The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
outlaws vs pop-boring match to watch, but outlaws have just enough skills to pull off a win. barely! guerreros vs natural disasters- too much talent by eddie and chavo. as someone said before (i think it was rvdgurl) about m.o.m. , natural can only win if they accidently fell on one of the guerreros. mnm vs blue bloods- got to go with team blue, as they have more experience and are friends in real life. hardz vs flair/piper- again got to give it to flair/piper for their experience. they didn't tag long but are good and close friends outside the ring.
New Age Outlaws vs The Powers of Pain

This match doesn't jump out at me. You have the Road Dogg who comes from a famliy of glorifed jobbers only reason he made it is because he have awesome mic skills. Billy Gunn was the work horse. I never like the Pains. I always thought they was a poor man Legion of Doom.
New Age Outlaws

Los Guerrero Vs The Natural Disasters

We got a team who lies, cheat and steal. To a Team of John Tenta(R.I.P) to Tugboat a gay man version of Popeye. This is simple.
Los Guerrero

MNM vs Blue Bloods

truthfully I don't like MNM chances. If Steven Regal keep both theirs pose asses ground. This should be a easily win. But Dave Taylor is a bloody ass. I'm going with the shooter.
Winner: Steven Regal

Hardy Boyz vs Ric Flair and Roddy Piper

We got spot monkeys vs legends. The team of Flair and Piper was put together by cyber sunday so I got to go with the team who has been tagging longer together
Winners: Hardy
2. The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and the Road Dogg Jesse James) vs. 31. The Powers of Pain (The Warlord and Barbarian)
Chumps v Chumps but the NAo or whatevr they are this week will win

15. Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Guerrero) vs. 18. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)
Now I may go against the grain here but I dont see hoe the Guerros can get Eartquake off his feet. He went toe to toe with Hogan, and other superstars. Typhoon is the week link but so is Chavo (vastly overated ) I have to go with teh Disasters to flatten Chavo.

7. MNM (Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury) vs. 26. The Blue Bloods (Squire Dave Taylor and Lord Steven Regal)
Regal is great in teh ring. Taylor is not I was hoping after Regal went to raw we would see Taylor get his walking appers but instead it appears Burchill might get saddled with him. MNM could have been soemthing special if WWE wasnt in stuck in theior ways that any good team must be split up after about a year.

10. The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff hardy) vs. 23. Ric Flair and Roddy Piper
I am sorry but it would be criminal to vote for Flair and Piper here. Indivdually they are great but as a tag team what did they do. They beat the Spirit Squad (so could a pack of girl scouts) and had only one match. They alos teamed in WCW but did next to nothing. Besides they have to much heat over the years to be truly effective. Meanwhile the Hardys complemt each other so well that it will be the old dudes who get schooled here.
Results from WWE Region, Area 1

1. The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) vs. 32. The Orient Express (Kato and Pat Tanaka)

Really no surprise here. The Steiners are one of the best tag teams ever, and they literarlly destroy the Orient Express the second they step foot in the ring.

Orient Express

2. 16. The Acolytes/APA (Ron Simmons and JBL) vs. 17. Raven and Stevie Richards

Poor Raven, can't get a break. After making it all the way to the Elite Eight in the original tournament, Raven is paired with his lackey Richards, and they get their asses handed to them.


8. Rob Van Dam and Sabu vs. 25. Sinister (Mikey Whipwreck and Yoshihiro Tajiri)

Good News/Bad News for both RVDGurl and Prax, an ECW team advanced to the 2nd round, and an ECW team was eliminated in the first round. RVD and Sabu destroy Sinister and James Vandeberg.


4. 9. The Dream Team (Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake) vs. 24. Triple X (Low-Ki and Elix Skipper)

Ahh, this one sucks. I hate to See Greg Valentine go. What do you expect though when he's paired up with the fucking Booty Man??? X-X-X moves on to the second round.

The Dream Team

2nd round matchups now made.
The Steiner Brothers vs. The APA
Rob Van Dam and Sabu vs. X-X-X

Onto todays matchups. The following matches take place in the Impact Zone in the TNA Region. All matches take place inside of the six sided ring.

