The Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament

Who Will Win the Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament???

  • The British Bulldgos

  • Edge and Christian

Results are only viewable after voting.
Well onto the much anticipated results to end round 3. Oh the controversy this round has caused.

This set of matches saw the highest turn out yet for this version of the tournament. I wonder if this match beign promoted all over the forums had anythign to do with it. Clearly, we are dealing with two of the better tag teams of the last 20 or so years. Say what you will about current incarnations of said teams, but people used to pay to see these two teams perform in their primes. A close match, but in the end the Steiner Brothers take down Team Extreme, the real team Extreme anyway.


I don't want to brag but....

....Wait, yes I do. Where is RVDGurl?

Anyways, good job ladies and gentleman of WZ. You did the right thing, and you did it with integrity.
Anyways, good job ladies and gentleman of WZ. You did the right thing, and you did it with integrity.

Actually, I didn't. What do you expect though, I gladly sell out America's morals, simply because I'm English. I'd gladly wrap a chair in barbed wire and beat Scott Steiner about the head with it.

Just one more comment: Minessota Wrecking Who? Ah yes, clever.
I voted for Yoko & Owen, as someone said earlier Owen cancels Bret, and Yoko would eat Neidheart alive (Literally I think..). But still, no complaints about the Hart Foundation going through.
I don't want to brag but....

....Wait, yes I do. Where is RVDGurl?

Anyways, good job ladies and gentleman of WZ. You did the right thing, and you did it with integrity.

I bow down to the king of the tag tournament -Slyfox! Now we know that when the world ends in the very near future from turmoil and chaos Sly will have his integrity.

Thanks to the 40% of you who voted for the better team! ;)
I'm very sad today ladies and gentlemen. Why you ask? Because Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit beat The Midnight Express. Those of you who know me know that I only use the following term if a wrestler or tag team is so extremely good that you just cannot say it more justly.

The Midnight fucking Express. Lost. To Chris-Cross.

Why? Why? I mean....we're talking about THE MIDNIGHT EXPRESS. Forget the next round, there is no way in hell the Chris' could defeat a team with so much experience, so much dominance, that is the Midnight Express, and thats not even including the damn Cornette factor.

Beautiful Bobby Eaton would be ashamed of all of you. ASHAMED I SAY?
I'm with Xfear here. The fucking Chris's beat one of the GREATEST tag teams of all time? I know it's said but the Midnight FUCKING Express people! Dear lord, is everyone voting under 12 or what?
Just one more comment: Minessota Wrecking Who? Ah yes, clever.
Oh please. Begging for votes for a team? How juvenile. :rolleyes:


I bow down to the king -Slyfox!
Thank you. That's very kind.

Beautiful Bobby Eaton would be ashamed of all of you. ASHAMED I SAY?
I'm not sure that works. My bet is that most of those who voted for Benoit/Jericho don't have a clue who Bobby Eaton is.

Sad really.
*Waits for Round Four to start* Remember to vote for Styles & Daniels against the MWC everyone. Let's be honest, I'm not the one backing the underdog here. :cool:
just a quick update on the tourney. I'll be starting it back up again tomorrow with the Spin the Wheel Make the Deal round. Someone at work decided they wanted to take a vacation the rest of the week in the middle of the week, so shit is shuffled, and I'm not sure of my work schedule the next two days. However, I know I'm back on schedule for updates on Sunday Night, so I plan on getting it going again tomorrow. It may be tomorrow morning, it maybe tomorrow night, I'm not sure yet, and I have a good idea on what matches will be involved. Cool Beans.
Shawn Michaels won it earlier this year. The tournament itself should probably be on page 2 somewhere.

Anyhow, I'm off to work, and I'll get this thing updated later on this evening, and we'll get back on track with this thing.

There looks to be some bad ass matches this round, so I hope discussion is really good.
Even though I'm backing Styles & Daniels (for now), here's just one reason that Edge and Christian should win this entire thing:

If Styles and Daniels beat the MWC I would of lost all hope and faith. If they do ill quit this forum...

