The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
Demolition vs Rhodes/Slater
while i liked dusty as a single, i never thought to much of slater.
winners: Demolition

Brainbusters vs Road Warriors
wow, my #1 team vs my #2 team. hate to send one home, but brianbusters going home. im praying for a tie.

Tanaka/Fuji vs Bulldogs
just don't think fuji and tanaka have enough in thier bag of tricks to get it done.
winners: Bulldogs

B.O.D. vs Steamboat/Youngblood
i'll catch haet for this but i gotta go with rick and jay.
winners: Steamboat/Youngblood
#1 Demolition (Ax and Smash) vs. #24 Dusty Rhodes and Dick Slater
Cmon this no contest Demoltion all the way

#1 The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley) vs. #9 The Impact players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm) Again no contest. Some might even say that the Impact were one of the best tag teams in ECW. Dudleys were teh best period.

#4 The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) vs. #5 The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal) Lod spells Doomsday for ole AA and TB

#13 Sting and Lex Luger vs. #5 The Eliminators (John Kronus and Perry Saturn) Cant say either team really impresses me. But Sting could take out all 3 men with his bat so they win. Dosnet matter though. Luger goes through a table next round

#2 Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji vs. #7 The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid)
Yeah Tanka Fuji good but they havent faced quality yet like the Bulldogs. good match but the Dog pound his here

#18 Big Bad and Dangerous (Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow) vs. #7 Edge and Christian the match I have been dreading. I mean I never saw BBD but good golly miss molly they live up to their name but they faced perhaps the best tag team of teh last 15 years. Cant even compare them singly a sthey all have good points. Ultimatly though I give it to the team who alsted a little longer E&C

#14 The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker) vs. #6 Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood Dont know who to vote 2 admidettly singles wrestlers or a great wrestler in Steamboat and a awful one in Youngblood. Coin flip time and the Undertaker hits a ttombstone

#3 Money Inc. (Ted Dibiase and Mike Rotunda) vs. #11 The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas) What a freakin match. Ultimaley though Money Inc will win not with cash but with pure skill. Should be in ROH though
Onto results from the ECW Region:

#1 The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley) vs. #9 The Impact players (Justin Credible and Lance Storm)

The dudleys actually get a decent run for their money in this match up. In the end though, the Dudleys own the ECW arena in tag team wrestling, and the Impact Players are sent home.

Impact Players

2. #13 Sting and Lex Luger vs. #5 The Eliminators (John Kronus and Perry Saturn)

Oh boy, the ECW alumni are ready for these results. Can a wcw team in an ecw building defeat an established ECW Team? The big question, yes it is. Somehow, I think Sting coming into the ECW arena with Seek and Destroy playing him to the ring would probably get the biggest reaction in ECW history. Sting and Luger pull of this match, as ECW fans throw chairs in the ring.


3. #18 Big Bad and Dangerous (Big Van Vader and Bam Bam Bigelow) vs. #7 Edge and Christian

What do Edge and Christian have that AMW didn't, charisma, and world championships to their credit thats what. Edge and Christian pull of a big win over a very big team. I'm kinda surprised, but yet I'm not.


4. #3 Money Inc. (Ted Dibiase and Mike Rotunda) vs. #11 The World's Greatest Tag Team (Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas)

What will win this match, great ring presence, or pure athleticism? This match has such a drastic clash of styles, it is ridiculous. In the end, the minds of Money Inc. taking out the young upstarts.

Money Inc.

So 4th round matches (Remember, the stipulation of the match can weigh heavily on the outcome)

The Dudley Boys vs. Sting and Lex Luger
Edge and Chrisitan vs. Money Inc.

Now onto todays matchups. The following matches take place in the WWE Region inside of Madison Square Garden, and are conducted under basic WWE Rules.

Match 1:
#1 The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) vs. # 8 Rob Van Dam and Sabu

Match 2:
#4 The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey) vs. #21 Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

Match 3:
#2 The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) vs. #26 D-Generation X (Triple H and X-Pac)

Match 4:
#3 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs. #11 Owen Hart and Yokozuna

The Poll is now open, it will close on Wednesday August 8th at 6pm ET.
2. #13 Sting and Lex Luger vs. #5 The Eliminators (John Kronus and Perry Saturn)

Oh boy, the ECW alumni are ready for these results. Can a wcw team in an ecw building defeat an established ECW Team? The big question, yes it is. Somehow, I think Sting coming into the ECW arena with Seek and Destroy playing him to the ring would probably get the biggest reaction in ECW history. Sting and Luger pull of this match, as ECW fans throw chairs in the ring.