Match 1.
3. The Wild Samoans (Afa and Sika) vs. 30. The Killer Bees (Jim Brunzell and B. Brian Blair)
Championship Wrestling from Florida
NWA Florida Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Continental Wrestling Association
AWA Southern Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Gulf Coast Championship Wrestling
NWA Gulf Coast Tag Team Championship (2 time)

Georgia Championship Wrestling
NWA National Tag Team Championship (1 time)

International Wrestling Alliance
IWA Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Mid-South Wrestling
Mid-South Tag Team Championship (3 times)

NWA All-Star Wrestling
NWA Canadian Tag Team Championship (Vancouver version) (1 time)

NWA Detroit
NWA World Tag Team Championship (Detroit version) (2 times)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked them # 93 of the 100 best tag teams during the "PWI Years" in 2003.

Southeastern Championship Wrestling
NWA Southern Tag Team Championship (Southern Division) (2 times)

Stampede Wrestling
Stampede International Tag Team Championship (2 times)

World Wrestling Entertainment | World Wrestling Federation
WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2007)
WWF World Tag Team Championship (3 times)

Universal Wrestling Federation
UWF World Tag-Team Titles

Match 2:
14. The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker) vs. 19. The Sheepherders/Bushwackers (Luke and Butch)

World Wrestling Entertainment
WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)1
WWF World Tag Team Championship (2 times)

Southwest Championship Wrestling
SWCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)
SWCW Southwest Tag Team Championship

World Wrestling Council
WWC North American Tag Team Championship (1 time)
WWC World Tag Team Championship (2 times)

Universal Wrestling Federation
UWF Tag Team Championship (2 times

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked them # 71 of the best 100 tag teams of the "PWI Years".

Match 3:
6. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. 27. The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer

Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship (1 times)
NWA World Tag Team Championship (Mid-Atlantic version) (5 times)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked him # 19 of the 100 best tag teams of the PWI Years with Jay Youngblood in 2003.

Wrestling Observer Newsletter
Tag Team of the Year award - in 1983.


Match 4:
11. The Briscoe Brothers (Gerald and Jack) vs. 22. The F.B.I. (Tracy Smothers and Little Guido)

Championship Wrestling from Florida
NWA Florida Tag Team Championship (8 times)
NWA Florida United States Tag Team Championship (5 times)
NWA North American Tag Team Championship (Florida version)

Georgia Championship Wrestling
NWA Georgia Tag Team Championship (2 times)

Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling
NWA World Tag Team Championship (Mid-Atlantic version) (3 time)

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked him # 54 of the 100 best tag teams during the "PWI Years"

World Wrestling Council
WWC North American Tag Team Championship (1 time)


The poll is now open, it will close on Saturday, July 21st, at 6pm ET.
Match 1.
3. The Wild Samoans (Afa and Sika) vs. 30. The Killer Bees (Jim Brunzell and B. Brian Blair)

While I do Like the matches that I have seen from the Killer Bees they are going up against members of the A'noai family who have produced so many Tag Teaming Champs. I think everyone bar Umaga has held a WWE Tag title. That is excluding the ones that haven't started Wrestling yet. Afa and Sika win this one.

Match 2:
14. The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker) vs. 19. The Sheepherders/Bushwackers (Luke and Butch)

Im going with My heart over my head with this one. The Sheepherders get the nod, They had a better gimmick when they were in the US indy's they have Wrestled in over 50 different countries and have one a shitload of Tag Titles. Battering Ram to Kane with UnderTaker being knocked to the outside. Go check out there matches in the Wrestler of the week thread as there are links to Sheepherders matches there. That combined with the fact that BoD is also a team of Singles Wrestlers against a Coherent Team in The Sheepherders.

Match 3:
6. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. 27. The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer

Im going with Steamboat/Youngblood on this one, could you imagine what Steamboat would be like in a TNA ring it would be great.

Match 4:
11. The Briscoe Brothers (Gerald and Jack) vs. 22. The F.B.I. (Tracy Smothers and Little Guido)

While I respect Little Guido, and since there is no outside interference from Sal E. and they are facing off against the legendary Briscoe Brothers, the Briscoe Brothers win this one.
Couple days of making up to do.

Outlaws vs. the Powers of Pain.
While I feel the Outlaws are very over rated as a team, they easily have enough talent to take down to under achievers in the Powers of Pain. All that hype and they accomplished nothing in their carreers, yes i'm aware of injuries.

