The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
Not alot of quality matches! The only one I will discuss is the naturals and Rhodes/Slater. The naturals are know as a tag team while most know Rhodes as a singles competior. Of course being a Flair Fan I was against Rhodes but as one earlier said you can't deny what he has done. Slater was as rough and tough as they come. Rhodes has been a part of two good teams and I have to go with the Dirty One and Rhodes on this one.
So here are the results for the TNA Region: Area 4.

1. 4. The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) vs. 29. The Mega Powers (Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage)

This was the big looking controversial first round match of the first round. Savage and Hogan prove that being good individually, doesn't necessarily translate very well in a tag team tournament, especially a tag team the quality of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard. The Horsemen ride on to the second round.

The Brainbusters
The Mega Powers

2. 13. Strike Force (Rick Martel and Tito Santana) vs. 20. Team Canada (Robert Roode and Eric Young)

Despite Strike Force apparently not knowing who was on the team, what the hell was Ricky Steamboat doing at ringside anyway? And despite this being a TNA ring, the TNA fanboys have not come out in droves this tournament yet. Strike Force moves on, but in a close matchup.

Strike Force
Team Canada

3. 5. The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal) vs. 28. The Natural Gang (Butch Reed and One Man Gang)

The Road Warriors are probably arrested after this match after destroying the team of One Man Gang and Butch Reed. This my friends, is the first dominating match of the tournament. The Road Warriors win beyond convincingly.

The Road Warriors
The Natural Gang

4. 12. Ivan and Nikita Koloff vs. 21. Dustin Rhodes and Barry Windham

The Russian Bear is too much for the team of Rhodes and Windham to handle. While most agree that Ivan may have been over rated, most seem to think that Nikita is very under rated. The Russians move on.

The Koloffs
Rhodes and Windham

So the new 2nd Round matchups are.
The Brainbusters vs. Strike Force
The Road Warriors vs. the Koloffs.

Now onto today's matchups. These matches take place in the ECW Region, from the ECW Arena in Philadelphia, PA. All matches take place, under extreme rules.

Match 1.
2. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) vs. the Fabulous Ones (Stan Lane and Steve Keirn)
* Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

* NWA World Tag Team Championship (6 times)

* World Wrestling Council

* WWC Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* NWA Shockwave

* NWA Shockwave Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated 2003 2nd runner up Tag Team of the year
* Pro Wrestling Illustrated 2004 Tag Team of the year
* Pro Wrestling Illustrated 2005 3rd runner up Tag Team of the year

The Fabulous Ones:
* Championship Wrestling from Florida

* NWA Florida United States Tag Team Championship (2 times)

* Continental Wrestling Association

* CWA World Tag Team Championship (2 times)
* Southern Tag Team Championship (15 times)

* Southwest Championship Wrestling

* SWCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* United States Wrestling Association

* USWA Tag Team Championship (1 time)
* 1995 “Best of Memphis” Tag-Team tournament winners

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI ranked the Fabulous Ones # 28 of the best tag teams during the "PWI Years".

Match 2:
15. Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill vs. 18. Big Bad and Dangerous (Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow)

Doring and Roadkill:
* Extreme Championship Wrestling

* ECW Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Big, Bad, and Dangerous:
* New Japan Pro Wrestling

* IWGP World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Match 3:
7. Edge and Christian vs. 26. The Triple Threat (Dean Malenko and Shane Douglas)

Edge and Christian:
* Insane Championship Wrestling

* ICW Streetfight Tag Team Championship (2 times)

* Southern States Wrestling

* SSW Tag Team Championship

* World Wrestling Federation

* WWF Tag Team Championship (7 times)

* Wrestling Observer Newsletter

* 2000 Tag Team of the Year

The Triple Threat:

Match 4:
10. The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) vs. 23. The Right To Censor (The Goodfather and Bull Buchannan)

* Jersey All Pro Wrestling
o JAPW Tag Team Championship: Homicide and Hernandez (1 time, current)
* Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
o NWA World Tag Team Championship: Homicide and Hernandez (2 times)
o The Heyman Award
* Wrestling Observer Newsletter
o 2006 Tag Team of the Year
o 2006 Best Gimmick

* World Wrestling Federation

* WWF Tag Team Championship

The poll is now closed
Great round so far Shocky---though I'm really disappointed that Slyfox has become more and more random here, he would've been awesome to have take part in this tournament.

