The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
Hart Foundation V. Headcheese.

As much as I like head and cheese I'm giving the victory to The Hart Foundation.. As mush as I think Bret Hart as a cry baby he and Anvil make a damn good tag team and there to good not to go far in this thing.

Tony Atlas/Rocky Johnson Vs. 3 Live Kru.

I'm going with Atlas and Johnson. 3 Live Kru was an overrated tagt team and like Slyfox said Ron Killings is the worst NWA World Champion ever and Konnans best ring days never happened in the States. So Atlas and Johnson as a winner was a no brainer for me. Not to mention they are a good team they have Atlas power and Johnson speed.

Public Enemy vs Rose \ Somers

Going with Public Enemy on this one. They are the innovators of hardcore tag team violence. Without them we would have never had the Dudley Boy. Now with that said they are actually good tag wrestlers they had a decent run in WCW. So just because there ECW don't knock them, they can wrestle!

Owen and Yokozuna Vs Shamrock and Bossman.

Well got to go with Owen and Yoko. Nothing against Bossman and Shamrock I just think with Yoko's size and Owens awesome wrestling abilty they will win. Yes Shamrock was UFC champion and a great MMA and Bossman was as prison gurad from Cobb County. Yeah they are legit toughman but Yoko is 600lbs and they have never dealt with that and Owen is one of the most under apperciated wrestlers ever to work for WWE.
Hart Foundation vs Head Cheese
Let be serious I must be smoking something stronger than weed if I go with Head Cheese
Winners: Hart Foundtain

Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson vs 3 Live Kru
One is a legend in the business and the other is the Rock father. I got a lot of respect for the both of them but, Ron killings is too fast while Konnan is a techincal sound wrestler.
Winners: 3 Live Kru

Public Enemy vs Buddy Rose and Doug Somers
I'm not too hip on Buddy Rose and Doug Somers but, I do know about some Public Enemy. They was the best tag team in ECW I don't think they need Chair and tables for this one.
Winners: Public Enemy

Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs Ken Shamrock and Big Bossman
I hate Ken Shamrock after that first fight with Tito Ortiz when his face look like a marshmallow I was going with Owen and Yoko but, I wanted to give a fair fight so I flip a coin and he still lost.
Winners: Owen and Yoko
Ummm, yeah. I'm going to have to go ahead and, disagree with you there. (bonus points for people who can name that movie)

Ron Killings is entirely overrated. He has the mic skills of a mop bucket and wrestles worse than Brian Pillman's gigantic pencil. Killings would be a better performer for a circus considering his only moves has 329053 flips and cartwheels in them. I don't think Ron Killings can even spell "psychology", because he damn sure doesn't use it.

Not to attack anyone personally, just to get some good debates going here. But, I seriously can't stand Killings.

Slyfox, I wish you would of picked something a little better to disagree with me on. I'm really not a huge fan of Ron Killings, but in the spirit of debate, I'll go with it...

First of all, I don't know how anyone can say Killings is overrated. Please tell me who thinks that highly of him that is falls into the overrated category?? I agree that he does not have very good mic skills, but in this specific match up, you are comparing him to Atlas and Johnson who didn't have mic skills, either. As far as ring psychology, there are many guys that don't use it and recieve big pushes from their respective companies.

Secondly, I did not research your movie quote- but I am going to take a stab in the dark to try and get the bonus points: Is the quote from Wedding Crashers?

Third, Sly... good work on voting for Public Enemy!!! :headbanger:
Hart Foundation vs Head Cheese
If anyone votes for Head Cheese then they are on something.Hart with 100 percent.
Winners: Hart Foundtain

Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson vs 3 Live Kru
Tony Atlas is a legend and he was amazingly strong.Rokcy himself wasnt bad.Killings is a bit overrated.I agree with Sly for like the first time.Atlas to get the win for his team.
Winners: Atlas&Johnson

Public Enemy vs Buddy Rose and Doug Somers
Public Enemy was one of the best team in ECW.Even without a hardcore environment they pick up the win.
Winners: Public Enemy

Owen Hart and Yokozuna vs Ken Shamrock and Big Bossman
I love Owen Hart.And Yokozuna was huge.I see them win but with a good fight from Shamrock & Bossman.
Winners: Owen and Yoko
Here we go now...

