Well, the Kurt Angle campaign draws to an all-too-quiet close. Angle should have gone out kicking and screaming, like having Vader having to tear his head off to keep him down, or, better yet, he should have won this thing. Instead the TNA fans boo him out of the arena and crown Rob Van Dam as their new messiah, according to the votes.
I won't go into further detail about how this is a travesty, I've mentioned it everywhere else and, yeah, even in the previous post, and I want this thing to end on a high. Despite his untimley demise, Kurt had a great run in this and what I'd probably call the match of the tournament in his Ultimate Submission Match with Dean Malenko. It's just a shame that he didn't go on to face Vader and, should he survive, eternal tournament favourites Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. There's always next year.
Oh, it's true! It's damn true!