ECW Region, Area 2

America's Most Wanted vs. The Fabulous Ones
I can't believe I missed out on the Fabulous Ones being introduced! Truly an underrated team that never got the respect they deserved, Stan Lane is one hell of a wrestler, and one of the few guys who really looked like he was legitly beating the shit out of his opponents. That being said, AMW is the best tag team to come around in years, and are really two TNA's greatest success stories. The matches and brutality they've endured together and against each other speaks well enough to assume that they would go very hardcore on the Fabulous Ones in the old ECW turf. AMW takes this one, albeit very closely.
Winners: America's Most Wanted

Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill vs. Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow
As Prax said about the Road Warrior match, if Vader & Bam Bam don't get 100% here then none of you are real wrestling fans. On one hand you have two of the best big men wrestlers of all time, one of them (Vader) being arguably one of the best wrestlers ever IMO, versus two of the most overrated, boring, and shitty workers I've ever seen in Roadkill & Doring. Roadkill & Doring get taken out on stretchers with all of their major limbs broken.
Winners: Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

Edge & Christian vs. Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko
While I mark out like an eleven year old girl who's just seen John Cena for Dean Malenko, one cannot deny what Edge & Christian did and are arguably continuing to do in their solo careers. They reinvented a tag scene that was really, honestly, dying. They came just in the wake of the New Age Outlaws disintegrating and they filled that spot nicely, becoming arguably the greatest tag team in WWE history in terms of number of title wins. This would be one hell of a match that I would absolutely love to see. Even though this is Douglas' turf, and he's got a master of wrestling as a partner, I still give this to E & C simply because they have more experience together, whereas Douglas & Malenko was really a shortlived team.
Winners: Edge & Christian

L.A.X. vs. The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan
Lets see here...two of the best young wrestlers in the biz today...versus Papa Shango and the Big Bossman's personal jobber-bitch. If you even need to debate this, please log off your computer right now.
Winners: L.A.X.

So we potentially have
AMW vs. Big Bad & Dangerous (Thats a hard match)
E&C vs. LAX (Another dream match worth gasming over)

Come on people! Let's hear some debate! We need more John Cena & Ultimate Warrior & Batista involved here people!
Well X you may have missed a chance at some arguments when someone picked the BWO to beat Demolition (wasnt me) found that truly mind blowing.

America's Most Wanted vs. The Fabulous Ones
Must admit to not seeing a great deal of The Fabulous Ones. What I did see impressed me. But Im more impressed by AMW. As X has already pointed out AMW are one of the best teams in years, and dont mind getting down and dirty when required.

Winners: AMW

Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill vs. Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow
When I saw Doring & Roadkill in the ECW region I thought they may be half a chance to get out of the first round. Then saw their opponets are Vader and Bam Bam. They know have exactly 0 chance. Roadkill soon becomes Ringkill in this one.

Winners: Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

Edge & Christian vs. Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko
Had to really think about this one. Douglas and Malenko are a great pairing and if they had spent longer together who knows what they would of been able to achieve. But E&C are fantastic. The wont mind this being in ECW at all, as both have had some major battles in a hardcore environemtn. In what I htink would be a damn good and actually close match E&C pull htis one out.

Winners: E&C

LAX VS The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan
See Xfearbefore's post cant say it any better. LAX very easily.

Winners LAX
Match 1.
2. America's Most Wanted (Chris Harris and James Storm) vs. the Fabulous Ones (Stan Lane and Steve Keirn)

One of the Best Tag Teams of the Decade in AMW, add to the fact that James Storm will be allowed to use Beer Bottles as well this should be a walk-over for AMW.

Match 2:
15. Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill vs. 18. Big Bad and Dangerous (Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow)

While I like Doring and Roadkill as a tag team, they are going up against two of the best Big men in the business. Vader and Bam Bam can destroy either of these by themselves and in an ECW environment they become even more dangerous.