Ahh, I can rest a little easier, things are still right in this world. And, Sting coming out to Seek and Destroy would be completely badass. Of course, did ECW have a portable boombox loud enough to play it?

Match 1:
#1 The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) vs. # 8 Rob Van Dam and Sabu
Unlike some, whose vision of World Peace is barbwire wrapped around a steel chair, I choose to vote integrity. I choose to vote for World Class athletes. I choose to vote for Tag Team champions that were recognized all over the world.

I choose to vote for the Steiner Brothers.

Match 2:
#4 The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey) vs. #21 Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit
Midnight Express win this one for me, because there is no way Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit should be here.

Match 3:
#2 The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) vs. #26 D-Generation X (Triple H and X-Pac)
Triple is a selfish no-good egotistical bastard, who is average in the ring despite what his diehard marks will tell you. He's buried talent for years, and only climbed the ranks because he was in the "in" crowd. Not to mention he made everyone in the damn company job to him just so fans would take him seriously.

And, I hate X-Pac more than Triple H.

Outsiders easily.

Match 4:
#3 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs. #11 Owen Hart and Yokozuna
Just like I predicted, the Hart Foundation has the easiest run to the Final Four.

Surprisingly, this was the easiest time I've had voting so far in this round.

Vote The Steiner Brothers
steiners vs rvd and sabu: sorry ecw fans but the ecw rules aren't enought to save rvd and sabu. winners the steiners

midnite express vs benoit and jericho lets see here a legendary team vs 2 guys who didn't tag that much together and since the R&R express is gone i got to vote for the midnite express. winners midnite express

the outsiders vs H and X well since H and X shouldn't of even been in this thing. the outsiders destroy X pac and advance. winners outsiders

hart foundation vs owen and yoko. as much respect as i have for owen, the hart foundation are to much to handle. winners the hart foundation
#1 The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) vs. # 8 Rob Van Dam and Sabu

Sorry RVDGurl I have to vote with the steiner brothers. If it was a hardcore rules match, than I would voe for Sabu and RVD. But I don't think Sabu can help RVD much without his chairs and barbwire.

Winners- The Steiners

Match 2:
#4 The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey) vs. #21 Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

Y2J and Benoit are good but you can't stop the "power of the racket" from Cornett. You know he is going to interfere and use that thing. Bobby Eaton with the leg drop from the top rope on Y2J for the win.

winners - 12:00 a.m. Express

Match 3:
#2 The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) vs. #26 D-Generation X (Triple H and X-Pac)

I Think X-pac would turn on trips and rejoin the outsider. Damn snake.

winners - Outsiders

Match 4:
#3 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs. #11 Owen Hart and Yokozuna

This is a tough one. But I don't think a "hart attack" is enough to stop Owen and Yoko. Owen is just too determined to get out of his brother shadow and Yoko is just too hard to lift up.

Winners: Owen and Yoko
First of all, the 51% of you who voted for Sting & Luger....well.... you all suck! It's blasphamy! This is the true conspiracy, I say!!! Although...Sting coming in to Seek and Destroy would be pretty badass. But Sting & Luger beating the Eliminators? In the ECW Arena? Are you people insane??? WTF?

Ok...I'm finished. Onto the WWE Region, Round 3:

RVD & Sabu v. The Steiners
Hopefully the WCW fan boys will redeem themselves in the match (since they dropped the ball in the Sting/Luger v. Eliminators match) and vote for the most innovative and exciting team EVER. This would be a close one, as the Steiner's are a great team, there's no denying that. However, Fonzie would distract the ref while Sabu hits Scott Steiner with an Atomic Arabian Face Buster followed by an RVD Five Star Froggie Splash to end the match.
Winner (don't forget about world peace, people): RVD & Sabu

Midnight Express v. Chris & Chris
Ok, I agree that Jericho and Benoit are two of the most talented singles wrestlers in history. However, they are not even a real tag team! They teamed together a handful of times and it is just crazy that they keep moving thru this tournament.
Winner: Midnight Express

Outsiders v. HHH & XPac
Xpac just doesn't have a chance in this match. The minute he enters the ring- game over for DX.
Winner: The Outsiders

Hart Foundation v. Owen & Yokozuna
A tough match up, but I think in the end, the chemistry and experience of the Hart Foundation wins out.
Hart Foundation
my picks from the last two days.