Yet another reason to vote for Styles and Daniels. Seriously though, once TNA's finest get through wrecking these Minessota nobodies, it's Edge and Christian that'll be named champions.

EDIT: Do not give into supersmarkism. Do not think that the MWC must be some amazing, historical team just because you've barely heard of them. Do not try and impress the supersmarks by voting for what is, for nostolgia's sake probably, their favourite team. Styles & Daniels are the greatest team born of the new millenium. Do not be mistaken, they are the better team here, and if you have integrity and are unbiased, you will realise that, and send them into the WCW Region Finals.
EDIT: Do not give into supersmarkism. Do not think that the MWC must be some amazing, historical team just because you've barely heard of them. Do not try and impress the supersmarks by voting for what is, for nostolgia's sake probably, their favourite team. Styles & Daniels are the greatest team born of the new millenium. Do not be mistaken, they are the better team here, and if you have integrity and are unbiased, you will realise that, and send them into the WCW Region Finals.

Ummm... If you just said it's not right for people to make others vote for MWC, why should you be aloud to tell others how to vote? Why don't you just vote for whomever you want, eh? I'm pulling for the dudleys myself, but you don't see me flagging that around, do you?
Wait, wait, wait... I was being pretty sarcastic when I said that. Of course it's people's own choice to vote for who they want. Besides, even if I wasn't being sarcastic, what's wrong with promoting the team you want to win? Are there any rules against it? Both Slyfox and RVDGurl did it, I don't see you repremanding them. People take things too seriously on this site, it's pretty hilarious at times, irritating at others.

Edit: Oh yea, and the Dudleys suck. That's right, I went there. Come get me America. :cool:
Alright Back on Track. Welcome to Round 4: Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal.

I have come up with seven gimmick matches, and one lucky match will be just a regular wrestling match. These matches are selected at random for each of the matchups.

The first Two Matches take place in the Georgia Dome in the WCW Region, and the 2nd two matches take place inside of the Impact Zone, in the TNA Region, and are performed in the six sided ring.

#1: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and Gene Anderson) vs. #13 AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

Match Stipulation: Regular Wrestling Match

Match 2:
#10 The Hardy Boys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs. #3 Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)

Match Stipulation: 2 out of 3 Falls
The First Team to Secure two victories will be the winner.

Match 3:
#1 Demolition (Ax and Smash) vs. #5 The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)

Match Stipulation: 30 Minute Iron Man Match
The Team to secure the most victories in a half an hour is the winner.

Match 4:
#7 The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid) vs. #14 The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker)

Match Stipulation: Elimination Match
Combatants are eliminated one by one until there team is eliminated. The first team to lose both team members is the loser.​

The Poll is now Open, it will close on Tuesday August 14th at 6pm ET.
#1: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and Gene Anderson) vs. #13 AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

Match Stipulation: Regular Wrestling Match​

Winners: I still think Styles/Daniels are the better team in every aspect except perhaps size and strength. They're too cutting edge for the MWC to control and predict, and that is why they should win.

Match 2:
#10 The Hardy Boys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs. #3 Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)

Match Stipulation: 2 out of 3 Falls
The First Team to Secure two victories will be the winner.

Winners: Other than the fact that Harlem Heat being the overall superior team, they easily have the better endurance and mentality to control this one throughout.

Match 3:
#1 Demolition (Ax and Smash) vs. #5 The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)

Match Stipulation: 30 Minute Iron Man Match
The Team to secure the most victories in a half an hour is the winner.

Winners: This is a very hard one. To me, these teams are equals, but to me The Road Warriors just about have the edge in a 30 minute iron man match.

Match 4:
#7 The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid) vs. #14 The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker)

Match Stipulation: Elimination Match
Combatants are eliminated one by one until there team is eliminated. The first team to lose both team members is the loser.

