The Thunder-Blog

Pretty good. School is done, sleep is warranted, but I can't stop thinking about this girl. She is in my Journalism class, basically everything I look for in a girl. Only downside is she smokes and I don't, but I could get over that.

How about yourself big guy?
Yeah I'm not too bad, man. Just got done with College and am just in the door basically. The good thing is that I am going to see Funny People soon and I am looking forward to it. My college class is an absolute scive and I don't really have to work hard to get the work done so far. The good thing about that is that I can be on here at college and they haven't banned it. Good times, my friend. Good times indeed.

So, tell me more about this girl. Why do you like her? What is she like?
Yeah I'm not too bad, man. Just got done with College and am just in the door basically. The good thing is that I am going to see Funny People soon and I am looking forward to it. My college class is an absolute scive and I don't really have to work hard to get the work done so far. The good thing about that is that I can be on here at college and they haven't banned it. Good times, my friend. Good times indeed.

So, tell me more about this girl. Why do you like her? What is she like?

Very nice, wouldn't want it to get banned either.

Well, we first started talking on the first day of class. She seems really cool, she is very cute, and is very into sports. Plus she has killer eyes. All amazing turn ons for me. Within the next few classes I need to get her number.
Little bit. I don't usually ask, it just happens that I get someones number, whether through friends or something. But for her, I just need to nut up and do it.
Dave did you see Kofi Kingston playing in the Prem League at the weekend? No? I made a sig of it!

Little bit. I don't usually ask, it just happens that I get someones number, whether through friends or something. But for her, I just need to nut up and do it.

Exactly. There is a girl that I am completely enamoured with at the moment. One day I just thought to myself what's the worst that can happen. I manned up and asked her out. She rejected me but it felt good to just get things out in the open. When it comes to exchanging numbers, I don't like the whole "In case I need to contact you urgently" shit. I'd rather just walk up and say can I have your number so I can give you a call sometime. That way, you will get a decent view of how much she likes you. Everyone knows where exchanging numbers leads and if she wants to give you her number you are in. If she doesn't, no big deal and you have saved face.

Dave did you see Kofi Kingston playing in the Prem League at the weekend? No? I made a sig of it!


Hahahaha! That is extraordinary. I love it.
Exactly. There is a girl that I am completely enamoured with at the moment. One day I just thought to myself what's the worst that can happen. I manned up and asked her out. She rejected me but it felt good to just get things out in the open. When it comes to exchanging numbers, I don't like the whole "In case I need to contact you urgently" shit. I'd rather just walk up and say can I have your number so I can give you a call sometime. That way, you will get a decent view of how much she likes you. Everyone knows where exchanging numbers leads and if she wants to give you her number you are in. If she doesn't, no big deal and you have saved face.

Yeah, I just have to get it done and not be a pussy. Easier said than done for me, but like I said, nut up and do it.

FG time. Two part question. Who does Stewie first say the grammy is for? And who is it actually for?
Hi, Dave. I'm at school and it is boring.

I got a newer version of Photoshop, so my tutorials and sigs should be even better.

Just telling you because I'm bored, I guess.

Do you like Kofi Kingston?
Hi, Dave. I'm at school and it is boring.

I got a newer version of Photoshop, so my tutorials and sigs should be even better.

Just telling you because I'm bored, I guess.

Do you like Kofi Kingston?

Yeah, I was at college earlier on and was extremely bored. Nevertheless, I was able to get on here and lurk for a while so it was OK. My course is all about interactive media so Photoshop is a very big part of it. I read your tutorial and I enjoyed it a lot. It gave me some good ideas and helped me a lot I actually made the lettuce sig. It wasn't as good as yours, mainly because I can't download those brushes because I am using the portable version of Photoshop CS4. So yeah, good job on those and I am looking forward to the new tutorials. What version did you get?

I like Kofi as much as the next man. He is OK.
I got CS3. Can't wait til I get home and try out all the brushes that wouldn't work in 7.

Glad to know my tutorials helped someone.
S'up guys.