WWE Region, Area 3

The Hart Foundation vs. Head Cheese
While I feel people really don't give Al Snow enough credit as a wrestler (his ECW stuff was absolute gold and his feud with Sabu was great) this is just a squash match here. Hart Foundation easily.
Winners: The Hart Foundation

Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson vs. 3 Live Kru
Okay, excuse me, but who called Tony Atlas a legend? Tony Atlas is a legend? When did I miss that one? Atlas...was shit. And as much as we all love the Rock, his father was shit as well. They were your typical 1980s jobbers. While I agree Killings talent is overrated, Konnan seems to be really underrated on this board and around the IWC, and I for one don't understand it. Am I the only one that has ever watched AAA here? Konnan is amazing. Amazing on the mic and even better in the ring. So, this one goes easily to 3 Live Kru in my eyes. Just because Atlas & Johnson are old school, doesn't mean they're legends or good. Infact, they were garbage.
Winners: 3 Live Kru

Public Enemy vs. Playboy Buddy Rose & Doug Somers
While I love Buddy Rose and thought he was a great wrestler, this one is another really easy one for me. Public Enemy were very talented wrestlers if you ever watched them wrestle a match that wasn't hardcore. PE takes this one easily, despite my love of Buddy Rose.
Winners: Public Enemy

Owen Hart & Yokozuna vs. Ken Shamrock & Big Bossman
I will never understand why people dislike Ken Shamrock so much. The man was great in the ring, and was vastly over. Bossman...well he's a veteran, though really not a good wrestler. Then you have one of the greatest of all time IMO in Owen Hart with the biggest of all time in Yokozuna. Unfortunately, no matter how big of a Shamrock mark I am, Camp Cornette will take this one with relative ease.
Winners: Owen Hart & Yokozuna

So we're looking at potentially
Hart Foundation vs. 3 Live Kru (bye bye 3 Live Kru)
Public Enemy vs. Owen Hart & Yokozuna (why does this sound like a strangely good match?)
Hey guys... here's the first time i'll actually post picks, although i've voted on every poll so far...

Hart Foundation vs Head Cheese

You know what, i think if the Hart Foundation didn't show up, Head Cheese would still find a way to lose this one. If this isn't 100%, then... you know what? If this isn't 100% Harts, Prax can change my name to Evolution's Bitch for a week. And that is...

FACT. (I'm just doing that to piss off Y 2 Jake)

Atlas & Johnson vs 3 Like Kru

Don't kill me here, but I think 3LK can take this one. OK, so Killings is overrated, but he still can wrestle. And Konnan is one of the best technical wrestlers around. The TNA Quitters take this one in a slim one. 51-49 perhaps, but I think 3LK may take it.

Public Enemy vs Rose & Somers

Yep, as everyone else has said, Public Enemy are a great pair of competitors, and they can wrestle, as can Masato Tanaka IMO, which is why i wasn't surprised when he and Balls (Balls! Balls! Woahhh... BALLS!) went through. Ever seen Masato Tanaka vs The late great Mike Awesome at ECW ONS 2005? If not, see it. Now. Really, go to youtube now. Stop reading. If you're still reading, you've already seen it, well done.

Camp vs Corp

I think Corp can do it. The Bossman was fantastic, I loved him. I don't know if i'm in a minority of one here, but I also think Shamrock is a brilliant wrestler, and i think the Power/Technical combination will work, especially if Shamrock gets a hold on Yoko.

EDIT: I'm being serious here by the way, if Hart Foundation don't win 100% you can change my name to Evolution's Bitch. You really can. One week of it, if they don't get 100%. That's a promise, and you can quote me on that.
First of all, I don't know how anyone can say Killings is overrated. Please tell me who thinks that highly of him that is falls into the overrated category?? I agree that he does not have very good mic skills, but in this specific match up, you are comparing him to Atlas and Johnson who didn't have mic skills, either. As far as ring psychology, there are many guys that don't use it and recieve big pushes from their respective companies.
Not so much on here, but I've had numerous debates with people who think that Killings is a top talent. And, I just don't get it. And, while there are people who receive big pushes without psychology (Ultimate Warrior anyone?) it doesn't mean I should give Killings a free pass just because of that.

Secondly, I did not research your movie quote- but I am going to take a stab in the dark to try and get the bonus points: Is the quote from Wedding Crashers?
Nope, sorry, not quite correct. Keep trying though. Just let me know when you give up, because you seem to be the only one actually trying lol.

Third, Sly... good work on voting for Public Enemy!!! :headbanger:
It was hard. You have no idea how hard it was. :)

Tony Atlas & Rocky Johnson vs. 3 Live Kru
Okay, excuse me, but who called Tony Atlas a legend? Tony Atlas is a legend? When did I miss that one? Atlas...was shit.
Tony Atlas is known by more wrestling fans TODAY, than Ron Killings is. That's just sad for Killings. Oh, and Tony Atlas has that whole "WWE Hall of Fame" thing going on as well.

And as much as we all love the Rock, his father was shit as well. They were your typical 1980s jobbers.
By jobbers, you mean the team that took the tag titles off of the Wild Samoans, to become the first black tag team champions ever.

While I agree Killings talent is overrated, Konnan seems to be really underrated on this board and around the IWC, and I for one don't understand it.
It was my assumption that we are talking about their days as a tag team. And, Konnan in 3LK was absolutely garbage. He was horrible.
Tony Atlas is known by more wrestling fans TODAY, than Ron Killings is. That's just sad for Killings. Oh, and Tony Atlas has that whole "WWE Hall of Fame" thing going on as well.

