The WrestleZone Posters Tag Team Tournament

How should we pick partners?

  • Out of a hat.

  • Pick our own.

  • Who cares?

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you should really run for president because that motivated the hell outta me for the pick your own partner choice.
you should really run for president because that motivated the hell outta me for the pick your own partner choice.

I tried once. They asked if I'd cut outlandishly stupid promos and use out-dated and overphrased wrestling quotes. When I told them I was smart enough to think up something for myself.. they said I was too over qualified.
Really, I dont understand why if certain people have other members in mind, why they shouldnt be able to be a team if they WANT to. if everyone else wants random, then fuckin give em random. Will and I, and Polley and IC, want to be teamed up. why not let us??? I mean if everyone else sees that as not fair, then fine, but I havent seen a good argument to NOT ALLOW us to be a team if we WANT to be...
and we are even valid in wanting to be a team, because we generally agree on most posts, and back each other up a lot, and a lot of times it isnt even purposely.
Really, I dont understand why if certain people have other members in mind, why they shouldnt be able to be a team if they WANT to. if everyone else wants random, then fuckin give em random. Will and I, and Polley and IC, want to be teamed up. why not let us??? I mean if everyone else sees that as not fair, then fine, but I havent seen a good argument to NOT ALLOW us to be a team if we WANT to be...

The only logical argument is fan favorites being paired as "Super Powers." If this turns into a WZ Tournament of sorts, it'll be by popular vote instead of logical choice.

So if a team such as Jonny/Jake, or Jake/Shockey pair up.. noone would defeat them as they're the single biggest names on this forum. Jonny/Jake especially.

Overall, I think people will miss the concept of this idea, this tournament. The tournament question being asked is.. "Who is the best duo, to post on the forum." However many will see this as "Who is your favorite combined posters?"

So if say for example Irish & NorCal were to take on Justin & Wes.. naturally Justin & Wes might very well blow that one away. NOT, however, because they're the better overall forum posters. But because they're more popularly known to the entire board than Irish & NorCal.
How to make a respected member leave WZ: Pair them up with Dewey Cox in the WZ Tag Team Tournament...

I can honestly see this happening to Mighty NorCal if he doesn't get his way. The Gods will be displeased with him on the day of selection.
How to make a respected member leave WZ: Pair them up with Dewey Cox in the WZ Tag Team Tournament...

I can honestly see this happening to Mighty NorCal if he doesn't get his way. The Gods will be displeased with him on the day of selection.

NorCal would carry the SHIT out of Leore! They'd make it to the Semis off NorCal's massive wrestling posts alone.
LOL why would I draw the gods displeasure....

and that would undeniabley be the story of the tournament...NorCal carrying a lame duck partner through a series of Handi cap matches....An underdog story for the ages
Ok, heres what I'm gonna do, when do draw names, I'll have to hats. One with mods/admins, and one with everyone else. I'll draw one mod/admin and one other poster to start, and once all of one are done, then I'll draw only from the other. That way, we have no superteams. And Will and NorCal still have a chance. Just a message for you two though, your complaining about being the Ultimate team and whining so much, that if you do gewt teamed together, people might just vote fpor the other team just to prove you wrong:)

And sorry Moneky mania, I took people from both this thread and the "Idea" thread, sisn't see I had you twice.

EDIT: Since so many people are asking "How does this work?", I'm updating the first post of this thread with the rules ASAP.
Just a message for you two though, your complaining about being the Ultimate team and whining so much, that if you do gewt teamed together, people might just vote fpor the other team just to prove you wrong:)

Win, Lose or Draw.. it wouldn't prove nothing to me.

I'm not bragging about being the absolute greatest thing since sliced bread to hit this forum. I'm not boasting about being the end all be all to overall poster. But I'm also not being arrogant, or cocky.

I made a name for myself posting in every section (practically) on this forum. NorCal did much the very same thing. It is highly arguable that there is NOT another duo or pair that could match us.. for being the very best overall posters.

