The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament

How should we pick partners?

  • Out of a hat.

  • Pick our own.

  • Who cares?

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did I, Mighty NorCal say there should be NO super teams?? I dont not belive so. And im not the one running around saying im so great, thats will's opinion of ME. Maybe I dont feel that we would be a said "superteam" since I dont think that highly of myself??
did I, Mighty NorCal say there should be NO super teams?? I dont not belive so. And im not the one running around saying im so great, thats will's opinion of ME. Maybe I dont feel that we would be a said "superteam" since I dont think that highly of myself??

Will does:)

hahaha. I just think it's fair that it's random. Gives some more unknowns to make a name for themselves. if you and Will think your the Undisputed Tag Team Champs, I doubt being teamed together would prove it, as you'd only call "UPSET!" if you ever did lose. And we all know this is gonna be popularity, not skills, so people would vote against you just to prove you wrong for the "Santino-ing".

Prove me wrong, you know how we all think, and it's true.
Meh, you could probably do it on bracket maker. Much easier.

Naw, I'm gonna do it this way. I'll even make a bracket up on Paintbrush, keep the teams on it, and even use it as a sig, keeping it updated as the tourny goes along. I'm simple:)
So you say you and NorCal are probably two of the bes posters here?

I didn't :p

I won't argue that fact


but I will hit you with a bit of logic. You say that you don't wanna see a Super Team of Jonny/Jake or Jonny/Shocky, because they will win in a clean sweep, however, here you stand sayingyou and him should also win in a clean sweep. By your logic, isn't that contradicting?

First, you were the one who didn't wanna see a "SuperPower Team of Jonny/Jake" combine. I have no problem with it, however I merely know first hand that if that happens the voting will be favored for who everyone likes, as opposed to the purpose to begin with.

Second, I NEVER said NorCal and I would clean sweep this thing. I said its a very arguable point that you'd be incredibly hard pressed to find any two other posters to match up with what we bring to the table.

SuperPowers we AREN'T. But two of the best overall posters, we are. (Overall being every section practically in the forum, with logic, debate and great points had all around)

If you and NorCal really are two of the best, why would you be afraid of another super team in this thing? You got a bad arguement here.

No argument to be had. You know who could greatly challenge us? Slyfox & Shockey combined. Why? Because both of them equally know their shit and talk a great game. Both of them were very dominate on this forum when even "I" came on.

Outside of that, roughly noone else combined is as overall rounded as NorCal & I. Serious, I know I'm sounding conceited and cocky.. I'm honestly sorry, but whats wrong with me saying what everyone else has been for the previous several monthes?

And the jealousy thing? No offence, but i don't feel jealous of you guys being the best, as there are plenty of other people better/just as good as you two are.

Without a doubt I agree with this whole-heartedly.

Shockey, Sly, Irish.. to name a few, are ALL FAR SUPERIOR to me. That not withstanding, is not to say I am not on a class level of my own. Nor to say NorCal isn't on the same said level.

I wasn't saying jealousy would be had, because I felt better than anyone. I said Jealousy would be had, because I'm currently being seen by some as "cocky" when I'm merely stating and debating heavily my case in point for why NorCal & I should be allowed the chance to shine as the rightful team that we are.

The only jealousy that would spark from this, is because of my attitude and cocky nature toward the subject. People can view me as they wish, good poster, bad poster, great poster, poor poster. I am what I am.

Don't get me wrong, your an amazing poster, both of you. But as NorCal said, you both sound like Santino, and as much as a decent guy on the mic as he is, we all just laugh at what he says, not taking any of it seriously.

See, the fact is random pairings, picking your own partner, it doesn't matter. I've stated my case.. its been ignored. It never had a chance to begin with, because too many unknowns want an overall fair shot. And thats PERFECTLY fine by me.

But I gotta be honest, the bolded part almost slightly offended me, if for no other reason than I'm not honestly joking. Sure, I'm adding tons of drama to the mix. I'm selling the shit outta NorCal & I being a World Famous team.. but the truth is, I'm not joking.