Winners: Both teams are made up of two individual wrestlers. The difference being that the Bulldogs have the teamwork and technical skill neccesary to pick apart BOD one at a time.​
#1: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and Gene Anderson) vs. #13 AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

Match Stipulation: Regular Wrestling Match​

Winners: I enjoy watching Styles and Daniels, but, and I know this is the IWC and I'm in the minority, Daniels is terribly over rated. Styles is great all around, but I never have considered Daniels a great wrestler. I find his Fallen Angel gimmick to be very boring, and glad to be rid of it. He just doesn't impress me. I think the Wrecking Crew takes this one, but probably barely.

Match 2:
#10 The Hardy Boys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs. #3 Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray)

Match Stipulation: 2 out of 3 Falls
The First Team to Secure two victories will be the winner.

Winners: Harlem Heat. Do I need to go into detail? This isn't a match heavy on spots, this doesn't involve a ladder, this doesn't involve dancing around the ring with Kool-Aid still dripping from ones hair. this is a match that involves endurance and intelligence to win. Booker T is a league above either of the Hardys, by a mile at that. Stevie Ray I would probably hold in higher regard then a Jeff spot monkey Hardy boy. Harlem Heat should win this match with two straight falls.

Match 3:
#1 Demolition (Ax and Smash) vs. #5 The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)

Match Stipulation: 30 Minute Iron Man Match
The Team to secure the most victories in a half an hour is the winner.

Winners: The Road Warriors. Hmm, where to begin. They get pissed at Demolition because they think Demolition stole their gimmick. When in fact, the Road Warriors stole their gimmick from a movie with the same name, yet, I don't hear Mel Gibson bitching 20 years later that those guys stole my shoulder pads. Honestly, the Road Warriors are a gimmick, and no better then Hulk Hogan in the ring. They have next to zero in ring talent at all. They made there reputation beating up a bunch of jobbers because they were bigger then them. Demolition is the better team, Demolition are the better wrestlers, and Demolition should win this match.

Match 4:
#7 The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid) vs. #14 The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker)

Match Stipulation: Elimination Match
Combatants are eliminated one by one until there team is eliminated. The first team to lose both team members is the loser.

Winners: I think this is the second tournament in a row we have seen the Undertaker vs. Dynamite, and this time they brought back up. Interesting matchup here, but I honestly think the Bulldogs are going to take it. They isolate Kane, making it a one on one matchup. I think the duo of Dynamite and the Bulldog can either make the Undertaker get himself disqualified, or wear him down enough to get the pinfall.​
#1 The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Gene and Ole Anderson) vs. #13 AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels
Just as Shockmaster thinks Daniels is overrated, I belive that the Anndersins at leats Gene is overrated. Someone showed me some matches of his and they were just bad. Seen one match with him seen them all and as far as it goes I think i would rather watch Steve Blackman in a Karaoke contest. ole is good but really he cant carry it here

#10 The Hardy Boys (Matt and Jeff Hardy) vs. #3 Harlem Heat (Booker T and Stevie Ray) HH are one of the nest ever they win nuff said

#1 Demolition (Ax and Smash) vs. #5 The Road Warriors (Hawk and Animal)
Coin flip here and Demoltion gets it

#7 The British Bulldogs (Davey Boy Smith and the Dynamite Kid) vs. #14 The Brothers of Destruction (Kane and the Undertaker)
Here I have to disagree with people. In any other match the Bulldogs win but in an elmination I have to go with BOD. BOD are 2 vicious mofos who I could see be willing to cause injuries even at the cost of a DQ leaving 2 injured Bulldogs to face a full strength Taker. As much as I hate to say it and I really hope that people vot enot on logic in this one but on who is the best tag team as I am.
BOD should win but I have to vote Bulldiogs
#1: The Minnesota Wrecking Crew (Ole and Gene Anderson) vs. #13 AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels

Match Stipulation: Regular Wrestling Match​

Winners: I enjoy watching Styles and Daniels, but, and I know this is the IWC and I'm in the minority, Daniels is terribly over rated. Styles is great all around, but I never have considered Daniels a great wrestler. I find his Fallen Angel gimmick to be very boring, and glad to be rid of it. He just doesn't impress me. I think the Wrecking Crew takes this one, but probably barely.