Tony Atlas may have the whole hall of fame thing going, but so doesn't Pete Rose, Ivan Putski, Junkyard Dog, and William "The Fridge" Perry. Just because you're in the WWE Hall of Fame, doesn't mean you were good. JYD and Putski as well as Atlas were all garbage.

Slyfox696 said:
By jobbers, you mean the team that took the tag titles off of the Wild Samoans, to become the first black tag team champions ever.

Exactly my point. The only reason they ever won the tag titles was simply to break the color barrier. Everyone knows their title reign was a fluke and that they didn't deserve it. Point me to a classic match or feud that Atlas & Johnson had that warrants them to be called "legends". They jobbed for years and years before that title run. Bob Holly and the 1-2-3 Kid won the tag titles, and they most certainly were jobbers.

Slyfox696 said:
It was my assumption that we are talking about their days as a tag team. And, Konnan in 3LK was absolutely garbage. He was horrible.

Gotta disagree Sly-man. I thought Konnan was still decent in 3LK, certainly good enough to displace a team like Atlas & Johnson. For me, every person here I think of in their prime so its more fair that way. Just my way of looking at it, and a Konnan in his prime beats both Atlas & Johnson any day of the week by himself.
Tony Atlas may have the whole hall of fame thing going, but so doesn't Pete Rose, Ivan Putski, Junkyard Dog, and William "The Fridge" Perry. Just because you're in the WWE Hall of Fame, doesn't mean you were good. JYD and Putski as well as Atlas were all garbage.
You asked why Tony Atlas was considered a legend. A Hall of Fame bid tends to help quite a bit. Yeah Pete Rose and William Perry are there, and thats a joke. But JYD is a VERY deserving Hall of Fame member. Ivan Putski I don't know about, either good or bad. But, you asked what made him a legend, and I told you.

Exactly my point. The only reason they ever won the tag titles was simply to break the color barrier. Everyone knows their title reign was a fluke and that they didn't deserve it. Point me to a classic match or feud that Atlas & Johnson had that warrants them to be called "legends". They jobbed for years and years before that title run. Bob Holly and the 1-2-3 Kid won the tag titles, and they most certainly were jobbers.
Why were they chosen to be the ones to break the color barrier? Did they just happen to be the first two black guys to come along in the wrestling business?

Gotta disagree Sly-man. I thought Konnan was still decent in 3LK, certainly good enough to displace a team like Atlas & Johnson. For me, every person here I think of in their prime so its more fair that way. Just my way of looking at it, and a Konnan in his prime beats both Atlas & Johnson any day of the week by himself.
The best thing Konnan did in 3LK was to throw his shoe. He couldn't move, their matches were awful, and they were as boring as World Cup soccer.
Alrighty I'm a couple days behind.

AMW vs. the Fabulous Ones

The Fabulous Ones are a nice solid, good tag team. The key word, good. They won a shit load of titles together, mostly on the indepent scene. I don't understand how a team that dominates the indy's doesn't have one meaningful world title win? It's like Jerry Lawler being a 27 time USWA champion, does it really mean a damn thing? AMW on the other hand is great. They have had some of the best matches in TNA history as a team, and their feud has just been phenomenal.

Doring and Roadkill vs. Big Bad and Dangerous:
Seriously, Doring and Roadkill were tag team champions of ECW because the Dudleys were gone, and there was a huge hole to fill in the vacuum that depatcher created. Doring and Roadkill are a joke. Vader and Bigelow, it might be the scariest combination ever. Honestly, they are the two best big men ever. When I say Big, I mean Big, not 7foot Big, I mean 400 pound big. BBD in a squash.

Edge and Christian vs. Malenko and Douglas:
I want to start this by saying, and you all know, I mark the hell out for Edge and Christian. But, I mark out more for Dean Malenko then almost anyone. There is a reason that he won PWI wrestler of the year in 1997. He won wrestler of the year in a magazine that caters to marks, not smarks, that says a whole helluva lot in my book. This is the man that perfected Chris Benoit into the best technical wreslter of the last decade. Malenko is awesome, and i can give two shits whether or not he knows how to turn on a microphone. Douglas is obviously the mouth piece of these two, and he's not as bad as most people make him out to be. Yes, the man was pissed off because they turned him into Matt Striker V 1.0. I would be a little pissed off too, and he took being pissed off and became the best heel wrestler of the late 1990's, ya i said it. All of this being Said, E*C get the nod, because they are one of the greatest tag teams ever. This match would be a true gem.

Hernandez and Homicide maybe the best current tag team in the business today. A great stereotypical tag team. You have the technician in Homicide, and you have just raw power in Hernandez. LAX takes this rather easily.

2nd Round matchups.
AMW vs. BBD: (Holy Shit, what a match)
E*C vs. LAX: (Another spectacular match, and with extreme rules. TNA Fanboys, better unite.)

The Hart Foundation vs. Headcheese.
Al Snow is better then what he is given credit for in my opinion. And I am probably one of the few Steve Blackman fans in the world. I don't know, I really liked the guy and enjoyed his matches. This is the Hart Foundatino we are talking about though. Probably the greatest in ring performer ever, and a big powerful bastard to back him up. Harts win easily.

