The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
Oh Christ. I knew i shouldn't have said that...


*Breathe in, breathe out*

On to some picks...

CP Munk and Colt CaBunny vs The Nasty Boys

Come on. Only one obvious choice here...

Winners: The 2nd City Pets

No, not really, of course the Nastys unfortunatly advance, against 2 men dressed as a chipmunk and a rabbit. Possibly the strangest sentance ever typed...

AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs Kronik

Kronik could not wrestle their way out of a paper bag, for god's sake. Theie match against the B.O.D at Unforgiven 2001 is best forgotten, only memorable in any way for Steven Richards geting chokeslammed by Kane.

Winners: Styles & Daniels

Rock'n'Roll vs Furnas & LaFon

I don't care if i've spelt that wrong, coz that is one terrible team. Rock'n'Roll take it easily. Very very easily.

Winners: Rock'n'Roll Express

Natural Born Thrillaz vs The Body Donnas

Must disagree with some people here, The Body Donnas will win here. Remember, both wrestlers are IN THEIR PRIMES. Therefore, Tom Pritchard can take both by himself, Candido just has to stand there occasionally throwing punches. Easy win

Winners: The Body Donnas

Team 3D vs Team Incohereance

God dammit, why? One of the best actual wrestling teams, and they get Brother Ray and Brother Devon in the first round. As unfortunate as it is for 2 of the best indy wrestlers out there, i must say:

Winners: Team 3D (I'd like to add, i think of these guys as Team 3D now, i'm a TNA Fan. And as such, am outraged at the earlier elimination of the Naturals. Anyway, moving on...)

The Jersey Triad vs. The Evil Empire

Hang on, short break. I've got a CD on I made of wrestlers theme songs (only ones with actual lyrics, not stuff like Carlito or Lashley) and Burn In My Light is on. Which, for those less educated in the ways of theme songs of wrestlers, is Randy Orton's theme...

The point is, this song is a million times more interesting than this match will be. Boring match, the sleeping fans don't even see Rene Dupree win it by himself.

Winners: Rene Dupree and that other jerk.

North and South vs the Hollys

I have a fear that the Hollys may get some votes due to under-exposure of North/South, but for me there's only one winner:

Winners: The North/South Connection

Impact Players vs American Males

Disgraceful if anyone votes for those morons. Justin Credible is a fantastic wrestler, as is Lance Storm. They simply out-wrestle their opponents and pick up the win.

Originally posted by Colamania:
If they (the Hart Foundation) don't win by 100%, you can change by name to Evolution's Bitch for a week.

Ermm... no-one took that seriously, did they?

This one for RVDgurl I was trying to write fast becuz I was at work! She put me on blast!

Team 3D vs Incohereance
Damn! I'm new to Hallowicked and Delirious so I did a little Research and Incohereance accomplish a lot in theirs singles careers. Team 3D aka da DUDLEY BOYZ ran rough side thru ECW, won every major title to win. I'm going with the more experience tag team.
Winners: Team 3D

The Jersey Triad vs The Evil Empire
Okay....This is really not a interesting match. Kanyon went from a Jobber to mid carder. DDP is the only real champ. Rene lost in the sauce and the other got a hard name to pronounce.
I'm going with the Jersey Triad becuz of DDP nuff said
Winners: Jersey Triad

Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch vs The Hollys
Adonis and Murdoch were bad asses damn I didn't know Dick Murdoch was a title winning machine. I love Crash the Houdini of Hardcore and Hardcore been in the game a long time. I'm going with old school. I can't find a way for Crash to get out of this one Murdoch and Adonis are my pick.
Winners: Adonis and Murdoch

Impact Players vs American Males
Okay lets be serious....Justin Credible can sit and sipp lemonade while Lance Storm kick these poster boys asses.
Winners: Lance Storm (LoL)

(Shout out to RVDgurl I wasn't trying to debate I was trying to get a date LOL)
Couple days of catching up to do.

Match 1:
4. The Nasty Boy (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs) vs. 29. C.P. Munk and Colt Cabunny.

The Joke ends here, and I'm not talking about the Nasty Boys. I need to have some credibility to these things. Humor is well and good, but not for too long. The Nasty's better fucking win or I'm never doing this again.

Match 2:
13. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. 20. KroniK (Brian Adams and Brian Clark)

So we have a guy that breaks coconuts, and another guy that is named after a mushroom crowd. Hmm, or I can go with two of the best in ring performers of this decade. It's always hard to tell a matchup, especially when two guys are less mobile then a slab of concrete. Styles and Daniels win easily.

Match 3:
5. Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs. 28. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon.

I think Furnas and LaFon are better outside of the states then any of us will ever know. That being said, we're talking about the freaking Rock N Roll Express. R&R win hands down.

Match 4:
12. The Natural Born Thrillas (Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire) vs. 21. The Body Donnas (Tom Prichard and Chris Candido)

Athletically and physically, the Thrillas win this match hands down. Two young guys with shit ton of potential. That being said, potential means shit. Prichard is pretty damn good, and Candido is very under appreciated. Skip and Zip get the win.