Match 3:
7. Edge and Christian vs. 26. The Triple Threat (Dean Malenko and Shane Douglas)

I feel sorry for Malenko and Douglas as E&C are one of the best Tag Teams in WWE history one of the top 10 home grown tag teams. E&C will dominate this one easily.

Match 4:
10. The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) vs. 23. The Right To Censor (The Goodfather and Bull Buchannan)

As Xfear said do we really need to debate this LAX wins this one easily.
I get so excited for the ECW matches... so here we go, bitches

AMW v. The Fabulous Ones
While I think alot of people forget how good the Fabulous Ones were in their prime, ECW rules are going to give AMW a huge advantage in this match. This ones could end up a Tapei Death Match with all the broken beer bottles.
Winner: AMW

Doring & Roadkill v. Vader & Bam Bam
X, I have to disagree with you a little bit on this one. I like Roadkill & Doring together and I think they made a solid team. Now I am admittedly a notorious ECW fan and I support anybody who wrestled for Heyman. But I agree with you that Vader & Bam Bam are a much better team and have no problems putting this one away. Bam Bam is hands down the best big man to ever step into the ring.
Winner: Bam Bam & Vader

Edge & Christian v. Douglas & Malenko
Holy shit- how about the talent in this match! Probably 4 of the best singles wrestlers of the past 20 years. I am a huge Shane Douglas fan so it pains me to have to vote against him in the first round *throws up the Triple Threat hands*, especially in his own house. But Edge & Christian were a phenomenal tag team who did have a huge part in the revival of the tag team scene in the 90's.
Winner: Edge & Christian

LAX v. Godfather & Bull Buchannon
I guess this is the comedy match for the night. I would have loved to see how bright Homicide would have shined in ECW. This is not even close.
Winner: LAX
ECW Region, Area 2

America's Most Wanted vs. The Fabulous Ones
I admittedly don't know much about the Fabulous Ones, but what I do know is that AMW is one of the best teams that has been around since the turn of the century, an d both guys could very well go on to be household names in the wrestling world in the future if they're career continues on the right track. So, for me, I really have to vote for AMW.
Winners: America's Most Wanted

Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill vs. Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow
Who ever doesn't vote fore Vader and Bam Bam gets banned. The two greatest big men in wrestling (arguably) vs. 2 jobbers. What excuse do you have for voting for the former team?
Winners: Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

Edge & Christian vs. Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko
Although I admit Douglas is one of the better wrestlers of all time, same for Malenko, we're talking about them going up vs. friggin Edge and Christian. I was never a big fan of Douglas. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate his skill and some of the things he's done for the business, he just rubs me the wrong way. But that has no bearing here. Regardless, E&C should take this one easy.
Winners: Edge & Christian

L.A.X. vs. The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan
lol RTC.
Winners: L.A.X.

So we potentially have
AMW vs. Big Bad & Dangerous (Can't wait for this one)
E&C vs. LAX (Another potential dream match.)
2. America's Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) vs. the Fabulous Ones (Stan Lane and Steve Keirn) Ok now I feel fore the guy who thought Steamboat wa spart of Strikeforce as last round I somehow saw the Naturals and thught of AMW and even called them that. So take commets form last round and apply here. In addtion I could never bring myself to findd a man seriously compent whose nickname is Sweet

15. Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill vs. 18. Big, Bad, and Dangerous (Bam Bam Bigelow and Big Van Vader) Getting teh patsys out of the way arent we. I would love to have seen BBD in action in their prime. And the reaction to wreslers hering that 300-400 pound men are going to come off the top rope on you well it would make me rethink my wrestling career.

7. Edge and Christian vs. 26. The Triple Threat (Dean Malenko and Shane Douglas) To me the Triple Threat wil be with Bigelow but he has a partner in possible darkhorse team and Candido got the Bodydonnas (why I must ask why) So E&C get two comentet solo wrestlers who atgged for a time . But not only are E&C are top tag team but they are even better singles competiors and could beat their opponets solo so the Reighn of Awesomness beginsg here.