Demolition vs. Rhodes/Slater
Rhodes was good, Slater was okay. Demolition both sucked as singles wrestlers. But this is tag team wrestling, and Demolition is the most dominating tag team in WWF history. Demolition should win easily

The Brainbusters vs. the Road Warriors:
So a team with actual in ring ability, or a team that lived off of it's gimmick for twenty years. A team that can actually wrestle, or a team that loved to beat up jobbers and go stiff because they thought it was bad ass. The Brainbusters should win this one outright. The Road Warriors are the most over rated tag team in the history of the business. If you bash Hulk Hogan, and you praise the Road Warriors, you are indeed a hypocrite.

Tanaka/Fuji vs. The Bulldogs;
Bulldogs have too much strength speed and stamina. They completly outmatch Tanaka and Fuji. A good run for old school wrestling, but it ends in this match.

B.O.D. vs. Steamboy/Youngblood:
How in the hell are the B.O.D. still in this thing? I know they are huge stars, but they really weren't that good of a tag team. Steamboat and Youngblood should win this, but they won't.

Onto WWE Region:
Steiners vs. RVD/Sabu:
All you have to do is watch Starcade 89 with the Steiners vs. Sting and Luger to realize why The Eliminators are gone, and why yes indeed, RVD and Sabu will be gone after this round. Sting and Luger were good, really good as a team in their first run. The Steiners, my opinion, best tag team of all time. I love RVD and Sabu, they are the reason I watched ECW, but no way in hell do they get close to winning this match. The Steiners will stretch and suplex them to hell and back.

The Midnight Express vs. Chris^2
The fun ride ends here for Chris^2. I was happy to see the over rated freebirds go bye bye, and yes indeed, I said Michael Hayes has no in ring ability. The Midnight Express are too damn good though, as much as I like Benoit and Jericho as singles wrestlers, they should get beat here.

The Outsiders vs. DX:
DX should have been eliminated in the first round. Knock Nash for his in ring abilities, and I get that, but there is no denying him and Hall were something special as a tag team. The Outsiders should dominate.

The Hart Foundation vs. Owen and Yoko:
Wow, I couldn't believe I changed my mind on this matchup, but looking at it logically, this is what I see. Owen and Bret cancel each other out. I know a lot of people don't agree with that, but Owen and Bret, in ring ability wise, were equals, and I would say Owen was better on the mic, thus making him the better over all wrestler. Yoko is easily much better then Jim Neidhart, so I'm going with Yoko and Owen.

So potential Spin the Wheel Make the Deal matchups
Demolition vs. the Brainbusters: Good old fashioned mid 80's wwf tag team action at it's best
The Bulldogs vs. Youngblood/Steamboat: Who in the hell in their right mind wouldn't spend top dollar to watch that match?

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Midnight Express: Whoever it is, the steiners destroy.
The Outsiders vs. Yoko/Owen: Interesting match up here.
First of all, the 51% of you who voted for Sting & Luger....well.... you all suck! It's blasphamy! This is the true conspiracy, I say!!! Although...Sting coming in to Seek and Destroy would be pretty badass. But Sting & Luger beating the Eliminators? In the ECW Arena? Are you people insane??? WTF?
No, they did the right thing. Don't bash the good people at WZ for showing good taste.

I can't believe you would criticize people just because they didn't vote for a certain team. That really shows a lack of integrity. Which brings me to...

RVD & Sabu v. The Steiners
Hopefully the WCW fan boys will redeem themselves in the match (since they dropped the ball in the Sting/Luger v. Eliminators match) and vote for the most innovative and exciting team EVER.
Wait, you want the WCW fan boys (or girls) to redeem themselves by voting against the greatest tag team in WCW history? I'm sorry, but I think the WrestleZone voters have more integrity than that.

Vote The Steiner Brothers!

If you bash Hulk Hogan, and you praise the Road Warriors, you are indeed a hypocrite.
Whew. I'm not a hypocrite. I like both. :D

Steiners vs. RVD/Sabu:
All you have to do is watch Starcade 89 with the Steiners vs. Sting and Luger to realize why The Eliminators are gone, and why yes indeed, RVD and Sabu will be gone after this round. Sting and Luger were good, really good as a team in their first run. The Steiners, my opinion, best tag team of all time.
Do you mean Steiners vs. Sting and Luger at Superbrawl '91? Because that was a hell of a match.
Haha, I had you in mind Slyfox, I knew it wouldn't offend you, because you do like and defend both with honor and integrity.

I thought it was Starcade, but you could be right. Hell, it's hard to believe it was almost twenty freaking years ago, time goes by, and I feel very old. I'm losing my memory alot.
Haha, I had you in mind Slyfox, I knew it wouldn't offend you, because you do like and defend both with honor and integrity.