Match 1
Team 3D vs Incohereance
Incoherence is probably a little more mobile then team 3-d, but the dudleys are just going to squash them. On order, two broken necks and a broken table.

The Jersey Triad vs The Evil Empire
Wow, people really don't like Kanyon. I actually thought his move set as Mortis was quite good, but then again, John Cena might look like the most gifted wrestler in 1997 WCW. Dupree is horrible. I like Suzuki, but this comes to DDP. DDP is a league better then the rest of the guys in this match. Why people are so hard on him, I'll never understand.

Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch vs The Hollys
There is a reason Bob Holly in 15 years with the WWE has only gotten one title match, he sucks. He is horrible, and crash is just as bad. Nothing good ever came from a Holly.

Impact Players vs American Males
One Kendo stick shot to the calf, and Buff Bagwell is tapping out. I only hope that this match gets drug on for a long time, just so I could watch Storm and Aldo destroy those two ass-clowns.
Here are the results from WCW Region, Area 4

1. 4. The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs) vs. 29. CP Munk and Colt CaBunny

Oh, boy, where to begin with this one. Just when I thought I had made a huge mistake, I look at the results and just shake my head in disbelief. How in the hell could this happen, why in the hell did it happen. Yes, people actually voted for the 2nd City Pest, and they voted a lot, but in the end, it wasn't enough to overcome the Nasty Boys.

The Nasty Boys
2nd City Pest

2. 13. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. 20. KroniK (Brian Adams and Brian Clark)

A good solid beat down in this match. I'm still surprised to see that Kronik managed to get 15% of the vote. This is not a solid enough victory for TNA fanboys.

Styles and Daniels

3. 5. The Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs. 28. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon

R&R really have no problems with this match. Furnas and Lafon are simply just outmatched in this bad boy.

RR XPress
Furnas and LaFon

4. 12. The Natural Born Thrillaz (Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak) vs. 21. The Body Donnas (Chris Candido and Tom Prichard)

I'm calling this one like I see it, this is an upset. This is a pure case of "The Gimmick Killed the Wrestler". The Natural Born Thrillaz advance to round 2 with a 2:1 ratio over Chris Candido and Tom Prichard.

Thrillaz 67%
Body Donnas

So 2nd round matchups now made.
The Nasty Boys vs. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels
The Rock 'N Roll Express vs. The Natural Born Thrillaz

Onto todays' matchups. The following matches take place in the TNA Region inside of the impact Zone. All matches are conducted inside the Six Sided ring.

Match 1:
2. Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji vs. 31. The Badd Breed (Ian and Axl Rotten)
Tanaka and Fuji:
Continental Wrestling Association
AWA Southern Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Georgia Championship Wrestling
NWA Georgia Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Southeastern Championship Wrestling
NWA Southeast Tag Team Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Entertainment | World Wide Wrestling Federation | World Wrestling Federation
WWWF|WWF World Tag Team Championship (3 times)

Bad Breed:
Independent Wrestling Association Mid-South
IWA Mid-South Tag Team Champions (2 times)

Global Wrestling Federation
GWF Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Match 2:
15. Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki vs. 18. Taz and Kevin Sullivan

All Japan Pro Wrestling
1-Time AJPW All-Asia Tag Team Champion with Jinsei Shinzaki

Extreme Championship Wrestling
ECW World Tag Team Championship (2 times)

Match 3:
7. The British Bulldogs (The Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith) vs. 26. The Godwinns (Henry 0. and Phinieas I.)

World Wrestling Federation
WWF World Tag-Team Championship (1 time)

Stampede Wrestling
Stampede International Tag Team Championship (2 Times)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
Top 100 Tag-Teams of the “PWI Years” Ranked #5

The Godwinns:
World Wrestling Federation
WWF World Tag Team Champion (2 times)

Match 4:
10. The Quebecers (Jaque Rougeau and Pierre vs. 23. Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty and Grand Masta Sexay)
The Quebecers:
World Wrestling Federation
WWF Tag Team Championship (3 times) [9]

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked The Quebecers # 83 of the best tag teams of the "PWI Years"

Too Cool:
World Wrestling Federation:
1-time WWE World Tag Team Champions - Sexay and Hotty

The Poll is now Open, It will close on Monday, July 16th at 6PM Et.

Wow...I really hope that post above me was a joke. How you pick the Godwinns over the beyond me.

TNA Region, Area 2

Toru Tanaka & Mr. Fuji vs. The Bad Breed
Wow...this may just be the slowest matchup, ever. If this were ECW, Breed would get the nod, but no way in a TNA ring. Fuji & Tanaka overpower the Breed, though I doubt they'll take the win because I can't imagine many people here have seen alot of WWWF.
Winners: Toru Tanaka & Mr. Fuji

Hayabusa & Jinzai Shinzaki vs. Taz & Kevin Sullivan
This is probably the hardest match for me so far. On one hand you've got the stellar team of Hayabusa & Shinzaki (if you haven't seen their match against RVD & Sabu...stop reading now, and go see it immediately) and on the other hand you've got the master of psychology Sullivan and IMO one of the most underrated technical wrestlers of all time in Taz. Though I really wanted to see Taz & Sullivan advance because of my love for Taz, in a TNA ring I've gotta give it to Hayabusa & Shinzaki. Close match though.
Winners: Hayabusa & Jinsai Shinzaki