10. The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) vs. 23. The Right To Censor (Bull Buchannan and The Goodfather)
Oh cmon I liked Papa Shango but he went down hill from there (who rembers during the vido game craze when he was matched up against old video game charcters in WWF mag) and Bull did he ever win a match. You know maybe next we could put together a annoying charcter poll and list teh worst charcters ,stunts of all time and we vote which made you groan more ( Everything from Chucky to Robocop to Glacier and The Gobblygooker) It could be fun determing wheter dressing OMG as a giant white African wa smore stimulating than seeing Goldust dressed as a new Years baby being thrown into a port a potty.
America's Most Wanted vs. The Fabulous Ones

I have to go with AMW here. Why? Because for several years, AMW was the ONLY tag team in America with any credibility. The WWE's tag division was pure garbage, and AMW was the only indy tag team worth a damn. AMW was king of the tag world for years, and they get the nod here. Plus, I'm quickly becoming a fan of Chris Harris. When I saw him live at the Lockdown PPV in St. Louis, he just screamed superstar to me. Chris Harris may be the next big thing.

Winner: AMW

Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill vs. Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

Let's see. Two of the greatest big man workers ever vs. two guys who aren't even worthy of...well, anything. Vader takes this match all by himself, while Bigelow just stands on the outside laughing at the two jobbers across the way.

Winner: Vader, with Bigelow providing "moral assistance"

Edge & Christian vs. Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko

This is a tough one. On one hand, we have two of the greatest gimmick match wrestlers ever, two main-event champions with numerous tag titles in the WWF/E, both of which just ooze charisma and work the mic like no one else and have been apart of one of the Top 5 all-time matches at Wrestlemania (TLC 2). On the other hand we have Dean Douglas, whose sole claim to fame is that he cussed a lot in the early days of ECW, and Dean Malenko who has the personality of a telephone pole. I think I'm going to give the slight (and by slight I mean, no-brainer) victory to Edge and Christian.

Winner: Edge and Christian.

L.A.X. vs. The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan

Wow, this section of the region is like the 2007 NCAA March Madness. A bunch of blowouts. Considering that the Godfather couldn't even get over on his own, and had to rely on pops generated from the Attitude era and a bunch of scantily clad women, and Bull Buchanan is the stupidest name for someone since The Repo Man, LAX wins this one in a walk. I don't even have to mention LAX's strengths.

Winner: LAX

EDIT: I do want to mention one more thing...WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE? The Mega Powers are already out? Good lord, my faith in the credibility of this tournament has taken a major hit, with both Savage and Hogan out, and last time I looked w/o Cena even in it. It's redonkulous (from Mike and Mike in the Morning).
America's Most Wanted vs. The Fabulous Ones

AMW.. James Strom and Chris Harris.. Two badassed inviduals. This wn't be a blow out but it will be damn near close to it.

Winner: AMW

Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill vs. Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

SQUASH ALERT... Vader and Bigelow are some big and athletic inviduals.. I mean there is no match to talk about.

Winner: Vader and Bam

Edge & Christian vs. Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko

This is a damn good match.. Edge and Christian are damn good wrestlers.. Shane Douglas is good and Malenko is one of the most underrated wrestlers in my view. I went with Makenko and Douglas for the hell of it.. No real reason.

Winner: Malenko Douglas

L.A.X. vs. The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan

Another blow out.. I don't care how big Bull and The Godfather our. Hernandez is a badass and so is Homicide.. When the Godfathe was in RTC he bcame a full fledge tie wearing pussy. So screw Bull and Godfather with there ties, there aboiut to get OWNED!

Winner: LAX
Edge & Christian vs. Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko

This is a damn good match.. Edge and Christian are damn good wrestlers.. Shane Douglas is good and Malenko is one of the most underrated wrestlers in my view. I went with Makenko and Douglas for the hell of it.. No real reason.

