The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
The Crew, The Connection, The Pitbulls, And The Rockers . These Are My Predictions

The Crew Over Cryme Tyme; Do I Need Say Anything! Ha

The Connection Over Filthy Animals; Andre Could Do This One On His Own!! Misterio And Kidman Just Couldnt Handle That Brute Strenght

Generation Over Pitbulls; This An Average Match . Gen. Next Just Snatch The Win . Pitbulls Have Too Much Of An Ecw Background To Survive A Wcw Rules Background. Sorry Guys This Ones A Defo For Gen Next

The Rockers Over Briscoes; Dont Really Know Much About Briscoes But Id Say Rockers Just Sneak This One In The Bag With Hbk With A Roll Up On Marky

This Tourney Is Lukin Gud So Far Shocky Keep Up The Gud Work!! Gold Star!
Match 1: Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Cryme Tyme
This match requires no thought whatsoever. While I find Cryme Tyme to be funny and entertaining, they are no match in the ring for Gene and Ole. The MWC demolishes Cryme Tyme.
Winner: Minnesota Wrecking Crew

Match 2: Colossal Connection vs. Filthy Animals
A David and Goliath match-up and we all know how that turns out. The Colossal Connection are much bigger, but also much slower and less skilled. Mysterio gets the best of Haku. Pinfall goes to the Filthy Animals.
Winner: Filthy Animals

Match 3: Generation Next vs. The Pitbulls
This was a very difficult match for me to pick. Aries is one of my favorite wrestlers in the world and he was terrific with Strong. However, I'm a hardcore fanatic and ECW faithful so I have to side with the ECW guys. The smashmouth teamwork of the Pitbulls overpower Generation Next. Pitbull #1 powerbombs Rodderick Strong through a table and gets the pinfall.
Winner: The Pitbulls

Match 4: The Briscoes vs. The Rockers
Another rediculous first round match. Who set this thing up??? Again, another very tough match. While Shawn Michaels is obviously one of the best wrestlers in history, Marty Janetty is average at best. The Briscoes are both unreal in the ring, so as a team they are one up on the The Rockers. Jay Briscoe scores the upset pin over Marty Janetty.
Winner: The Briscoes
Match 1: Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Cryme Tyme
No thinking at all requied on this one sence cryme time never wrestles i say minnesota goes over with 95 percent of the vote
Winner: Minnesota Wrecking Crew

Match 2: Colossal Connection vs. Filthy Animals
i see the animals getting the pin due to their speed in the ring and high flying moves.
Winner: Filthy Animals

Match 3: Generation Next vs. The Pitbulls
Winner: generation next

Match 4: The Briscoes vs. The Rockers
The rockers were the most innovatiove team of their time so i think that will help them over a team that was old school and jennety gets the pin over jay.
Winner: The Rockers
hey shockey will you do all of one region before moving on to thed next one or last time
Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Cryme Tyme
I ask again, what the hell happened to Cryme Tyme's number one contender match? Cryme Tyme maybe more athletic, but they aren't better in the ring by a mile. Cryme Tyme has been in the WWE for almost a year, and still haven't gotten the New tag team madatory title reign. If WWE won't take them seriously, I won't.

Winners: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew

The Colossal Connection vs. The Filthy Animals
If Andre gets in this match at all, the Animals are dead. I don't care what kind of move either Kidman or Misterio pull out, Andre is just too damn big. Haku is probably the weak link, but I think Haku or Meng, whatever, is able to take on either Kidman or Misterio in a one on one match as well. I think the Connection take it rather easily.

Winners: The Colossal Connection

Generation Next vs. the Pitbulls
This is a tough one for me. I really really am getting into Austin Aries matchups. His Ring of Honor stuff is just sick. I'm still getting into Strong, and admitedly have seen limited amounts of his in ring work. The Pitbulls, to me, are all bark and no bite. I think they are an intimidating team, a team that thrives with no rules, but a very one dimensional team. They are powerful, but not overpowering like the Colossal Connection. I see Generation Next pulling this one off.

Winners: Generation Next

The Briscoes vs. the Rockers
My god, I want a Flux Capicator, and Doc Brown to send my ass to whatever Future he could to see this match. If you haven't seen the Briscoes, you are missing out on maybe the best tag team in the world today. They do things in the ring I never though possible. The Rockers, however, innovated the 90's style of tag team wrestling. Shawn Michaels was the winner of our first tournament. The weak link here is Marty Jannetty. I have never been impressed with MJ in the ring, and I feel the Briscoes isolate Jannetty. This maybe the only match the Rockers get involved in that they are the slower team.

