The "Sam's Failed Threads" Collection, Vol. 1

TNA is more about skill than charisma? That would be to suggest that WWE wrestlers don't have skill. Obviously untrue. Joe can be menacing... Well, he could before he was Nash's bitch. What more do you want?
i dont like this joe we see today.....=\\ i miss the joe that beat up on curry man (aka christopher danials, spelling?) menacing, and unpredictable ^_^ is that the joe this fan club is for? or is it this new nash's beach joe, lol....o.o if its a, im in if its b, no thanks please.
Nah I'm not insulted at all, just wanted to make it clear that I wasn't saying the WWE guys have no skill.
Santino > Samoa Joe

Santino Fan-a-Club > Samoa Joe Fan Club

Members of Santino Fan-a-Club > Members of Samoa Joe Fan Club
I think a KAFC is necessary Sam. would be an utterly elite thing.

Jake once told me Kurt Angle doesn't need a fan club. I believed him. As for you, IC25, I created my own branch of Santinoism. The commandments are considered unreasonable as, through no fault of his own, Santino just isn't used to not being able to attain perfection and so expects the same from everybody. It's just not possible.
Jake once told me Kurt Angle doesn't need a fan club. I believed him. As for you, IC25, I created my own branch of Santinoism. The commandments are considered unreasonable as, through no fault of his own, Santino just isn't used to not being able to attain perfection and so expects the same from everybody. It's just not possible.

I may bump this thread EVERY WEEK so everyone can experience the futility and failure that are the threads of Mr. Sam.

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