Winner: Malenko Douglas
Underrated? UNDERRATED? Are you kidding me? How can either Douglas or Malenko be considered underrated? First, Malenko is an IWC god, as is typical of small men with no personality. And the best thing Douglas ever did was piss off Shawn Michaels so he could whine about it in ECW. The best matches I've ever seen Douglas in are the ones where he lays on his back for a 1-2-3 count. And seriously, Dean Malenko wouldn't be that bad if he could ever get anyone in the crowd to actually give a damn.

Saying they are better than Edge and Christian is just ridiculous, especially in a gimmick environment like ECW (I'm assuming ECW rules apply for the ECW region) just ridiculous.
Yeah I got to agree with Sly Josh, what are you thinking dude? Seriously .. I mean I know everyone is entitled to their opinon, but first you have BWo beating Demolition and know Malenko & Douglas beating Edge and Christian.... Edge & Christian dude!!!!

I have a little bit more liking for Malenko & Douglas than what does Sly does, but no way in hell they beat E&C. Not in ECW,WCW, WWE, 4, 6, 8 or 256 sided ring. Just not going to happen, ever.
America's Most Wanted vs. The Fabulous Ones
I think that it will be a easy win for AMW just do to thier power
Winners: America's Most Wanted

Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill vs. Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow
i sense another win for the big people by at least 95 to 5 based on size along plus name recongtion
Winners: Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

Edge & Christian vs. Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko
while Malenko may be the man of a thousand holds that don't mean shit when E&C can legally do the con-chair-to which knocks anyone out plus exprience since they are cousions so i would go 78 to 22
Winners: Edge & Christian

L.A.X. vs. The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan
L.A.X wins in an easy one because i think that the only reason RTC got the titles when they did was a thank you from vince because they had to put up with this stupid gimmick
Winners: L.A.X.

hey sly when are you going to upate the brackets and sry to hear about your cat shocky
hey sly when are you going to upate the brackets and sry to hear about your cat shocky
Since I'm way to lazy (and busy) to go through all the different posts in this long thread to find who won each match and stuff, Shocky has told me that when the results become official and public, he would PM them to me. As soon as that happens, I will update the brackets. So, whenever I get the PM, the brackets will be updated.
As for me having Demolation losing to BWO is simple... I never liked Demoltion... I always thought they were cheesey and they never intrest me in the least bit.. At that time I was a Brain Busters fan becasue they were former horsmen... Plus I really resent them getting a number one seed in the tournamnet, I think Demilation is one of the most overrated teams of ALL-TIME! Also, I like old ECW alot.. I liked BWO... I picked who I liked and the only team I wouldn't pick over Demo is the Hardyz!

As far as picking Dean Malenko and Shane Douglas.. Well it boils down to the fact I never like E&C as a tag team. I picked Douglas and Malenko based on Malenko. Shit, I hated Douglas in ECW and I hated him as Dean Douglas in WWE... He even pissed me off when he went back to WCW. I went with Malenko because he is underrated and I'm a Four horsemen mark and he was a horsemen. He is one of the greatest technical wrestlers of all time and if he wrestled in a diffrent era he would have been a superstar but his prime came in the mid to late 90's during the whole attitude era.

So thoes are my reasons, if you don't like them thats fine. We all our entitled to our thoughts and views.. So now with all that said don't be surprised when when The Hardyz match comes and I pick against them.. I can't stand thoes bastards...

Also, Sly. What the hell is up with you and The Mega Powers? I mean I'm a Hogan fan and yes I used to mark out for them.. But there not a real tag team, just a couple of superstars thrown toegther to progress a storyline. They never really accomplished anything as a tag team other then the fact they argued about Miss Elizabeth and over the world title..
So thoes are my reasons, if you don't like them thats fine. We all our entitled to our thoughts and views.. So now with all that said don't be surprised when when The Hardyz match comes and I pick against them.. I can't stand thoes bastards...
Don't worry. The Hardyz vs. Flair/Piper will be a tough one for me too.

Also, Sly. What the hell is up with you and The Mega Powers? I mean I'm a Hogan fan and yes I used to mark out for them.. But there not a real tag team, just a couple of superstars thrown toegther to progress a storyline. They never really accomplished anything as a tag team other then the fact they argued about Miss Elizabeth and over the world title..
They were a real tag team. They wore the same ring attire, they had a tag team name, they had a manager. They were a real tag team. And it was made up of two of the greatest wrestlers of all time. In no way would ANY tag team go over The Mega Powers at that time. Macho Man brought the speed and high flying abilities, Hogan brought the power and the charisma, and Miss Elizabeth brought the style and elegance.

