The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
My apologies on the delay in the bracket updates. I've been getting my ass kicked by summer school still, and I had JV basketball camp to head coach this week, and Varsity basketball to assistant coach this weekend, so I've been fairly pressed for time. The bracket is now updated again.

Shockmaster, after you get done revealing all the teams, you might want to double-check the bracket and make sure all the teams are in their right place. There have been a couple of instances where teams, especially on the big bracket where it is hard to make sure which bracket I'm in, were in the wrong spot, and I've had to move them. They should be in the right spot for the most part, but a quick double check would probably be a good idea.

In addition, will there be a separate discussion thread for the actual tournament? Will there be a thread just for the match-ups and such? Or will this thread continue to be the tournament thread and everything, discussion and matchups will go in here?
No problem at all Slyfox. No need to apologize either. I think it's great you put that together to help people get a visual for what is going on. Take your time with it. I'll double check it for ya.

Tomorrow is the last day for revelations. Then we need to discuss gimmick matches, and this tourney will start on July 5th. Bring it on.
Lets get back to normal here. 5 more to go.


The Von Erich: Kevin and Kerry von Erich

Overall: 14th Seed
Region: ECW 4th Seed vs. Test and Albert


The West Texas Rednecks

Overall: 84th Seed
Region: TnA 21st Seed vs. the Koloffs


The Wild Samoans: Afa and Sika

Overall: 12th Seed
Region: TNA 3rd Seed vs. the Killer Bees


The World's Greatest Tag Team: Charlie Haas, and Shelton Benjamin

Overall: 43rd Seed
Region: ECW 11th Seed vs. Cade and Murdoch

This leaves one more very special team for you guys.
WOW... Who could it be... I want to know.... This is one of the best thing I have ever seen done here. Good job Shockmaster
Wow great way to leave us wanting to know who the team is.Suspenseful.This is starting to become just as good as the original tournament.Good job Shockie.
Dammit Shockmaster, tell us!!! Please!

This thing looks amazing and is sure to create some brilliant arguments. There's one problem. Last time, i spent the most part arguing with Prax.

How do i do that now when i'll just get banned? LOL

Looking forward to the announcement of the final team, sure it'll either be huge, or Shockmaster's pissing himself laughing at us really looking forward to the last team, and it turns out to be something like doink the clown and eugene.
I have a feeling they're eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevil


If not I'll be pretty annoyed because if you have Big show and spike surely kaientai (unless i missed them in there somewhere!)

Well it's real simple, the people with the most votes will form the final tag team in the tournament. If a team wins, well obviously they are in the tournament. The two with the most votes will face the nasty boys in the first round of the tournament.
Well this thing looks to start on July 5th.

A couple of changes.

1. We will only be doing 4 matches a day. This thing is going to last until the night before Summerslam, so it will work out better this way. Plus with 4 matches, I feel it will cause more discussion. I felt that 8 matches a day was too much and many people wouldn't discuss everything properly. Four matches, should be appropriate.

2. Gimmick Matches. I think I have the Gimmick matches down right now. The finals of each region will feature that brands speciality tag team match. WWE will be T.L.C WCW will be a Steel Cage Match, ECW will be the Flaming Tables, and TNA will be the Ultimate X match.

The Sweet Sixteen round, or the round with 8 matches will be our favorite, the Spin the Wheel Make the Deel round. We'll comprise a list of matches, and 8 will be selected randomly to coincide with a match.

3. Arenas: All matches will take place in the host regions host building. So every TNA match in the Impact Zone, ECW in the ECW Arena, WCW in the Georgia Dome, and WWE in MSG. The Final Four will be in East Rutherford NJ.

Nothing else so far. We have one team left to get into this thing, then after that we are set.

1000th post, suck it.
Maybe I just missed it, but is Barry Windham and Dustin Rhodes not in this tournament? In fact, I don't remember Windham or Rhodes in at all.

Did I miss something?
Slyfox696 Windham/Rhodes 21st seed TNA region! Shockey love your ideas as far as the gimmick matches. I am assuming that WCW cage match will be there rules pinfall or submission not the stupid escape clause. I also love the four matches a day idea. Much more time for discussion.
I love the Stable War idea Shocky, damn you've got a tournament for every season there don't ya!

