The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
And the stakes are raised...

I'm very happy to see Ivan & Nikita Koloff in this, I've been watching a ton of their stuff on the old NWA/WCW on WWE 24/7. They really are quite an amazingly powerful team, with Nikita having quite a bit of grace himself. That lariat will fuckin' knock your head off.

LAX is another team that I am predicting to go very far, as most people who will post and vote in this tournament are going to be very familiar with a team like LAX.

Kronik on the other hand is pure shite. They will be gone in Round 1. Unless they face 3 Count.

My prediction: 3 Count to win it all. :D
As of now the teams you have chosen have all been just as I thought they would be, right now my dark horse to win it all is Edge and Christian, I could be changed if someone like Flair gets put in a good team with a good draw.

I am also interested to see where the New Age Outlaws end up being seeded as I feel they were one of the more influential tag teams of the past 10 years.
i see flair being teamed with Big John Studd. at first i was thinking greg valentine but since valentine's being used i would have to say studd. they are 2 time tag team champions. i thought flair won them with johnny valentine but i guess not.
2 teams im wondering about is the team of Buddy Rose & Doug Somers as they won a tag title and somers has another one with another partner. and apparently rose is a 12 time tag champ.

i see Adonis being teamed up with Dick Murdoch as they were a rough and rugged team in the early to mid 80's. they won a tag title with each other and have won them with other partners too.
I've decided on my comedy team for the victory in Kaientai...INDEED Overall though I think I'm going to have to youtube matches before I vote rather than just going with oh I like this team because they were my generation.
I absolutely can't wait to start voting Shocky.This is an absolutely great thread.The best thread ever was the original WZ Tournament.I'm just pushing for the Rockers to win or Edge and Christian.
Funaki and....I can't recall his name exactly...but I remember that team! They always cut promos that didn't match thier mouths....halarious...and the guy always said the same thing...had his own catch phrase like "Damn"...only..."Indeed!"...that was when WWE had good storylines...
Funaki and....I can't recall his name exactly...but I remember that team! They always cut promos that didn't match thier mouths....halarious...and the guy always said the same thing...had his own catch phrase like "Damn"...only..."Indeed!"...that was when WWE had good storylines...

the other guy was taka michinoku. they were a funny team. i remember taka had a few good world title matches against HHH.

The Lone Riders: Kid Kash and Dallas (Lance Hoyt)

Overall: 79th Seed
Region: WWE 20th Seed

Kid Kash is a spectacular wrestler, where Lance Hoyt is a very one dimensional wrestler. Together, they captured the NWA world tag team Titles twice for a total of 58 days.

My Prediction: They face the Funks in the first round, so my prediction, no shot in hell of getting out of the first round. If they do, I may never do one of these again, and XFear will kill you.


Los Guerreros: Eddie and Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Overall: 57th Seed
Region: WCW 15th Seed

There isn't too much that can be said about the Guerreros that most people don't already know. Eddie Guerrero, one of the finest wrestling machines in the last 20 years easily, and Chavo, who despite the WWE's best efforts of burial, manages to stay over with the crowd.

My Prediction: They Lie, they Cheat, they Steal. Easily one of the most enjoyable tag teams to watch, they are also damn good as well. They are capable of taking down anyone they face.


Men on a Mission: Mo and Mable

Overall: 111th Seed
Region: WWE 28th Seed

Before Viscera was a love machine, he was an old school rapper that would make John Cena jealous.

My Prediction: This team was horrible. Neither man went onto do anything as a singles competitor. Sure Mable won a horrible King of the Ring, but other then that, nothing. They should be gone early.


The Mamalukes: Johnny the Bull and Big Vito

Overall: 78th Seed.
ECW 20th Seed.

Another team that came to rise during the dying days of WCW. The Mamalukes were yet another of Vince Russo's favorite tag teams in the later days of the company. Two title reigns for a total of 60 days are what this team is credited with.

My Prediction: While not a horrible tag team, they are the beneficiary of WCW total lack of direction towards the end. They are capable of going a little ways, but just depends on matchups.

The McMahons: Shane and Vince McMahon

Overall: 122nd Seed
Region: WWE 31st. Seed

Ok, I know, the McMahon's? But honestly, how could you have anything wrestling without including the McMahons? They aren't taking a spot from a high powered tag team, or anyone that realistically could win this thing.

My Predictions: The McMahons are the McMahons, so they always have something up their sleeves. Their matches are always highly entertaining, and we all know Shane McMahon is going to kill himself doing something insanely stupid in the ring.


The Midnight Express: Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey

Overall: 15th Seed
Region: WWE 4th Seed

Another tough decision came with this team, but I decided that I had to leave Sweet Stan Lane out of this tag team. Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey simply had more success in this variation of the Midnight Express then any other, holding the belts for an impressive total of 399 days.