They formed an alliance at WM 4, and tagged together at Summerslam. They remained a tag team until Febuary of the next year.

They fit the qualifications, and the only reason they were never tag champions is the same reason Andre was never the World Champion. Because no one would be able to legitly take the belts off of the Mega Powers.
ECW Region, Area 2

America's Most Wanted vs. The Fabulous Ones
I myself dont really know too much about The Fabulous Ones even though ive watched alot of 1980's wrestling. How Ever i do know AMW and know what they can do. they are one of the best tag teams around due to their ability. plus theyve won a bunch of championships.
Winners: America's Most Wanted

Danny Doring & Amish Roadkill vs. Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow
SQUASH. i have lots of respect for mr. Roadkill and Mr. Doring. i watched some of their matches and was impressed by dorings ability. but honestly there is no way in Hell that they be Vader and Bam Bam. Vader and Bam Bam just have too much size for Doring and Roadkill to compete.
Winners: Big Van Vader & Bam Bam Bigelow

Edge & Christian vs. Shane Douglas & Dean Malenko
Dean Malenko is a great wrestler. i dare say as good as mr. perfect and bret hart. i know ill catch flak for that statement. Malenko is super underrated due to no charisma. But when your dealing with the 8 or 9 time WWF/E tag champs you dont have much of a chance.
Winners: Edge & Christian via Con-Chair-To

L.A.X. vs. The Goodfather & Bull Buchanan
I think RTC has a small chance... of living after this match.
Winners: L.A.X.

great tournament Shocky sorry to hear about your cat its happened to me alot when a damn virus hit my house. for the bwo is Big Stevie Cool going to be included.
Ecw Region

AMW vs the Fabulous Ones
I don't know much about these Fabulous Ones. I didn't Really watch wrestling in the 80s but I do know about AMW the best tag team in the 90s Era.
Winners: AMW

Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill vs Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow
Damn I really want to go with Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill because they put on some great matches in the old ECW, but Vader and Bigelow was the best big men in theirs prime.
Winners:Bigelow and Vader

Edge and Christian vs Shane Douglas and Dean Malenko
This right here is a hard one. I mean Dean Malenko is one of the best Non-personality wrestlers I know. Shane didn't do that much but on wrestling skills alone the Iceman is champ in my book Edge and Christian did everything a tag team can do and went on for single success so I'm going for E&C because hell I just pick em them

L.A.X vs Bull Buchanan and the Goodfather
Lets be serious? To live and die in L.A.X nuff said
ECW Region

AMW v. The Fabulous Ones
AMW are one of the best teams of the late 90's early 2000. i dont see the fabulous ones winning this
Winner: AMW

Doring & Roadkill v. Vader & Bam Bam
I think vader and bam bam are too powerful for doring and roadkill, even with there hardcore knowledge
Winner: Bam Bam & Vader

Edge & Christian v. Douglas & Malenko
If it were malenko and beniot, i would have to say malenko and beniot, but i think douglas lets the team down and edge and christian have proven to everyone how good they are in tag team action
Winner: Edge & Christian

LAX v. Godfather & Bull Buchannon
haha! god i hated RtC. love LAX.

letes just leave it at that.
Winner: LAX
So here are the results of the TNA Region, Area 1.

1. 1. Demolition (Ax and Smash) vs. 32. the B.W.O. (Blue Meanie and Hollywood Nova)

As expected, Demolition does what the name implies, Demolish the team of Meanie and Nova. While Nova maybe the most talented of the foursome in the ring, in a team environment against Demolition, they had no chance. Yes, some people actually voted for the B.W.O.


2. 16. The 2nd City Saints (CM Punk and Colt Cabana) vs. 17. the Perfect Event (Shawn Stasiak and Chuck Palumbo)

With little Exposure, the 2nd City Saints, pretty much based on the star power of one, CM Punk, are able to knock off Chuck and Meat in a squash.