The British Bulldogs vs. The Godwinns
While I feel alot of people don't give the Godwinns enough credit, we're talking about the freakin Bulldogs here. Easy win for the Bulldogs.
Winners: The British Bulldogs

The Quebecers vs. Too Cool
Meh...Quebecers were pretty damn good, especially Pierre, and Too Cool was decent...I'll give the nod to the Quebecers here I guess.
Winners: The Quebecers

So we're looking at potentially
Tanaka/Fuji vs. Hayabusa/Shinzaki (Asian dream match)
Bulldogs vs. Quebecers (Bye bye Quebecers..)
2. Toru Tanaka and Mr. vs. 31. The Badd Breed (Ian and Axl Rotten)

One team I know, the other team I do not. Unfortunately, that works out against the team that I do know.

Winners: Toru Tanaka and Mr. (Fuji)

15. Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki vs. 18. Taz and Kevin Sullivan

One team I know, the other I do not. In this instance, I have to go with the team I know.

Winners: Taz and Kevin Sullivan

7. The British Bulldogs (The Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith) vs. 26. The Godwinns (Henry 0. and Phinieas I.)

This one shouldn't even be able to be voted on. Just move British Bulldogs into the second round automatically.

Winners: The British Bulldogs

10. The Quebecers (Jaque Rougeau and Pierre vs. 23. Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty and Grand Masta Sexay)

Not a big fan of either of them. I'll go with the Quebecers just because I liked the Mountie.

Winners: The Quebecers.
TNA Region, Area 2

Toru Tanaka & Mr. Fuji vs. The Bad Breed
This match should be kind of boring.It isn't a hardcore environment so Mr.Fuji will definetly win it.
Winners: Toru Tanaka & Mr. Fuji

Hayabusa & Jinzai Shinzaki vs. Taz & Kevin Sullivan
While I have never seen Hayabusa or Shinzaki in the ring I have heard of the encounter with RVD & Sabu.Was it really that good x?Anyways, I voted for Taz&Sullivan simply because Taz is amazing.
Winners: Taz&Sullivan

The British Bulldogs vs. The Godwinns
I never had any interest in the Godwinns.And the Bulldogs are just incredible.If the Bulldogs don't squash them it would be amazing.
Winners: The British Bulldogs

The Quebecers vs. Too Cool
I really enjoyed the Quebecers.Never really enjoyed Too Cool.The Quebecers had so much talent.
Winners: The Quebecers
It sounds like ypu are putting dwon Cena here but you have a profile image him as the greatest champ ever. I am confused did you lose a bet or soemthing.
And Holly actually had two title shots once aginst Brock Lesnar and then again against Bobby Lashley
The Jersey Triad vs The Evil Empire
Wow, people really don't like Kanyon. I actually thought his move set as Mortis was quite good, but then again, John Cena might look like the most gifted wrestler in 1997 WCW. Dupree is horrible. I like Suzuki, but this comes to DDP. DDP is a league better then the rest of the guys in this match. Why people are so hard on him, I'll never understand.

Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch vs The Hollys
There is a reason Bob Holly in 15 years with the WWE has only gotten one title match, he sucks. He is horrible, and crash is just as bad. Nothing good ever came from a Holly.
Now onto the matches
2. Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji vs. 31. The Bad Breed (Ian and Axl Rotten)
The breed are the epitome of garabge wrestlers in that without a weapon in hand they are done. No hardcore equals loss. Plus its Mr Freaking Tokyo 5-0 Fugi

15. Hayabusa and Jinzai Shinzaki vs. 18. Taz and Kevin SullivanTaz can ground apound anyone and with Sullivan as backup I see them pulling thios out

7. The British Bulldogs (The Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith) vs. 26. The Godwinns (Henry O. and Phinieas I.)Its the Godwinns whose high moment was slopping Tammy Sytch versus a a phemoen of a team Do I need to say it

10. The Quebecers (Jacque Rougeau and Pierre) vs. 23. Too Cool (Scotty 2 Hotty and Grand Masta Sexay)
They are the Mounties and they always get their man and the win.
Match 1:
2. Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji vs. 31. The Badd Breed (Ian and Axl Rotten)

People forget that Mr. Fuji was a good Wrestler back in the Day before he became a manager. Tanaka and Mr. Fuji beats Badd Breed.

Match 2:
15. Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki vs. 18. Taz and Kevin Sullivan

Giving it to Hayabusa and Shinzaki purely based on the way that they would use the ring, over the likes of Taz who I respect emensly(Sp?) and Kevin Sullivan.

Match 3:
7. The British Bulldogs (The Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith) vs. 26. The Godwinns (Henry 0. and Phinieas I.)

To quote Goldberg for the Bulldogs, "Who's Next".