We aren't perfect, never claimed we were. (not seriously, anyways) We aren't the top of the mountain. But hands down, we ARE (like it or not) two damn good overall posters on this forum.. and to circle all the way to the beginning, the argument is being had on whether or not any two others could match us, for all that we bring to the table.

Like I said.. Shockey, Irish, Slyfox, to name a few.. all of which "I" believe to be far superior to me. None of them talk attitude like I do, with trying to say they are all that they know they are though.. thats what makes me stand out. I'll tell you how great I am, when I know what I am. :p
What's with all the fussin' and the feudin'?

You guys could still get paired together. Just beware of the unbound awesomeness of the...

Downward Spiral and Dewey Cox superteam!!!!!

The dark horses IMO. I can insult more countries, and DC can create more accounts!!! Think of the votes....
erm actually I doubt a lot of voters would do that. Will and I seem to be fairly well respected by everyone besides you it seems

Wowowowowowoooo.... Hold it right there. I wanna make somthing clear. You are well respected by me, and Will is the whole reason I'm the poster I am today, I respect the hell out of him, no questions asked. And if this tourny was based on Skill, yeah, you guys would have a great shot of winning. But it's really "vote for who you wanna see win." And no one wants to see the guys thats complaining win, wether it be you guys, Jake, Jonny, or even Coco. If someones complaining about ANYTHING, saying it should be changed to tgive them an advantage, they'd only get voted against for it. If one of the other Mods was complaining about wanting a certain Tag partner, and constantly politicked his case, he's lose more votes than won. How can you not see that?
Naw, I'm gonna do it this way. I'll even make a bracket up on Paintbrush, keep the teams on it, and even use it as a sig, keeping it updated as the tourny goes along. I'm simple:)

I mean't for the scrambling :glare:

But whatever floats your boat.
and if seprating the mods and regulars will REALLY stop superteams from forming...ahem lets us peer at the group of regulars that could team with mods...

Downward Spiral
Mighty NorCal

and some others that are escaping me right a Slyfox-Shocky team wouldnt be a juggernaught?? Me and IC wouldnt be a powerhouse?? Its bound to happen regardless, so why not just let us have our team....
Its not that I think it would give us such an advantage...Will is my friend, and we really are something of a team...and the closest thing to a team on this I want us to be a team...thats all LOL
I doubt being teamed together would prove it, as you'd only call "UPSET!" if you ever did lose.

If NorCal and I faced any of the aformentioned names I dropped earlier, I would greatfully accept defeat if we indeed lost. Because I know I'm not better than them.

But like I said earlier. If we paired up, then lost to n00b 1 and n00b 2, clearly it'd be one sided and only because people wanted to vote against me for running my mouth.

And we all know this is gonna be popularity, not skills, so people would vote against you just to prove you wrong for the "Santino-ing".

Prove me wrong, you know how we all think, and it's true.

Then why not just let us pick our own Partners? If its going to be popularity regardless, then it might as well give each of us our own chance. I'd rather pick my partner and lose, KNOWING I picked someone I felt I had the best chance with.. then randomly get stuck with (no offense) Leore, and have his anchored ass drag me under.

You wanna make the tournament FAR more interesting.. make people debate on why they should win. Make people debate on WHAT makes them the better team.

Make sure people DO NOT vote for their favorite, so much as why should get the victory over debating on why they are the better team.
I didn't :p


First, you were the one who didn't wanna see a "SuperPower Team of Jonny/Jake" combine. I have no problem with it, however I merely know first hand that if that happens the voting will be favored for who everyone likes, as opposed to the purpose to begin with.

Second, I NEVER said NorCal and I would clean sweep this thing. I said its a very arguable point that you'd be incredibly hard pressed to find any two other posters to match up with what we bring to the table.

