The SD/NXT LD on 12/21 Certainly Went Through Some Major TLC!

I thought striker was about to orgasm when he was talking about edge winning the title....:confused:

he seems to be multi-orgasmic on a lot of topics, the NXT divas, more especially Kaitlyn, sometimes Edge, Del-Rio (I think its the wink Del Rio does...) that would cause anyone male or woman to cream their pants...:lmao:
You mean...biting his pillow? LOL...Of course probably not as hard as the Edge/Christian heads that will be creaming their pants hoping this leads to a Edge/Christian feud to WM 27....

No. I meant him making a hole in the pillow and actually brute fucking his pillow. Because he's hardcore and all.
Wonder if this is an 'experiment'... to see if ratings would be awesome on USA for Smackdown?
That's what I'm wondering. SyFy could have easily moved Alice the movie for Smackdown but I think the WWE wanted to test the waters with Smackdown on USA.
I wonder if A.Ri keeps mementos from his stint in the pokey in that briefcase, his loving night with 'Butch' and 'Shorty' and 'Biff' the soap on a rope from his shower where they first desecrated his little behind...:wtf: he was crying all night long...

He keeps the WWE Championship in there.
No. I meant him making a hole in the pillow and actually brute fucking his pillow. Because he's hardcore and all.

It'd be more hardcore if it was Full Metal Jacket style...he gets people to walk around him with pillowcases filled with soap bars and beat him with them while he's beating off...that'd make him REAL HARDCORE

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