The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
Who was it that did the original tournament on Wikipedia for us? That seemed to work rather well.

If not the idea slyfox has seems pretty solid to me.

Overall, cannot wait for this tourny Shocky.

Hey slyfox, I suggest you search for the original Wrestlezone Tournament in the Old School Wrestling section, to see how this thing its just a damn good read. Towards the end the voting got impossibly hard, with ties showing up more then once. So much so that the finals had to be a triple threat match because people just couldn't pick between two of the guys in a single match.
Shadow, I was going to Edit all that stuff in.

Slyfox, that Bracket looks badass, if you want to Edit it, by all means do so, if not, I'll take it over. The only thing is, the WCW winners will face the TNA winners, and WWE vs. ECW.

XFear. I'll start this thing as soon as I'm done with the teams in. Busy holiday weekend so I haven't been on much, but I promise to start cranking these guys out to get this thing going. Oh and the Wrestlezone Tourny on Wiki is gone, deleted by those self righteous assholes over there. You know if it's on Wiki, it's gotta be true.

The Blackjacks: Blackjack Lanza and Blackjack Mulligan​

Overall: 56th Seed
Region: WCW 14th Seed

A Team of two big Rough and Tough Texas Cowboys. The Blackjacks were a nasty heal tag team of the 70's and 80's. They are the exact reason why I am introducing older teams like this, so they don't get over looked with the new crowd.

My Prediction: They were only 1 time WWWF Tag team champions, which I think will hurt their chances here, despite recent publicity by entering the Hall of Fame. An older Tag team that only a few will know about, will sadly probably make an early exit.

The Blue Bloods: Dave Taylor and (Ignore Finlay) Lord Steven Regal​

Overall: 104th Seed
Region: WCW 26th Seed

Recently reformed with the WWE, the Blue Bloods have been around for well over a decade. While Dave Taylor hasn't had much success stateside, his partner William/Steven Regal, has been a multiple time Tag Team Champion with many partners.

My Prediction: Tough Call on these guys. They are a newer tag team with the WWE fans, so that will give them some recognition. Regal is about as good in the ring as it gets, so depending on matchups, they may sneak a few wins in.


The Bodydonnas: Zip and Skip

Overall: 81st. Seed
Region: WCW 21st Seed

If time could only go backwards, Chris Candido and Tom Pritchard might have uttered the words "no" when it came to this gimmick. Both are more recognized with other tag teams, but many of those partners were taken.

My Predictions: Lets not mistake the dredge of WWE gimmicks of the mid 1990's with two damn fine wrestlers. That is often the case that the shitty gimmick buries the wrestler, but not these two. Candido did go onto win a world title in the singles arena, and if enough ECW fans come in, they may get a win.


Boogie Knights: The Disco Inferno and Alex Wright

Overall: 110th Seed
Region: ECW 28th Seed.

The Dark Days of WCW have come upon us. The two dancing fools of the company were brought together as a comedy tag team, but yet despite this, were able to capture WCW tag team gold together.

My Predictions: One and done. This team is going to get destroyed by anyone that they face, especially in an ECW environment. They were comedic relief, and only that.
Slyfox, that Bracket looks badass, if you want to Edit it, by all means do so, if not, I'll take it over. The only thing is, the WCW winners will face the TNA winners, and WWE vs. ECW.
I think I have the WCW and TNA matched up, and WWE vs. ECW matched up. Might want to gaze over it, as I had to switch things around...see if I messed anything up.

I should be able to keep up with it, and if not, I'll turn it over to you.

Additionally, you might consider putting the link in your first post, so everyone knows how to get to the bracket and kind of see how things are playing out without having to scour through a ton of pages to find it. Just a suggestion.
im glad to see the blackjacks because from what ive seen on wwe 24/7 and from the pictures and stories they were monster heels. though mulligan had a better singles career they were a great tag team. any chance on seeing the texas outlaws they do have one confirmed tag title reign.
While these are all great pics, I'm kinda wondering how none of the Midnight Express combinations have made it in yet. Particularly Beautiful Bobby Eaton and Sweet Stan Lane. If this tournament gets all bracketed up and they get left out, then somebody got robbed. lol
So here come some big guns now.