Atlas and Rocky Johnson vs. 3 Live Kru:
Hmmm, I've listened to the arguments, but i tend to agree that Atlas and Johnson were in the right place at the right time. They are the 80's version of Cryme Tyme, if the WWE were to come under racial profiling charges, Cryme Tyme would be thrown the belt. Atlas and Johnson were there to break a wall down, and did so by having enough charisma to overcome their shortcomings. I Like Ron Killings myself, but hate his attitude. Konnan, don't get me started on that stupid bastard. I've heard Bret Hart called the biggest cry baby in wrestling, no, that honor goes to Konnan. Konnan is a no good piece of shit, and if it wasn't for being damn good in the ring, he would disapear forever, which now, I hope he does. 3 Live Kru, and I hate having them win.

Public Enemy vs. Playboy Somers:
I never liked Playboy and Somers at all. In Fact, if you haven't noticed with my "accidental" forgetfullness of including AWA statistics into the tournament, I am not very high on the extremely over rated, 1950's mentality, promoter winning the belt multiple times, and son winning belt, horrible AWA. I'm not very high on Public Enemy either. They are gimmick heavy, and with the exception of waving their hands back and forth, did nothing in the ring to impress me. I pick the Enemy in one of the worst matchups ever.

Owen Hart and Yoko vs. Shamrock and Bossman:
I better pick Shamrock, or else he's going to "Snap". Let me start by saying, Ken Shamrock sucks. He always has sucked, he always will suck, he is fuckign horrible. Shamrock is the least talented of the four in the ring, and that says a whole helluva lot. Shamrock was over based on his name value alone. His story telling was shit, his mic skills worse and his matches atrocious. Owen Hart is another one of those best all around guys ever, and Yoko was quite agile for a man over 500 pounds. Cornette wins very easily.

So here are the others.
Hart Foundation vs. 3 Live Kru (So long Konnan, you no good bastard)
Public Enemy vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna (Hart foundation vs. Owen and Yoko looks pretty good)
Onto results from ECW Region, Area 2

1. 2. America's Most Wanted (James Storm and Chris Harris) vs. the Fabulous Ones (Stan Lane and Steve Keirn)

Really no surprise here. AMW in a hardcore environment have no problem taking out the other boys of the south. AMW wins in a squash.

The Fabulous Ones
3 6%

2. 15. Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill vs. 18. Big, Bad, and Dangerous (Bam Bam Bigelow and Big Van Vader)

Yes, someone actually voted for Doring and Roadkill, and more then one person too. As expected, the big men absolutely demolish the ECW alums, Roadkill is now ring kill.

Doring and Roadkill
Big, Bad, and Dangerous

3. 7. Edge and Christian vs. 26. The Triple Threat (Dean Malenko and Shane Douglas)

It's a true shame that one of these teams had to go home so early in this tournament. This one went as expected, with Edge and Christian putting a good beating on the Triple Threat to advance to round 2.

Triple Threat

4. 10. The Latin American Exchange (Homicide and Hernandez) vs. 23. The Right To Censor (Bull Buchannan and The Goodfather)

To end this bracket of squash matches, the Latin American Exchange destroy the RTC in yet another match that went as expected.


So here are matches made for Round 2.
America's Most Wanted vs. Big Bad and Dangerous
Edge and Christian vs. the Latin American Exchange

That is a bad ass second round right there, with four teams very capable of going into the sweet 16, but alas, two go home in the next round.

Now onto today. The Following matches take place in the WCW Region, from the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. The ring entrance is on level with the ring.

Match 1:
4. The Nasty Boy (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs) vs. 29. C.P. Munk and Colt Cabunny.

Nasty Boys:
* American Wrestling Association

* AWA Southern Tag Team Championship (2 times)

* National Wrestling Alliance

* NWA Florida Tag Team Championship (5 times)

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI Tag Team of the Year award in 1994
* PWI ranked them # 53 of the best tag teams of the "PWI Years" in 2003.

* World Championship Wrestling

* WCW World Tag Team Championship (3 times)

* World Wrestling Federation

* WWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* X Wrestling Federation

* XWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

CP Munk an Colt Cabunny:
Luther likes em.

Match 2:
13. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. 20. KroniK (Brian Adams and Brian Clark)

Styles and Daniels:
Total Nonstop Action Wrestling

* NWA World Tag Team Championship (1 times)
* TNA Tag Team of the Year in 2006

* World Championship Wrestling

* 2-time WCW World Tag Team Champions

* All Japan Pro Wrestling

* 1-time AJPW World Tag Team Champions
* 1-time AJPW Intercontinental Tag Team Champions

Match 3:
5. Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs. 28. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon.

