am trying to pick movies that are popular AND relevant. I've The Matrix in there. I've got Speed. I've got Jurassic Park. I've got Lord of the Rings. I just want to see how other movies from the era can stack up. Could Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind go up against Gladiator? I'd like to think so.

Also, the main reason that I wanted to divide it into decades was to prevent some of the older movies from going out so early. I know that The Deer Hunter wouldn't stand a chance against Fight Club. But why not see how it stacks up against Apocolypse Now? I really don't think we'll see popularity effect the voting all that much. I've tried my hardest to pick movies that are both classic pieces of work, AND are popular with large audiences. Star Wars vs. Rocky, that could be quite a tight race.

I'm telling ya, if enough people participate with thoughtful discussion, the rest will do thier best as well. Which is why I'm counting on some of you veteran posters out there, who know what you're doing, to vote in this tournament, and stir up the debate. Feel free to play Devil's Advocate for a movie, just for the heck of it. I know that's what I'll do, seeing as most of favorite movies will be in the tournament, and therefore are likely to go head-to-head with each other.

I'm a movie buff, possibly even more than I am of wrestling, so I'll definitely be in there for the discussions.

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