Rock Band: The Beatles

No, I thought that would be quite obvious.

You really should. All you're doing is making enemies.

You my friend are being ignorant on the fact that you belief that a band is only good if it has a low of fans.

Really? Because I don't remember ever saying that, or even implying that. Once again you're pulling shit out of thin air. Not once did I state their popularity was why they were so good/important, in fact YOU were the one who was using record sales to judge importance by bringing up Thriller and Back in Black.

So, once again, you've proven yourself a hypocrite.

Not once in your reply's did you ever mention the Beatles lyrical content (which isn't all that impressive) was the reason for there superiority over other bands. You based it upon record sales and fan base. By those standards The Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus and Kanye West are the greatest things since sliced bread. I now await your next reply telling me I'm stupid, something about the Beatles record sales and then how I'm a hypocrite.

Seriously man? Where do you get this shit from? YOU were the one judging bands based on record sales, NOT ME. I never ONCE stated that record sales = quality music. Not once.

Anything else you'd like to make up about me while you're at it? Since we're clearly playing the "make things up that the other person never once said" game.
I can always make another account buddy. So dont think for one second I'm gonna stop because "I'm making enimies". Like I care what a bunch of wrestling geeks think. I could care less what a bunch of Triple H wanna be's think. You sir are shallower then the shallow end of a kiddy pool, and that is pretty God damn shallow.
I can always make another account buddy. So dont think for one second I'm gonna stop because "I'm making enimies". Like I care what a bunch of wrestling geeks think. I could care less what a bunch of Triple H wanna be's think. You sir are shallower then the shallow end of a kiddy pool, and that is pretty God damn shallow.

I actually take that as a compliment.

And go ahead and make another account. You'll be surprised at what will happen.
I can always make another account buddy. So dont think for one second I'm gonna stop because "I'm making enimies". Like I care what a bunch of wrestling geeks think. I could care less what a bunch of Triple H wanna be's think. You sir are shallower then the shallow end of a kiddy pool, and that is pretty God damn shallow.

A) Go on and make another account. In fact, make 30 of them. You should probably do a Google search for "IP Address" first though.

B) If you don't care what "wrestling geeks" think...then why are you posting on a wrestling forum? Why are you here?

C) Triple H wanna-be's? Triple H is probably the most hated wrestler on this entire forum.

Man, you just love being wrong don't you? Not only that, but you also apparently love to completely ignore any topic once you've been proven wrong on it. Which would explain why you've now just resulted to insults. What a valid argument you make.

Well, I think we can all close the books on this thread now. Theres really nothing this guy can say at this point that will make him look like anything but a tool to everyone here.
A) Go on and make another account. In fact, make 30 of them. You should probably do a Google search for "IP Address" first though.

B) If you don't care what "wrestling geeks" think...then why are you posting on a wrestling forum? Why are you here?

C) Triple H wanna-be's? Triple H is probably the most hated wrestler on this entire forum.

Man, you just love being wrong don't you? Not only that, but you also apparently love to completely ignore any topic once you've been proven wrong on it. Which would explain why you've now just resulted to insults. What a valid argument you make.

Well, I think we can all close the books on this thread now. Theres really nothing this guy can say at this point that will make him look like anything but a tool to everyone here.

I've resorted to insults? HAHAHAHAHAHA oh x you make me smile like no other can.
ROFL, this guy just sent me this PM telling me to "Keep my AIDS off the board". Great stuff, Sabotage is going to be alot of fun I can tell.
I love AIDS by the way Sabotage. I spread them as often as I can. As I'm typing this I'm having unprotected anal sex with all three of the Jonas Brothers actually. Nothing is better then an ol' cock in the butt.
I love AIDS by the way Sabotage. I spread them as often as I can. As I'm typing this I'm having unprotected anal sex with all three of the Jonas Brothers actually. Nothing is better then an ol' cock in the butt.

Have fun with the hella big lawsuit Disney is gonna lay upon your ass.(no pun intended).
Well I've done it before.

F. Multiple Accounts: If you are banned from the forum permanently, you will not be given a second chance. You have five original chances, If you have broken the rules five times in two months, we do not want you here. Registering again will result in a Ban.

So, who wants to start guessing how long before Sabotage is banned? I'm giving it about 3 or 4 hours when all of the Brits start pouring in.
So, who wants to start guessing how long before Sabotage is banned? I'm giving it about 3 or 4 hours when all of the Brits start pouring in.

Doesn't matter. As Christian Bale said in Terminator Salvation "I'll be back". You just won't know it.
My apologies. It doesn't matter how many times you ban me. I'll come back time and time again. You can't stop Sabotage. I'm like the Cleveland Indians: Unstoppable.

Sigh. That's what they all say before they get PERMA BANT.

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