R&R Xpress:
* Championship Wrestling Association

* CWA Tag Team Championship (1 time)
* CWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* Mid-South Wrestling

* Mid-South Tag Team Championship (3 times)

* National Wrestling Alliance
* World

* NWA World Tag Team Championship (4 times)

* Regional

* NWA World Tag Team Championship (Mid-Atlantic version) (4 times)
* NWA Wildside Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI ranked them # 4 of the best 100 tag teams during the "PWI Years" in 2003.
* PWI Tag Team of the Year award in 1986.

* Smoky Mountain Wrestling

* SMW Tag Team Championship (10 times)

* United States Wrestling Association

* USWA Tag Team Championship (3 times)

* All Japan Pro Wrestling

* AJPW All Asia Tag Team Championship (5 times)
* Extreme Championship Wrestling

* ECW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Match 4:
12. The Natural Born Thrillas (Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire) vs. 21. The Body Donnas (Tom Prichard and Chris Candido)

* World Championship Wrestling

* WCW World Tag Team Championship (2 times)

The Body Donnas:
* World Wrestling Federation

* WWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

The poll is now open. It will close on Saturday July 14th at 6pm ET.
Slyfox, the movie you're looking for is Office Space, when the Bobs told Lumberg that they thought Peter was management material. That was his response.

4. The Nasty Boy (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs) vs. 29. C.P. Munk and Colt Cabunny.

Going with the Nasty Boys on this one. Put my head on a spike now, but I think these guys were crazy enough and NASTY enough to take down the Munk and Cabunny, maybe if you ask me in a few years, my opinion might have changed, but not right now...

13. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. 20. KroniK (Brian Adams and Brian Clark)

I hate both of these teams, but that doesn't change the fact that Styles and Daniels would wrestle circles around Kronik. I have a feeling this one won't even be close...

5. Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs. 28. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon

Rock N Roll Express, enough said, just look at the list Shocky provided, that alone proves my point...

12. The Natural Born Thrillas (Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire) vs. 21. The Body Donnas (Tom Prichard and Chris Candido)
It's a shame that the Natural Born Thrillas never got more exposure, but I'm a huge fan of Sean O'Haire and I think they were more talented than the Body Donnas, I'm going NBT...
Match 1:
4. The Nasty Boy (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs) vs. 29. C.P. Munk and Colt Cabunny.

while I like CHIKARA, The Nasty Boys have won actual titles. So I will say that It probably should have Been Hero and Castagnoli in this instead of CP Munk and Colt Cabunny. Nasty Boys should win this one easily.

Match 2:
13. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. 20. KroniK (Brian Adams and Brian Clark)

Have tog go with Styles and Daniels, two of the most amazing wrestlers to come through in the decade. They both have experience in the WCW ring as well. With AJ Styles being part of Air Raid towards the End of WCWs run.

Match 3:
5. Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs. 28. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon.

Do I really need to go through this one. Rock N Roll Express wins this one easily.

Match 4:
12. The Natural Born Thrillas (Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire) vs. 21. The Body Donnas (Tom Prichard and Chris Candido)

Ill probably base this off of one guy, Chris Candido, while he may have had more success after this Tag Team. he has a trainer that is said to be very good in Dr. Tom Prichard. So The Body Donnas win this one.
Nasty Boys v. CM Munk & Colt Cabunny
Unfortunately ignorance is going to play a part in my decision here. I have not seen Munk & Cabunny is the ring (I can only imagine how that would be) so I have no opinion on them. The Nasty Boys were not the most skilled team ever, but they were over back in their day.
Winner: Nasty Boys

Styles & Daniels v. Kronik
AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels are 2 of the best talents in the world of wrestling today individually or as a team. This contest is not even close.
Winner: Styles & Daniels

R'N'R Express v. Doug Furnace & Phil LaFron
Gibson and Morton are one of the classic teams of the 80's. For the time, they had a great look, were solid in the ring and had good mic skills. The same cannot be said for their opponents.
Winner: R'N'R Express

Natural Born Thrillaz v. Body Donnas
Snoozefest. I honestly could care less about this match. However, Candido is an ECW alumni and had some success while he was there. I am basing my decision soley on that fact.
Winner: Body Donnas
Slyfox, the movie you're looking for is Office Space, when the Bobs told Lumberg that they thought Peter was management material. That was his response.
Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner. You even remember the exact time it was said! Hahaha, that's awesome, and a rep coming your way.

I can't believe there is someone else around who knows that movie as well as I do.

- The Nasty Boys vs. C.P. Munk and Colt Cabunny.

This is a disgrace. Instead of having a team of John Cena and Mr. Perfect, we're stuck with this...ridiculousness of a team. Munk and Although, it's probably good for some people that Cena didn't make it in. With this whole Cena movement in these parts lately, this team probably would have pulled off the upset.

Nasty Boys here easily.

- AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. KroniK

Kronik has the better name of the two...unfortunately for them, that's where their advantages end.

Styles/Daniels easily.

- Rock N Roll Express vs. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon

Welcome to Blowout City, Furnas and LaFon. Population: You

Rock N Roll Express with blindfolds on.

- The Natural Born Thrillas vs. The Body Donnas (Tom Prichard and Chris Candido)

If it were only possible for both of these teams to lose.