Los Guerreros vs. The Natural Disasters
Speed and Talent vs. Size and Power. The Guerreros are so damn good in the ring. Typhoon trips on his own feet coming into the ring and the guerreros roll him up for the victory.

MNM vs. the Blue Bloods
I'm going to be in the minority here. I get irritated as hell whenever that damn paparazzi comes out. It's a fucking distraction and I honestly can't take MNM seriously. Thank god for morrison. William Regal and Taylor stretch the young pups out for the victory.

Hardys vs. Flair and Piper.
While individually the Hardy's don't deserve to lace up the boots of either one of these guys, this is a tag team match. The Hardys were at one time, a very good tag team. That is until they caught onto what got them over, and repeated it in every single match since 2001. The hardy's now are stale, boring,a nd predictable, but at one time they were the best tag team in the world. Yes, I am picking the Hardy's to win this one, gag.

Potential 2nd rounders
NAO vs. Los Guerreros (So long Rockabilly and the Real Double J)
Blue Bloods vs. the Hardyz (I might be picking the Hardys again)

Samoans vs. the Killer Bees
The Bees were good, teh Samoans great. They wrestled a slower style then todays standard, but their intimidation factor could not be denied. Look at how over these guys were. Easily the Samoans.

B.O.D. vs. The Sheepherders
The Sheepherders were fucking sick. Please look past the lame ass bushwacker gimmick and give these guys a fair shot. I'm going with the Sheepherders in this one.

Steamboat and Youngblood vs. Dreamer and Sandman:
RVD Gurl is going to be pissed, but Ricky Steamboat could win this match by himself.

The Briscoe Brothers vs. the FBI
Ignore Gerald teh stooge, the original briscoes were fuckign awesome back in their day. Think Kurt Angle Lite when you think of the Briscoes. Briscoes win easily.

Potential 2nd round matches
Samoans vs. Sheepherders (That sounds pretty damn good)
Steamboat and Youngblood vs. the Briscoe Brothers (Technical Tag Team Wrestling Classic/Clinic)
Samoans vs. the Killer Bees

The Bees were ok, while the Samoans as has been said already were great, so this one is a no brainer to me.

Winners: Samoans.

B.O.D. vs. The Sheepherders

This is a tough one for me. Have checked out some of the Sheepherders stuff and yeah will admit they are sick and good, pity they were labeeled witht hat Bushwhacker stuff. Then you have Kane and Undertaker, two montser adn one of them a legend. Individually there is no contest, as a team the Sheepherders can make up the difference. The deciding factor to me is, can Kane and Undertaker co-exist? I htink they can, for thi round at least so for that reason I can see them squeaking, and I mean squeaking out the win.

Winners: B.O.D

Steamboat and Youngblood vs. Dreamer and Sandman
If this were in ECW then I might give Sandman/Dreamer half a chance. But its not. Steamboat beats both men whilst Younblood just sits back and relaxes, getting ready for round 2.

Winners: Steamboat and Youngblood

The Briscoe Brothers vs. the FBI

Yeah not much of a contest here, The Briscoe Brothers were great, and even though I like Little Guido, I dont htink the FBI last too long in this matchup.

Winners: The Briscoe Brothers
Wild Samoans v. Killer Bees
The Bees had cooler ring attire. But they're list of pros in this match ends there.
Winner: Wild Samoans

Taker & Kane v. Sheepherders
I mark out for the Undertaker, but again, the BOD are a makeshift team. The Sheepherders were a legitimate tag team who accomplished alot around the world. This is a tough call, but...
Winner: Sheepherders

Steamboat & Youngblood v. Sandman & Dreamer
Fear not, Shockmaster, I respect your decision in this match. Sandman and Dreamer were never officially a tag team in ECW so I cannot in good faith pick them to win this, although it hurts my heart. A TNA also plays to the favor or Steamboat and Youngblood
Winner: Steamboat & Youngblood