Match 4:
10. The Quebecers (Jaque Rougeau and Pierre vs. 23. Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty and Grand Masta Sexay)

I gave the Nod to Too Cool, they would make good use of the ring to take this one out.
2. Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji vs. 31. The Badd Breed (Ian and Axl Rotten)

I mark the hell out for Tanaka and Fuji. I don't know, but for some reason I have always enjoyed watching there matches. I think they are entertaining, and I think Mr. Fuji is just a pure bad ass in the ring. The Bad Breed are horrible. The Bad Breed is the exact reason why ECW got it's negative reputation. You have two guys that beat the shit out of each with glued fist, laced with broken glass. That isn't wrestling, that's fucking ******ed. I would love to see a rotten compete in a match without the use of a foreign object.

Match 2:
15. Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki vs. 18. Taz and Kevin Sullivan

Shinzaki, better known to mid - 90's fans as Hakushi, is a bad ass in the ring. No one walks the top ropes quite like him, including the undertaker. The man is a fucking god when it comes to top rope maneuvers. Pair that with the madman known as Hayabusa, I'm compelled to vote for them, especially inside of the six sided ring. I love Taz. I think if he can get someone grounded, he will make them tap. Sullivan is also very good. I just think the ring gives the advantage to the high flyers.

Match 3:
7. The British Bulldogs (The Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith) vs. 26. The Godwinns (Henry 0. and Phinieas I.)

The Godwinns fucking suck, and only had jobs recently because they are up Triple H's asshole. The Bulldogs destroy them, and if anyone votes for the Godwinns, you are not a wrestling fan.

Match 4:
10. The Quebecers (Jaque Rougeau and Pierre vs. 23. Too Cool (Scotty Too Hotty and Grand Masta Sexay)

This is actually a very good match. If you look past the silliness of the Quebecer gimmick, you have to damn fine wrestlers. Then you look at Too Cool, and look past the gimmick, you have too damn fine wrestlers as well. I'll give the nod to the high flyers in the six sided ring again.
tanaka & fuji vs badd breed: as i am old school (36 yrs old) really liked fuji and tanaka. better mat tech and dirty tricks. tanaka & fuji all the way. taz & sullivan vs hayabusa & shinziaki: if taz and sully can keep them grounded then they win but got to give it to hayabusa and shinzaki. bulldogs vs godwinns: nuff said.bulldogs. quebecers vs too cool: power too much for the high flyers. quebecers
WHAT??? WHAT?????? WHAT!?!??!

How could anyone vote for Too Cool over the Quebecers? Sure they're smaller but that doesn't mean shit. Brian Lawler sucks and only stuck around WWE for so long because his father was employed by the same company. And Scotty Too Hotty was there for so long because he was a trooper and did whatever was asked for him. But he was fired the first chance Stephanie got.

The Quebecers, on the other hand, are two of the best Quebec born wrestlers out there. Jacques Rougeau is a pioneer in Quebec wrestling and has single-handedly kept it afloat during some dark years, and the fact that he was on national television for all those years in the ninetees certainly helped. You should see how much people mark out for him here, and he still puts on entertaining matches.

Carl Ouillet is a tremendous physical specimen and fairly mobile for his size. In case you didn't know, he used to wrestle for TNA (IN THE X DIVISION) and knows what it's like to wrestle in a TNA Ring, and he's still a TNA employee, doing the french broadcast here in Quebec.

So you can't even say Scotty Too Hotty and Lawler get the upper hand based on their high flying abilities (which I don't believe they had much of to begin with... hence the years of jobbing in WWE).

If Too Cool wins I will vomit.

It just sucks that people mark out to the Bulldogs so much and that the Quebecers WILL lose next round (they better make it to the second round). The bulldogs on an individual basis were great talents and meshed well together as a team because of their family relations, but really I think they were overpushed and their gimmick was as cheesy as the Quebecers (remember the dog they used to bring to the ring?). Considering their legacy was marred by injury and they didn't last very long, as opposed to the Quebecers who individually continue to make tides in wrestling (at least in Quebec), I don't see how I can vote against them in this round or the next.

By the way, I found this interesting from Wikipedia:

The Bulldogs left the WWF after the 1988 Survivor Series, quitting the federation after backstage altercations between Dynamite Kid and Jacques Rougeau.
Okay let`s rock.....

Pro. Toru Tanaka and Mr Fuji vs Bad Breed
Ian and Axl Rotten are some SICK bastard! I seen the Tapei Death match just SICK! Tanaka provided the muscle and Mr Fuji was the Brains. There no glass knuckle in a Tna ring. so Tanaka and Fuji win this hand down then Axl and Ian will bash each other brains out.
Winners:Tanaka and Fuij

Haybusa and Jinsei Shinzaki vs Taz and Kevin Sullivan

Wooooooo...... I seen Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki match with Sabu and RVD hell I seen their`s match in FMW when they won the titles. The Tazmaniac was a Monster in ECW choking out everyone he face. Kevin Sullivan was a Mind Game master but the 6 sided Ring favor Hayabusa and Jinsei styles. So my pick got to with the Japanese superstars
Winners: Hayabusa and Jinsei

British Bulldogs vs The Godwinns
Fuck this how am I going to pick dudes who intitials are H.O.G and P.I.G? I rather see Hillbilly Jim vs Matilta. British Bulldogs hands down.
Winners: British Bulldogs

Quebecers vs Too Cool
We`re not the mountie I love that song! The Quecbecers in theirs era did beat quality teams like Bret and Owen Hart while. Well....Too Cool did a good dance number I went to the bathroom everytime they wrestle
Winners: Quebecers
Pro. Toru Tanaka and Mr Fuji vs Bad Breed

Always hated the bad breed, so to me thats reason alone to pick against the,m here. Of and the fact that there oppenents are better them and will win played a part 2.

