The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
I do think Rhodes/Murdoch should have been together but I can deal with it. I know if Muta deserves to be in, and I agree he was a great and a underappreciated wrestler, then I know the Natich will be in here. I think you're toying with me. Also kudoes on Valentine, the NWA Valentine was truly a great one, the WWE one was pretty good to to carry the beefcake to a title reign that long.
I don't mind who is put together but their has to be some more Japanese Teams in there it would make it interesting to say the least as people can't really say that they don't deserve to be in there. BTW Im only just beginning to get into Puro, Kasey and Jake know a shit load more about Puro than me.
I have a couple of Japanese teams in. The problem though, is only a select few are going to know anything about them. I would love to incorporate more. I'm kind of testing the waters with bringing in 70's teams. If that works well, then I'll probably open it up to more of the Japanese teams.

Onto today.


Degeneration X: X-Pac and Triple H

Overall: 102nd Seed
Region: WWE 26th Seed

X-Pac has been a prolific tag team wrestler throughout his career, accumulating multiple tag team title reigns with many partners. Triple H has not been that great of a tag team wrestler, only having one title reign with Stone Cold Steve Austin.

My Predictions: They shouldn't beat Chief Jay Strongbow and Billy Whitewolf. Stranger things have happened in these tournaments though. Triple H has never been a good tag team wrestler, so he is the weak link in that matchup.


Edge and Christian

Overall: 27th Seed
Region: ECW 7th Seed

Edge and Christian are, in my opinion, the best homegrown WWE tag team in the last 10 years easily, take that Hardy Boyz. Both men, not only are great tag team wrestler, but have gone on to main event as singles competitors, a rarity amongst solid tag teams, and even rarer to both become multiple time World Heavyweight Champions. Together they are 7 time WWE Tag team champions, and as individuals, have a total of 21 tag team title reigns.

My Prediction: This is my dark horse to win the whole thing. They are in the ECW region, which makes them more dangerous, as the Conchairto becomes a legal maneuver. This is going to be a hard team to knock off.


The Eliminators: Perry Saturn and John Kronus

Overall: 19th Seed
Region: ECW 5th Seed

The Eliminators became teh dominate Tag team of ECW with the departure of the Public Enemy. They set the foundation for the ECW tag title, competiting against mainly the Gangsta's. the Pitbulls, and the debuting Dudley Boyz. Together they are 3 time ECW tag team champions.

My Prediction; They face Boogie Knights in the first round, so that's pretty much a layup for this team. They have the capability of going fairly far, especially in their environment.


The Evil Empire: Kenzo Suzuki and Rene Dupree

Overall: 67th Seed.
ECW 17th Seed.

While Rene Dupree is better known for his days in La Resistance, that incarnation the group was the least successful, so he is left as the odd man out. Him and Kenzo went onto win the WWE tag team titles and hold onto the title for 91 days.

My Prediction: I can't see them making it very far in this tourny. If they do win their first round match, then in all likely hood, they are staring at the Dudleyz in the 2nd round.
Wow Shock I had completely and utterly forgotten about the Evil Empire, but that was a great concept for a tag team I thing. Damn. I'm guessing you're going with Conway/Sylvain for la Resistance, which makes sense I guess.

As for Triple H/X-Pac, I would've rather used Triple H/Austin in the Power Trip, but I understand the need to have the Hollywood Blondes in this tournament. It just sucks X-Pac, a guy who's tagged a lot, and Triple H, the best in the business overall, won't get any further. That's the only semi-problem with the layout of the tournament. There are guys who have tagged with many people in the past, and their best partner isn't necessarily their partner's best partner, so something might get lost in translation. Ah well.

Great job so far though Shocky, this one's going to be controversial :thumbsup:

I wonder though, has Brian Pillman ever tagged with anyone else?
Pillman has, but nothing ever to the extent of with Austin. They were real life best friends and multiple time WCW tag team champions. Hell, I'd even go as far to say as som eof Austins best promos were in the Hollywood Blondes. He still weres the ring Pillman gave him on his necklace out to the ring. I know alot of people would have like to see the 2 man Power trip, but to me, the Blondes was a no brainer.
Couldn't agree more with your choices this round Shocky. Hollywood Blondes was most definately a must, and even though I'm a huge fan of the Two Man Power Trip (and they could've made it very far indeed had that been the team) you made the right choice. Triple H really only had one choice here in X-Pac because every other partner he's had have been in much better tag teams (Austin, HBK, Regal). And honestly...I can only remember maybe two occasions where X-Pac and Triple H tagged together. Sad indeed thats what happens to HHH---personally I was hoping for X-Pac to be tagging with Bob Holly as the 1-2-3 Kid, I remember when they won the tag titles and what a monumental upset that was.
how many more teams are left shocky and i am suprised that E&C arent a higher seed then a 7th i was pictuallying them a 3rd or 4th seed

Evolution: Randy Orton and Batista

Overall: 105th Seed
Region: WCW 27th Seed

While Batista is a multiple time tag champ with Ric Flair, and a Champion with Rey Misterio, I couldn't burden either one of those two with Batista. Those other two had better choices as tag partners. Orton has only won tag gold once with Edge, but obviously Edge is with someone else.