The Briscoe Bros. v. FBI
The FBI were so good in ECW. Guido is one of the most underrated wrestlers and Tracy Smothers was a fiesty veteran when he has his run in ECW. Again, it upsets me to have to vote against an ECW team, but the Briscoes were fantastic in their prime. An extremely talented team and that worked so well together.
Winner: Briscoes
I have not followed as closely due to an online class and haven't voted the last two or three times. I wish I had though.
Blackjacks should take down to indivual wrestlers. Yes they had good chemistry but this is the blackjacks.
A plea to people. This is not a rundown of ECW because I enjoyed it the first time around. However anyone who thinks they could take down Steamboat/Youngblood has obviously not watched them wrestle. Shockey is probably right in that Steamboat could probably handle both by himself. No weapons and the sandman might as well go to sleep. Dreamer can put on a good match but come on people.
It may be too late now but for the first time I strongly disagree with you Shockey. I respect the fact that you know the old school wrestling as well as you do. In response to the Freebirds. They put on some great matches with the Vonerichs. I think the Freebirds were a great team. I do not feel bad they lost to Beniot/Jericho because they are both great apart and together. I also appreciate you putting Gordy in there also. I first thought you were going to put Gordy with Dr. Death. Since not he belonged with Hayes.
A question I assume that since it's WCW it will be elimation style in the triple threat match? This has the potential to be great.
WCW Region, Area 2

New Age Outlaws vs. Powers of Pain
My favorite tag team! The New Age Outlaws! Sure they're not the most talented wrestlers (though I think Billy Gunn is very underrated) but my god they were the best in the world for awhile there. They dominated the tag scene for years, and one more titles together then any other tag team in WWE history (tied with Edge & Christian). NAO gets the nod easily.
Winners: New Age Outlaws

Los Guerreros vs. The Natural Disasters
Not even a question here, Guerreros take it easily.
Winners: Los Guerreros

MNM vs. The Blue Bloods
While Regal is amazing, Dave Taylor has always been absolute garbage, always. I'm taking the youth and the amazing skills I've seen from MNM in this one.
Winners: MNM

The Hardyz vs. Ric Flair & Roddy Piper
Remember that Flair & Piper tagged together only maybe 4 times, all waaaaay past their prime. Hardys, for all the flack they get here, are amazing. One of the best tag teams, ever. I'm sorry people, you just can't deny that. Hardys take the nod here.
Winners: The Hardys

TNA Region, Area 3

The Wild Samoans vs. The Killer Bees
The Bees were nothing but jobbers. Easy win for the crazy Samoans.
Winners: The Wild Samoans

The Brothers of Destruction vs. The Sheepherders/Bushwhackers
I'm sorry Shadow...but the Sheepherders....were crap. Utter...utter crap. I watched some of those matches in the Wrestler of the Week thread...decent for some hardcore fare, but nothing special. When they were the fuckin' tag team, ever. Brothers of Destruction easily destroy the Bushherders.
Winners: Brothers of Destruction

Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood vs. Tommy Dreamer & the Sandman
While I love Dreamer and mark out for him like crazy, and I'm also a big fan of the Sandman, Ricky Steamboat is god. There's no better wrestler who's last name isn't Funk on the planet. Easy win here for Steamboat & Youngblood.
Winners: Ricky Steamboat & Jay Youngblood

The Briscoes vs. The FBI
While I fucking love Little Guido, and he is an amazing wrestler, and while Tracy Smothers was great and very underrated (check out his SMW tenure, great stuff), the Briscoes are the best tag team out there right now. Yes, better then LAX. They're that good. So in a hard battle and what would definately be a fantastic match, the Briscoes pull out the win.
Winners: The Briscoes
Onto results from WWE Region, Area 2

Wow, either people really don't like the outlaws, most likely due to VKM, or they really like the Powers of Pain. Surprisingly enough, the Powers of Pain lose, but manage to get 17% of the vote.

2. The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and the Road Dogg Jesse James) vs. 31. The Powers of Pain (The Warlord and Barbarian)

Powers of Pain

2. 15. Los Guerreros (Eddie and Chavo Guerrero) vs. 18. The Natural Disasters (Earthquake and Typhoon)

Again, another surprising vote count. The Natural Disasters don't have enough to take down the Guerreros, but still manage to steal about a quarter of the voting.


3. 7. MNM (Johnny Nitro and Joey Mercury) vs. 26. The Blue Bloods (Squire Dave Taylor and Lord Steven Regal)

Much closer then I thought this one would turn out to be as well. MNM gets by just barely in this match. I wonder if I teamed Regal with Beautiful Bobby Eaton if the results would have been different.