SuperPowers we AREN'T. But two of the best overall posters, we are. (Overall being every section practically in the forum, with logic, debate and great points had all around)

No argument to be had. You know who could greatly challenge us? Slyfox & Shockey combined. Why? Because both of them equally know their shit and talk a great game. Both of them were very dominate on this forum when even "I" came on.

Outside of that, roughly noone else combined is as overall rounded as NorCal & I. Serious, I know I'm sounding conceited and cocky.. I'm honestly sorry, but whats wrong with me saying what everyone else has been for the previous several monthes?

Without a doubt I agree with this whole-heartedly.

Shockey, Sly, Irish.. to name a few, are ALL FAR SUPERIOR to me. That not withstanding, is not to say I am not on a class level of my own. Nor to say NorCal isn't on the same said level.

I wasn't saying jealousy would be had, because I felt better than anyone. I said Jealousy would be had, because I'm currently being seen by some as "cocky" when I'm merely stating and debating heavily my case in point for why NorCal & I should be allowed the chance to shine as the rightful team that we are.

The only jealousy that would spark from this, is because of my attitude and cocky nature toward the subject. People can view me as they wish, good poster, bad poster, great poster, poor poster. I am what I am.

See, the fact is random pairings, picking your own partner, it doesn't matter. I've stated my case.. its been ignored. It never had a chance to begin with, because too many unknowns want an overall fair shot. And thats PERFECTLY fine by me.

But I gotta be honest, the bolded part almost slightly offended me, if for no other reason than I'm not honestly joking. Sure, I'm adding tons of drama to the mix. I'm selling the shit outta NorCal & I being a World Famous team.. but the truth is, I'm not joking.

We aren't perfect, never claimed we were. (not seriously, anyways) We aren't the top of the mountain. But hands down, we ARE (like it or not) two damn good overall posters on this forum.. and to circle all the way to the beginning, the argument is being had on whether or not any two others could match us, for all that we bring to the table.

Like I said.. Shockey, Irish, Slyfox, to name a few.. all of which "I" believe to be far superior to me. None of them talk attitude like I do, with trying to say they are all that they know they are though.. thats what makes me stand out. I'll tell you how great I am, when I know what I am. :p

I don't wanna debate anymore, my head hurts. I "e-tap out". Your good posters, thats been made clear, and I, along with almost everyone agrees. Look, this isn't supposed to be serious, think what you want about yourselfes, I agree with what you said, cocky or not. But this tourny isn't supposed to be serious, hell, nothing in the Bar Room should be taken as serious. This whole thing is to just get people talking in the Bar Room again, and I think it might actually be working a little bit. So thats a good thing, we've created discussion again! So lets be less serious, try to find 5 more people to sign up so we can make teams and get that darkhorse past us.
But like I said earlier. If we paired up, then lost to n00b 1 and n00b 2, clearly it'd be one sided and only because people wanted to vote against me for running my mouth.

So....Erm....Are you saying the more a certain person runs their mouth, the more their likely to be voted off?

I feel bad for my partner and I then.
Then why not just let us pick our own Partners? If its going to be popularity regardless, then it might as well give each of us our own chance. I'd rather pick my partner and lose, KNOWING I picked someone I felt I had the best chance with.. then randomly get stuck with (no offense) Leore, and have his anchored ass drag me under.

With Random, everyone has this possible downside. I wanna do it this way for a reason. If you pick teams, all the popular people will be together and blow away all the other less popular people (kinda what a regular tourny should be), I'm doing this so the less popular people at least have a chance to make it to the finals, maybe even win. Plus, the whole element of surprise...
just grab 5 fuckin random names and lets DO DIS. since your all about the randomness :rolleyes:

I'm going for a tattoo later today, it should be a few hours. When I get back, I'll pick whatever currently active admins/mods are left, and possibly a few others, and go from there. Why don't you try to find a poster that hasn't signed up and recruit them?

Jonny B
Eternal Dragon
Slim Pickn's
Mr Collins
Free even though he's prolly dead
Brian Becker

That's just off the top of my head.
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