The Brainbusters/The Horseman: Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson​

Overall: 13th Seed
Region: TNA 4th Seed

The Epitome of heel tag team wrestling in the late 80's. Not only did they apply their craft in the NWA, but both jumped ship after the Horseman and ended Demolitions record breaking title reign. Anderson and Blanchard are together two time NWA World tag team champions and 1 Time WWE Tag Team Champions, amongst other multiple title reigns with other individuals.

My Predictions: They are the Horsemen, that's all you need to know. If this team doesn't make it fairly far, I will be disapointed. No tag team in the Modern WWE could sniff this teams nutsack.


The British Bulldogs: The Dynamite Kid and Davey Boy Smith

Overall: 28th Seed
Region: TNA 7th Seed

A perfect blend of Raw Power, Speed, and Technical Wrestling, The British Bulldogs had a 294 day long Tag Team Title reign. That is very impressive. Billington is the man that Chris Benoit was cloned from, and you combine that with the raw power of Davey, it's a dangerous combination.

My Prediction: There are enough Bulldog fans on here to make sure they aren't sent home early. They are a very tough draw for anyone they face. They are a tag team, and not a team of two individuals.

The Brothers of Destruction: The Undertaker and Kane​

Overall: 53rd Seed
Region: TNA 14th Seed

Two Big Bad individuals. The Key to that, is Individuals. Kane and The Undertaker were once co-holders of both the WWE and WCW tag team championship belts, the first team to do so. Both have had multiple tag team runs with other partners resulting in more championship gold.

My Predictions: This is a damn tough draw for any team they face. Two near 7 foot 300 pound monsters, that are both former world heavyweight champions is a scary team to face. The key though is, The Undertaker and Kane usually beat themselves and never stay together long enough to form a strong unit.

The Bushwackers/Sheepherders​

Overall: 76th Seed
Region: TNA 19th Seed

As the Bushwackers, they are the lovable, toothless guys that go around licing everyones heads, and are elminated from Royal Rumbles in under 10 Seconds. As the Sheepherders, this team is a nasty heel, blood letting group of baddies. I highly recommend people venture over to Shadowmancers Wrestler of the Week and read up on these guys.

My Predictions: Tough to say, considering they face the Brothers of Destruction in the first round. It depends on how people vote. Individually, neither of them stand up against either Kane or the Undertaker, but as a Unit, they maybe able to pull of the upset.
yes thank you so much. im so glad to see anderson and blanchard in this. theywere a great heel tag team with great feuds with demolition and the LOD. i wouldnt mind seeing toru tanaka and mr. fuji in this.
sly nice bracket but maybe to make it easier i would make 4 different brackets 1 for each region and then a final bracket for the region winners

shock can't wait for the tourny and hoping that the hardyz get a high tourny seed

b.W.o.-The Blue World Order: Hollywood Nova and The Blue Guy

Overall: 125th Seed
Region: TNA 32nd Seed.

While there is no doubting Nova maybe one of the most under utilized and inappropriatly used talents in the last ten years, the b.W.o. was nothing more then a comedy team. Neither has accomplished much in the world of the large wrestling companies, but were always good for entertainment in Raven's Nest or the Blue World Order.

My Prediction: Come on, they face Demolition in the first round. It would be a crime if they win their first round match.


Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch

Overall: 86th Seed.
Region: ECW 22nd. Seed

Cade and Murdoch are former WWE tag team champions and are currently still in the title scene. Cade was trained by Shawn Michaels and Murdoch is the son of Dirty Dick Murdoch, a pretty good tag wrestler in his own right.

My Prediction: Tough to say. They can go into an ECW environment and hang, but the jury is still out on these guys. They are very young still and achieved tag team championship gold very quickly, but yet haven't gone back to the top of the mountain.


Camp Cornette: Owen Hart and Yokozuna

Overall: 42nd Seed.
Region: WWE 11th Seed.

Now first and foremost, I will listen to arguements for people that think this should be Canadian Country instead (Jarret/Hart). This is an intersting team in itself, managed by non other then the master of managing tag team wrestlers, Jim Cornette. A very dangerous tag team. The high flying, quick paced, and attitude carrying Owen Hart, enough to get anyone pissed off, before the big man himself comes in and puts the real hurting on.

My Predictions: People on here love Owen Hart, and rightfully so. This team is a legit threat to win 3 or 4 matchups.

