The Thunder-Blog

Dave yesterday:
So, I spent the day at the gym and then in bed playing Pokemon Silver.

What about you lovely people?
Dave today:
What a lazy day I had. I went to the gym and then came home to sit on my ass and play Pokemon Silver. The good news is that I beat the Pokemon League on the first effort. The bad news is that I still have 8 badges to win. More free time to be eaten up.
Dave had a productive weekend.
You know how it is when you are off of work. I needed something to consume my time and that welcomed me with open arms.
My weekend was much the same, just lazing about. I used Doctor Who instead of Pokemon, though. Oh and WCW vs. nWo World Tour.

So, Dave, how are things?
Things are OK right now. I've had a little break from here, for the most part, and I'm ready to come back now. Truth is that I just haven't had anything near the same level of free time recently. Still, I'm back now.

What's been up with you?
Not a whole lot. I've figured out what I want to do with my life, I've been doing classes in college, modding the WWE section, and I plan on starting a podcast with my friend Sam tomorrow. Mostly I've just been cruising on through, getting my schoolwork done.
Sounds good, mate. How did you like Doctor Who and Matt Smith in particular?
Sounds good, mate. How did you like Doctor Who and Matt Smith in particular?

I'm LOVING this new series. I last watched "Amy's Choice" and that was amazing! Matt Smith is one of my favorite Doctors out of all that I've seen, just because he's so eccentric. Great stuff.
Check out the awesome Family Guy signature I made. What does everyone think?

It is funnier if you watch Family Guy.
I see you've watched it. Was I the only one who found it funny that Peter's street fighter persona was also Japanese

I'm pretty sure the sequel to your sig has Quagmire in critical after Brian hits him with i-fucked-your-dad

I basically made this signature because of it. What a great joke that was. I didn't notice that Peter's character was Asian too.

I haven't seen any new episodes of Family Guy this season. I just haven't cared enough to watch it.

It's been a long night brothers, a looooooong fucking night.
It's just that time of the year where shit gets stacked on top of shit, which is already stacked on top of shit. I have a club that I'm running, and elections for the executive board are on Thursday and I'm running for president. I should win because I've basically been running the club this semester as our real president is on an internship in New York, but I'm still a little anxious about it.

On top of that, I'm an intramural basketball ref, and the regular season is winding down and the playoffs start Thursday, but today was particularly shit day of work. I showed up five minutes late so my supervisor made me ref all three games, which is a particular pain in the ass since I have shin splints. Actually, it's more of a pain in the shins than the ass. It also doesn't help that the second game ended in a double forfeit due to a fight breaking out, and the last game went into overtime. It also didn't help that the supervisor freaked out on me and my fellow refs for one bad call.

And finally, it's the last few weeks of school, so all the final papers and projects are starting to become urgent. I have a research paper done, though I still need to do the bibliography and citations, but that's no big deal. I also have to write an 8-12 page film paper, produce and record a 10-20 minute radio show for my audio production class, and I have to make a documentary film, which is going to be fun, but really really time consuming.

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