Winners; Jay and Mark Briscoe

Predicted Second Round Matchups.
The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. The Colossal Connection (I would pay to see that)
Generation Next vs. The Briscoes (Simply Awesome)
Match 4: The Briscoes vs. The Rockers
The rockers were the most innovatiove team of their time so i think that will help them over a team that was old school and jennety gets the pin over jay.
Winner: The Rockers
hey shockey will you do all of one region before moving on to thed next one or last time[/QUOTE]

not to disagree, but the rockers were a copycat of the R&R Express. if we're going by team by team in there prime there is no way this team makes it past the second round. For all the flack the hardyz get for being spot monkeys, back in the day ther rockers invented it
Hey if i remember right the Rockers are "Tag Team Specialist" in their words. That alone makes the 2nd round. I am swamped with work otherwise i would write out my picks but i am sorry please dont infraction me.

Wrecking Crew(had to take advice and watch some of their stuff...pretty good i must say)
Colossal Connection(i think Haku or Andre alone may outweigh rey and kidman combined)
Generation Next(if it were in ECW i would say Pitbulls)
The Rockers("Tag Team Specialist"...enough said
In the Original WZ Tourney, I was one of those closet fans who always voted in every poll but rarely posted predictions in the forum itself. This time around I hope to change that. So without further adieu, here we go.

Round 1 Predictions

Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Cryme Tyme
I am not even sure why Cryme Tyme is in this thing, they are eliminated by the Crew before JTG has a chance to scalp tickets at ringside. The MWC no questions asked if you pick Cryme Tyme you honestly deserve to die!!!

The Colossal Connection vs. The Filthy Animals
No move Mysterio or Kidman does would even phase Andre, he never needs to tag Haku into the match, as he beats the Animals on his own. The Colossal Connection

Generation Next vs. The Pitbulls
I saw someone say earlier that the Pitbulls would win after putting someone through a table, let me remind you that this is the WCW region, therefore, no tables here. That in my mind greatly decreases the Bulls chance of coming out on top. Aries and Strong just have way too much to offer in the ring, they pull this one off in a pretty close match. Generation Next

The Briscoes vs. The Rockers
You had to make the first round of voting include this match?? This is absolutely ridiculous, after much debating in my head and going back and forth between the two teams, one thing came into my mind as the deciding factor. This match would most likely be the main event of this group and who is "the Main Event"? That would be a Shawn Michaels in his prime, I can't see the solo winner of the original tournament going down in the first round of this even if he had a ******ed midget as his partner. So therefore the winners The Rockers.

Also, not sure if I missed something, but did you announce the final team in this? I was pulling for the Angle/Brock superteam.
Of course with Andre in his prime I dont see many outside of Vader who wouldnt be the weaker man in the team. Haku/Meng was like Umaga is today a monster who may not outwrestle but is darn hard to take down asit will take a bulldozer to run him down. To beast him you need somone with power to match and either a speed or wrestling advantage
To me Haku is the weaker link in the Connection.

My picks Crew over Cryme time nuff said

Collosal connection v Filty Animals
I see Andre starting off. Animals try dropkics. Nothing. High Flying moves no budge. Then andre picks up Rey and says rember what happened when you messed with the NWO. Rey goes OH crap and is last seen flying over the 5th row of fans into the concession area. He then picks up Billy slams hima nd sit son him end of story.

Gen Next v Elimators Never seen Gen next together just as singles wrestlers and not that impressed. I think in this case speed will hit frst but then strength will win out. Pitbulls

Rockers v Briscoes well if this is Shawn in his prime then he dont need Marty as good as these guys are Shawn has faced handicaps againt tougher guys and won. And will here as well

Finally a question to Shockie do we have the same rules a sthe singlkes tourney about interfernce especially for in ECW where there is no DQ. As in a few rounds things like Manager, proteges or known asscoiates will play a big role
first time doing this, do you go to the bracket and vote on a poll or something, or do you just post your picks.

well my picks are the MWC, THE COLOSSAL CONNECTION, THE PITBULLS and thats because i dont know enough about G NEXT. and the ROCKERS because i can't go against HBK.

in closing this tourney is a great idea. i want to see the NEW AGE OUTLAWS go all the way.
First round, outside interference doesn't play a factor. Managers won't play a factor either, because they could be with another team.

