The WWE Network is LIVE in the UK (Early)

I usually always have a show or movie playing on my laptop at the same time that I am playing video games on my tv.

I tend to do that as well, unless the game is more story driven and requires my full attention.

If I'm just fucking around with side missions or collecting trophies/achievements, I feel like I need something else on, it's odd.

I literally don't know where I should start, I just had a quick look through it on my lunch break. The amount of content is insane, I've placed this weeks NXT and KOTR 2001 on my 'watch' list! I'll probably get my nostalgia fix over the weekend, with some later 90's and early 2000's WWF.

However I never watched WCW during it's popularity spike in the mid 90's, all I knew about as a kid was Hogan's heel turn and Sting's change in appearance.

Therefore, has anyone got an suggestions WCW content wise?
However I never watched WCW during it's popularity spike in the mid 90's, all I knew about as a kid was Hogan's heel turn and Sting's change in appearance.

Therefore, has anyone got an suggestions WCW content wise?

Oh, goodness lawd.

Fall Brawl 1996, Spring Stampede - Starrcade 1997, Superbrawl 1998, Spring Stampede 1998,

Slamboree 1998 includes one of the biggest pops and most goosebump raising moments you will ever see.

Fall Brawl 1998, and Haloween Havoc 98.

All are 110% damn sure satisfaction, and should be required viewing. Match for match, minute for minute, Overall quality wise, the best wrestling shows you will ever see.
Got it. Haven't even looked at it yet. I want to start from the beginning of Nitro in order including PPV's. Somebody tell me the Network will do that for me.
What they really should have done, is release all library content, had a monthly "live Network special" IE, Saturday Nights main event, Great American Bash, Haloween Havoc, what have you to replace "B" PPVs, and then kept the big 4 as traditional PPV.

Offset revenue, allow for better build, and keep your PPV partners.

To think there are people employed and make good money to fuck up what I just made awesome in 5 seconds.
The first year of it yes. They're very strange about how they update things.

Business. If they put everything onto it immediately they'd have screwed themselves even further then they kind of already have. They need fresh content to upload to keep giving people a reason to stay subscribed.
Oh, goodness lawd.

Yeah I know I know, unfortunately at the time we didn't have Sky and I even had to rely on a friend just to keep up to date with the WWF.

Fall Brawl 1996, Spring Stampede - Starrcade 1997, Superbrawl 1998, Spring Stampede 1998,

Slamboree 1998 includes one of the biggest pops and most goosebump raising moments you will ever see.

Fall Brawl 1998, and Haloween Havoc 98.

All are 110% damn sure satisfaction, and should be required viewing. Match for match, minute for minute, Overall quality wise, the best wrestling shows you will ever see.

Brilliant, thanks for that mate. All have been added to my watchlist, I have an utter shit ton of stuff to get through. But I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to it!
Business. If they put everything onto it immediately they'd have screwed themselves even further then they kind of already have. They need fresh content to upload to keep giving people a reason to stay subscribed.

But they barely upload it. They put up about ten episodes of WCCW on launch and haven't touched it since. Put it up in monthly batches of four episodes or something, not six months to a year at a time.
Business. If they put everything onto it immediately they'd have screwed themselves even further then they kind of already have. They need fresh content to upload to keep giving people a reason to stay subscribed.

If only they could have more content...perhaps, maybe even original.

Content....that's original...


Wait. Its already there.
But they barely upload it. They put up about ten episodes of WCCW on launch and haven't touched it since. Put it up in monthly batches of four episodes or something, not six months to a year at a time.

It's the way they see that they need to do it.

The concept itself is great for hardcore wrestling fans or even those who want cheap PPV's (not that it's working, mind you), but in simple terms, they've given people so much and for $9.99 a month too, a price they've put on t-shirts, had people chant, done adverts for, so they can never raise that price. Or if they do they'll be in for a big backlash and criticism. They pretty much fucked themselves really.

They need to upload all this stuff slowly, they need to upload it so slowly that the content will last them years.
Thanks NorCal, I've noted down those WCW shows and will add them to my watchlist. I've always fancied seeing full WCW PPVs, hard to get hold of in the UK.
It's the way they see that they need to do it.

The concept itself is great for hardcore wrestling fans or even those who want cheap PPV's (not that it's working, mind you), but in simple terms, they've given people so much and for $9.99 a month too, a price they've put on t-shirts, had people chant, done adverts for, so they can never raise that price. Or if they do they'll be in for a big backlash and criticism. They pretty much fucked themselves really.

They need to upload all this stuff slowly, they need to upload it so slowly that the content will last them years.

GIven the content they have and how much new stuff they have, that won't be an issue.
on the 97' post, I meant Spring Stampede THROUGH Starrcade 97, btw.

I didn't pick up on that when I first read your reply. I've amended my watch list now and rearranged everything in order.

Holy Christmas that's a lot, I really wish I didn't have plans this weekend.
I'm starting slow - watched the Hardys + Edge and Christian 'Rivalries' then moved on to HHH/HBK.

I might start going through the Rumbles from 2004 as I watched 98-03 relatively recently.
The first significant technical glitch I've encountered: the audio for Mankind versus The Rock at the 1999 Rumble is way out of sync. It wouldn't be so noticeable if it weren't for Mick's "waaah-dush!" every time he throws a punch.

Does everybody else have the same version or is it just fucked on my end?
The audio problem was at least enough to dig me out of my nostalgia hole. I watched the end to last year's Rumble (no audio problems in that ma--BOOOOOOOOOO!) and now I'm starting with all the 2002 pay-per-views I didn't see. First up: Backlash.

Hulk Hogan won the what in the where now?
The audio problem was at least enough to dig me out of my nostalgia hole. I watched the end to last year's Rumble (no audio problems in that ma--BOOOOOOOOOO!) and now I'm starting with all the 2002 pay-per-views I didn't see. First up: Backlash.

Hulk Hogan won the what in the where now?

Contextually, it was absolutely the right decision. Recall this match follows the WM18 match with the rock
I've just watched the next episode of the Monday Night Wars, all about Mick Foley

Nothing I didnt already know, but just makes me like the guy even more. Seems a genuinely good guy who achieved his dream against all odds.

Plus, Dude Love is still funny as hell.

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