I'll give the win to the Body Donnas because Sunny was hot.
WCW Region, Area 4

The Nasty Boys vs. CP Munk & Colt Cabunny
You people do realize the team of CP Munk & Colt Cabunny don't exist right? I've read like three posts already where people are actually refering to these guys as real wrestlers. Nasty Boys, despite how badly they sucked in anything other then a hardcore match, take this one by default obviously.
Winners: The Nasty Boys

AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels vs. KroniK
Two of the greatest active wrestlers around, versus two terrible, terrible, terrible jobbers. And I mean really terrible. KroniK gets into an accident on the way to the ring and dies on the spot. Styles & Daniels win by default. If Kronik gets a single vote, I will be disgusted.
Winners: AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Rock n Roll Express vs. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon
Okay, whats up with all this hating on Furnas & LaFon? They were exceptional in-ring talents who put on exciting matches in their very short WWE exposure, but did much better in the indies. A fantastic team, one of the most underrated possibly ever. That being said, we're talking about the Rock n Roll Express here. No matter how god-awfully stupid the bandannas were, these guys all but put tag team wrestling on the map in the eighties. Furnas & LaFon show 'em up a bit, but only long enough for them to get the old double dropkick from RNR Express.
Winners: Rock n Roll Express

Natural Born Thrillaz vs. The Bodydonnas
While the Bodydonnas was a terrible gimmick, we're talking about Chris Candido and Tom Prichard. Am I the only one here that knows who Tom Prichard is for god's sake? Him and Stan Lane as the Heavenly Bodies were one of the best tag teams of the early 90s (though honestly they would've been much bigger if they had begun in the NWA mid-80s) and had one hell of a run in the old CWF. His partner is even better in Chris Candido, so vastly underrated it makes me sick to my stomach. Gold on the mic and in the ring. And they're opponents? Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak...two of the biggest wastes of space to ever enter a wrestling ring. I'd rather watch Big Daddy V wrestle Yokozuna in a wet T-shirt contest. Squash.
Winners: The Bodydonnas

So we're potentially looking at
Nasty Boys vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels (Bye bye Nasty Boys, you made it further then I even thought you would)
Rock n Roll Express vs. The Bodydonnas (This sounds like a great match to me, though as much as I love Prichard & Candido, they couldn't beat RNR.)

Whoever voted for the Natural Born Thrillaz...please turn in your wrestling fan identification card immediately.
I haven't posted as much as I did the first touranment due to few factors. First and foremost I am taking an online class that has been very time consuming. I also have been giving several tennis lessons and when I finish and come in the school and read the forum I am usually tired from being out in the sun for a few hours. The other reason is most of the matches speak for themselves.
A few thoughts now. The second round match of AMW vs Vader & Bigelow should be great. I'm going with AMW is a close one. I think they can wear down the big men and with the superkick it can come at you at any time. He doesn't tune up like HBK.
On to todays match ups. I know CM Punk is the thing right now but I hope people go with the Nasty's here. If anyone hasn't seen R-N-R please try to, it would be a disgrace to seem them exit this early. I got my votes in and hope I don't miss a vote. I'm be gone till Monday take care all.
Here are my picks....

Nasty boyz vs Cm Munk and Colt Cabunny

Okay do I choose between Hulk Hogan best Friend or two guys in halloween Costumes? Hmmm.......I'm going with the the armpit..
Winner: Nasty Boys

Styles and Daniels vs Kronik

Lets be real I will be smoking Kronik if I went with Kronik, Did you see theirs match with B.O.D? And this one will be worst AJ and Daniels by a landslide.
Winners: Styles and Daniels

Rock 'N' Roll Express vs Phil Lafron and Doug Furnace

Okay this is a hard one becuz Phil and Doug can wrestle but the R 'N' R Express won countless championship. So I'm going with my two favorite thing R-N-R
Winners: Rock N Roll Express

Natural Born Thrillaz Vs Body Donnas

Okay that F up RVDgurl we got some talent in this match. Sean O`haire is a good wrestler to bad he could not get over with the fan and Marky mark welll...He had something. I'm a Chris Candido fan. So I'm just going with the youth
Winners: Natural Born Thrillaz
Natural Born Thrillaz Vs Body Donnas

Okay that F up RVDgurl we got some talent in this match. Sean O`haire is a good wrestler to bad he could not get over with the fan and Marky mark welll...He had something. I'm a Chris Candido fan. So I'm just going with the youth
Winners: Natural Born Thrillaz

Thanks for attempting to debate with me, but I'm not sure I understand your logic in choosing the Natural Born Thrillaz. You make a statement like "we got some talent in this match", yet you completely contradict your point by saying "I'm just going with the youth". Choosing them based on youth in no way supports your statement about talent. Remember that Candido and Prichard were once youthful as well and this tournament is based on everybody in their prime.
I would also like to clarify something I think you misunderstood: I simply have no interest in this match- I never said the wrestlers involved didn't have talent. Watch a few Candido matches from ECW, you'll see what I mean.
Here are results from the WWE Region:

1. 3. The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs. 30. Headcheese (Steve Blackman and Al Snow)

In a shocking turn of events, someone, or someones, actually placed bets for the team of Headcheese. Thus far, the Road Warriors are the only team to achieve the elusive 100% mark. The Harts take this one with ease.