The outside interference takes place in the 2nd round when teams are spited by first round losses. But remember, think logistically about it. Bret Hart isn't likely to screw Shawn Michaels, because Hart would be wrestling in New York, and Michaels is in Georgia. I'll get more into it when the 2nd round comes up.
The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs Cryme Tyme
As I stated earlier I had to check some of the old Minnesota matches and I'm glad, there's not contest against Cryme Tyme. Yeah Cryme Tyme have charisma etc. but they are no match for the MWC, maybe once Cryme Tyme actually hit their prime then maybe they will do better.

Winner: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew

The Colossal Connection vs The Filthy Animals

Like RVD gurl said it's big slow giants vs quick cruiserweights. Haku is certainly the weak link here, though Andre makes up for two mysterios. But I'm still going to go with the filthy animals.

Winner: The Filthy animals

Generation Next vs The Pitbulls

A tough draw here, I've not seen much of any team perform, so I youtubed a match of each and I'm going with Generation Next as my winners just from what I saw.

Winner: Generation Next

The Briscoes vs The Rockers

Man what a draw for the first match! As much as I want the rockers to go through, I'm going to go witht the Briscoes on this one, simply because they've won more as a team, the rockers have done well apart, but not really together as a team.

Winner: The Briscoes
WOOOO!! Here we go!

Match 1: The Crew vs. Cryme Tyme.
Is there really any question here? Do I really have to give you people a reason? In a different time maybe Cryme Tyme could be a little higher up on the ranks but still no where near the Crew, but for right now, this match is a 10 second squash.
Winners: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew

Match 2: Colossal Connection vs. The Filthy Animals.

Another squash here. The Connection doesn't have as high credections as the animals, but as individual wrestelrs Andre and Haku completely trounce the animals. The size difference is just too large.
Winners: THe Colossal Connection

Match 3: Generation Next vs. The Pitbulls

Generation Next seems to have accomplished a lot in ROH and a bit in TNA, but I'm a fan of the Pittbulls and I know more about them, so I have to vote for them for now. The Pittbulls are a stronger team, although GN is obviously more skilled in the ring. It's a style clash, but I feel like the Pittbulls are a little more suited for tag team competition. But we'll be hearing a lot of the guys in Generation Next for years to come, I'm sure.
Winners: The Pittbulls

Match 4: The Briscoes vs. The Rockers

The Briscoes seem to be a good up and coming team, although I haven't heard much about them apparently. They seem to have accomplished a fair bit in their short time, but that doesn't compare to the Rockers, one of the greatest teams of all time. This one's a no contest, but it looks like we might be hearing a lot of the Briscoes in the future.
Winners: The Rockers

Good first region, can't wait for the next one!

Potential Second Round Matches:

Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. The Colossal Connection (WTF. This match would be completely ******ed, I would love to see it.)

The Pittbulls vs. the Rockers (for some reason this match sounds like it would be really good, but I'm not sure)
Here are matchups for today.

All matches take place from Madison Square Garden under basic WWE Rules.

2. The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) vs. 21. the McMahons (Vince and Shane McMahon)

The Outsiders:
* Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* Ranked #40 of the 100 best tag teams of the PWI Years in 2003.
* Tag Team of the Year Award (1997)

* World Championship Wrestling

* WCW World Tag Team Championship (6 times)

The McMahons:
Owners of WWE.

15. The Moondogs (Rex and King) vs. 18. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff

The Moondogs:
* World Wrestling Federation

* WWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff
* World Wrestling Entertainment | World Wrestling Federation

* WWE Hall of Fame (Class of 2005)
* WWF World Tag Team Championship

7. Chief Jay Strongbow and Billy Whitewolfe vs. Degeneration-X (Triple H and X-Pac)

Strongbow and Whitewolfe:
* World Wide Wrestling Federation

* WWWF World Tag Team Championship (1 time) - with Jay Strongbow

De-Generaton X

10. The Spirit Squad vs. 23. The Big Show and Spike Dudley

The Spirit Squad
* World Wrestling Entertainment

* World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Big Show and Spike

*The Spirit Squad can be any combination you chose, most likely Kenny will be one.