My Prediction: Evolution was the best stable of the WWE in the last 5 years easily, so they had to make it in somewhere. Being a low seed, they can upset a big team. This however, is a team of individuals, and they may get beat early.


The Full Blooded Italians: Tracy Smothers and Little Guido

Overall: 85th Seed
Region: TNA 22nd Seed

Tracy Smothers is a damn fine wrestler, but that was often loss in the comedic gimmick of the FBI. Guido, better known to WWE fans as Nunzio, is also a fine in ring competitor. Together, they held the ECW titles for a little more then 40 days.

My Prediction: The F.B.I. has two fine wrestlers, but the main thing is, can it shake the comedy gimmick in the minds of the fans. If they can do that, they'll be fine, but I think they are gone very early.


The Filthy Animals: Rey Misterio and Billy Kidman

Overall: 65th Seed
Region: WCW 17th Seed

A group of High Flyers that came together during the end of WCW. Some would argue Konnan should be with one of these, but I couldn't in good conscious leave out a talent like Ron Killings, so this version of the animals gets the nod.

My Predictions: I can already tell, this maybe one of the more controversial first round matchups. The Animals face the Colossal Connection in Round 1, and imo, they shouldn't have a prayer, but stranger things have happened. Even if they win round 1, in all likely hood, they face the Minnesota Wrecking Crew in Round 2.


The Fabulous Freebirds: Gorgeous Jimmy Garvin and Michael P.S. Hayes

Overall: 47th Seed
Region: WWE 12th Seed

If there was ever a group of guys that caused controversy wherever they went, it's the Fabulous Freebirds. Being a group of three, they had a rule named after themselves. The Freebird rule allowed any variation of two of the group to defend the tag team titles.

My Prediction: Uh oh, another controversial first round match. Garvin and Hayes vs. Benoit and Jericho. I'm not even going to comment.

Now would be a good time to go back to the first page and check out the updated Brackets, thanks to slyfox.
So far, this looks brilliant Shocky, brilliant. Surprised at some of your comments on these teams, especially that E&C are the "best home-grown tag team in WWE's last decade". I agree, but partially. The JOINT best tag team, along with (you guessed it) Matthew Moore and Jeffrey Nero, the Hardyz themselves. However, strongly agree on one thing: Y2J and Benoit had possibly the best tag team finishing manouver ever. Crossface and Walls of Jericho? Ouch, possibly only rivalled by a double chokeslam from the BOD.
The Funks: Dory and Terry Funk​

Overall: 50th Seed
Region: WWE 13th Seed.

The under exposure and under appreciation the Funk family gets to the world of professional wrestling is criminal. Because of a beef between Terry and Vince, you never hear how great Terry Funk is. Thank god for the original ECW to give this man much needed exposure state side to younger crowds. Both of these men were former NWA world heavyweight champions.

My Predictions: Probably one of the best teams ever, but thanks to Vince McMahon owning a huge Video Library, you'll never see it. If this team loses in the first round XFear will kill you all.


Phil LaFon and Doug Furnas

Overall: 112th Seed
Region: WCW 28th Seed

This team was La Resistance without the push. Ten years ago, they were the AmericanCanadian express. They weren't used by the WWE, except in a talent exchange with ECW, where they won the ECW tag team titles.

My Predictions: This team won't do much. They faded away soon after both WWE and ECW were done with them. I can't see them going to far.


The Gangsta's: New Jack and Mustafa

Overall: 46th Seed
Region: ECW 12th Seed

In the World of Extreme, there wasn't a more Violent Tag team then the Gangsta's. While they were far from technical masters, this team made up their lack of in ring moves with sheer violence by utilizing everything they could get a hold of, especially forks, yes, forks.