My Prediction: If you haven't heard of the Midnight Express, then you aren't a true wrestling fan, simple enough. This is a team that was just wonderful to watch in the 80's. They have a first round match against 3 Count, so you never know how the votes will go.


MNM: Joey Mercury and Johnny Nitro

Overall: 25th Seed
Region: WCW 7th Seed

Some would argue that MNM maybe the WWE's best homegrown tag team of the last 5 years, and it maybe hard to argue this point. You have to fine wrestlers in the form of Nitro and Mercury. If Mercury gets his head straight, he may do more with his career. Together they are 3 time WWE tag team champions holding the belts for an impressive 291 days.

My Prediction: In the first round they are in a match against two guys that are willing to stretch them out in the Blue Bloods. If they can get past this team, they are very able to make it several rounds into this thing.


Money Inc.: The Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase and I.R.S.

Overall: 11th Seed
Region: ECW 3rd Seed

When you want to talk about a big time tag team, look no further then right here. First, you have possibly the greatest gimmick of all time in DiBiase, paired up with another gimmick people hate in Mike Rotunda's IRS persona. Some would argue that DiBiase maybe one of the top 5 wrestlers to never hold a world title. DiBiase is also damn fine in the ring. Rotunda is also a beast as a tag team wrestler. Between the two, their are 10 tag title reigns as individuals. As a team they held the belts for 412 days.

My Prediction: Certainly a tough draw in the ECW region for this team, since no rules hardly favors this duo. They face a big team in the first round in the form of 3 Minute Warning. However, as everyone knows from the Wrestlezone Tournament, Everyones gotta Price for the Million Dollar Man.
Funaki and....I can't recall his name exactly...but I remember that team! They always cut promos that didn't match thier mouths....halarious...and the guy always said the same thing...had his own catch phrase like "Damn"...only..."Indeed!"...that was when WWE had good storylines...

Kaientai, the WWE one was far from the best incarnation of the team. Check out some of their japanese stuff wow.
Kaientai was actually pretty damn amusing in Japan and in ECW. It's a shame that they got reduced to "Chopping people's peepees." Yes the attitude era was great, but we also got John Wayne Bobbit too.


The Moondogs: Rex and King

Overall: 58th Seed
Region: WWE 15th Seed

The Moondogs, what the hell can I say about this team that this picture already doesn't. There are so many damn Moondogs I just decided to go with the two most successful in the WWE, and that is Rex and King. Younger fans may remember Cujo and Spike more.

My Prediction: They have a first round match against the Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff. So pretty much, it's just going to be insanely nasty and break down into pure chaos. Your guess is as good as mine.


The Nasty Boys: Brian Knobbs and Jerry Saggs

Overall: 16th Seed
Region: WCW 4th Seed

Both of these guys are about as tough an untechnically sound as they come in the world of wrestling. I'm surprised they did so well and would be this high, but I forgot how long they were on the top. They won both the WCW and WWE world tag team titles.

My Prediction: Tough to decide. This team isn't a great technical team, but the thing is, they work very well as a team. They beat all of the good teams that were put in front of them in the 80's and 90's, and can probably have a case made to beat anyone they face.


The Natural Born Thrillaz: Mark Jindrak and Sean O'Haire

Overall: 48th Seed
Region: WCW 12th Seed

Yet another one of those tag teams that emerged at the end of WCW. This is one of the better ones though. Jindrak moves like a cruiserweight for a man of his side, and Sean O'Haire is a legit badass. Looking back now at all the young guns WCW had in 2001, if they didn't go out of business, they had a damn strong foundation that today could probably rival WWE.

My Prediction: They are very Vanilla as far as personalities, but you can not deny the raw athleticism this team has. They represent the prototypical WCW Power Plant graduates of 2000. They have the size and strength, and speed to match up with almost anyone. They face the Bodydonna's in the first round.


The Natural Disasters: Earthquake and Typhoon

Overall: 72nd Seed
Region: WCW 18th Seed

Just two big guys that like to Squash people. Anything else, is just not needed to describe this team.