Ohhh! Let the debates begin! :D

WWE Region - MSG

The Outsiders vs. The McMahons
Granted, the McMahons have proven themselves very capable of putting on very entertaining matches out there, though usually it's in a hardcore setting. Without any sort of stipulation, I just can't see the McMahons pulling this one out. Vince will be salivating over getting revenge on the two guys who jumped ship on him and have screwed him ever since, but the underrated team of Hall & Nash will just destroy the McMahons here without any run-ins or stipulations.
Winners: The Outsiders

The Moondogs vs. The Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff
The Moondogs, to be honest, are crap. I never understood their appeal. They were slapped onto every oldschool WWWF era card they could, and everytime they would just bore you to tears. As a team though, they weren't that bad. I would've probably given them more credit if it had been Rex & Spot, but its Rex & King and I haven't seen as much of King as I have the other two. That being said, the team of the Shiek and Volkoff is an extremely dangerous one, one that I think will be able to pull out the victory here possibly from some sort of dirty tricks behind the ref's back. Or maybe the Shiek just flips out, starts screaming gibberish, and rips out the Moondog's hearts ala Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom.
Winners: The Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff

Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy White Wolfe vs. Triple H & X-Pac [DX]
I've seen quite a bit of Strongbow's stuff in the old WWWF, but never have I heard of Billy White Wolfe. Strongbow was a very solid in ring performer, atleast for his time that is. He could put on a good match when the occasion rose, but in all honesty, with a monster of a wrestler like Triple H involved in this match, I just don't see how DX would lose it. X-Pac may not be exactly threatening in the ring, but Triple H has beaten many men of much higher stature then Strongbow & White Wolfe, which is why I give them the nod. I don't expect them to make it far, but they've definately earned a first round victory here.
Winners: Triple H & X-Pac [DX]

The Spirit Squad vs. The Big Show & Spike Dudley
Here is a match I would absolutely loathe to watch. I can't even imagine how much of a garbage match this would end up being. Spirit Squad I thought were great in terms of their moves, but not exactly threatening. That being said, I can see this being Spirit Squad vs. Spike for a while, until finally Show comes in, destroys all of the Spirit Squad, piles them on top of eachother, and sticks a foot on top of them for the victory. It's the most realistic outcome, should be an easy win for Show & Spike.
Winners: The Big Show & Spike Dudley

Potential 2nd Round Match-Ups..
The Outsiders vs. DX - Oh man, this would be fantastic. The battle of the Kliq, guys!
Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff vs. The Big Show & Spike Dudley - going to be one slow and painful match to watch.

Hey Shock, did you decide on the last team yet from that poll?
hey schoondog thanks for the help.



The Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff

i hate um but i guess the spirit squad
WWE Region - MSG

The Outsiders vs. The McMahons
The Outsiders basically set a WCW revolution leading to the NWO arguably one of the greatest factions of all time.
The |McMahons well they own WWE, they always impress me in special matches, but like XFear pointed out they don't perform well without any run ins or stipulations so I'm going to go with The Outsiders
Winners: The Outsiders

The Moondogs vs. The Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff
Well I haven't seen much of the moondogs and from what I see on youtube all the moondogs matches are hardcore matches. The sheik and Volkoff I choose to win this match very simply because of the fact I haven't seen much of the moondogs at all.
Winners: The Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff

Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy White Wolfe vs. Triple H & X-Pac [DX]
Again I've seen nothing of strongbow and billy wolfe from what I have seen on youtube I'm not that impressed.

DX is a good pick here with X-Pac as the cruiserweight and HHH as the powerhouse, they work well together and so I pick them for the win.
Winners: Triple H & X-Pac [DX]

The Spirit Squad vs. The Big Show & Spike Dudley
I'm going to vote the spirit squad here just because I'm bitter that Big show and spike were chosen as a team over Kaientai. Spirit squad were also a team rather than 2 individuals and held the tag belts for a rather long time.
Winners: The Spirit Squad
Ok my picks:

The Outsiders vs. The McMahons
If run ins had an outcome on this match I would give Vince and Shane half a chance, but there are not, so really I give them no chance at all. Kevin Nash gives Vinnie a Jackknife in a rather quick match.