My Prediction: This is a worst case scenario for anyone in their way in the ECW brackets. The Gangsta's maybe one of the worst teams anyone can face when there are no rules. This is a tough draw for any team in here.

thanx to mtg712

Generation Next: Austin Aries and Roderick Strong
Overall: 32nd Seed
Region: WCW 8th Seed

A young tag team that are about as technically sound as it comes. If anyone has a picture of these two that doesn't have a giant Copyright or Website name on top of it, that'll be much appreciated. They are former R.O.H. Tag Team Champions holding the belts for an impressive 273 days.

My Predictions: As evident in the Wrestelzone Tournament, TNA fanboys will come and come strong in these tournaments. This team is very capable of matching up with teams of similar size. I can see them doing okay, but not going very far.
Shock, I love how your picture of the Evolution tag team is right before they broke up, lol.

And Phil Lafon and Doug Furnas :O I remember those guys!!! Growing up in Quebec I've seen a lot more of them than you guys. They were at every WWE event I went to back them as well as some independant show's I've been too. Memories :)
Shocky...Great work so bro. I can not wait till this is all ready to go as i have the itch to get voting and what not. Though Benoit and Jericho was a great tag team you have to love Benoit and Angle what a team with the crossface and ankle lock finsher.
I always liked Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon. And while I love Jericho and Benoit I think I'd rather Benoit and Malenko. I remembewr their matches against Saturn and I think Raven back in the latter days of WCW. That's just me though. I can't wait to start voting!
I wonder who it is going to be with Tommy Dreamer, Dreamer and Raven, Dreamer and Tanaka, Dreamer and Sandman. Im guessing it is going to be Balls and Spike Dudley if they are in, Or balls and Tanaka. there are to many tag teams to think through I don't know how you do it.
One more set of four for the day. And this is all a Family Affair.


The Godwinns: Phinias I. Godwinn and Henry O. Godwinn

Overall: 101st. Seed
Region: TNA 26th Seed.

Former Two time WWF tag team champions. Again, another team from the dark age of the WWF, the end of the gimmick era and the birth of the Attitude Era. Isn't it cute, their initials are P.I.G. and H.O.G., that's clever.

My Prediction: With a first round matchup against the British Bulldogs, they are probably gone very early.


The Hardy Boyz: Matt and Jeff Hardy

Overall: 40th Seed.
Region: WCW 10th Seed

A long time ago, the Hardy Boyz were a very entertaining and innovative tag team. No doubt, they were a very exciting tag team to watch 6 to 7 years ago. Together they are 6 time WWE tag team champions, and 1 time WCW tag team champions.

My Predictions: I won't let my blind hatred for the current version of the Hardyz blind my judgment. Their early stuff was amazing to watch, and knowing how popular they are, they will probably go a decent way.


Harlem Heat: Booker T and Stevie Ray

Overall: 9th Seed
Region: WCW 3rd Seed.

The most prolific tag team of WCW. Together they were 10 time WCW Tag team champions. There was a time that Booker T was an edgy heal that let out feelings of being oppressed by racism. Stevie Ray was the power, while Booker T was obviously the talent of the team.

My Prediction: One of my favorite tag teams of all time. They were fun to watch in WCW, before it got bogged down by the endless incarnations of the N.W.O. With Booker T.s Talent, there is no doubt they can make it fairly far in this tourny.


The Harris Brothers: Ron and Don Harris

Overall: 83rd Seed
Region: ECW 21st. Seed

Disciples of Apocalypse, Creative Control, or the Harris Brothers, anyway you name them, they are a big set of twins. They became Vince Russo's personal body guards in WCW, obtaining the WCW Tag Team Gold on 3 separate occasions.

My Prediction: They face the Gangsta's in the first round in an ECW environment. They certainly have the size to compete, but they are not in a comfortable situation.
A couple of thoughts. I know this won't be the popular choice but anyone who really know Andre and Haku cannot in good faith choose Mistero/Kiddman over them. The collosial connection was awesome. Thank you Shockey my little boy has always wanted to see Mistero without a mask and now he can. Next thought I am a big Freebirds fan but Garving was a later add on to the Freebirds. Gordy/Hayes/Roberts were the orginals and I was hoping to see Hayes/Gordy together. However I know Gordy tagged with several other wrestlers mainly in Japan and was awesome. I know he has to be in this thing with one of them. Also much kudos on the 70's outlook. I think the talent of the 70's help train the 80's wrestlers which is when wrestling took off. A last thank you for throwing me the bone and letting me know Flair is in this thing with someone.
My apologies on the delay in updating the bracket. I was away coaching at basketball camp for the weekend, and pretty much cut-off from the world. The brackets have all now been updated.
MANNNNN get the hart foundation in there... and the new age outlaws...

