The Thunder-Blog

Dave, you should ask a mod if they can change the title of this thread seeing as how you are no longer Thunder.

Yeah, I was going to but I couldn't think of a clever name for it. My tiny mind cannot comprehend it.

I liked Thunderball. Your sig back then was EPIC. But the nWZo ruined it. Meh...

Why not Scottish Thunder Dave?

Which sig?

Also, That is a possibility for the future but I have changed it too much for now. I have had six different names in 6 months. :lmao:
You had a sig containing a thunder strike & a kickball

This one?


Because his initials would be STD?

Holy shit, thank God I never changed it to that...

Good spot.
What would I be advertising as a mascot?

I like Thunder Dave though.
Psst! You... Yeah, you. Go check out the official football season thread...

Or I start swinging my penis bat. You have been warned.
No. I will have nothing to do with venereal diseases. It's not too glamorous.
Sorry Dave. I totally meant you. I was at work and typing fast. Doc just came out but I meant Dave. Please don't hate me bud.

I <3 you.
Should I post my WZCW character's RP or should I get to work on my FECS review HBK/Hitman that I keep saying I should start?

The review will take a lot longer than the RP & it is midnight in Australia.
Do the review, you still got time to RP and you never know what your opponent might come up with
Sorry Dave. I totally meant you. I was at work and typing fast. Doc just came out but I meant Dave. Please don't hate me bud.

I <3 you.

No worries, dude. I am in college just now and am using a shitty apple mac. I mean, it's good but I hate apple macs. It is a scive though.

I <3 you too. ;)

Should I post my WZCW character's RP or should I get to work on my FECS review HBK/Hitman that I keep saying I should start?

The review will take a lot longer than the RP & it is midnight in Australia.

Sometimes it is better to leave your RP until after your opponent has written theirs. That way, you have more to work from including their RP. I would say to go with the FECS review for now and then RP later.
I was opting for that... but my RP would involve a blatant attack on the character. Joshua the Baptist is a religious guy & I am possessed by a number...

But, I shall see what I can do with the review. It would go in the Old School Section yes?

Another question, should I give a detail review on the Screwjob or should I lightly touch on the subject?
The screwjob was the culmination of the feud between the two guys. You should give a lot of detail with that, i think
I will do it, just for you Dave. I am too tired to research properly... so I will RP & do the review when I wake up from a much needed sleep.
I just got home from college. Haven't slept since I woke up at 5 pm yesterday. But I need some food first. So I stopped at Arbys. Fucking delicious. Mickie knows what she is doing with Arbys I'll tell you that.

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