The Wrestlemania Live Discussion - Come Join the Party!

I've always said I'd love Shawn's last match to be Triple H. Jericho a distant second, but I'm not a fan of anyone else. Although to be fair, The Undertaker was a very good competitor as a final match for him.
That's the same thing that I will also like to see for HBK's final match, HBK vs HHH next year wrestlemania. Could it happen.
Last night pretty much proved to me that I have zero respect for Hogan and Flair, and that pains me.
Come on Shocky, that's not fair man. Ric Flair, like it or not, is broke as fuck and needs money. Wrestling is the only job he's ever known, what the hell else is he supposed to do for money? He has to eat just like me and you. And Hogan's never claimed to be retired, though he obviously should be.
And how many millions of dollars has the man pissed away? Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan have literally made more money then anyone else in the history of the business, but they continued to live like college Frat boys and simply never grew up. HBK was down that same path and had that wake up call.
No Flair has just had all of his money sucked away because he keeps marrying bimbos who keep divorcing him and taking a shitload of his money while he pays millions to lawyers after lawyer.

Yeah, maybe he should have saved better. But he didn't. Can't blame the guy for working so he can have money to live on.
Ok, so Flair has no money. Why should I have to see his sagging man boobs on TV every week as punishment for him never being able to stay married?
Ok, so Flair has no money. Why should I have to see his sagging man boobs on TV every week as punishment for him never being able to stay married?

"Punishment"? Only a wrestling fan would say that, truly. You aren't legally obligated to watch TNA KB. You choose to. If you don't like what you see, don't tune in, pretty simple. What an absurd thing to say.
Ric Flair should probably try to not marry women half his age based solely on looks. Look, I'm not saying I know what Ric Flair is thinking, but if he found a nice lady his age instead of trying to find trophy fucks, he'd be in a lot better shape then he is in now.

Watching Michaels bow out last night made me fucking angry as all hell that Ric Flair would piss his send off away from just 2 years ago. Ric Flair meant nothing to the WWE, but they still made him a fucking king and paid proper respect to his over all career.

Ric Flair is just a cheap ****e. Hogan came along with a pay check, and he jumped on it.
Come on Shocky, that's not fair man. Ric Flair, like it or not, is broke as fuck and needs money. Wrestling is the only job he's ever known, what the hell else is he supposed to do for money? He has to eat just like me and you. And Hogan's never claimed to be retired, though he obviously should be.

He's a retired wrestler, who has a lot of name value.

He can do a lot more than just wrestle.
Yes it is punishment. I spend my time watching that show expecting to be entertained, not to see some old man 20 years past his prime jumping up and down yelling about Hogan like he did in the mid 90s. It's idiotic and a big reason why TNA is falling like it is now.
He's a retired wrestler, who has a lot of name value.

He can do a lot more than just wrestle.

Such as? He wasn't getting paid very well in ROH for the short time he was there, but Hogan was willing to give him a good paycheck to do the Hulkamania tour and come to TNA with him. I highly doubt Ric Flair wanted to get back into the ring.

Further more, if Shawn Michaels is fine with Ric Flair getting back into the ring (and Flair called him up several times to see if he was okay with it), then I don't see why the fuck you guys are pissed at him.

Yes it is punishment. I spend my time watching that show expecting to be entertained, not to see some old man 20 years past his prime jumping up and down yelling about Hogan like he did in the mid 90s. It's idiotic and a big reason why TNA is falling like it is now.

Such a stupid statement. Don't like what you see KB? Change the channel. To say that you are being punished would imply that you're being forced against your will to watch this, when that's not the case. You choose to watch it.
Yes I choose to watch it and because of it, I'll be stuck watching Vince dominate things because Flair and TNA are fucking morons.
Flair lost all respect after that Highspots interview he did, he was so classy about the WWE but as soon as he jumped to TNA he's calling them sick for making him retire, watching michaels retire last night shows how much flair pissed on what Shawn and the WWE did for him, pure classless.

And Eko no one told him to go marry a limitless amount of ****es who basically share his damn paycheck, seriously not classy at all
Such as? He wasn't getting paid very well in ROH for the short time he was there, but Hogan was willing to give him a good paycheck to do the Hulkamania tour and come to TNA with him. I highly doubt Ric Flair wanted to get back into the ring.

Further more, if Shawn Michaels is fine with Ric Flair getting back into the ring (and Flair called him up several times to see if he was okay with it), then I don't see why the fuck you guys are pissed at him.

Huh. I would call getting paid around $70,000 by ROH to just do appearances (which he didn't even honor) getting paid very well. Anyone would be happy to make that.

There's a LOT he can do. It doesn't just have to be in the world of wrestling.

Such a stupid statement. Don't like what you see KB? Change the channel. To say that you are being punished would imply that you're being forced against your will to watch this, when that's not the case. You choose to watch it.

To be fair, you always complained during Raw as well. Nobody was forcing you to watch then.

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