Chief Jay Strongbow and Billy White Wolfe​

Overall: 26th Seed
Region: WWE 7th Seed

These two are two time former WWWF Tag Team Champions holding the belts for a combined 294 days. This team was super over in the old WWWF throughout the 70's.

My Prediction: Tough to say, considering I'll be the first to admit I haven't seen to many of their matchups. I would like to say they should go far, but I have a feeling if they run into a less talented, more popular team,t hey'll be gone early.
You have to include Public Enemy and The Elimnators...

Both awesome tag teams.

Hell John Kronus was a 6'4 250 pound man who could do a 450splash and I don't need to say anthing about Saturn.

Public Enemy was awesome. They paved the way for the Dudleyz in so many ways..
Owen Hart with Yokozuna? Lame dude, very lame. Why didn't you pair Hart up with Jeff Jarrett? They tagged longer, won more title reigns, and were all around a much better team. Ah well, it's your decision I'm just kinda pissed that team isn't in here; I originally wanted Owen Hart & the Bulldog (I've been watching way too many 96-97 RAW's) but then I remembered Dynamite Kid----duh!

I wish this thing would hurry up---I wanna vote RIGHT NOW man, lol.
Shocky... the suspense is killing me.... where are the Eliminators, RVD & Sabu, Public Enemy and The Gangsta's????
You have to include Public Enemy and The Elimnators...

I don't know who all is in the tournament, but I'd rather see The Hart Foundation, The Rockers, DX, Road Warriors, The Rock N' Roll Express, The Freebirds, Windham and Rhodes, Hollywood Blondes, Nasty Boys, Harlem Heat, Sting & Luger, Outsiders, Hardys, and Edge and Christian all end up in the tournament than those two teams personally.
I said I was open to change, so Xfear has weighed in. Honestly it was a tough choice for me to put Yoko with Owen, but it just seemed the better fit.

Open for debate, convince me people.
Owen Hart will be in either

Camp Cornette with Yokozuna
or Canadian Country with Jeff Jarrett.

Prove your point.
First off I think we need to look at the accomplishments of both teams.

Camp Cornette - 2 title reigns; 1st for 5 1/2 monthes, the second for not even a day, so really let's just count that as one title reign.
W/ Jarrett - 1 title reign for 2 1/2 monthes.

While some may prefer Hart & Zuna, they never had the chemistry that Jarrett & Hart had---partly because they were real life best friends(you can tell easily from Jarrett's emotion on the Raw is Owen episode).

Overall I guess it's really a matter of opinion Shocky. It was just mine that Hart should go with Jarrett---mainly because IMO they were just a better team all around.
I could really care less where Owen Hart ends up, because neither team will win this thing, nor have any real impact on who wins, I don't believe.

If it were me, I'd probably put him with Yokozuna, because I always saw that tag team as more of a realistic threat than his team with Jarrett, but, that's just personal preference.
The Owen Hart Debate will continue, but onto more teams

Finally into the C's.


Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Overall: 82nd Seed
Region: WWE 21st Seed

Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho maybe the most technically sound tag team ever. There claim to tag team fame was their feud that ended the Two Man Power Trips tag team title reign, and put Triple H on the shelf. They also won a TLC match to retain their tag team titles. They may have the best finishing maneuver ever as a tag team.

My Predictions: Two damn fine wrestlers, that barring Benoit's injury in 2001, no one would know how far or long they woul dhave held the titles. They are very capable of knocking anyone off in this tourny.


The Collosal Connection: Haku and Andre the Giant

Overall: 64th Seed
Region: WCW 16th Seed.

The team to end Demolitions second title reign. This is a very scary team, simply because of Andre The Giant. The Connection was so damn big they could keep a man isolated from his partners. Often times a person would never be able to tag out in their matches.

My Predictions: While I feel this team should go far, it won't, simply because their is an insane bias towards Andre as a bad wrestler. Most people are fimiliar with the broken down WM3 Andre, but fail to realize the big man was very mobile in the 70's.


The Corporation: Ken Shamrock and the Big Bossman

Overall: 87th Seed
Region: WWE 22nd Seed

An interesting tag team to say the least. Bossman is a proven tag team wrestler, while Shamrock seemed to fine his niche with Bossman. Bossman has the size most tag teams need, and Shamrock is the technichian to do the mat wrestling.

My Predictions: They Face Either Canadian Country or Camp Cornette in the first round. Each brings a different set of match strategies to it.