While I agree Daniels is overrated and not as talented as Styles, when working together the two's tag team moves and general teamwork more than makes up for Daniels' weaknesses. Where the hell are the TNA fanboys to back me up?
Daniels may be over rated, but he's still not bad. And more so in tag teams, it's more about how good the chemistry is. You can't deny these guys are/were a great tag team in TNA. Like Mr.Sam said, their teamwork makes for Daniels.
Spin the Wheel make the Deal continues on...

The Following matches take place in the WWE and ECW Regions. Extreme rules are forfeited in the ECW environment, and matches take place under that matches Stipulation.

WWE Region: Madison Square Garden
Match 1:
#1: The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) vs. #21 Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Match Stipulation: Sadistic Madness Match.
Rules of the Match: A person is not eligible to be pinned unless they are bleeding. Then, and only then, can a pinfall be attempted on that wrestler. If a wrestler is not bleeding, they are not eligible for pinfalls or submissions.

Match 2:
#2 The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) vs. #3 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart)

Match Stipulation: Falls Count Anywhere
Rules of the Match: The Match starts in the ring, and a pinfall or submission can be performed anywhere from that point on. However, this is not a no DQ match, and use of weapons is illegal.

ECW Region: ECW Arena
Match 3:
#1 The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley) vs. #13 Sting and Lex Luger

Match Stipulation: Texas Tornado Match
Rules of the Match: All four wrestlers are legal in the ring at all times. No tags in this match. However, this is not a no DQ match, so use of weapons is illegal in this matchup.

Match 4:
#7 Edge and Christian vs. #3 Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and I.R.S.)

Match Stipulation: Submission Match
The First team to make either one of their opponents, say I quit, submit, or pass out will be declared the winner.

The Poll is now open, it will close on Wednesday August 15th at 6pm ET.
Match 1:
#1: The Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) vs. #21 Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho

Match Stipulation: Sadistic Madness Match.
Rules of the Match: A person is not eligible to be pinned unless they are bleeding. Then, and only then, can a pinfall be attempted on that wrestler. If a wrestler is not bleeding, they are not eligible for pinfalls or submissions.

Winners: Being back at MSG might make Benoit emotional, but I doubt it'd hype him up enough to carry Jericho to victory against an actual team. Still, crazier things have happened in this tournament.

Match 2:
#2 The Outsiders (Scott Hall and Kevin Nash) vs. #3 The Hart Foundation (Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart)

Match Stipulation: Falls Count Anywhere
Rules of the Match: The Match starts in the ring, and a pinfall or submission can be performed anywhere from that point on. However, this is not a no DQ match, and use of weapons is illegal.

Winners: The DQ-enabled "stipulation" made me stop and think, but I still think falls count anywhere (which must disable rope break, no?) would give the originators of the nWo the edge in this one.

ECW Region: ECW Arena
Match 3:
#1 The Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley) vs. #13 Sting and Lex Luger

Match Stipulation: Texas Tornado Match
Rules of the Match: All four wrestlers are legal in the ring at all times. No tags in this match. However, this is not a no DQ match, so use of weapons is illegal in this matchup.

Winners: I was brutally honest here. With no extreme rules 3D have no way to hide their severe lack of talent and their "right place, right time" careers will become worthless once they're lying at Sting and Lugers feet. The Dudleys will win the vote, I'm sure, but they don't deserve to.

Match 4:
#7 Edge and Christian vs. #3 Money Inc. (Ted DiBiase and I.R.S.)

Match Stipulation: Submission Match
The First team to make either one of their opponents, say I quit, submit, or pass out will be declared the winner.

Winners: E & C might not be the best ring technicians, but they have enough talent to stop this stipulation getting in the way of their inevitable victory.​

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