Winners: Pro. Toru Tanaka and Mr Fuji

Haybusa and Jinsei Shinzaki vs Taz and Kevin Sullivan

Wow seeing Haybusa and Shinzaki in a 6 sided ring would be ok. I think if Taz can keep them grounded he can easily choke themn out. Was never really a fan of Kevin Sullivan though. Despite how good Taz is the highflyers are able to pull this one out.

Winners: Haybusa and Jinsei Shinzaki

British Bulldogs vs The Godwinns

Hmm if anyone votes for the Godwins on this one then they should be taken out the back and feed to the pigs.

Winners:British Bulldogs

Quebecers vs Too Cool

Well despite Prax's thoughts I still had a little troble with this one. Seen some of the Quebecers stuff and quite frankly thought they wer eok but nothing special. Too Cool to me were ok wrestlers with a fun gimmick, for about 2 weeks that then proceedded to piss me off. But even shedding that gimmick I give this one to the Quebecers... only slightly.

Winners: Quebecers
OK, first and foremost. What the hell is going on in this tournament??? How in the hell does Mark Jindrak and Mr. MMA Sean O'Haire beat two great wrestlers in Chris Candido and Tom Pritchard? This must be some sort of sick joke. I mean you people cannot be serious, the one and only advantage that the NBT had was their size, but that is it!! You people need to come and speak about how you could have let this happen because it is absolutely horrible!

But anyways, here are my picks for this set of matches:

Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji vs. The Bad Breed
I was the guy who in the pre-tournament poll picked TanakaFuji to win the entire TNA bracket!! So I am gonna stick with that here obviously because they are facing a team who is more known with feuding with each other than actually teaming together.
Winners: Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji no doubt about it

Hayabusa and Shinzaki vs. Taz and Kevin Sullivan
Taz was a pure badass in the old ECW, he was just this little guy that would straight up kill you! Then you have two guys that can probably use the six sided ring like no one you can ever imagine, especially Shinzaki. I decided that in this one the weak link is Kevin Sullivan and because of that.
Winners: Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki

British Bulldogs vs. The Godwinns
Enough has already been said by others.
Winners: British Bulldogs

Too Cool vs. The Quebecers
Prax, the Quebecers may be legends in Quebec, but nowhere else. But even with that said Too Cool is not much better. I couldn't decide and had to go with the flip a coin method and well.
Winners: Too Cool

Potential 2nd Round matches:
Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji vs. Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki (WOW, this is the match that I am gonna have to pull out all the stops for to keep my pick of TanakaFuji in this tournament, this match is a severe contrast of styles, but I think that my boys can pull it out)

British Bulldogs vs. Too Cool/Quebecers (No matter who wins, the Bulldogs will beat them, no matter what Prax says)
OK, first and foremost. What the hell is going on in this tournament??? How in the hell does Mark Jindrak and Mr. MMA Sean O'Haire beat two great wrestlers in Chris Candido and Tom Pritchard? This must be some sort of sick joke. I mean you people cannot be serious, the one and only advantage that the NBT had was their size, but that is it!! You people need to come and speak about how you could have let this happen because it is absolutely horrible!
Easy. The Body Donnas sucked. They had no memorable feats to their name, no memorable matches, they were bland as a tag team, and weren't even the feature attraction to their own matches. They dressed ridiculously, and their names were Skip and Zip and they exercised. Oooh. Big whoop. When you can't get out of your own manager's shadow, then you don't deserve to win anything.
Pro. Toru Tanaka and Mr Fuji vs Bad Breed
This is a tough one. I think alot of old school ECW fan boys might jump all over this and vote for Ian and Axl, but I'm not going too. I never really cared for Ian Rotten and the only entertainment I got out of Ian and Axl was the tapei deathmatch and when Axl was a tag partner with Ballz. Otherwise the Bad Breed is WORTHLESS
Winners:Tanaka and Fuij

Haybusa and Jinsei Shinzaki vs Taz and Kevin Sullivan

Winners: Hayabusa and Jinsei Vs. Tazz and Kevin Sullivan
Hayabusa is a fucking badass.. Him and Jinsei are an awesome tag team plus I love some japanesse wrestling. Now Tazz and Kevin Sullivan AKA Team Midget.. I never really cared for either one of this guys. I thought Tazz was a good wrestler but I just didn't like him. I have always thought Kevin Sullivan was an ass and still do. So I'm going with Hayabusa and Jinsei
Winner: Hayabusa and Jinsei

British Bulldogs vs The Godwinns
Dynamite Kid and British Bulldog..WOW.. SQUASH MATCH.. The Bulldogs should get no less than 90% if the vote.
Winners: British Bulldogs

Quebecers vs Too Cool
Quebecers I always thought were verry annoying, but that was there job as heels. I always found Too Cool entertaing but Brian Christopher had friends in high places and thats the only reason he ever made it to the WWE... Scotty 2 Hotty.. Well was WWE's bitch for the better part of a decade. So I'm going with the Quebecers.
Winners: Quebecers
Onto results from ECW Region, Area 1

1. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) vs 32. Incoherence (Hallowicked and Delirious)

Well we still only have one 100% victory thus far, and that belongs to the Road Warriors. Yes, some people actually voted for Incoherence.