MNM 60%

4. 10. The Hardy Boyz (Matt and Jeff hardy) vs. 23. Ric Flair and Roddy Piper

While I hate to seem them go so early, the right choice was made. In their primes the Hardyz were something special, but still, much closer then I thought it would end up being.


2nd round matchups now made.
The New Age Outlaws vs. Los Guerreros
MNM vs. the Hardy Boyz

Now we are onto the final set of matches in the first round. All matches take place in the ECW Arena under Extreme Rules:

Match 1.
4. The Von Erichs (Kerry and Kevin Von Erich) vs. 29. T&A (Test and Albert)
Von Erich:
* Big Time Wrestling | World Class Championship Wrestling | World Class Wrestling Association

* NWA American Tag Team Championship (2 times) -
* WCWA Tag Team Championship (3 times)

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated
* PWI ranked him # 23 of the best tag teams of the "PWI Years"

Trish was hot

Match 2:
13. Sting and Lex Luger vs. 18. The Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny the Bull)
# 1-Time WCW World Tag Team Champions
# Winner of 1988 NWA Jim Crockett Sr. Memorial Cup
# Pro Wrestling Illustrated (PWI) ranked them # 52 of the 100 best tag teams during the "PWI Years" in 2003.

* World Championship Wrestling

* WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Match 3:
5. The Eliminators (John Kronus and Perry Saturn) vs. 28. Boogie Knights (Alex Wright and Disco Inferno)

* Extreme Championship Wrestling
o ECW Tag Team Champions (3 times)
* United States Wrestling Association
o USWA Tag Team Champions (1 time)

Boogie Knights:
* World Championship Wrestling

* WCW World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Match 4:
12. The Gangsta's (New Jack and Mustafa) vs. 21. The Harris Brothers/D.O.A. (Ron and Don Harris)

* Extreme Championship Wrestling

* ECW Tag Team Championship (2 times)

* Smokey Mountain Wrestling

* SMW Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* Other titles

* NGWA Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Harris Brothers:
* Championship Wrestling International Alliance
o CWIA International Tag Team Championship (1 time) [12]

* Continental Wrestling Association
o CWA Tag Team Championship (2 times) [13]

* National Wrestling Alliance: Pacific Northwest Wrestling
o NWA Pacific Northwest Tag Team Championship (6 times) [14]

* Smoky Mountain Wrestling
o SMW Tag Team Championship (1 time) [15]

* United States Wrestling Association
o USWA Tag Team Championship (5 times) [16]

* World Championship Wrestling
o WCW World Tag Team Championship (3 times)

The Poll is now Open, it will close on Sunday July 22nd, at 6pm ET.
Thanks to Shockmaster sending the lazy person running the bracket page (me) the updated results, the Tag Team tournament brackets have again been updated. With regards to the Blackjacks/Rock N Sock tie, since I can't show a tie on the bracket, I had the Blackjacks advancing in the big tournament bracket, and Rock N Sock advance on the regional bracket.

The link for the brackets:
Match 1.
4. The Von Erichs (Kerry and Kevin Von Erich) vs. 29. T&A (Test and Albert)

I don't really care what arena this is in the Von Erichs take this one with absolute Ease over T&A.

Match 2:
13. Sting and Lex Luger vs. 18. The Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny the Bull)

While the baseball bat is now legal, The Mamalukes have the experience of being in ECW. The Mamalukes should win this one.

Match 3:
5. The Eliminators (John Kronus and Perry Saturn) vs. 28. Boogie Knights (Alex Wright and Disco Inferno)

The Eliminators were ECW at one stage, before Moppy. Boogie Knights Just no.

Match 4:
12. The Gangsta's (New Jack and Mustafa) vs. 21. The Harris Brothers/D.O.A. (Ron and Don Harris)

This is ECW and this is The Gangsta's, New Jack is a Crazy bastard and would probably take on the Harris Brothers single handedly and quite possibly kill one of them in a fall that he set up from up high.
Onto results from TNA region, area 3.

1. 3. The Wild Samoans (Afa and Sika) vs. 30. The Killer Bees (Jim Brunzell and B. Brian Blair)

No surprise here, the Big Samoans have no problem with the Bees. The Samoans, with the exception of 3 minute warning are dominating in their matches.