My Prediction: This team is winning it all. Of course they are because the Shockmaster himself is on this team. Los Guerreros is gone after Round 1, Natural Disasters are the Team to Beat.
Flameboy Uk I hope everyone takes your advise and watch some old matches. I really hope these guys/girls can realize that we have not really had a solid tag team battles since the mid 90's. Don't get me wrong we have had American most wanted, AJ/Daniels, but I miss the days of MExpressvs RNR express, Koloffs, Horsemen, LOD not that lame crap they had about two years ago. I beg people to watch highlites of the Funks/ Andersons/Blackjacks. I wish Flair could have been with Blackjack, I witnessed in the Dorna Arena in Raleigh several classics involving the Andersons vs Flair/Mulligan. I agree he should be with the Blackjacks just can't wait to see who you put him with. I also hope you stick with some old teams like Paul Jones/Barron Von Raske.
Well Owen is paired with Yoko but Shocky has said he is willing to hear arguments up until the toruney starts.
Very Bummed Money Inc high seed but in ECW amd agaisnt 3 minute warning.
Admit it Shocky you just want them out as you know they will show up those shaved apes the Natural Disasters:icon_evil:
What about JJ/Owen Hart?
Well guys, I appreciate the feed back, but be careful with the spam. If you have a question about a team, and it's simply a question, PM me or someone else. Or if you have a team that you think should be in, elaborate more and make a case out of it. Try to start up conversation. I appreciate the feedback, but I would hate to see anyone get a spam infraction in this thread.

The Natural Gang: One Man Gang and Butch Reed
Any picture would be appreciated.

Overall: 109th Seed
Region: TNA 28th Seed

This was a tough one, but honestly, this team is in because I would have been pissed if Butch Reed wasn't in this tournament. I screwed him out of the original tourney, so I figure, he needs to be in this one. Butch Reed was a hard hitting bad ass. He is the man that made Ron Simmons what he is today. The One Man Gang is just a beast in the ring as well.

My Prediction: I was having a trouble between the APA and Doom, but this is the decision I made. Certainly a tough draw to face this team of two, hard hitting wrestlers. Depending on matchup, they may sneak a win in.


The Naturals: Chase Stevens and Andy Douglas

Overall: 36th Seed
Region: TNA 9th Seed

A very young talented tag team in TNA. Douglas is billed as the nephew of the Franchise Shane Douglas, and the team came under his tutelage. While not going to intimidate anyone with their size, their strength is in their speed. Together, they are former 2 time NWA tag team champions.

My Prediction: Dick Slater and Dusty Rhodes in the First round, that's a tough draw. I would think that this is going to be another one of those highly controversial matches.

The Network: Steve Corino and Rhino
Again, any picture would rule.

Overall: 123rd Seed.
Region: WCW 30th seed.

In the later days of ECW, a little faction was made called the Network. Amongst these members came a team of Steve Corino and Rhino. Corino would go on to dominate most of the North American Independent Circuit, while Rhino captured several World titles as well.

My Predictions: If there ever was a case of two highly under rated wrestlers, this is the team. Corino is amazing in the ring, and Rhino often gets lumped into 1 dimensional wrestler status. However, they face Harlem Heat in the first round, and I can't see them making it to round 2.


The Bad Ass Billy Gunn, The Road Dogg Jesse James, the New Age Outlaws.

Overall: 8th Seed
Region: WCW 2nd Seed

XFear is happy, his team has finally been revealed. While I will be the first to knock the in-ring capabilities of this tag team, there is no doubt that no team was a better personification of the Attitude Era then these two. Gunn was the workhorse, while the Roaddogg was the mouth piece. Anyone calling this team the James Gang or VKM should be shot on site, because those incarnations are a pale comparison of their legacy.

My Prediction: Well if there was ever a team that could cause a big shit stir in this tourney, it's this one right here. Like I said, I don't think they are technically sound, but they are very popular.
The New Age Outlaws to me are the bomb and I can see them going all the way with this one.Just a question why did you choose to not enter the Hardyz in here?
hi shocky , are u going to put the Jung Dragons( Yun Yang & Kaz Hayashi) in the tag tourney , they were an excellant tag team late in wcw,
The Hardyz are already in, a couple pages back i do believe. Again great job already shocky, can't wait to start the voting.

The North/South Connection: Dick Murdoch and Adrian Adonis

Overall: 30th Seed
Region: ECW 8th Seed

If the man on the left looks familiar, yup, that's good ole' Trevor Murdoch's daddy. Adonis and Murdoch were a tough tag team of the early 1980's in the WWE. They held the tag team titles for a total of 279 days. Murdoch was a tough decision, since teaming with Rhodes and Dick Slater, but he had the most success with Adonis.

My Prediction: Another one of those mystery teams. They face the Holly's in the first round under extreme rules. While the Holly's aren't a menacing team, they have more exposure.


The Mega Powers: Macho Man Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan

Overall: 119th Seed
Region: TNA 29th Seed

Well, if there was ever a team that is going to create controversy, I give it to you. Here we have the two biggest stars of the 1980's WWF. Here we have two guys that were once best friends, but hate each other in real life. Here we have two guys that have only one tag team title reign between the two of them.

