The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament

How should we pick partners?

  • Out of a hat.

  • Pick our own.

  • Who cares?

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16 son.

Someone needs to brush up on those math skills :p

I'd lost track on the amount of people...Get over yourself, for Christ's sake. Where do people like you get off finding flaws in a teenager's posts?? Does that elevate you on your self-made pedastal? Do you get a high off of doing it? Or, is it to imply the following two words which should be aimed squarely into your black heart: fuck you! You've completely humiliated me. I feel apprehensive about showing my face in public now...I hope you find some shred of dignity in what you've done, so that you can hold your head high while I feel like total crap.

I look forward to teaming with you.
With Random, everyone has this possible downside. I wanna do it this way for a reason. If you pick teams, all the popular people will be together and blow away all the other less popular people (kinda what a regular tourny should be), I'm doing this so the less popular people at least have a chance to make it to the finals, maybe even win. Plus, the whole element of surprise...

Derf, honestly and seriously. I've likely lost people's respect just for my ranting on being NorCal's partner. Fuck, thats anything BUT what I was trying to accomplish. The whole point of ALLLLLLL of my ranting, was to point out in debate, why finding your own partner is better than random.

If it must be (and I think obviously was from the start) random, then so be it. I'll love dragging whoever I get paired up with down, because people now think of me as conceited, cocky and an arrogant ass. Congrats to me, I am officially the new Edge of WZ. I just need to find someone's girlfriend to f*ck and it'll be complete. :lmao:

Honestly though.. I do NOT see myself as great. But I do see my posts as having quality. I wouldn't continue to write as much as I do, or as vast as I do, if I didn't think people didn't enjoy reading them. I know some don't, but a lot do. Thats why I see myself as a good poster, because its all I've heard from everyone. So what more should I believe?

And the WHOLE point of this tournament is to have fun. Fun will be had. I just wanted to in-detail, state my case as to why I wanted NorCal as my partner. So honestly, openly, and completely.. I apologize if anyone seen me as an ass. (minus Wes, who knows I truly am one lol)
I'd lost track on the amount of people...Get over yourself, for Christ's sake. Where do people like you get off finding flaws in a teenager's posts?? Does that elevate you on your self-made pedastal? Do you get a high off of doing it? Or, is it to imply the following two words which should be aimed squarely into your black heart: fuck you! You've completely humiliated me. I feel apprehensive about showing my face in public now...I hope you find some shred of dignity in what you've done, so that you can hold your head high while I feel like total crap.

I look forward to teaming with you.


for whatever reason I see myself and DS ending up getting teamed together LOL

I can fill in for Will pretty well! Assuming that Will dresses like the general age of his victims, then I can pass off as a pretty good Will.

Umm...I can have an e-wedding too, with a 6 year old! (9 years difference, keeping it old-school.)
I can fill in for Will pretty well! Assuming that Will dresses like the general age of his victims, then I can pass off as a pretty good Will.

Are you even old enough to grow hair on your body yet? Until you reach that level, you are no me. :lmao: :p

Umm...I can have an e-wedding too, with a 6 year old! (9 years difference, keeping it old-school.)

Go 9 years up from your age, I've done the reverse as well, especially when I was your age. 18 (me) 28 (her)

Y2JakeJonny B

Eternal Dragon

Slim Pickn's
Mr Collins
Free even though he's prolly dead

Brian Becker
That's just off the top of my head.

The bolded people have NOT signed up, and since theres more than 4, I don't know who to pick, and I don't wanna kick anyone out.
Completely inappropriate time to bring this up, but why do you have a Canadian avatar Will? Did I miss something?

:lmao: I've had it since day one of me joining. Its because I love Canada for the most part. I've always wanted to live there, visit there and be from there.

Not to mention Edge is from Canada.
The bolded people have NOT signed up, and since theres more than 4, I don't know who to pick, and I don't wanna kick anyone out.

Meh, I still say doing it like the single poster tourney would work better.

Just pick all the regulars until you get an even number.
I can name additionals - Jake, Ech, Justin, Xfear, Papa Shango, Luther, Free. And Marty2Hotty's not on the list, nor is Disco...see that you keep it like this
Meh, I still say doing it like the single poster tourney would work better.

Just pick all the regulars until you get an even number.

Ok, this is what I'm gonna do. All those people that you just named, I'm adding them all, even passed 32. And then to make it even, I have to add one more poster, and Colamania has requested (via MSN) that he would like to be in it as well. So now that we got our people, I'm gonna do the name drawing Right Now!

EDIT: I forgot about Shango lol Colas out, Shangos in.
IC25 won the other tourney, he should have the privilege of picking a partner.

To demolish all of us with :lmao:

Honestly, thats a damn good idea. Not the demolishing part, but Irish was the sole winner of the only other WZ Tourney. (to most of our knowledge, the only other tourney) So Irish SHOULD get the right to choose his own Partner.

If thats allowed. We could do it 2 ways.

1. Derf still randomly draws Irish and ???, if Irish doesn't want this special reward for winning the other.

2. If Irish takes the offer and accepts (most likely Polley) then whoever drew Irish's name can be paired with whoever drew Polley's name.
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