Killer Bees

2. 14. The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker) vs. 19. The Sheepherders/Bushwackers (Luke and Butch)

The Brothers of Destruction are just too much for Cousin Luke and Cousin Butch to handle. The BOD move on with relative ease into the second round.


3. 6. Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. 27. Sandman and Tommy Dreamer

There are some ECW die hards, because they actually voted against Steamboat and Youngblood. In the end though, Steamboat takes this one to advance to the next round.


4. 11. The Briscoe Brothers (Gerald and Jack) vs. 22. The F.B.I. (Tracy Smothers and Little Guido)

This is Gerald and Jack Brisco, not Jay and Mark, they already were eliminated. Regardless, Old School dominates once more as the Briscoes move onto the 2nd round.

Brisco County Jr.

2nd Round matchups now made.
The Samoans vs. the Brothers of Destruction
Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood vs. Jack and Gerald Briscoe.

One more set of final results to come in, and we'll start with the 2nd round on Monday.
That is just Terrible looking at the results there noone voted based on actual Tag Teaming and just voted based on the Gimmick that is absolutly sad, I told you all to take a look at the Sheepherders Videos that I supplied in My Wrestler of the Week thread and I can see that Noone did. you all look at it as the Bloody Bushwackers and didn't look at the Tag Team that has dominated everywhere else it went in the promotions. they won the Titles in Stampede Wrestling, don't you think that means something if Stu Hart gave them a run with the titles. they have won more Tag Team matches in different countries than the BoD has. End of Rant.
4. The Von Erichs (Kerry and Kevin Von Erich) vs. 29. T&A (Test and Albert)
With Hardcore rules I actually see TA having a chance just becasue of their size and power advantage. Usally the good little guy can win but with the extreme rules Torndao is caught

13. Sting and Lex Luger vs. 20. The Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny the Bull)
No 2 ways about it as much as I think Luger is overated and a joke their is no way I can vote for teh mamalukes. In WCW Sting took them both on iwth his Bat and won harcore style. He will do it again.

5. The Eliminators (John Kronus and Perry Saturn) vs. 28. Boogie Knights (Disco Inferno and Alex Wright)
I see another perfect coming

12. The Gangsta's (New Jack and Mustafa) vs. 21. The Harris Twins (Ron and Don Harris)
UGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH . 2 no talent hack teams that I would care to forgot. But here ECW rules the only ones who might beat them are themselves, the plice and the Dudleys
Von Erichs v. T&A
It doesn't matter what venue this match takes place in, the Von Erichs take this match easily.
Winner: Von Erichs

Sting & Luger v. Marmalukes
Not saying that Sting and Luger are the most talented guys around, but in their primes, they were more over than sliced bread. And under ECW rules, Sting gets to knock people out with his little baseball bat.
Winner: Sting & Luger

Eliminators v. it doesn't matter
This match is being held in the ECW arena which automatically means game over for Boogie Knights. For anyone who has not seen the Eliminators please go to YouTube immediately and watch a match! If anyone votes for the Disco Inferno and Alex Wright, I may seriously have a heart attack.
Winner: Eliminators

Gangsta's v. DOA
This would be a bloodbath and we may have a stabbing if Ron and Don don't play their cards right. I am such a mark for New Jack and all the complete sickness he brings to the ring. New Jack once said he could dress his mama up as Mustafa and still be over- and he's right.
Winner: Gangsta's
That is just Terrible looking at the results there noone voted based on actual Tag Teaming and just voted based on the Gimmick that is absolutly sad, I told you all to take a look at the Sheepherders Videos that I supplied in My Wrestler of the Week thread and I can see that Noone did. you all look at it as the Bloody Bushwackers and didn't look at the Tag Team that has dominated everywhere else it went in the promotions. they won the Titles in Stampede Wrestling, don't you think that means something if Stu Hart gave them a run with the titles. they have won more Tag Team matches in different countries than the BoD has. End of Rant.

