The Thunder-Blog

Oh it will happen at some point. Even if I need to swim there.

A trip will be made. I've told my friends we need to go across the pond in some form sometime in the future.

Well, that is how I see it going down, to be honest. Triple H will roll out Michaels as his helping hand to take down Taker and he will screw Triple H out of the win. Either way, I don't give a shit. This match promises to be the best thing since sliced bread and with Triple H's career not on the line, I can actually enjoy it.

This has the potential to be huge. CENA VS. ROCK IMPLICATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! LAWLER BEATS THE PISS OUT OF COLE!!!
So, people may or may not be wondering why I have not been around for the last couple of days. Most people wont really give a shit but here's the thing. After WrestleMania, I feel as though all of the excitement that I have built up on the Road to WrestleMania is taken from me. Looking forward to next year just seems like a long ass time away and that takes the wind out of my sails something fierce.

Still, I have taken this time to live the good life and see my friends a whole lot more. I went to the pub and clubs more often and then met my ex. So far, that's not going too badly either.

So, sometimes, a week off from this place is the best thing for you. I'm back now though. You may all jubilate now.
If I met my ex in a club or bar, I'd shit the metaphorical bed and, depending how drunk I was, open up a can of verbal whoop ass on her.

Then I'd find the easiest chick and leave with her, attractiveness be damned.
I don't know Doc, I thought they were pretty amusing. I mean, that guy is SUPER RIDICULOUS BRITISH! He sounds like Russel Bran on steroids. Steroids that make you sound super British that is. The dude's also a bit of a whacko as it seems he's making Super Mario fan fiction.
They were funny at points, but jeez, make fun of the dude's content, not his accent.

I wrote a Mario fan fiction once. It involved Wario and Waluigi going into random video game and fiction worlds. I thought it was funny at the time. I dread going back and rereading it. I used to be so bad. Soooo bad...
No they started at his accent first whilst having the most annoying whiny accent himself. He can fuck right off.
I can't help but laugh when someone uses a save state and screams TELEPORT

But yeah, they get kind of dickish when the LPer is actually ya know, good at the game. Their usual material is finding someone LPing a game they're horrible at and just lambasting the shit out of them
So, I spent the day at the gym and then in bed playing Pokemon Silver.

What about you lovely people?
I can't move. move and I feel like throwing up. Drank just short of a carton last night, and the night before I lost count of how much I drank when I was at town.
I haven't been that drunk (or hungover) in a very, very long time. It might be that I have just learned my limits over time but the truth of the matter is that alcohol and a night out for that matter, is becoming far too expensive. Still, get a nice fried breakfast into your stomach. Citrus is my cure. I like Orange juice and oranges when I am hungover.
I paid for one drink the whole weekend. Yesterday I woke up fine as if I hadn't even had one. but this morning both nights attacked me. I think it was because I was drinking nelson county which is a cheap bourban. only $50 a carton where I'm used to Canadian Club Which is $86

I'd kill for an orange juice right now...
So, I spent the day at the gym and then in bed playing Pokemon Silver.

What about you lovely people?
I was too drunk to drive home following drinking with friends celebrating my birthday, so I woke up after crashing at my friends house (20 minutes away), then drove home and showered and all that stuff, then I watched the baseball game and went out for dinner in celebration of my birthday. Now I'm about to go to sleep.
I'm in the midst of finishing up my research paper. It's taken me all day, but it's almost done. One research paper down, one final paper, one audio project, and one documentary film to go.
What a lazy day I had. I went to the gym and then came home to sit on my ass and play Pokemon Silver. The good news is that I beat the Pokemon League on the first effort. The bad news is that I still have 8 badges to win. More free time to be eaten up.

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