A mini tournament is on the horizon...

IC's mini-tournament, which was better than the actual movie tournament, was to commemorate Halloween (a special occasion).
OK it was to commemorate Halloween, but Halloween is nothing special. If Derf wants to do this then let him do it. It's not happening until February for gods sake.
I dont see the point in arguing about tournaments. If you dont like them dont participate. It's that simple.
Agreed. I didn't participate in ANY of the tournys going on right now, yet I don't thnk they should have never happened. And alot of people might actually enjoy these two tournys. So if you DON'T enjoy them, don't bother with them, as opposed to talking them down, hoping they won't happen for those of us that do want them too.
I don't see what's wrong with pointing out that another million tournaments aren't needed when there are way too many going on to begin with.
When Derf starts the only one going on will be the Game Tourney so using the argument there's to many Tournaments going on right now doesn't mean anything.
I'm pretty sure IC25 won't let anymore happen, that's why FLUK was told to wait until February.
Sorry, I'm not on the up and up with the tournaments besides knowing that there's way too many going on, and all, no offense, equally pointless.
everyone's entitled to their opinion. Some agree with you, some don't. There gonna happen regardless
That means I'm allowed to voice how pointless it is to have these going regardless.

Like I said, Derf has a relatively poor track record as far as finishing things like this goes anyway, which just further magnifies how pointless this particular tournament is.
That means I'm allowed to voice how pointless it is to have these going regardless.

Like I said, Derf has a relatively poor track record as far as finishing things like this goes anyway, which just further magnifies how pointless this particular tournament is.

I've only not finished one tourny, and that was because it was stopped by a mod, not by me. Every other tournament I started, I finished.
I dont see the point in arguing about tournaments. If you dont like them dont participate. It's that simple.

One of the many issues I have with it is that if you're the type of poster who uses the New Posts button, then when ever you click on it you get blasted with 800 fucking tourny threads, and have to sift through them to fined and actual discussion, that's just one of my issues there are many many more

Also I'm getting sick of the "they generate discussion argument" they only generate a small amount of discussion any more and when the tourney is done, that little bit of discussion it created goes away with it, perhaps instead of createing an endless line of lame ass tourneys, you should possibly look into finding new ways of creating discussion without the use of a Tourney as a crutch
"Things like this" includes the games you always quit that you start.

What are you refering to that I quit? My first tag Tourny was finished, Shocky and PWC won it, i think. And then the Battle Royal was won by Will. The 2nd tourny was ended by a mod because of bickering, not my fault. i was pissed that it ended, I wanted it to finish. But I didn't quit it. And I won't quit this eiher.
I Think he means the Survivor thing you had us make Teams for

Oh Shit, I forgot about that completely! That was when I was moving. Ok, I'm flawed, I'll admit it. But the thing was turning out way differently then I planned anyways. his is a simple tourny, just for fun, on who woul win in a fight between video game charecters. Screw the games they are in, it's the people fighting.
One of the many issues I have with it is that if you're the type of poster who uses the New Posts button, then when ever you click on it you get blasted with 800 fucking tourny threads, and have to sift through them to fined and actual discussion, that's just one of my issues there are many many more

Also I'm getting sick of the "they generate discussion argument" they only generate a small amount of discussion any more and when the tourney is done, that little bit of discussion it created goes away with it, perhaps instead of createing an endless line of lame ass tourneys, you should possibly look into finding new ways of creating discussion without the use of a Tourney as a crutch

They generate more discussion than you ever have. Stop being a lil' bitch.

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