Shadow, we're talking about Kane & The Undertaker. While they only tagged for about 6 monthes together, they dominated like no other. These are two of the biggest names in wrestling history. Versus...the fucking Bushwhackers. I watched all those matches dude...and well....they really aren't that good. They're decent. Nothing more. The Bushwhackers/Sheepherders....were total and complete garbage. I've yet to see one good match from them. Wow they dominated an indy fed in Canada huh? Jeez how can I vote against that domination? I mean come man, the fucking Bushwhackers? Be realistic here...would you honestly expect the Bushwhackers to get the win over Kane & Taker in the WWE? Or WCW? Or TNA? Or any fed on the planet? No, that would never, ever, EVER happen. Sorry if this sounds angry, I haven't had my coffee yet :D

Onto my predictions...

ECW Region, Area 4

The Von Erichs vs. T & A
This isn't even a contest. Albert eats Test before the match starts and dies from a heart attack without the Von Erichs having to even lift a finger.
Winners: The Von Erichs

Sting & Lex Luger vs. The Mamalukes
Wow, who actually voted for the Mamalukes? While I understand the hate on Luger, when he was in his 80s prime with Sting, they were a great team. And they're facing the fucking Mamalukes for god's sake. Sting & Luger destroy the Mamalukes in twenty seconds.
Winners: Sting & Lex Luger

The Eliminators vs. Boogie Knights
Anything less then 100% for the Eliminators is heresy. If you vote for Boogie Knights, then you are what is wrong with the world today. Thank you for all the problems in the world, you fucking idiot.
Winners: The Eliminators

The Gangstas vs. The Harris Twins
If this was anywhere but ECW, this would be a close match. However, when anything goes, expect New Jack to stab Ron to death and then shoot Don in the face with a .22.
Winners: The Gangstas
Final results from the first round.

1. 4. The Von Erichs (Kerry and Kevin Von Erich) vs. 29. T&A (Test and Albert)

No doubt about this one, just seeing how bad it was going to get. Yes, someone actually voted for T*A, and not just someone, someones, yes, plural. Regardless, the Von Erichs roll. Now X, you know better then to make death jokes around the Von Erichs.

Von Erichs

2. 13. Sting and Lex Luger vs. 20. The Mamalukes (Big Vito and Johnny the Bull)

No doubt about this one either. The Mamalukes get their asses handed to them with relative ease. No crazy Russo booking to save them now.


3. 5. The Eliminators (John Kronus and Perry Saturn) vs. 28. Boogie Knights (Disco Inferno and Alex Wright)

Apparently people hate wrestling. Boogie Knights somehow manage to get 10% of the vote in an extreme rules match against the Eliminators. Oh well.

Boogie Knights

4. 12. The Gangsta's (New Jack and Mustafa) vs. 21. The Harris Twins (Ron and Don Harris)

The Harris twins manage to get 1/4 of the votes, which leads me to believe, has anyone actually seen the Harris Brothers Wrestle?

Harris Brothers

So 2nd round matchups now made.
The Von Erichs vs. Sting and Lex Luger
The Eliminators vs. The Gangsta's, someone call a fucking doctor.
Okay I slept a Minute but I'm Back Baby

Von Erichs vs T-N-A

This is real talk before I got into wrestling I use to think that Texas tornado was the Ulimate Warrior boy was I wrong. T-n-A didn't do shit but look up Trish`s skirt.
Winners: Von Erichs

Sting and Flexy Lexy Vs The Marmalukes

Sting in his prime was a good but not great wrestler and Lex Luger can pose his ass off. I got to give credit to the Marmalukes they are good wrestlers. They are not really over with the mainstream fans so I'm going with Sting and Flexy Lexy.
Winners:Sting and Flexy Lexy

The Eliminators Vs The Boogie Knights

Okay Shocky you should be ashame of yourself for even putting this card together. The Eliminators will do 25 to life after this match matter of fact give them the death penatly because they are going to kill these guy
Wanted: The Eliminators

The Gangstas vs The Harris boys

Where is the fork and the shopping cart full of shit Because they will be blood spill the Harris boys are some big dudes but how are you going to go againist New Jack in ECW. It a wrap. Da Gangstas
Alright, onto the first set of matches in the second round.

The following matches take place in the WCW Region, inside of the Georgia Dome, in Atlanta, GA.