OOO AND BTW, OWEN and YOKO was a sick team, dont get rid of them

The Hart Foundation: Jim the Anvil Neidhart and Bret the Hitman Hart

Overall: 10th Seed
Region: WWE 3rd Seed

The Excellence of Execution made his WWE debut with Jim the Anvil, to become one of the most dominate tag teams of the 1980's. Hart was the technician while Neidhart was the muscle. Together, they were two time WWF tag team champions.

My Predictions: Yet another tag team that is perfectly capable of winning this whole thing. I could do something very mean and match them up against a team like, The Rockers

The Headshrinkers/Samoan Swat Team: Fatu and Samu

Overall: 24th Seed
Region: WCW 6th Seed.

The team that was the spawn of the Wild Samoans of the 70's and early 80's fame. They were a tag team that dominated WCCW, the NWA and the WWF. In typical Samoan tag team fashion, they were brawlers, and capable of short burst of speed.

My Predictions: They should win their first round match against Evolution, but you never know where the votes are going to come from. This is a team that could go 3 or 4 rounds deep into this thing.

The Headbangers: Mosh and Thrasher

Overall: 75th Seed
Region: ECW 19th Seed.

Another team of the heavy gimmick variety that over crowded the WWE in the mid 1990's. While not a horrible tag team, they are a team that is often over shadowed by their own gimmick. Together they were 2 time WWF tag team champions.

My Predictions: With a first round matchup against the Basham Brothers, its up in the air. Neither team screams of over talent, or to be an over whelming favorite. Either way, I can't see either going past the second round.


Head Cheese: Steve Blackman and Al Snow

Overall: 117th Seed.
Region: WWE 30th Seed.

Another comedy tag team to help the WWF tag division in the year 2000. While Al Snow is a good wrestler, Steve Blackman is not regarded very highly as a wrestler. Snow is the only to win a Tag Team title in this team.

My Opinion: First round match against the Hart Foundation, chances are, they are eliminated before Bret hands his shades to some kid in the crowd.

Hayabusa and Jinsei Shinzaki (Hakushi)​
Thank You FlameboyUK for the pic.

Overall: 60th Seed
Region: TNA 15th Seed

A team that literally can hit you at any time from anywhere in the ring. A team of two Japanese Wrestlers that could only be compared to Rob Van Dam and Sabu here stateside. Together, they held the All Asian Tag team titles for 111 days.

My Prediction: The thought of these two in a six sided ring gives me goosebumps. I have seen no one walk the top rope like Shinzaki in my life. The problem here is under exposure here stateside. Most that know them remember their matchup in ECW against Sabu and RVD. A team that should go a few rounds, but most likely gone after round 1.


The Holly Cousins: Crash and Hardcore Holly

Overall: 99th Seed
Region: ECW 25th seed.

Some will argue that Bob Holly could have been with Sean Waltman, and I'll hear that argument, I however felt he made his biggest impression with the whole cousin angle.

My Prediction: Well since they are "Hardcore" they should be right at home in the ECW Region...cough cough. I can't imagine this team going very far at all.

The Hollywood Blondes: Stunning Steve Austin and Flyin' Brian Pillman​

Overall: 41st. Seed
Region: WCW 11th Seed.

Before one was Stone Cold and the other was a Loose Cannon, the team of the Blondes tore apart the early years of WCW in the tag team division. Becoming a thorn in the side of Ric Flair and Arn Anderson, this team laid out their foundation as formidable singles wrestlers.

My Predictions: This is an interesting first round matchup against the Dark Carnival. Steve Austin vs. the Great Muta alone is a huge pay per view draw, but add in the wild cards of Vampiro and the Loose Cannon, and this one becomes a toss up.

The Hooliganz: Brian Kendrick and Paul London

Overall: 22nd Seed
Region: ECW 6th Seed

Another team that can hit you at any place in the ring. They are a team of two cruiserweights, which makes them a tough matchup for larger competitors. Almost any match they are involved in will have them as the favorite in the speed category. They had an impressive title reign of 331 days recently.

My Prediction: The jury is still out on the team of Spanky and London. Are they the beneficiary of a piss poor tag team division, or are they a legit threat in the tag team ranks?

The Impact Players: Lance Storm and Justin Credible

Overall: 35th Seed
Region: ECW 9th Seed

Holding the ECW titles for an impressive 214 days, the Impact Players make their way into the tournament. Lance Storm is obviously the pure wrestler of this duo, while Justin Credible brings the attitude.