Story time. So, last night I was out on the piss. For those of you that lost that translation it means that I was out drinking. Anyway, I decided hat I was not going to drink anything at all, mainly because I had college and work in the morning. So, when I got there things changed. I started drinking... heavily. I got in at 3:20 this morning and then I was up at 6:00 to go get the bus to college. I think I am still a bit drunk as opposed to having a hangover. The bad thing is that I have a half day in college today and then I will get home at 14:00 and then have to go get the bus to work at 16:00. So, I sit here at 8:18 in the morning, a shell of a man.

On to the questions. I dunno, King. I assume so. Unless you get something launched into space.

Yeah, Doc. I liked the tutorials, they were quite helpful.

Hey Blade!
When I wrote that message, I was already in college. I only have a couple of hours to go though and then I get to go to work. Huzzah!
Dave, you're a king among men.

Like FalKon said, you should keep consistently drinking throughout the day, then deal with the hangover when you have free time rather than getting a headache and throwing up during work. I was hungover at my own birthday party and it was fucking awful. Until I started drinking again. Just sayin'
So Dave, I am bummed, the girl has a boyfriend, (I overheard her on the phone when I was walking into class) and I didn't get the digits either, as she left before I could ask. But on the bright side, more women out there, I aced my quiz, and I got my poster board for next week.
So Dave, I am bummed, the girl has a boyfriend, (I overheard her on the phone when I was walking into class) and I didn't get the digits either, as she left before I could ask. But on the bright side, more women out there, I aced my quiz, and I got my poster board for next week.

Aw man, that sucks ass. How you feeling about it? Listen man, if you want this girl then go and get her. You never even told her how you feel. Believe me it would have changed everything. I mean, she wouldn't have left her boyfriend for you probably as she has only known you a week but it plants a seed. I will tell you how I wooed my last girlfriend shall I? Well, she had a boyfriend and I was single. I really liked her and I overheard her talking about wanting to see Nickelback. Luckily, I had bought two tickets a couple of months before. I gave her the ticket for free and we went and had a good time. I never tried anything and was the perfect gentleman. Hell, her boyfriend even picked us up from the show and gave me a ride home. Nevertheless, that relationship was doomed from the moment she took that ticket. I talked to her constantly and I was the shoulder to cry on at times. Then, we just started going out.

Everyone has their style, man. Mines is planting little seeds that make them think that they want to be with me when in actual fact, they probably don't. I know they say it's uncool to steal another man's woman but fuck other men, I like pussy. Just keep niggling away at her and tell her how you feel. What's the worst that can happen?
Aw man, that sucks ass. How you feeling about it? Listen man, if you want this girl then go and get her. You never even told her how you feel. Believe me it would have changed everything. I mean, she wouldn't have left her boyfriend for you probably as she has only known you a week but it plants a seed. I will tell you how I wooed my last girlfriend shall I? Well, she had a boyfriend and I was single. I really liked her and I overheard her talking about wanting to see Nickelback. Luckily, I had bought two tickets a couple of months before. I gave her the ticket for free and we went and had a good time. I never tried anything and was the perfect gentleman. Hell, her boyfriend even picked us up from the show and gave me a ride home. Nevertheless, that relationship was doomed from the moment she took that ticket. I talked to her constantly and I was the shoulder to cry on at times. Then, we just started going out.

Everyone has their style, man. Mines is planting little seeds that make them think that they want to be with me when in actual fact, they probably don't. I know they say it's uncool to steal another man's woman but fuck other men, I like pussy. Just keep niggling away at her and tell her how you feel. What's the worst that can happen?

I'm doing alright about it. I mean it isn't the end of the world. And it is still relatively early, so I won't give up on it. But I am going to keep my options open. I have a boatload of girls at school that I could try with. That is the silver lining that I see in the situation. I'll just ask her for her number next Wednesday (the next time I see her since no class on Monday). Right now shit is swirling with school, work, and my brother being home from out of state. So I guess for the next few weeks, just play it cool, nonchalant, and just ask her for her number to hang out. If she doesn't, then so be it, I go on living and attempt other girls. If she does, then sweet, I have a chance.

Dave, you are awesome bud.

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