2nd City Saints
The Perfect Event

3. 8. La Resistance (Rob Conway and Sylan Grenier) vs. 25. Masato Tanaka and Balls Mahoney

In what maybe a slight shocker in the first round, the Extreme team of Tanaka and Mahoney manage to knock off La Resistance in round one. An outcome sure to cause some controversy.

La Resistance
Tanaka and Mahoney

4. 9. The Naturals (Andy Douglas and Chase Stevens) vs. 24. Dusty Rhodes and Dick Slater

Where the hell are the TNA fanboys. This is insane, and the exact opposite of what happened in the first tournament. The Naturals, a TNA team in a TNA ring get demolished by Dick Slater and Dusty Rhodes.

The Naturals
Rhodes and Slater

Now we move onto todays matchups. The following matches take place in the WWE Region, In Madison Square Garden. All matches take place under basic WWE Rules.

Match 1.
3. The Hart Foundation (Bret the Hitman Hart and Jim the Anvil Neidhart) vs. 30. Head Cheese (Al Snow and Steve Blackman)
The Hart Foundation:
World Wrestling Federation

* WWF World Tag Team Championship (2 times)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI ranked # 37 of "The 100 Best Tag Teams" of the PWI Years in 2003.

Head Cheese:

Match 2:
14. Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson vs. 19. 3 Live Kru (Konnan and Ron Killings)
Atlas and Johnson:
* World Wrestling Entertainment | World Wrestling Federation

* WWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

3 Live Kru:
1-time NWA World Tag Team Champions

Match 3:
6. The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs. 27. Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Somers
* Extreme Championship Wrestling
o ECW Tag Team Championship (4 times)

* i-Generation Superstars of Wrestling
o i-Generation Tag Team Championship (2 times)

* Main Event Championship Wrestling]]
o MECW Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* National Wrestling Alliance


* NWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time)


* NWA United States Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* Turnbuckle Championship Wrestling

* TCW Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* World Championship Wrestling

* WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* American Wrestling Association

* AWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Buddy Rose

Match 4:
11. Camp Cornette (Owen Hart and Yokozuna) vs. 22. The Corporation (Ken Shamrock and the Big Bossman)
* World Wrestling Federation

* WWF World Tag Team Championship (2 times)

The Corporation:
World Wrestling Federation

* WWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

The Poll is now Open. The Poll will stay open until Friday, July 13th at 6pm ET.
Hart Foundation v. Headcheese
How nice to start of with a comedy match. I think Bret could take this one himself.
Winner: Hart Foundation

Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson v. 3 Live Kru
While Atlas and Johnson deserve respect, I don't think this would be a close match. Ron Killings is sorely underrated and Konnan is as solid as they come.
Winner: 3 Live Kru

Public Enemy v. Buddy Rose & Doug Somers
The Public Enemy may have made their name moonsaulting people through tables, but they don't need any weapons to win this one. PE is one of the most creative teams of the 90's and were much better wrestlers than given credit for. Get your hands in the air, people...
Winner: Public Enemy

Owen Hart & Yokozuna v. Ken Shamrock and Big Bossman
For me, this would be a very boring match. While I respect Owen, I think he was overrated and Yokozuna was a waste of space. On the other hand, Shamrock never impressed me either and Bossman was an even bigger waste of space.
Winner (by default): Owen Hart & Yokozuna
Match 1.
3. The Hart Foundation (Bret the Hitman Hart and Jim the Anvil Neidhart) vs. 30. Head Cheese (Al Snow and Steve Blackman)
No contest. Steve Blackman will realize how bad Snow is and leaves the match early and Snow takes the loss.
Winner: The Hart Foundation.

Match 2:
14. Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson vs. 19. 3 Live Kru (Konnan and Ron Killings)
This should be a no brainer. Though 3 live Crew have some ability they will be demolished by the power of Atlas and Johnson.