Winner: The Outsiders

The Moondogs vs. The Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff
Know very little about The Moondogs, and from what has been said I dont want to know much about them. Shiek and Volkoff as X said are a very dangerous team and I think Shiek flips out and The Moondogs make their way to the big old kennel in the sky.

Winner: The Iron Shiek & Nikolai Volkoff

Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy White Wolfe vs. Triple H & X-Pac

Triple H makes all the difference here. X-Pac may not be the greatest and I personally loathe him, but as long as he has Hunter standing in that corner with him they will have half a chance.

Winner: Triple H..... oh yeah and X-Pac to.

The Spirit Squad vs. The Big Show & Spike Dudley
Like Flameboy Im surprised that Spike and Show were just thrown together. The Spirit Squad can choose any combination, but I guess the others cant get involved. Kenny and whoever in this match, doesnt matter. Show gets tagged in and destroys them.

Winners: Big Show... and yeah why not Spike to.
This set of matches seems a little boring after the 4 we had yesterday! So here we go with my picks:

The Outsiders vs. The McMahons
This would not even be close in a straight up match. Shane McMahon is one harcore son of a bitch, but in a match where all rules apply the McMahons would be squashed by the much bigger, stronger and saavy Outsiders.
Winner: The Outsiders

The Moondogs vs. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff
I would be bored to tears watching this match since both teams are slower than molasses. However, the potential for some real ring psychology is there since there would definately be some underhanded tricks used behind the refs back. In what would probably be a very close match, I think the craziness of the Moondogs edges out the Sheik and Volkoff.
Winner: The Moondogs

Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy White Wolfe vs. HHH & X-Pac
Another pair of teams that just don't match up evenly. HHH in his prime and 100% healthy could have his daughter as a partner and still beat Strongbow and Wolfe.
Winner: HHH & X-Pac

Spirit Squad vs. Big Show & Spike Dudley
The third squash of the night. The Big Show and Spike could be a darkhorse in this tournament. Remembering that Spike's prime was in ECW where he was pushed as a giant killer. Spike was no jobber in ECW. An easy win for the Show and Spike no matter what combo of the Squad is thrown at them.
Winner: Big Show & Spike Dudley
The Outsiders vs. The McMahons
Sure the McMahons are entertaining as all hell, but lets be realistic. Yes, Nash may have been the worst thing in the ring before the current runs of Cena, Batista and Khali, but he's still a big man. Scott Hall is very good in the ring as well. Vince just kind of sits there, and Shane does all the work, and gets killed for his trouble.

Winners: The Outsiders

The Moondogs vs. Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff
It maybe the only time you would watch a wrestling match, and the Iron Sheik isn't the craziest person in the ring. I like the Moondogs, but there style is too hardcore for a regular match. They aren't technicians by any stretch of the imagination, and I see someone getting stretched in the Camel Clutch.

Winners: The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff

Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy White Wolfe vs. HHH & X-Pac
I'll be in the minority on this one probably. Triple H has never been a good tag team wrestler. While individually, he matches up with both Strongbow and Wolfe hands down, as a team player Triple H leaves a lot to be desired. X-Pac is a great tag wrestler. I'm going with Strongbow and Wolfe on this one.

Spirit Squad vs. Big Show & Spike Dudley
Spike Dudley, with maybe the exception of Kenny, has more talent then any of the Spirit Squaders. Now, add a 7 foot 500 pound monster in his corner, the Spirit Squad stands no chance.

Winners: Big Show and Spike
I've been tied up the last few days so here goes!
As far as the first eight matches as long as the Crew/Outsiders/Colossal connection win I have no disputes. As stated earlier Andrea could handle both Animals by himself.
Now on to overall predictions
ECW- Dudleys by far the easiest bracket
WWE- Steiners the only bracket I had 1,2,3,4 in the final four. It's the only bracket a # 3 advanced to the final four or their bracket
WCW- Rock -n- Roll Express It was hard picking them over my #2 favorite team of all time but I had to go with my gut. So they beat the Wrecking crew. A good match from this bracket would've been The Express against Styles/Daniels. I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the bottom of the bracket was as I had Flair/Pipe adavance to the fourth round. I never heard any good arguments for the Hardy's. This was truly the old school bracket as I had in the final four Crew,R-R express,Flair/Pipe, and The Blackjacks. A great bracket.
TNA - Road Warriors I hated this bracket I mean come on my favorite team taking on my 3rd favorite in the 3rd round. I had to go with the Warriors over the Brainbuster but they belong in the elite eight. In what I think would've been the match of the touranment Steamboat/Youngblood over The British Bulldogs in a classic and I mean classic. This was by far the toughest bracket to advance in.
Final Four Warriors over R-N-R
Steiners over Dudleys
Warriors over Steiners which was my orginal prediction and I'm glad the brackets fell where they didn't have to face each other until the finals because they both belonged there. Take care all!
Well we have our first set of results in from the WCW Region.