This tournament is lookin' better and better each day, and the arguments it will cause will surely tickle my debate bone.

I still say New Age Outlaws are the dark horse to win. Well atleast thats just what I want. A more realistic prediction would be someone like the Hardy Boys, which I'm sure Shock would just love. :D
to see the brackets click in the link in shockys latest post and voting starts on thursday and there will be links in each of shockys post to vote and nice idea on the stable war
The Shockmaster Present's, my shameless and often wrong pre tournament predictions. Feel Free to do yours. We are 24 hours away from this thing starting.

ECW Region:
Best First Round Matchup: Edge and Christian vs. Shane Douglas and Dean Malenko
Best Potential Second Round Match: The Von Erichs vs. Sting and Luger
Darkhorse: Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow
ECW Finals: The Dudleyz vs. Edge and Christian
ECW Winners: Edge and Christian

WWE Region:
Best First Round Match: The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho
Best Potential 2nd Round Match: The Steiner Brothers vs. the APA
Darkhorse: Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho
WWE Finals: The Hart Foundation vs. the Steiner Brothers
WWE Champs: The Hart Foundation

TNA Region:
Best 1st round Match: The Brainbusters vs. the Megapowers
Best Potential 2nd round match: Demolition vs. the 2nd City Saints
Darkhorse: The Mega Powers
TNA Finals: Road Warriors vs. the British Bulldogs
TNA Champs: The Road Warriors

WCW Region:
Best first round Match: Jay and Mark Briscoe vs. the Rockers
Best Potential 2nd round match: Harlem Heat vs. the Blackjacks
Darkhorse: Flair and Roddy Piper
WCW Finals: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs. Harlem Heat
WCW Winners: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew

Final Four
Edge and Christian vs. the Hart Foundation
The Road Warriors vs. the Minnesota Wrecking Crew

The Hart Foundation vs. the Road Warriors

The Winners:
The Hart Foundation

That's right, the Roadies don't win my brackets baby. Now we'll see how bad my predictions are off. Feel free to come in with your predictions. We get started tomorrow.
Here are my predictions for the upcoming tournament. The WCW bracket was absolutely insane, but I did my best pondering over everything. We'll see if I'm even in the same ballpark as the real outcomes:

ECW Region:
Best 1st round match: AMW vs. Fabulous Ones
Best potential 2nd round match: Eliminator's vs. Gangsta's
Finals: Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz
Winners: Dudley Boyz

WWE Region:
Best 1st round match: APA vs. Raven & Stevie Richards
Best potential 2nd round match: RVD & Sabu vs. Low Ki & Elix Skipper
Finals: Steiner Bros. vs. Hart Foundation
Winners: Steiner Bros.

TNA Region:
Best 1st round match: BWO vs. Demolition
Best potential 2nd round match: Brainbusters vs. Team Canada
Finals: Road Warriors vs. British Bulldogs
Winners: British Bulldogs

WCW Region:
Best 1st round match: Austin Aries & Rodderick Strong vs. Pitbulls
Best potential 2nd round match: Austin Aries & Rodderick Strong vs. Rockers
Finals: Hardy Boys vs. AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels
Winners: AJ Styles & Christopher Daniels

Sorry people, but the New Age Outlaws and the Rockers don't make the finals in my bracket. We'll see what really happens. Happy voting to everyone!!
ECW Region:
Best First Round Matchup: Edge and Christian vs. Shane Douglas and Dean Malenko
Best Potential Second Round Match: The Von Erichs vs. Sting and Luger
Darkhorse: Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow
ECW Finals: sting and luger vs vader and bigelow
ECW Winners: sting and luger

WWE Region:
Best First Round Match: The Fabulous Freebirds vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho
Best Potential 2nd Round Match: The Steiner Brothers vs. the APA
Darkhorse: Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho
WWE Finals: The Hart Foundation vs. the Steiner Brothers
WWE Champs: the steiner bros

TNA Region:
Best 1st round Match: the kolaffs vs rhodes and windham
Best Potential 2nd round match: the samoans vs kane and taker
Darkhorse: rhodes and slater
TNA Finals: Road Warriors vs. kane and taker
TNA Champs: The Road Warriors