Team 3-D

2. 16. The Jersey Triad (DDP and Kanyon) vs. 17. The Evil Empire (Rene Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki)

Another match that I thought could have gone either way, ends up being another blow out. The Triad advance with relative ease in this match to the 2nd round.

The Evil Empire

3. 8. The North/South Connection (Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch) vs. 25. The Holly Cousins (Hardcore and Crash Holly)

This match actually ended up being much closer then I thought it would. In all fairness, the Holly's don't belong in the same ring with the North/South Connectino, but they still managed to conjure up 38% of the vote.

N/S Connection
The Hollys

4. 9. The Impact Players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) vs. 24. The American Males (Scotty Riggs and Buff Bagwell)

Ladies and Gentlemen, a tragedy has occured. Buff Bagwells Calves have exploded yet again, if you see them, please locate the nearest EMT. Are second perfect match of the tournament goes to the Impact Players, that says how god awful the American Males were.

The Impact Players
The American Males

Round 2 Matchups.
The Dudley Boyz vs. the Jersey Triad
The North/South Connection vs. the Impact Players

Onto todays matchups. the Following matches take place inside of the Georgia Dome, under WCW Rules.

Match 1.
3. Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. 30. The Network (Rhino and Steve Corino)

Harlem Heat:
Global Wrestling Federation
GWF Tag Team Championship (3 times) [2]

World Championship Wrestling
WCW World Tag Team Championship (10 times) [2]

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
Ranked # 62 of the 100 best tag teams of the PWI Years in 2003
1995 Tag Team of The Year
1996 Tag Team of the Year

The Network:

Match 2:
14. The Blackjacks (Mulligan and Lanza) vs. 19. The Rock 'N Sock Connection (The Rock and Mankind)

The Blackjacks:
World Wrestling Association
WWA Tag Team Championship (1 time)

World Wide Wrestling Federation
WWWF Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Rock 'N Sock:
World Wrestling Federation
WWF Tag Team Championship (3 times)

Match 3:
6. The Samoan Swat Team/Headshrinkers (Fatu and Samu) vs. 27. Evolution (Randy Orton and Dave Batista)

World Class Championship Wrestling
WCWA Tag Team Champion (3 times)
WCCW Texas Tag Team Champion (1 time)

World Wrestling Council
WWC Caribbean Tag Team Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Federation
WWF World Tag Team Championship (1 Time)

Um, catchy theme song?

Match 4:
11. The Hollywood Blondes (Steve Austin and Brian Pillman) vs. 22. The Dark Carnival (The Great Muta and Vamprio)

National Wrestling Alliance
NWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time)
WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked them # 50 of the 100 best tag teams during the "PWI Years" in 2003.

The Dark Carnival:
World Championship Wrestling
WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

The Poll is now Open, it will close on Tuesday July 17th at 6pm ET.
Let me just start off by saying this has been the hardest set of matches for me to vote on.

3. Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) vs. 30. The Network (Rhino and Steve Corino)

Harlem Heat was one of the most dominate tag teams of the 90's. They owned WCW tag divsion with something like 10 tag title regins. Then we have The Network. Corino and Rhyno both good singles wrestlers and I have alot of respect for them both. But there is no way in hell Harlem Heat is losing to them..

WINNERS:Harlem Heat

Match 2:
14. The Blackjacks (Mulligan and Lanza) vs. 19. The Rock 'N Sock Connection (The Rock and Mankind)

The Blackjacks are most certainly legends. I have had my mom tell me stories about how when she used to go to wrestling the Mulligan beat up a fan one time. The Blackjacks were badasses in and out the ring. Then we have the Rock N Sock Connection.. A team of two singles wrestlers who won world titles and one guy become a A list Hollywood actor and the other a bestselling author. But before all that they were tag champions together. So will that said I have to go with RnS... I'm a fan of both Foley and Rock and THe Blackjacks were jsut before my time.. I also want to say I think RnS has a damn good shot at winning this whole thing.


Match 3:
6. The Samoan Swat Team/Headshrinkers (Fatu and Samu) vs. 27. Evolution (Randy Orton and Dave Batista)

The Samoan Swat Team was a damn intemdating tag team. They were good wrestlers and had the legend Cartain Lou in there corner.. Fatu went on to find greater success as Rikishi but while in WWE they beat a good team in the Qubecers for there tag titles so these guys had some skill. Then we have Evoloution... A team who didn't accomplish much as a team but alot more as singles wrestlers.. Not alot I can say about them as a team.. But I will say I did pick them.. I don't know why..