I thought it was Starcade, but you could be right. Hell, it's hard to believe it was almost twenty freaking years ago, time goes by, and I feel very old. I'm losing my memory alot.
I know...20 years is seems so long ago, and yet, I remember that match so vividly, even down to the chain that was used (not going to say anything more about it). What an incredible match.

Off-topic a bit, but I just sent you a PM, that I would really appreciate feedback to. Thanks.
Match 1:
#1 The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) vs. # 8 Rob Van Dam and Sabu

Sorry, I just never really watched WCW back then, so it's easy for me to promote world peace and vote for the omnicidal Sabu and Rob Van Dam.

Match 2:
#4 The Midnight Express (Bobby Eaton and Dennis Condrey) vs. #21 Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

Jericho and Benoit were always an efficient if short-loved team in my eyes. Plus, I love the underdog.

Match 3:
#2 The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) vs. #26 D-Generation X (Triple H and X-Pac)

If it was Triple H and HBK this would be a different story, but I cannot allow Sean Waltman to advance any further.

Match 4:
#3 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs. #11 Owen Hart and Yokozuna

I'll go against Shocky and vote for the Hart Foundation. Better team in my opinion.

P.S. Promote being kickass, vote AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. Not now, obviously, but when they come up again.

Styles and Daniels are good, if not great, but they are going up against the Minnesota Wrecking Crew, a team smarter then Daniels and Styles. Styles and Daniels are faster without question and willing to risk themselves, but either one of the Andersons are going to wait for one member of team TNA to screw up, and it's lights out for Styles and Daniels. I like them, I just think they are completely outmatched against the MWC.
Results from the TNA Region

1. #1 Demolition (Ax and Smash) vs. #24 Dusty Rhodes and Dick Slater

Demolition chugs right along. They are finally going to get a decent matchup in the next round, and could be going home.


2. #4 The Brainbusters (Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard) vs. #5 The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)

I'm disapointed, then I am not. I know the Road Warriors are hands down favorites to win this thing. The Brainbusters put in a damn good effort, but in the end the Roadies win with a scare.

Road Warriors

3. #2 Toru Tanaka and Mr. Fuji vs. #7 The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid)

The right choice was made in this match. The Bulldogs are simply too much for the team of Tanaka and Fuji to handle. The Bulldogs are certainly building momentum.


4. #14 The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker) vs. #6 Ricky Steamboat and Jay Youngblood

Well the Brothers of Destruction take down another one. Kane and the Undertaker are probably living on their reputation in this tournament, but it's what the fans want, so it's what they will get.


Round 4 matchups:
Demolition vs. the Road Warriors (Eww, this is a good one right here)
British Bulldogs vs. the Brothers of Destruction (Bulldogs should win, will be interesting.)

Now, onto matches for the 4th round.

I need help. I have picked two gimmick matches that I will for sure have in.

1. Tag Team Elimination Match (Similar to Survivor Series rules)
2. Tornado Tag Team Match (All four men in the ring at one time, first to score a pinfall wins.)

Now that leaves 6 matches for the Spin the Wheel make the Deal round. There are 8 matches, so 8 gimmicks as well. i will listen to any suggestions, but I would like the match to be built moreso for tag team matches instead of singles matches.

Matches that are already going to be used in Round 5
Steel Cage, TLC, Tables, and Ultimate X, so those four matches are taken out of the equation. Let me know some matches.
I need help. I have picked two gimmick matches that I will for sure have in.

1. Tag Team Elimination Match (Similar to Survivor Series rules)
2. Tornado Tag Team Match (All four men in the ring at one time, first to score a pinfall wins.)

Now that leaves 6 matches for the Spin the Wheel make the Deal round. There are 8 matches, so 8 gimmicks as well. i will listen to any suggestions, but I would like the match to be built moreso for tag team matches instead of singles matches.

Matches that are already going to be used in Round 5
Steel Cage, TLC, Tables, and Ultimate X, so those four matches are taken out of the equation. Let me know some matches.

Hey, Taking a shot in the dark here, I don't watch TNA, so i don't quite know if the match has ever been done Tag team, but what about a "King of the Mountain" match? I've never seen or heard of it, but with the KOTM rules, this could make things pretty interesting, don't you think?

Also, I'm going to say Ladder, BUT only if the TLC you already mentioned was under pinfall rules, wich I doubt.
An Ultimate X Match would make more sense. So it's decided, Styles/Daniels vs. MWC in an Ultimate X Match. I don't see any obvious advantage.