The Hart Foundation
Head Cheese

2. 14. Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson vs. 19. 3 Live Kru (Konnan and Ron Killings)

Either Konnan flapping his gums has bit him in the ass, or Old School has come, and come hard here. This one genuinely has shocked me so far. I figured 3 Live Kru would have got an easy win, but I was wrong. Where the hell are the TNA fanboys that dominated the last tourney?

Atlas and Johnson
3 Live Kru

3. 6. Public Enemy (Rocco Rock and Johnny Grunge) vs. 27. Playboy Buddy Rose and Doug Somers

I'm not surprised with this outcome, simply because of the Lack of Exposure for Rose and Somers. The Public Enemy easily take care of this AWA standout in round one.

Public Enemy

4. 11. Camp Cornette (Owen Hart and Yokozuna) vs. 22. The Corporation (Ken Shamrock and the Big Bossman)

Owen and Yoko have no problem taking out the duo of Shamrock and the Bossman.

Camp Cornette
The Corporation

So Far, no really close matches except for La Resistance and Tanaka/Mahoney. Other then that, it's been blow outs.

2nd Round Matchups now made.
The Hart Foundation vs. Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson
Public Enemy vs. Owen Hart and Yokozuna.

Pretty Much we're looking at Owen vs. Bret.

Now onto today's matchups. The Following matches take place in the ECW Region in the ECW Arena, and are conducted under X-Treme Rules.

Match 1:
1. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) vs. 32. Incoherence (Hallowicked and Delirious)

The Dudleys:
All Japan Pro Wrestling
AJPW World's Strongest Tag Team League (2005)

Extreme Championship Wrestling
ECW World Tag Team Championship (8 times)

World Wrestling Federation/Entertainment
WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)- Won during the WCW Invasion storyline.
WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time)
WWF/WWE World Tag Team Championship (8 times)

HUSTLE Super Tag Team Championship (1 time)(current)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI Match of the Year award in 2000 – vs. Edge and Christian and The Hardy Boyz (Triangle ladder match, WrestleMania 2000)
PWI Tag Team of the Year award in 2001
PWI Match of the Year award in 2001 – vs. Edge and Christian and The Hardy Boyz (TLC II, WrestleMania X-Seven)

National Wrestling Alliance
NWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
TNA World Tag Team Championship (1 time, current)
TNA Tag Team of the Year award in 2005

Can cut a great promo

Match 2:
16. The Jersey Triad (Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon) vs. 17. the Evil Empire (Kenzo Suzuki and Renee Dupree)

World Championship Wrestling
WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Entertainment
WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time)

World Wrestling Entertainment
WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Match 3:
8. The North/South Connection (Dick Murdoch and Adrian Adonis) vs. 25. The Holly Cousins (Hardcore and Crash Holly)

N/S Connection:
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked him #35 of the 100 best tag teams with Dick Murdoch of the PWI Years in 2003.

WWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

The Hollys:
They beat each other up.

Match 4:
9. The Impact Players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) vs. 24. The American Males (Buff Bagwell and Scotty Riggs)

2-Time ECW World Tag Team Champions

World Championship Wrestling
WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

The Poll is now open, it will close on Sunday July 15th at 6pm ET.
Dudley Boyz v. Incoherence
I am a huge fan of both Hallowicked and Delirious, so this is a tough match for me. However, the Dudley's are one of the most decorated teams in the history of wrestling. There time in ECW was absolutely marvelous and they have continued on to have a great career in WWE and TNA. I'm still waiting patiently for the tie dye to come back.
Winner: Dudley Boyz

Jersey Triad v. Evil Empire
I'm not thrilled with either team in this match. All four of these guys are mediocre at best. Although I have alot of respect for DDP because he was much older than most guys when he got into the business. He also acquired alot of stroke rather quickly in his career. Just for that, he wins.
Winner: Jersey Triad

Murdoch & Adonis v. The Holly's
Dick Murdoch and Adrian Adonis were two bad ass dudes back in the 80's. I honestly don't remember them tagging together, but individually they both kick ass. I know the Holly's are supposed to be "harcore" but in a real ECW match against Murdoch and Adonis, they wouldn't stand a chance.
Winner: North / South Connection

Impact Players v. American Males
Buff was way too pretty to make it through a match in the ECW arena. Credible and Storm have the home field advantage here and take this one easily.
Winner: Impact Players
2 days of Catchup
4. The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs) vs. 29. CP Munk and Colt CaBunny
If you have bunny in yopur name you deserved to be turned into stew

13. AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels vs. 20. KroniK (Brian Adams and Brian Clark) Kronik may have the power but seriusly the last time anyone took those guys seriously Adams was wearing Yelow and crushing pineapples on TV

5. The Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs. 28. Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon
Snooze fest here. But the rock and rollers willl win

12. The Natural Born Thrillaz (Sean O'Haire and Mark Jindrak) vs. 21. The Body Donnas (Chris Candido and Tom Prichard)
About the only good thing to come out of the new blood storyline was these guys too bad they never got a chance and let demons do them in.

1. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) vs 32. Incoherence (Hallowicked and Delirious)
The question isnt if they win but how many tables they put these jokes through befroe they win and wheter they get their hands on Luther and put him through a table as he will be the one who votes against them here.

16. The Jersey Triad (DDP and Kanyon) vs. 17. The Evil Empire (Rene Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki) Page wa sthe ultimate undedog but Canyon was better off staying as Mortis at leats then we didnt have to hear his voice. I mean he must be Fran drescher and Gilbert Gotfried's love child. The Empire shall trike back here.

8. The North/South Connection (Adrian Adonis and Dick Murdoch) vs. 25. The Holly Cousins (Hardcore and Crash Holly) Dont know the first team but Crash is the weak link so i vite old school

9. The Impact Players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) vs. 24. The American Males (Scotty Riggs and Buff Bagwell)
YES in an ECW enviroment we can see Buff beaten like a governemnet mule, Too ba dhe didnt meet the Dudleys as I just want him beaten sensless
Cenanomics 101 huh Shocky? :D

ECW Region, Area 1

The Dudley Boyz vs. Incoherence
As entertaining as Delirious is, this is just a squash. Incoherence get the old school ECW flaming table treatment in this one.
Winners: The Dudley Boyz

The Jersey Triad vs. The Evil Empire
DDP is criminally underrated. Sure, he may not be the best technical wrestler, but he was GOLD on the mic and he put on some damn good matches back in WCW. Am I the only one that remembers the Feud of the Year in 97 between Randy Savage and DDP? Classic. That said, Dupree is also very underrated for his in-ring skills, but Suzuki I've seen maybe two matches from. Kanyon...good god...what a waste of space that man was. Who's better then Kanyon? Everybody! That being said, DDP takes this one by himself.
Winners: The Jersey Triad

The North/South Connection vs. The Holly Cousins
While I think Bob Holly doesn't deserve all the flack he gets(he's marvelous in hardcore matches and I guarantee you that you will not find one tougher son of a bitch in the history of wrestling then this man) Crash really wasn't anything special. His death was a damn tragedy though, how he ODed at Stevie Richards house. Truly sad. That being said, Bob's toughness can't make up the slack here and the old school gets the nod from me. Adrian Adonis was just classic. Just classic.
Winners: The North/South Connection

The Impact Players vs. The American Males
If anyone votes for the American Males, you are scum. I hate you and everything you like. I also had sex with your mother last night. Now that that's done with, this is the biggest squash I've seen probably so far. Males shouldn't get more then maybe 1% if they're lucky. Justin Credible is another one of those guys who is just criminally underrated by everyone. No one, and that includes the Undertaker, delivers a better Tombstone piledriver. Nobody. Add in possibly the greatest technician since Bret Hart laced up his boots in Lance Storm (I could watch his matches all day long and not be bored) and the dangerous vixen and strangely attractive Francine in the corner, and this one's a no brainer. Buff busts his calf implants in the middle of the ring as the entire arena laughs at him.
Winners: The Impact Players

So we're looking at potentially
The Dudley Boyz vs. The Jersey Triad (my love for DDP makes me want to vote for the Triad, but honestly, Dudleys are better.)
North/South Connection vs. Impact Players (this one is bound to cause controversy. To me though, this is a no brainer for the Impact Players, Murdoch & Adonis don't stand a freakin' chance.)
Match 1:
1. The Dudley Boyz (Bubba Ray and D-Von) vs. 32. Incoherence (Hallowicked and Delirious)

This should be a complete walkover for The Dudleys as this is Home base for them even though CHIKARA is also based out of the ECW Arena. The Rules favour The Dudleys. They win.

Match 2:
16. The Jersey Triad (Diamond Dallas Page and Kanyon) vs. 17. the Evil Empire (Kenzo Suzuki and Renee Dupree)

Whos better than Kanyon? Everybody. DDP can' bring this team up enough to take on Dupree and Suzuki. Evil Empire wins this one.

Match 3:
8. The North/South Connection (Dick Murdoch and Adrian Adonis) vs. 25. The Holly Cousins (Hardcore and Crash Holly)

North/South Connection wins this one fairly easily with Hardcore Holly splitting open his back on a table. leaving it as a Handicap match.

Match 4:
9. The Impact Players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) vs. 24. The American Males (Buff Bagwell and Scotty Riggs)

Was this one even needed Impact Players are at home as one of the Best Tag Teams of 2000. Lance Storm one of the best Technical Wrestlers add to that Justin Credible with his Singapore Cane. The American Males get their Arses handed to them on a Silver Plater.

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