WCW Region:
Best first round Match: flair and piper vs hardys
Best Potential 2nd round match: Harlem Heat vs. the Blackjacks
Darkhorse: Flair and Roddy Piper
WCW Finals:rock n roll express vs. Harlem Heat
WCW Winners: rock n roll express

Final Four
steiners vs sting and luger
The Road Warriors vs. the rock n roll express

finals steiners vs the road warriors

winners the road warriors
Can someone tell me if I overlooked Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie, The Brothers of Destruction, London Kendrick, and the Los Guerreros?
To answer your questions, Chainsaw Charlie is in there under his real name of Terry Funk and is Wrestling with his brother Dory Funk in this. The BoD is in there. so is the Hooliganz and Los Guerreros.

Ill come up with my predictions soon. IT should be interesting to see how I go.
Here are the Results of our pre-tournament poll

1. Which Number One Seed is most likely to lose first.

The Minnesota Wrecking Crew # %
The Steiner Brothers
The Dudley Boyz

I'm hoping that this is only because people don't know who the Crew are. I think out of the four the Minnesota Wrecking Crew is probably the best team out of the bunch.

2. Which Region looks to be the toughest?

WWE # %

I can see where people see this. There are a ton of old school tag teams in there.

3. Who will win the WCW Region

Minnesota Wrecking Crew # %
New Age Outlaws
Harlem Heat
The Nasty Boys
Rock 'N Roll Express
Samoan Swat Team/Headshrinkers
Austin Aries and Roderick Strong
None of the Above

Pleasantly surprised to see the love coming in for the Harlem Heat. You would think with WCW's burial by the hands of McMahon and company, that Heat may have been a team lost in translation.

4. Who will win the WWE Region

The Steiner Brothers # %
The Outsiders
The Hart Foundation
Midnight Express
The Valiant Brothers
Public Enemy
Cheif Jay Strongbow and Billy White Wolfe
RVD and Sabu
These Teams all suck, none of them

5. Who will win the ECW Region

The Dudley Boyz # %
America's Most Wanted
Money Inc.
The Von Erichs
The Eliminators
Paul London and Brian Kendrick
Edge and Christian
The North/South Connection
Please, they are all losers, any other team

6. Who Will win the TNA Region

Demolition # %
Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji
The Wild Samoans
The Brainbusters
The Road Warriors
Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood
The British Bulldogs
La Resistance
No good teams here, other

7. Which bottom seeded team has the best chance of a shocking first round upset?

The Bad Breed # %
Cryme Tyme
Powers of Pain
Orient Express
The McMahons
The Fabulous Ones

8. On a scale of 1-10, how much does the Shockmaster Rule???

1 # %

Anyone that voted less then a ten should be shot.

9. Are you tired of this thing being drug out?

Start this fucking thing already # %
No, Hype kicks ass and builds drama
What's a Wrestlezone Tag Team thingy

10. Should I do a Stable War for Survivor Series?

Yes # %

Look for Stable War coming this October from the Shockmaster.

So here is our cumulative final Four.
Harlem Heat vs. the Road Warriors
The Hart Foundation vs. Edge and Christian.

Very Interesting Final Four. Anyways, this thing starts in a couple hours and I'll be back with all of the brackets and everything. Be patient, I will have links and everything for you.
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lol thanks for those results shocky!! er...roughly what time will it be starting?????

i think edge and christian or hart foundation will take it. really couldnt be sure though its tough to call! all teams above #30 down to #1 seeds look sure to win
Finally, after two months of me hyping this shit up, the day has come. The First set of brackets for the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament is up and ready to go.

A few quick reminders.

1. This is in fun, don't take it too damn seriously.

2. All teams are performing in their primes. You can vote for whoever you want, I don't know who is voting for what team. I've narrowed it down to four matches a day, to open up more debates then we got the last time.

3. As long as the Admins allow it, I'll relax the flaming rule in here just a little bit. Nothing over the top however. Friendly jabs at each other is fine.

4. All polls are open for apr. 48 hours after they open. My goal is 6 pm. ET, but obviously there will be some days when I have to miss this mark.

Now onto the first set of matches.
WCW Region. Region 1. All matches in the WCW Region take place at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, in an old WCW style of ring. The entrance ramp is on level with the ring.