Match 3:
6. The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs. 27. Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Somers
The obvious choice would seem to be PE but actually its not. Rose and Somers are the superior team. They are superior workers and if you tally all the tag titles up that each individual has Somers and Rose are vastly superior. They had numerous great matches especially in a cage match with The Midnight Rockers.
so my winner is: Rose and Somers. though overall they wont win the vote.

11. Camp Cornette (Owen Hart and Yokozuna) vs. 22. The Corporation (Ken Shamrock and the Big Bossman)
I liked the Bossman when he was paired with Akeem but with shamrock no.
Winner: Camp Cornette.
Hart Foundation vs. ...

It doesn't matter. Now that the Mega Powers are out, and John Cena never being in, The Hart Foundation is my pick to win it all.

Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson vs. 3 Live Kru

I would love to pick 3 Live Kru here. Unfortunately, Konnan's best wrestling has never been in the United States, and Ron Killings is one of the worst wrestlers to ever hold the NWA Championship. Just by being Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's dad alone is enough to put Atlas and Johnson over two of the most overrated TNA stars ever.

Public Enemy v. Buddy Rose & Doug Somers

Despite my general feelings of dismissal on anything from the incredibly overrated and overhyped ECW, I have to give the win here to Public Enemy. They had a decent run in WCW, and...well, now no one can call me anti-ECW anymore.

Owen Hart & Yokozuna v. Ken Shamrock and Big Bossman
Yokozuna vs. Ken Shamrock is a wash. So it comes down to Hart and Bossman. Bossman is top notch, VERY underrated...but I got to go with Owen and Yokozuna here. Neither one of Shamrock/Bossman really stuck out in the Corporation.

Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson v. 3 Live Kru
While Atlas and Johnson deserve respect, I don't think this would be a close match. Ron Killings is sorely underrated and Konnan is as solid as they come.
Winner: 3 Live Kru
Ummm, yeah. I'm going to have to go ahead and, disagree with you there. (bonus points for people who can name that movie)

Ron Killings is entirely overrated. He has the mic skills of a mop bucket and wrestles worse than Brian Pillman's gigantic pencil. Killings would be a better performer for a circus considering his only moves has 329053 flips and cartwheels in them. I don't think Ron Killings can even spell "psychology", because he damn sure doesn't use it.

Not to attack anyone personally, just to get some good debates going here. But, I seriously can't stand Killings.
I am gonna totally agree with Slyfox here, but only on one thing. Ron Killings is a complete waste of space, IMO. I haven't posted in the past few days just because there is nothing I could have said about all the squash matches that others already hadn't said before. (E&C, LAX, etc)

But the one thing I can say I am truly disappointed in is the fact La Resistance has made a first round exit against a couple of guys who I personally feel cannot work outside of a hardcore environment. But Tanaka/Mahoney SHOULD be gone next round anyways.

The only match I think is worth talking about is Public Enemy vs Rose/Somers. This one was a tossup, one is an excellent team that people sometimes forget did things outside ECW and the other is a couple of great workers who never accomplished that much, but I went with Somers/Rose mainly because I feel most won't give these two excellent performers the love they truly deserve.
Match 1.
3. The Hart Foundation (Bret the Hitman Hart and Jim the Anvil Neidhart) vs. 30. Head Cheese (Al Snow and Steve Blackman)

Do I need to explain this Squash of Head Cheese By one of the great tag Teams of the late 80's. Hart Foundation easily.

Match 2:
14. Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson vs. 19. 3 Live Kru (Konnan and Ron Killings)

Atlas and Johnson were a great tag Team back in the Day, so much so that they had the Rock play his father in an episode of that 70's Show, thats aside from the fact that the Hardyz are also in that episode. As said before Konnan's better days have not been in the States. Atlas and Johnson easily.

Match 3:
6. The Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs. 27. Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Somers

Public Enemy over Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Somers even though there is less tension in the ropes and no hardcore environment.

Match 4:
11. Camp Cornette (Owen Hart and Yokozuna) vs. 22. The Corporation (Ken Shamrock and the Big Bossman)

Camp Cornette wins this one fairly easily. Owen Hart with the Sharpshooter on Shamrock.

Good to see Tanaka/Mahoney Combo go through. they are an underrated team outside of the Hardcore environment.

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