Winner: Evoloution

Match 4:
Hollywood Blondes Vs Dark Carnival

The Blondes have to be one of my fave tag teams of all time. I loved the gimmick and I always thought Austin was awesome, he was way underrated in WCW and Pillman was just a damn good wrestler and had tons of charisma. They were one time WCW tag champions and they lost them and Austin turned on Pillman.. The rest is history... Then we have the Dark Carnival with my favorite wrestler of all-time in The Great Muta and Vampiro also ranks up there real high with me. After weighing everything and how they worked as a tag team I went with the Dark Carnival...

WINNERS: Dark Carnival
Harlem Heat vs. The Network
While I enjoy Rhino and Corin they have nothing on Harlem Heat.Booker was so amazing back then it was sick.Harlem Heat with the win.

Blackjacks vs. Rock'n'Sock
While I thought the team of Rock and Mankind was fun and enjoyable and both were amazing the Blackjacks are legendary.Blackjacks with a cheap win.

Headshrinkers vs. Evolution
While I enjoyed Evolution Batista sucks and the headshrinkers are very powerful.The Headshrinkers with the win.

The Hollywood Blondes vs. Dark Carnival
I absolutely love Muta.He is incredible.I also enjoyed the Blondes.Its a tough one but I see the blondes winning in a great match.It is also going to be a close one.
Harlem Heat v. Rhino & Corino
I hate having to vote against any ECW alumni especially the ones who I enjoy as much as Rhino and Steve Corino. While I am a huge fan of both as singles wrestlers, Harlem Heat just has way too much experience and chemistry as a team. The Heat were one of the premiere teams of the 90's and ran the WCW tag team scene for many years.
Winner: Harlem Heat

Blackjacks v. Rock N Sock Connection
The Rock and Mick Foley have obviously accomplished alot individually. However, the team of The Rock and Foley was created more for comedy value than to strengthen the tag team division. The Blackjacks are legends and were two of the tougher competitors to ever step foot in a ring.
Winner: Blackjacks

Headshrinkers v. Evolution
There is no way in hell I am voting for Batista to make it past the first round. I don't care how talented Randy Orton is- no one can make up for having Batista as a partner.
Winner (by default): Headshrinkers

Hollywood Blondes v. Dark Carnival
A team does not get any more solid that Steve Austin and Brian Pillman. If the Blondes would have been given half the push they deserved, they probably would have been one of the greatest teams ever.
Winner: Hollywood Blondes
Someone is going through a table
Yes, some people actually voted for Incoherence.
Says something when 3 number one seeds cant get perfects( and one was facing some animal mascots for crimeny) But Buff got stuffed. And his implants blowing up isnt a tragedy its a hallelugah
4. 9. The Impact Players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) vs. 24. The American Males (Scotty Riggs and Buff Bagwell)

Harlem Heat v. Rhino & Corino
Heat were just that damn good. They had a stangle hold on that divison till teh NWO came and killed it

Blackjacks v. Rock N Sock Connection
Just never liked the Blackjacks so Foley gets it

Headshrinkers v. Evolution
Two of teh biggest wastes of airtime versus 2 monsters. Yeah Evolution gets their asses handed to them and that is the end of teh road.

Hollywood Blondes v. Dark Carnival
The blondes were broken up by politics while the Dark Carnival was what was cobbled together out of the ICP fiasco. Just because of those guys involment (which I am thnakful we never had them in this tourney) I vote Blondes
These are some great match up

Harlem Heat vs The Network

In the 90s Harlem Heat was the Best in the WCW.
They beat every tag team WCW had. 10 times World tag team champ DAMN.....Then you have the Network..Rhyno and " The king of old school" who are very good solo Wrestlers but, you have to go with the more experience tag team here
Winners: Harlem Heat

The Blackjacks vs The Rock -n- Sock Connection

The Blackjacks were the Badasses and are hall of famers. If Ric Flair is "the dirtiest playa in the game" then the Blackjacks are the dirtiest team in the game. Now you have the R & S connection. Two wwe champion you have a man who went from ripping out his hair to best selling author and a man who WWE superstar to hollywood. I got to go with R & S because I wasn't even born in The Blackjacks era so this was a toss up.
Winners: Rock & Sock

The Samoan Swat team vs Evolution

I like the Samoan Swat team they won championship in every Fed they was in. I don't know about this team of Orton and Batista. Orton is a talent wrestler but he needs a attitude adjustment and there Bastista who.....uh has a cool entrance. I got to with go the more establish tag team
The Samoan Swat Team

The Hollywood Blondes vs The Dark Carnival

Stunning Steve and Flying Brian had quanlity battle with the Horsemen and each other but they was under use In WCW. I love the Dark Carnival (except ICP) The Great Muta is a Legend in this business (he stated spitting the mist first). I been watching Vampiro since he was in mexico and Japan. This was a hard one to choose from I'm going with the Dark Carnival.
Winners: Dark Canrnival
Harlem Heat vs. The Network
The Heat should be an obvious decision, as should be the Blondes. Those are two teams that truly deserve to advance and be called among the best tag teams in wrestling history. Looking at this bracket, and the rest of the tourney I would imagine the Heat would have a great chance at taking the whole thing. I wonder if Stevie Ray is in any condition to perform these days, I would love a Harlem Heat reunion before Booker retires in WWE.
Winners: Harlem Heat