Match 1:
1. The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and Gene Anderson) vs. 32. Cryme Tyme (Shad Jasper and JTG)

The Crew:
National Wrestling Alliance
NWA World Tag Team Championship (9 times) - Ole and Gene
NWA National Tag Team Championship (1 time) - Ole and Arn
NWA Atlantic Coast Tag Team Championship (3 times) - Ole and Gene
NWA Georgia Tag Team Championship (6 times) - Ole and Gene
NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Championship (2 times) - Ole and Gene

Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked Ole and Arn Anderson # 79 of the best 100 tag teams during the "PWI Years" in 2003.
PWI Tag Team of the Year award in 1975 for Ole and Gene Anderson.
PWI Tag Team of the Year award in 1977 for Ole and Gene Anderson.

Cryme Tyme:
Ohio Valley Wrestling

OVW Southern Tag Team Championship (1 time)[20]

Match 2:
16. The Colossal Connection (Andre the Giant and Haku) vs. The Filthy Animals (Billy Kidman and Rey Misterio)

The Colossal Connection:
World Wrestling Federation

WWF World Tag Team Championship

The Filthy Animals:
World Championship Wrestling

1-time WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championship
1-time WCW World Tag Team Championship

Match 3:
8. Generation Next (Austin Aries and Roderick Strong) vs. 25. The Pitbulls

Ring of Honor
ROH Tag Team Championship

The Pitbulls:
Extreme Championship Wrestling

ECW Tag Team Championship (1 time)
NWA New Jersey
NWA United States Tag Team Championship (1 time)

Match 4:
9. The Briscoes (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. 24. The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty)

The Briscoes:
Combat Zone Wrestling

CZW Tag Team Championship (1 time)
Full Impact Pro
FIP Tag Team Championship (1 time, current)
Pro Wrestling NOAH
GHC Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship (1 time)
Pro Wrestling Unplugged
PWU Tag Team Championship (1 time)
Ring of Honor
ROH World Tag Team Championship (4 times, current)
USA Xtreme Wrestling
UXW Tag Team Championship (1 time)

The Rockers:
American Wrestling Association

AWA Southern Tag Team Championship (2 times)
AWA World Tag Team Championship (2 times)
Central States Wrestling
NWA Central States Tag Team Championship (1 time)
World Wrestling Federation
WWF World Tag Team Championship.
1 Note: Both Marty Jannetty and Shawn Michaels are former WWF World Tag Team Champions but not together. They defeated the Hart Foundation in a Tag Team Championship match in October of 1990. However, the win and Championship reign resulting from the match are not officially recognized by the WWE.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated
PWI ranked them # 33 of the 100 best tag teams during the "PWI Years" in 2003.​

This poll is now closed.
Ok well I might as well kick things off, seeing as I cant get onto the system here at work.

The Minnesota Wrecking Crew vs Cryme Tyme
Must admit I had to go back and watch some of the Crews old matches and Im glad I did. No contest here really, Cryme Tyme maybe good in a few years, maybe. But if you cant get a push in the current WWE tag team ranks I think you may be struggling. So in closing the Crew very easily.

Winner: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew

The Colossal Connection vs The Filthy Animals

As a fan I wanan pick The FIlthy Animals very badly, but I wonder if I can. I really think it may take an act of god for Mysterio or Kidman to be able to keep either Haku or Andre down. To me Haku is the weaker link in the Connection. But s much as I dont wanna say it, I still cant see the Animals getting the win in this one.

Winner: The Colossal Connection

Generation Next vs The Pitbulls

Ok Ill admit tio be being a fan of Austin and Roderick, and that fact may sway me a little. But I still believe they would get the win. The Pitbulls were a good tag team, good, not great, not anything special to me.

Winner: Generation Next

The Briscoes vs The Rockers

Ok talk about an interesting decisiopn, and a match that I would definately wanna see. The Briscoes are great and I think their best is still ahead of them but the face The Rockers hmm. One thing got me after a lot of thinking. Shocky saying all teams are in their prime, that to me me means Shawn is in his prime. That to me didnt occur when he was in The Rockers, but when he was on his own. But Micheals in his prime in this match up makes all the difference, so I htink the Briscoes go home early in this one.

Winner: The Rockers

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