WWE Capitol Punishment LD - I Dream of Barack Obama Holding a Press Confrence...

Good main event. I was hoping for an R Truth title reign even if it was just for a night but there's still a chance at some point in the next few months.
I cant even remember the last time i WANTED to pay for a WWE PPV, much less paid for one.

I understand that kids like Cena, and kids make mommy and daddy spend money on Cena merchandise and programs and whatnot.. but it's not a good business plan to alienate your core demographic.. the people that made the last 2 eras profitable dont always want to see Cena win constantly and be champ for a year over younger stars who deserve it (not necc. R-Truth here), and the kids, too, will get tired of seeing the same thing 5 years from now that they see today.
That was pure bs Truth hits him with everything and three finishers Cena kicks out to hit one AA and win the match bullshit, bullshit,BULLSHIT!
Main reason I cant stand Cena.
I cant even remember the last time i WANTED to pay for a WWE PPV, much less paid for one.

I understand that kids like Cena, and kids make mommy and daddy spend money on Cena merchandise and programs and whatnot.. but it's not a good business plan to alienate your core demographic.. the people that made the last 2 eras profitable dont always want to see Cena win constantly and be champ for a year over younger stars who deserve it (not necc. R-Truth here), and the kids, too, will get tired of seeing the same thing 5 years from now that they see today.

then stop fucking watching it, go watch ROH or TNA.
Decent enough PPV, but both of the mains disappointed a bit. Cena/Truth moreso than Orton/Christian, the latter of which was solid, just not as good as they've done before. Stipulations will probably help that, I suppose. Truth/Cena was just kind of there. A two star main event, pretty much, which is kind of sad. I mean, nothing happened. Truth beat up on Cena for about 10 minutes, then Cena did the same comeback we've seen a million times...TV worthy maybe, PPV worthy, not so much.

Felt kind of like a longer episode of Raw with more wrestling, actually. That's not a good thing. Filler PPV with nothing significant occurring. I'll probably forget most of this happened in a year.
Tonight is the night where I officially CANT STAND CENA.
I used to be neutral about him, I didnt hate him and was okay with him.
But c'mon! Tonight just pissed me off.
then stop fucking watching it, go watch ROH or TNA.

Fuck you?

I enjoy other performers in WWE.. I dont enjoy Cena. I dont know where you got the idea that my not liking Cena's character meant that I hated the entire product.. maybe you should learn to read more better?

I dont get a chance to watch RoH, nor do I buy PPVs, and TNA... just.. no. Not until the locker rooms are cleared of all the leftovers, and Hogan, Flair, and Russo are gone, and a quality product is being put out week after week.
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Great opening and middle matches. Ziggler/Kingston, Riley/Miz, Punk/Mysterio, and Orton/Christian. Even Show/ADR had something going for it. Shame R-Truth/Cena couldn't have went on in the middle of the show instead, since it had a bland go.

Shit, I think the crowd may have been more into Swagger/Bourne than the actual Main Event.
Then if you don't like cena don't watch his matches. It's as simple as that. You admited you didnt pay for the PPV so why did you watch the match of a man you hate?
Actually I'm happy with the Cena victory!!
C'mon R-Truth do not deserve a WWE Championship, even Barrett deserved more than him when he had his chance against Orton...

He can be a very good mic talker, but he doesn't scream WWE Champion in any way!!
Sorry guys!

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