My Predictions: I think they should take down the American Males rather easily. This team with ECW origins doesn't need the ECW rules to go fairly far, but with the ECW Rules they are dangerous.


The Iron Sheik and Nikolai Volkoff

Overall: 71st Seed
Region: WWE 18th Seed

Like Xfear will say, the Iron Sheik is fucking crazy. He has an amazing amateur background, plus the fact that he was a former heavyweight champion. Nikolai is another big bruiser that once in his hands, you're going to be hurting.

My Prediction: Tough to say with these two. They have very little speed between the two, but chances are, they won't need it. If they grasp someone and put them on the mat, they are going to do some damage.


The Jersey Triad: Diamond Dallas Page and Chris Kanyon

Overall: 62nd Seed
Region: ECW 16th Seed.

A team of a former heavyweight champion, and a very innovative wrestler in the late 90's. While in WCW they teamed with Bam Bam Bigelow to become the Jersey Triad. They would both go to the WWE and win both the WCW and WWE tag team championships.

My Predictions: They have a first round match against the Evil Empire, which could go either way, and a potential 2nd round matchup against the Dudley Boyz. Either way, they won't make it past round 2.


The Killer Bees: Jumpin' Jim Brunzel and B. Brian Blair

Overall: 118th Seed.
Region: TNA 30th Seed.

Together they never captured tag team titles. They were sort of the jobber team of the 1980's for many of the successful tag teams that would become champions.

My Predictions: More flash than substance with this team. They were a colorful tag team that was basically there to fill the lower card out. I can't believe they make it past week one.

And that is the first half of the field revealed.
Impact Players - damn i'm a big ecw fan and for some reason they slipped my mind and i loved them as a tag team. I agree they are very dangerous. Lance Storm means business and Justin Credible had his best years in ECW plus along with Jason and Dawn Marie on the outside they are gonna be a very tough team to beat in my eyes and should go very far in this thing maybe an ECW region final or further.
Again fantastic work Shocky. Im really looking forward to this tournament starting, and I am extremely interested in the second half of the field being announced. One team in particular that I hope gets a birth, not because I think they will win though just becasue I thought they were enjoyable.

Hope it doesnt break down into too much of a popularity contest, with newer teams beating older teams siomply because they are more well knwon. Been checking out Youtube and Dailymotion to update myself on a few teams I dint know.

Keep up the great work.
Great choices so far just hope one of my fves Money Inc is in it but not sure as Rotunda has ahd many partners over the years but I hope he gets Ted they seemed very cohsive
Ivan and Nikita Koloff​

Overall: 45th Seed
Region: TNA 12th Seed

Sticking with the general Rule of Communist heels in the 1980's, the Koloffs fit that role perfectly. Ivan was the pure grappling wrestler, while Nikita was a giant monster that went onto a successful singles career. Together they held the NWA tag team championships for a total of 158 days.

My Prediction: Tough to say. The WWE doesn't mention this team at all, so under exposure could be a factor in this match. They are in a region that favors speed, so they may be outdone early.


KroniK: Brian Adams and Brian Clarke

Overall: 80th Seed.
Region: WCW 20th Seed

At the end of WCW's run, KroniK emerged as a solid monster tag team. While not going to astonish anyone with their technical skills, they will over power teams with their sheer size and strength.

My Predictions: They fact a team that almost is their exact opposite in AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels in the first round, so it'll be very interesting to see how people vote that match. Will speed and technical ability be able to defeat overwhelming strength?


La Resistance: Rob Conway and Sylvan Grenier

Overall: 29th Seed
Region: TNA 8th Seed

A team of very talented, yet under utilized men. It's amazing how in under three years, a team like La Resistance goes from being multi-time tag team titles, holding the belts for nearly a year, and then be out of the company soon there after.

My Predictions: This was a hated team in the WWE, so i feel they might get hurt by their heel status. They are certainly capable of defeating teams, especially being a higher seed and seeing some weaker teams. I feel the first time they run into a respectable opponent, they are gone.


The Latin American Exchange: Homicide and Hernandez

Overall: 38th Seed
Region: ECW 10th Seed

Homicide is a great technical/cruiserweight wrestler, and you have raw, and I mean raw, power in Hernandez. They emerged on the scene only recently in TNA, and have held the titles twice for a total of 216 days.

My Prediction: Another one of those pesky TNA teams that WWE fans dread seeing in these things. I can't stress it enough, if the TNA fanboys come out, this team especially, will knock teams off. They are a damn fine tag team, and being in ECW with no rules, they certainly can knock teams off.

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