1. The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and Gene Anderson) vs. Cryme Tyme (Shad Jasper and JTG)

The Minnesota Wrecking Crew
Cryme Tyme

2. The Colossal Connection (Andre the Giant and Haku) vs. the Filthy Animals (Rey Misterio and Billy Kidman)

The Colossal Connection
The Filthy Animals

3. Generation Next (Austin Aries and Roderick Strong) vs. The Pitbulls

Generation Next
The Pitbulls

4. The Briscoes (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. the Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty)

The Briscoes
The Rockers

These are the 2nd round matchups now made.
The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. the Colossal Connection
Generation Next vs. The Rockers

Onto Today's Matchups. The Following matchups take place in the ECW Arena in Philadelphia and all matches are conducted under Extreme Rules.

3. Money Inc. (The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase and I.R.S.) vs. 30. 3 Minute Warning (Rosey and Jamal)
Money Inc.
* World Wrestling Federation

* 3-time WWF World Tag Team Champions

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated

* PWI ranked them #61 of the 100 best tag teams during the "PWI Years" in 2003.

3 Minute Warning:
They are Really Big

Match 2:
14. The Bashams (Basham and the Damaja) vs. 19. The Headbangers (Mosh and Thrasher)

The Bashams:
* Ohio Valley Wrestling

* 1-time OVW Southern Tag Team Champions

* World Wrestling Entertainment

* 2-time WWE Tag Team Champions

The Headbangers:
* Heartland Wrestling Association

* HWA Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* Insane Championship Wrestling

* ICW Streetfight Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* Main Event Championship Wrestling

* MECW Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* Maryland Championship Wrestling

* MCW Tag Team Champions (1 time)

* National Wrestling Alliance

* NWA World Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* New England Wrestling Federation

* NEWF Tag Team Championship (3 time)

* Texas Wrestling Alliance

* TWA Tag Team Championship (1 time)

* World Wrestling Federation

* WWF Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Match 3:
6. Paul London and Brian Kendrick vs. 27. Power and Glory (Paul Roma and Hercules).

* World Wrestling Entertainment
o WWE Tag Team Championship (1 time)
+ Longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions (331 days) since the belts inception in 2002; fourth longest reigning tag team in WWE history.

Power and Glory:

Match 4:
11. The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) vs. 22. Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

* World Wrestling Entertainment
o WWE Tag Team Championship (2 times)

* Pro Wrestling Illustrated
o 2003 PWI Tag Team of the Year

Cade and Murdoch:
* World Wrestling Entertainment
o World Tag Team Championship (2 times, current)

The Poll is now closed[/CENTER]
Missed it yesterday so I'm doing two sets tonight.

WWE Region
The Outsiders vs. the McMahons

If it was a lot of other teams, although I would pick the other team, I would argue that the Mcmahons would be able to buy them out. But certainly not the outsiders. Although I think Shane could probably kick Scott Hall's ass, this one goes to the Outsiders for sure.
Winners: The outsiders.

The Moondogs vs. The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff
Really a no contest. Two nobodies vs. a pair of hall of famers, and two of the best gimmicks of all time. I don't see why I have to explain myself.
Winners: The Sheik and Volkoff

Chief Jay Strongbow and Billy Whitewolfe vs. Degeneration-X
I like Jay Strongbow a lot, haven't seen much of Whitewolfe, but it doesn't seem like anyone in this match was really known for tag team wrestling. That being said, individually, D-X surpasses Strongbow and Whitewolfe. At least Triple H does. X-Pac can at least fend for himself. Triple H wins this one for the team.
Winners: Degeneration X.

The Spirit Squad vs. The Big Show and Spike Dudley
Big Show destroys all five members of the spirit squad simultaneously, match over.
Winners: Big Show and Spike

Meh, I'll do the other region later.

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