My Prediction: That being said, they are dangerous on name value. They face the Horsemen in the first round, Anderson and Blanchard. This right here, single handedly, will be the most controversial match of not only the first round, but possibly the whole tournament.


Pat Tanaka and Sato

Overall: 124th Seed
Region: WWE 32nd Seed

Tanaka and Sato were one of the last team combinations that Mr. Fuji brought into the WWE. Tanaka was more famous for his time in Bad Company, the AWA version.

My Prediction: They face the Steiners in the first round, so my prediction is they are probably going to be eliminated very soon.


The Outsiders: Kevin Nash and Scott Hall

Overall: 7th Seed
Region: WWE 2nd Seed

Here you have two guys that maybe hated more by their peers then anyone else. They were hated in the WWF locker room as the Kliq, and they were hated in the WCW locker room because of the N.W.O. There is no denying, Scott Hall is a fine wrestler, and Kevin Nash is a big man that can take you out in an instant. Together, they dominated the WCW tag team division, holding the gold as a team for 477 days.

My Prediction: This team will probably go far. They are a very big team that aren't going to be taken down easily by teams that are smaller then them. Rey Misterio gets long darted by Kevin Nash, he'll do it to someone else as well. Very dangerous team here.
Actually, Trevor Murdoch and Dick Murdoch have no relation. They are not father and son.

And, I see no reason that The Mega Powers shouldn't go far. With Hogan and Savage the only question would be if they can co-exist. If they can co-exist, I would make them the favorite in this.
Quite correct although they chos ethe name due to that uncanny resemblance. His real last name is Rhodes (and no he is not one of Dusty's kids) and he was once one half of the Dupps in TNA(andf I think WWE for about a day or so)
Actually, Trevor Murdoch and Dick Murdoch have no relation. They are not father and son.

And, I see no reason that The Mega Powers shouldn't go far. With Hogan and Savage the only question would be if they can co-exist. If they can co-exist, I would make them the favorite in this.
Actually, Trevor Murdoch and Dick Murdoch have no relation. They are not father and son.

And, I see no reason that The Mega Powers shouldn't go far. With Hogan and Savage the only question would be if they can co-exist. If they can co-exist, I would make them the favorite in this.

Possibly, but I think that's what's going to be the main issue in the discussion, whether they can co-exist or not, and I don't think they can.

Sly, you're going to learn something throughout this tournament. A lot of votes are based on popularity among IWCers. Like some of the results defy realism if you go back and read the original tournament thread. I'm not really complaining because I was happy with the end result, but sometimes the winners of the matches just didn't make sense to me if you look at it from the point of view of how those matches would've went down if they had been booked in real life.
Possibly, but I think that's what's going to be the main issue in the discussion, whether they can co-exist or not, and I don't think they can.

Sly, you're going to learn something throughout this tournament. A lot of votes are based on popularity among IWCers. Like some of the results defy realism if you go back and read the original tournament thread. I'm not really complaining because I was happy with the end result, but sometimes the winners of the matches just didn't make sense to me if you look at it from the point of view of how those matches would've went down if they had been booked in real life.
I understand that. Still, with Randy Savage on the team, The Mega Powers should get all the IWC votes. And, from a kayfabe perspective, this team rules all. And, while I know that Hogan isn't popular on this particular board, people need to be aware that the man was a GREAT professional wrestler.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that due to unfair biases, The Horseman are probably the favorite. But, it shouldn't be. The Mega Powers should rule this tournament.

(I'm already working hard for them :))
This talk of the Horsemen got me to think of Ric Flair and who in the world his partner will be, well I am gonna throw a name out there that no one else has yet. And that man is the man to most recently win the Tag titles with the Nature Boy, thats right, "Hot Rod" Roddy Piper, this would be cool if they were paried because if its them in their primes they hated each other and if its them now they are very good friends but not as good of wrestlers as they were back then. Either way, this team would be real interesting
Actually I think that the Hot Rod will be put together with Cowboy Bob Orton, This is probably the most likely to occur as they were a team for a long time, with Bob being Piper's bodyguard and them being in a Wrestlemania match at Wrestlemania I with Hulk Hogan and Mr. T. I think Im correct on this count, but Im not sure, I know there was this match at a Wrestlemania, I just can't remember which one. As for Flair didn't he used to Tag with Ricky Steamboat at one stage, again I am not sure if someone could verify that it would be good.
And are you going to include Incoherence in this thing Shocky?
The megapowers was about two indivual wrestlers not a tag team. If any one thinks they can out tag wrestle the horsemen they are crazy. This ain't a popularity contest it is a wrestling contest.

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