EDIT: You already said Ultimate X, didn't you? Never mind.
i just got done watching sting and luger vs the steiners at superbrawl again, I forgot how good of a match that was, well except for the ending. watching sting fly over the ropes on rick was freeking awesome.
Styles and Daniels are good, if not great, but they are going up against the Minnesota Wrecking Crew, a team smarter then Daniels and Styles. Styles and Daniels are faster without question and willing to risk themselves, but either one of the Andersons are going to wait for one member of team TNA to screw up, and it's lights out for Styles and Daniels. I like them, I just think they are completely outmatched against the MWC.

Styles & Daniels are a perfectly intelligent tag team - they seemlessly work together as an efficient, cohesive unit at such a fast pace that no other team can keep up with them. Their double team moves are second to none and they're style, grace and loyalty personified. Easily my pick to win the WCW Region, although they may unfairly fall to a team such as The Dudleys or E & C afterwards, which would be a crime.
Shockey how about a submission match. This would give teams like the MWC a better chance over the new guys. Also would give the Bulldogs a better chance. How funny would it be to see the paint match as that. Two out of three falls would also be great but maybe add a twist like first match is straight up, 2nd a tables match, 3rd submission.
I guess but it might get boring after a while but idk I'd try it
I have been moving so haven't been able to keep up as much as I would like or comment on the matches. The first thing that has jumped out at me is the outpour over Steiners vs ECW. I think RVD is a great wrestler and Sabu can put on a good match but there is no way in Haties anyone can pick them over the Steiners.
I am surprised there has not been more discussion of Warriors against the Horsemen. Here you have probably two of the best 10 tag teams ever and it was a shame they had to meet so early. I chose the Warriors and anyone who knows me knows its Flair and then the horsemen. I chose who was the better team(not by much) instead of who I wanted to win.

On to the matches taken place
WWE region
Midnight Express are the better team, not better wrestlers but the better team.Outsiders over DX( I love HHH) but once again read above. In what I think is the best match of the region in this round (forgive me Prax/Slyfox) I go with the Hart Foundation.
WCW region
MWC over Styles/Daniels I pop for Styles but once again clearly and I mean clearly MWC are the better team.
I think the best fourth rounds matches take place in TNA
Demolition are a very underrated team but the Warriors are clearly better. This is where I think the Horsemen should have met the Warriors. I know the BOD are bad but come on you have to go with the Bulldogs. I'm outta here.
Midnight express
Well onto the much anticipated results to end round 3. Oh the controversy this round has caused.

This set of matches saw the highest turn out yet for this version of the tournament. I wonder if this match beign promoted all over the forums had anythign to do with it. Clearly, we are dealing with two of the better tag teams of the last 20 or so years. Say what you will about current incarnations of said teams, but people used to pay to see these two teams perform in their primes. A close match, but in the end the Steiner Brothers take down Team Extreme, the real team Extreme anyway.


2. #4 The Midnight Express (Dennis Condrey and Bobby Eaton) vs. #21 Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit

I'm shaking my head at the monster that has been created. I don't think Benoit and Jericho are the better team then the Midnight Express, but I guess I am wrong.

M'Night Express

3. #2 The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) vs. #26 D-Generation X (Triple H and X-Pac)

Even with 75% of the vote, I'm ashamed it's not near 100. Triple H was and is a god awful tag team wrestler. The Outsiders maybe the face of tag team wrestling for a 3 year period. The outsiders win, but by not nearly the ammount they should have.


4. #3 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart) vs. #11 Owen Hart and Yokozuna

Woah, a ton of love for the Hart Foundation. Talk about momentum building, 84% of the vote against a team that has Owen Hart on it. This is a strong statement, and I'm beginning to feel that the Hart Foundation may end up being the team to beat in this tourney.

Hart Foundation

So round 4 matches made.
The Steiner Brothers vs. Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho (Realistically, Team Chris should be done here)
The Outsiders vs. the Hart Foundation (For some reason, I really really like this matchup)

Now onto Spin the Wheel Make the Deal far
Falls Count Anywhere
Elimination Match
Tornado Tag Team Match
2 out of 3 Falls...

That leaves 4 more for you to decide or I will decide for you. I need some pretty good one guys, so put the thinking caps on. I'll start up with this round maybe tomorrow, my work schedule is all screwy the rest of the week, so who knows. I'll get it up though.
i would love the idea of demolition vs. lod in a tornado tag match. two big popular muscle teams going at it with all 4 beating on each other. i love that match up. chrisx2 should not and would not ever beat the midnight express. thats the 2nd biggest upset in this tourney.

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