Fan wise. People know me, but if they vote against me just to "prove me wrong" it won't infact prove anything. I don't mean to sound cocky with it, which I know it'll come off sounding.. but seriously.. if NorCal & Will lose to n00b 1 and n00b 2.. it'll prove 2 things.

1. Fluke win because people wanted to 'prove us wrong.'


*Wishes he knew what in the blue fuck was going on*

Wes, it's like the Posters Tournament awhile back that Luther started, exept this is for Tag Teams. Once I get everyone signed up (5 spots left) I'm gonna decide whos teamed with who by drawing names outta a hat (as thats currently whats winning in the poll). Once the teams are made up, I'll post em, and it'll be a tournament, judst like the other one. Simple really.
Wes, it's like the Posters Tournament awhile back that Luther started, exept this is for Tag Teams. Once I get everyone signed up (5 spots left) I'm gonna decide whos teamed with who by drawing names outta a hat (as thats currently whats winning in the poll). Once the teams are made up, I'll post em, and it'll be a tournament, judst like the other one. Simple really.

COLOSSAL FAILURE! :lmao: Just sayin'

Random pairings does nothing to prove who the best "duo" is. Random pairings only shows us what could happen in the event that wildcards emerge. People might very well get paired up with people they hate.

Justin or Wes/Xfear

The only reason randomness was even considered an option, is because even with non-mods finding partners.. it doesn't give no-names a chance to shine. This is the biggest misuse of riding coat-tails I've EVER SEEN!

You watch.. Jake & Dewey Cox will win the whole thing. Why? Well it certainly won't be because Cox = Posting God, thats for damn sure.
Win, Lose or Draw.. it wouldn't prove nothing to me.

I'm not bragging about being the absolute greatest thing since sliced bread to hit this forum. I'm not boasting about being the end all be all to overall poster. But I'm also not being arrogant, or cocky.

I made a name for myself posting in every section (practically) on this forum. NorCal did much the very same thing. It is highly arguable that there is NOT another duo or pair that could match us.. for being the very best overall posters.

Fan wise. People know me, but if they vote against me just to "prove me wrong" it won't infact prove anything. I don't mean to sound cocky with it, which I know it'll come off sounding.. but seriously.. if NorCal & Will lose to n00b 1 and n00b 2.. it'll prove 2 things.

1. Fluke win because people wanted to 'prove us wrong.'



So you say you and NorCal are probably two of the bes posters here? I won't argue that fact, but I will hit you with a bit of logic. You say that you don't wanna see a Super Team of Jonny/Jake or Jonny/Shocky, because they will win in a clean sweep, however, here you stand sayingyou and him should also win in a clean sweep. By your logic, isn't that contradicting? If you and NorCal really are two of the best, why would you be afraid of another super team in this thing? You got a bad arguement here.

And the jealousy thing? No offence, but i don't feel jealous of you guys being the best, as there are plenty of other people better/just as good as you two are. Don't get me wrong, your an amazing poster, both of you. But as NorCal said, you both sound like Santino, and as much as a decent guy on the mic as he is, we all just laugh at what he says, not taking any of it seriously.
BTW a hat as in a hat? Why not just use those scramblers on the I Net?

I have a feeling that is I do it any other way, people will complain, possibly acuse me of cheating. And I might not use a hat, it could be a bucket or somthing. But I'm gonna record the whole thing via webcam, post that video on Youtube, and then post it right here, so that anyone that thinks I cheated knows otherwise.
Well now. That was just a tad uneccessary with all the uglyness there....

Sorry for being ugly... Just getting my point out there. If you don't want other super teams around, why claim you guys ARE one? It goes against the arguement that we shouldn't have superteams.

EDIT: I was just looking at who DID sign up, and it seems that Jake and Ech still havn't signed up. Anyone wanna reach out to em and ask if their interested? I don't wanna do this the Luther way where I just think of everyone, I want them to sign up, cause the other way people got left out, while some people that were in didn't deserve it, or wern't even around anymore.
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