Match 1:
#1: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and Gene Anderson) vs. #16. The Colossal Connection (Andre the Giant and Haku)

Crew: Defeated #32 Cryme Tyme
Connection: Defeated #17 The Filthy Animals (Mysterio and Kidman)

Match 2:
8. Generation Next (Austin Aries and Roderick Strong) vs. #24. The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannety)
Generation: Defeated #25 The Pitbulls
Rockers: Defeated #9 The Briscoes (Jay and Mark Briscoe)

Match 3:
#4: The Nasty Boys (Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs) vs. #13 AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

Nasties: Defeated #29 Second City Pest (CP Munk and Colt CaBunny)
Styles/Daniels: Defeated #20 Kronik (Brian Adams and Brian Clark)

Match 4:
#5 The Rock 'N Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs. #12 The Natural Born Thrillaz (Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire)

R&R XPress: Defeated #28 Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon
Thrillaz: Defeated #21 The Body Donnas (Chris Candido and Tom Prichard)

The Poll is now Open, it will close on Wednesday July 25th at 6pm ET.
WCW Region, Round 2 Area 1
Match 1:
#1: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and Gene Anderson) vs. #16. The Colossal Connection (Andre the Giant and Haku)
Going with the whole prime argument I feel that Andre in his prime can take down both men and therfore the first number one seed goes home

8. Generation Next (Austin Aries and Roderick Strong) vs. #24. The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannety)
Again in his prime Shawn is just two goof for both these men as good as they may be. And lets not forget that the Rockers were adamn fine tag team on their own.

#4: The Nasty Boys (Jerry Saggs and Brian Knobbs) vs. #13 AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels
Nastys were good but I think Stlyes and Daniles were just that much better. Here speed and ability beats brawling and power

#5 The Rock 'N Roll Express (Ricky Morton and Robert Gibson) vs. #12 The Natural Born Thrillaz (Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire)
Here again never very impressed with R and R buth seriously againts the Thrillers this is a no brainer

Next round Collosal v Rockers 2 singles man who are carrying their partners
Rock and Roll v Styles and Daniels What many people could see as a dream match 2 bad its not i the 6 sided ring
Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs The Collosal Connection
I think Ole and Gene could isolate Haku and wear him down, Andre would get one big rush but hed get tied in the ropes as Ole pins Haku.

Generation Next vs The Rockers
Shawn Michaels is the legend in this match. Hopefully we get to see some more great stuff from Aries and Strong, but what I've seen so far, the tag team specialist the Rockers would take this one.

The Nasty Boys vs AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels
Too much talent in Styles and Daniels for the brawlers. Close match but I go with Styles and Daniels.

The Rock 'N Roll Express vs The Natural Born Thrillaz
The Express dominate the youngsters, big time.
Round 2......
Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs The Colossal Connection

This is a good one but the Minnesota Wrecking Crew Chemisty is will win this one. They will isolate Haku from Andre and put the beats on Haku
Winners:Wrecking Crew

Generation Next vs The Rockers

Another good match up. These two team match up very well with each other. So I couldn't decide so flip a coin.
Winners: The Rockers

The Nasty Boyz vs AJ Styles and Chris Daniels

This one is a no brainer. I got love for the Nastys but AJ and Daniels quickness will be a lil to much for the Nastys
Winners: Styles and Daniels

The Rock n Roll Express vs Natural Born Thrillaz

Natural Born Thrillaz are the Bastards that mess up my chance of getting a date with RVDgurl! The R-N-R Express all the way baby. Damn!
Winners:Rock n Roll Express
Here we go with round 2:

Minnesota Wrecking Crew v. Colossal Connection
I really dislike the Colossal Connection. Yes, Andre was big, but he wasn't good, people! He has three moves and was slower than molasses. His partner, while much quicker, never impressed me either. THere is no way they are coming away with a victory against the greatest wrestling family ever.
Winner: Minnesota Wrecking Crew

Generation Next v. The Rockers
This would be such a great match, if only Shawn could pick a new partner. I really think the Rockers were overrated based solely on the fact that Marty Janetty was never better than mediocre. Boring is the word for good ol' Marty. Aries and Strong are phenomenal. For anyone who is unfamiliar- you need to watch some of their matches now before you vote.
Winner: Generation Next

Nasty Boys v. Styles & Daniels
No contest here. Styles & Daniels are easily one of the Top 5 teams in this tournament.
Winner: Styles & Daniels

R N' R Express v. Natural Born Thrillaz
Jindrak and O'Haire should not have even made it past the first round. R N'R take this one easily.
Winner: R N'R Express

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