Hollywood Blondes vs. Dark Carnival
As for the Blondes, as much as I hate Brian Pillman, I respect his work in the ring, and Austin is obviously a legend and possibly the greatest sports-entertainer of all time. While Muta is obviously incredibly underrated outside of the IWC, and he truly is a great and a legend, I have little to no respect for Vampiro. I just see him as a gimmick monkey, I'm sorry. The Blondes were truly a great team TOGETHER in the ring, so I have to go for them.
Winners: Hollywood Blondes

Blackjacks vs. The Rock-n-Sock Connection
In this bracket, all my decisions come out of how well teams mesh well together. Does that mean I'm picking the Blackjacks? Hell no. I respect them as a team A LOT, but the Rock & Sock Connection isn't getting the recognition they deserve. Yes, they were two great individual wrestlers, but the fact that those two wrestlers could mesh and connect so well together not only in the ring but in the mic deserves at least a little recognition. They won the tag titles 3 times... and yes they played the whole Rock hates mankind thing at first, but if you were watching wrestling back when they were a team, and I truly hope you did, you'd see how good they were together.

They only reason they didn't do more as a team back then is because they weren't needed as a team, they were needed as individuals in the main event. But I truly think they were a better team than people give them credit for, and they did a lot for wrestling, together and apart, against each other even. For that, I vote for the Rock & Sock connnection. Yes the Blackjacks were a great team and a pair of badasses, but the connection also did a lot for wrestling as a team, in the short time they were together, and IMO that trumps a lot of what the Blackjacks did, based on the fact that they did it in such a short amount of time (The Rock, This is Your Life segment comes to mind). No disrespect the Blackjacks but I really want to see the Rock and Mankind, two of the wrestlers I grew up watching and two of the wrestlers I respect the most in the world, advance here.
Winners: The Rock-n-Sock Connection

Samoan Swat Team vs. Evolution
While I'm more of a fan of Batista than most people around here and I respect what he's been able to do at his age, the fact that he does have charisma and works the style he's asked to fairly well (wow... Line in the Sand just came on on my media player), and Randy Orton has a chance to become a true legend sooner rather than later, I don't see these two meshing as a team, and frankly I'd be surprised if they even get along. Orton is too selfish to respect and work well with a guy like Batista as a tag team, and vice versa. The Swat Team was an actual team that did a lot for tag team wrestling, so I vote for them.
Winners: Samoan Swat Team

Round 2:
Harlem Heat vs. Rock-n-Sock (it's a shame my rant was most likely pointless, looking at this match, lol)
Samoan Swat Team vs. Hollywood Blondes (this one's going to be tough)
Harlem Heat vs. The Network:

Rhino is one of my current favorite wrestlers. I loved the way he was pushed at the end of his ECW tenure. The man was a freaking monster in the ring, and just ran down people. Corino, while I enjoy him, isn't one of my favorites. Both very good individual wrestlers. We're talking about freaking Harlem Heat here though. Booka T and STevie Ray Sucka!!! These guys were bad ass in the old WCW. Even with the NWO shit, they were still getting over. Heat should win this one hands down.

The Blackjacks vs. Rock N Sock:
This one will cause controversy for sure. I'm having a hard time with either one. Like Prax said, Rock and Sock were damn good, and performed damn well in the ring together. They weren't needed in the tag team division, so they were split up. But when it came time for WM XX, the biggest pay per view to date, the WWE and the fans thought enough of them to team them against evolution, 5 years after they had split. I like the Blackjacks and respect them to all hell, but I can't see them winning this match.

Samoan Swat Team vs Evolution:
If Evolution wins, I'll be pissed. Orton is above average, and Batista is dreadful in the ring. He was a helluva lot better back in Evolution, but seeing him now in his prime, and what he is capable of, he's pathetic. The Headshrinkers were awesome. They were everything that the Samoans from a generation before were. Headshrinkers should win.

Hollywood Blondes vs. The Dark Carnival:
The Great Muta without a doubt is one of the best wrestlers ever to strap his boots. Vampiro, while very gimmicky, was excellent in Mexico, managed to get himself over in a dead WCW, and still manages to be a cult favorite in the wrestling world today. All that being said, we're talking about Stone Cold Steve Austin, and the man from Cincinnati, The Loose Fucking Cannon, Brian Pillman. The Blondes were fucking awesome as Stunning Steve and Flyin Brian, but to imagine how much chaos they would have caused Teamed up in their primes as the Loose Cannon and Stone Cold, god fucking incredible. Stone Cold was damn good technically in the ring before his neck problems, and Brian Pillman was a decade before his time. The Blondes win.

Potential 2nd Round
Harlem Heat vs. Rock N Sock Connection
The Samoan Swat Team vs. the Hollywood Blondes

I really can't pick one favorite to win out of these four.

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