Cryme Tyme: Shad Gaspard and JTG

Overall: 128th Seed.
Region: WCW 32nd Seed.

A young team that seems to have a lot of talent, but are victims of the current WWE uncreative team. They debut to a fast start, winning a #1 Contenders match 6 months ago, yet have not received that opportunity at the belts.

My Prediction: Gone inthe first round. Conduct this tourney in a year, they'll move up probably. They face the Wrecking Crew in Round 1, and there is no way on God's Green Earth that Cryme Tyme could beat the Andersons.
Three very interesting teams here. First off with The Colosal Collection. As you stated there is such a bias to Andre but he was all man and a darn good wrestler conserding his size. The Blackjacks should not be overlooked they were one heck of a team. Now on to my boys Tully/Arn. As stated ended the title reign of Demiliton. Faced great teams like LOD, Nikita/Sting/ Windham/Luger. They took them all on. If they don't make it to the elite 8 at least there is a problem. I don't know who all is in yet. I see these teams as great candiates for the final eight. Andersons, LOD, Tully/Arn, Midnight express, R-N-R express, Freebirds, Steiners. I'll save my eight one. I know I would love to see a double elimination on these teams. It would be awesome. To shockey I leaning towards Demiliton but I'll wait and see the other teams. I hope you don't forget Doom, Murdoch/Rhodes, I'm interested to see if you put Wahoo with Jay Youngblood or Steamboat with Youngblood, but I hope you don't put him with Mark Youngblood. He is like Kendall Windham doesn't deserve to even carry the name. See ya'll later.
It's going to be tough to pick against Benoit/Jericho. Two of the better wrestlers that we have seen in a long time.
If Crime Tyme, Meanie and Nova, and Cade and Murdoch make it The Elminators and Public Enemy can make it... I don't care what anyone says.. Plus the Midnight Express should be in.
I think as far as Owen Hart goes, his run with Yokozuna was more memorable than Jarrett. Also they accomoplished slighty more as a team. I like that choice better, but thats my opinion. Either way this tournament is gonna be great so I guess in the long run it won't matter unless Owens team wins.....................nevermind.
Now this bunch is going to start some controversy.

The Dark Carnival: The Great Muta and Vampiro​

Overall: 88th Seed
Region: WCW 22nd Seed

Shadowmancer probably punched his computer. I had to get the Great Muta in this thing, by hook or by crook. Many of his partners were just not going to be known by people in the states. At least this way, Muta will have some chance with a guy as popular as Vampiro. Together they held the WCW tag titles once, but Muta has many more in Japan.

My Prediction: Muta deserves better then Vampiro, but for some reason, Vampiro is super over. With Muta on the team, they certainly have a chance at knocking anyone out.

Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill​

Overall: 59th Seed
Region: ECW 15th Seed

Doring and Roadkill are one time ECW tag team champions, holding the belt for nearly 4 months. Granted, they held the ECW tag titles in the decline of the company.

My Prediction: They face a damn dangerous team in Vader and Bigelow in the first round. I have a feeling that they might be gone in the first round. It's a big challenge to overcome for an ECW team.


The Dream Team: Greg Valentine and Brutus Beefcake

Overall: 34th Seed
Region: WWE 9th Seed

Many will argue that Valentine could have been partnered with Ric Flair or the Honkey Tonk Man. Valentine and Beefcake held the WWF tag titles for a total of 225 days. That's enough to thrust them into the top tier of tag teams.

My Prediction: While Beefcake isn't the greatest in the ring, their is no denying that Greg Valentine was one of the ten most underappreciated in ring competitors of his time. The man was Ric Flair II. His in ring ability makes him dangerous against anyone.

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Dusty Rhodes and Dick Slater

Overall: 93rd Seed
Region: TNA 24th Seed

This is one were I just banged my head against the fucking wall trying to figure out who goes with who. Many are going to be pissed Rhodes isn't with Dick Murdoch, but the bottomline is Murdoch was more succesful with Adriane Adonis then he was with Rhodes. Slater could have gone with Murdoch as well. So Rhode and Slater get in, simply because Rhodes needs to be in this thing, and so does Slater. They were NWA world tag team titles.

My Prediction: They are a very low seated team, which means they are going to face a tough tag team early. Rhodes though, is dangerous, and is capable of leading any team to victory.

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